Matt, has d'estar Llest per a moure't. | Matt, you have to be ready to move. |
Portarà un poc de temps moure'l cap a l'alineació. | Gonna take a few to move it into alignment. |
Sí, és una putada moure aquestes coses tot sol. | These things are a bitch to move. |
Sí que podria decidir que em vull passar el que em queda de vida esperant a moure una instrucció sense un bus de 16 bits, però a part d'això, no miraré aquesta carpeta. | Sure, I might decide I want to spend the rest of my natural life waiting to move an instruction without a 16-bit bus, but other than that, I'm not looking at that binder. |
Realment saps moure aquell cartell. | You really know how to move that sign. |
- No em moc. | - I won't move. |
És a dir, si no moc el cap, veig bastant bé. | I mean, if I don't move my head I can see you pretty good, more or less. |
- Em moc millor descalç, Doc. | I can move better in bare feet, Doc. |
mous els llavis i surt la veu del teu pare. | You move your lips and your father's voice comes out. |
Tu mous. | Your move. |
Quan et mous, torna cremar. | When you move it, it sets on fire again. |
Et mous massa. | You move too much. |
jarvis, ¿Per què no et mous? | Jarvis, why didn't you move? |
Els exploradors informen que el senyor Tywin es mou cap al nord. | The scouts report Lord Tywin moves north. |
Si es mou, dispara als seus genolls. | If he moves, shoot his knees off. |
El seu cap mou 20, 50 quilos d'heroïna cada dia! | His boss moves 20, 50 kilos heroin every day. |
Ell es mou pel seu compte, en la foscor. | He moves around on his own, in darkness. |
S'encendrà si el movem? | It'll ignite if we move it? |
Si no movem I'antena, ja la podem desballestar. | If we don't move this dish, it may as well be rubble. |
Pensaran que som un blanc fàcil si ens movem massa depressa. | They'll think we were easy targets if we move too fast. |
Ens movem més a poc a poc. | We move a little slower. |
Ho sento, t'has mogut, però només és un esquinç. | Oh, sorry, you moved, but it is just a sprain. |
Ens hem mogut. | We've moved. |
Els nostres exploradors ens diuen que les tropes de Stark s'han mogut al sud des dels Bessons seguides per les tropes del senyor Frey. | Our scouts tell us the Stark host has moved south from the Twins with Lord Frey's levies in tow. |
T'has mogut com ells. | You moved like they do. |
Per això mai he mogut els meus intestins en aquest o qualsevol restaurant. | That's why I have never once moved my bowels in this or any restaurant. Hmm. |
Moveu-les així, moveu-les cap allà, que les pot ferir la metralla. | Move them like that, move them over to there, there may be flying shrapnel hitting. |
Vinga, moveu-vos, moveu-vos! | Come on, move, move! |
No us moveu. | Don't move. |
- Sí. Ara moveu-vos! | Now move! |
No os moveu! | - Don't move ! |
Abans de la col·lisió, els neutrons es mouen lliurement uns quants centímetres. | Before they collide with the core, the neutrons move freely several centimeters. |
La mouen constantment. | They move it constantly. |
Vostès es mouen cap a una zona i es multipliquen és multipliquen fins que cada recurs natural s'acaba. | You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. |
De totes les criatures que respiren i es mouen sobre la terra. | Of all creatures that breath and move upon the earth. |
Es mouen en ramats, com els llops. | They move in a pack like wolves. |
Em movia ràpid, col·lega. | I was moving fast, man. |
Havia oblidat que tot es movia tan de pressa. | I had forgotten how fast everything was moving. |
Aviat deixa córrer, ella, el fer l'alosa, i es mogué per aquells voltants irresoluda, sospirant una o dues vegades i llambregant furtivament i dalerosament envers Tom. | Presently she gave over skylarking, and moved irresolutely about, sighing once or twice and glancing furtively and wistfully toward Tom. |
- No es mogui, es fará mal! | - Do not move, you'll hurt yourself! |
Vols que em mogui? . | Do you want me to move? |
No mateu a tot el que es mogui. | Don't pop the first thing that moves. - Clear? |
No es mogui, si us plau. | Just please don't move. |
No es mogui! | MARCO: Don't move! |
Quiet, no moguis ni un pèl. | Don't move a muscle. |
- No et moguis. - Molt bé. | Dont move.' All right. |
No et moguis fins que torni. | Okay. Don't you move till I get back. |
No et moguis! | Don't move. |
Queda't allà! No et moguis! | Okay, stay there, don't move! |
No mogueu ni un sol múscul. | Don't dare move a muscle. |
No us mogueu! | Don't move! |
- No us mogueu. | - Do not move. |
No us mogueu. | Don't move. You're gonna like this. |
- No us mogueu! | Don't move. |
Pots demanar-los que el moguin, si us plau? | Can you ask them to move it please? |
Bé, moguin-se! | All right! Let's move! |
Esperin. No es moguin. No diguin res. | Wait here, Don't move, Say nothing, |
Esperin. No es moguin. No diguin res. | Wait here, Don't move, Say nothing, |
No es moguin. | Don't move. |
- arribant. - Vas dir que se't va aparèixer un vampir que va morir a Old Miller Road, fet que significa que l'encanteri s'està movent més enllà de Mystic Falls. | You said a vampire appeared to you who died on Old Miller Road, which means the spell is moving past Mystic Falls. |
" Déu, mira't, movent altre vegada aquestes maleïdes pedres. | "jesus, god, "look at yourself, "moving these goddamn rocks again. |
Continueu movent-vos! | - You've got to keep moving! |
Concentrant-se a la part nord, i movent-se lentament al sud, aquí. | Concentrating around the north side, and then moving slowly south, here. |
Després d'un bon començament, els tardaners, però pel bon camí, i malgrat un vent força fresc, s'estan movent molt bé. | They're off to a good start. They're late, but nevertheless underway, and despite a rather fresh head wind, they're moving along rather nicely. Cambridge have settled down nicely. |