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Viure (to live) conjugation

87 examples
This verb can also mean the following: survive, reside, persevere

Conjugation of viure

Present tense
I live
you live
he/she lives
we live
you all live
they live
Present perfect tense
he viscut
I have lived
has viscut
you have lived
ha viscut
he/she has lived
hem viscut
we have lived
heu viscut
you all have lived
han viscut
they have lived
Future tense
I will live
you will live
he/she will live
we will live
you all will live
they will live
Conditional mood
I would live
you would live
he/she would live
we would live
you all would live
they would live
Past perfect tense
havia viscut
I had lived
havies viscut
you had lived
havia viscut
he/she had lived
havíem viscut
we had lived
havíeu viscut
you all had lived
havien viscut
they had lived
Past impf. tense
I was living
you were living
he/she was living
we were living
you all were living
they were living
Imperative mood
let him/her live!
let's live!
let them live!
Imperative negative mood
no visquis
don't live!
no visqui
don't let him/her live!
no visquem
let's not live!
no visqueu
don't live!
no visquin
don't let them live!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria viscut
I would have lived
hauries viscut
you would have lived
hauria viscut
he/she would have lived
hauríem viscut
we would have lived
hauríeu viscut
you all would have lived
haurien viscut
they would have lived
Future perfect tense
hauré viscut
I will have lived
hauràs viscut
you will have lived
haurà viscut
he/she will have lived
haurem viscut
we will have lived
haureu viscut
you all will have lived
hauren viscut
they will have lived
Preterite past tense
I lived
you lived
he/she lived
we lived
you all lived
they lived
Past anterior tense
haguí viscut
I had lived
hagueres viscut
you had lived
hagué viscut
he/she had lived
haguérem viscut
we had lived
haguéreu viscut
you all had lived
haguéren viscut
they had lived
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) live
(so that you) live
(so that he/she) lives
(so that we) live
(so that you all) live
(so that they) live
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was living
(so that you) were living
(so that he/she) was living
(so that we) were living
(so that you all) were living
(so that they) were living
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi viscut
(so that I) have lived
hagis viscut
(so that you) have lived
hagi viscut
(so that he/she) has lived
hàgim viscut
(so that we) have lived
hàgiu viscut
(so that you all) have lived
hagin viscut
(so that they) have lived
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués viscut
(so that I) had lived
haguessis viscut
(so that you) had lived
hagués viscut
(so that he/she) had lived
haguéssim viscut
(so that we) had lived
haguéssiu viscut
(so that you all) had lived
haguessin viscut
(so that they) had lived
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi viure
(so that I) lived
vagis viure
(so that you) lived
vagi viure
(so that he/she) lived
vàgim viure
(so that we) lived
vàgiu viure
(so that you all) lived
vagin viure
(so that they) lived
Periphastic past tense
vaig viure
I lived
vas viure
you lived
va viure
he/she lived
vam viure
we lived
vau viure
you all lived
van viure
they lived
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver viscut
I had lived
vas haver viscut
you had lived
va haver viscut
he/she had lived
vam haver viscut
we had lived
vau haver viscut
you all had lived
van haver viscut
they had lived

Examples of viure

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
sospso que per el nou mestre necessitarà viure a la escola perque no aprop?Perhaps the new teacher will need to live at the school. Why not nearby?
Minygululu li explicarà a Dayindi aquesta història, per ajudar-lo a viure de manera correcta.Minygululu will tell Dayindi that story... to help him live the proper way.
No puc viure sense tu ...I cannot live without you...
Quan són vius, no poden viure bé.When they are alive, we can't give them a good life.
Vol que vagi a viure a la granja.He wants me to live at the farm.
- No visc aquí.- I don't live here.
Estic al món de les persones corrents i... ...visc les seves descolorides i ximples vides corrents.I'm in the real world of ordinary people just living their ordinary, colorless workaday lives.
Jo visc aquí de fa més temps.I've lived here longer.
És que visc en un barri de merda. Ah, sí?- I live in a crappy neighborhood.
A en Mance Ryder no li importa si visc o moro.Mance Rayder don't care if I live or die.
Quan són vius, no poden viure bé.When they are alive, we can't give them a good life.
Què estan vius?That you're alive?
Sou vius.You are alive.
Sé perquè gairebé no dorms... ...perquè vius sol i perquè, nit rere nit... ...t'asseus davant l'ordinador.I know why you hardly sleep... ...why you live alone, and why, night after night... ...you sit at your computer.
Si en Bran i en Rickon són vius, tot el país es posarà de la seva banda ara que en Robb Stark no hi és.If Bran and Rickon are alive, the country will rally to their side now that Robb Stark is gone.
Es soltera, viu a El Paso. Ha escrit diversos llibres i articles Publicats en revistes de medicina.She's unmarried, lives in El Paso, she's written several books and papers, mainly published in medical circles.
Aquí és on viu?Is this where she lives?
Hi viu l'Olof Gran.Olof Gran lives there.
La meva família viu al 3 Highview Crescent, a Coolaroo.Our family lives at 3 Highview Crescent, Coolaroo.
Bill Jenkins, viu al 303.Bill Jenkins, he lives up in 303.
Per què intentem contínuament oblidar d'on som i dins de quines fronteres vivim?Why do we continuously try to forget where we are from, and inside whose borders we live?
Um....ja portem uns 6 mesos divorciats... ---però que no vivim junts , 1 any.Um...it's been final for 6 months, but we haven't lived together for over a year.
No vivim junts.We don't live together. I mean...
En els països on vivim tenim problemes per aconseguir la ciutadania, el permís de residència i el permís laboral.We have difficulty in getting citizenship, settlement permission and work permission in the countries where we live.
Sap on vivim, sap on viuen les nostres famílies.She knows where we live, she knows where our families live.
I és que ha viscut molts anys a Mataró, on el 2010 va crear la Cyborg Foundation.He has lived in Mataró for many years and in 2010 set up the Cyborg Foundation there.
He viscut complint la llei durant disset...I've lived within the law for 17--
Un sant és un home que ha viscut una vida particularment santa, i ha fet alguns miracles, o bé ha mort en martiri per les seves creences.A Saint is a man who has lived a particularly holy life, performed some miracle, or been martyred killed for their beliefs.
He viscut molts anys a Nova York.I lived in New York a long time.
Hem viscut sense casa, donant voltes com bestiar.We have lived without a home, roaming like cattle.
Com viviu, com moriu... no depèn de mi.How you live, how you die... it isn't up to me.
Que viviu per a més Que les nostres morts.That you live for more than our deaths.
On viviu?Where do you live?
- No viviu junts.-You do not live together.
- El teu germà i tu viviu aquí?-You and your brother live here?
El patiment d'aquells que viuen sense sostre no coneix la fi.For those people that live under the open skies, there is no end to their suffering.
Contra el decret de mort i d'extermini s'alça la determinació obstinada dels pobles que viuen i moren conjuntament, segons les seues creences, esperances o desesperació.In face of the decree of death and extermination arises the obstinate determination of the peoples to live or die collectively, according to their beliefs, hopes or despair.
Conduïu allunyant-vos de la Terra, intenteu no xocar amb la Lluna. Sinó, les races que viuen allà s'enfadaran.Steer away from Earth, try not to bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid.
Perquè no viuen sota el comunisme.Because they don't live under communism.
I encara viuen al 3 de Highview Crescent tot i que ara només hi viuen ells dos.And they still live at 3 Highview Crescent, even though it's only them two living' in it.
Tu viuràs, Pare, tu viuràs.You will live, Papa You're going to live
Però tu viuràs, Éponine, Sant Déu del cel.But you will live, 'Ponine Dear God above!
Si raones en que tot l'atzar és creat per Déu viuràs més tranquil.Once you realize all the random events in your life are God, you will live a much easier life.
E lo poder viurà en vosautres.And their power will live in you.
Ara l'esperit de'n Kiko viurà amb aquesta feliç granota.Now Kiko's spirit will live in the happy frog!
Los devètz manjar. E lo poder viurà en vosautres.You must eat them ... and their power will live in you.
Mozes ha dit que no viurà més d'una hora.Mozes said that he will live not more than an hour.
La teva saviesa viurà llarg temps en les ments dels homes.Your wisdom will live long in the minds of men.
I que viurem els anys junts.That we will live the years together
Tenint en compte que aquesta canalla viuran amb vostè... em faré càrrec d'aquesta despesa....it occurs to me, if the children will live in Spain with you... I shall give the whole amount. No, no.
Què fas? Els meus dos fills viuran.- Both my children will live.
Així tenia que ser, els nostres noms viuran per sempre.This was meant to be, our names will live forever!
Tota la llum acabaria i el món viuria a l'obscuritat.All light would end and the world would live in darkness.
I viuries a prop?And you would live nearby?
A la segona setmana d'estar junts vaig veure on vivia.Yeah. Second week we were together, I saw where he was living.
- Va dir on vivia abans de?Did he say where he was living before he came?
I tot aquest temps pensant que era jo el que vivia la gran vida.And all this time, I thought I was living the life.
El noi, vivia sota terra.The boy, he was living underground.
El judici revelarà que vivies sota el domini d'en Malcolm Merlyn. Ho revelarà tot.The trial is gonna reveal you were living under Malcolm Merlyn's thumb.
Van tornar a la ciutat a buscar la casa on vivien, així com la tenda familiar, reduïda a enderrocs.They returned to the city to find the house they were living in, as well as the family store, burned to the ground.
Allende visqué la presidència amb molta soledat.Allende lived his presidency is great loneliness.
La meva mare diu que si em caso amb tu ho lamentaré mentre visqui.My mother says if I married you I would regret it as long as I live, okay?
Vols que visqui per a que puguis torturar-me.You want me alive so you can torture me?
- No ho puc saber, però el que sé és que jo vull que visqui.I'm not sure. But I do know that I want him to live.
Només si vols que visqui.Only if you want me to live.
Està bé, deixa que visqui en un altre lloc ...All right, let him go live somewhere else, not with you, not with me!
- M'alegro de no visquis a prop.It is good that you do not live nearby.
Sé que és difícil que t'ho imaginis, Grace, però pot ser que no visquis amb el mateix home, tampoc.I know it's hard for you to imagine, Grace, but you may not always live with the same man, either.
Et vull dir la veritat ara mateix, perquè quan més visquis en aquesta mentida, més allunyada de mi estaràs.I want to tell you the truth right now, because the longer you live with this lie, the further away from me you're gonna get.
Encara que visquis només fins als 20?Even if it means you only live to be 20?
Necessito que visquis quan sigui mort.I need you to live when I'm gone.
Si, però no és bé que visquem en un constant estat de pànic.Yes, I am, but it doesn't do us any good to live in this constant state of panic.
Conèixer el bretó, el català, el cors, l'occità i el basc no fa que la visquem d'una manera diferent d'aquells qui no parlen cap llengua minoritària.Knowing the Breton, Catalan, Corsican, Occitan or Basque does not live differently from people who do not speak a minority language.
Vull que visquem junts.- I'd want us to live together.
Treballem junts visquem junts com amics.Let's work together, live together, like friends.
Perquè vós i la meva filla Margaery beveu en abundància i visqueu molt de temps.May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long.
Dobleu el genoll, jureu lleialtat al meu fill i permetrem que visqueu la resta del vostres dies en aquell desert gris al que considereu la vostra llar.Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son-- and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home.
Per molt que creixi la ciutat sempre tenen que haber-hi parcs i llocs on visquin els ocells.No matter how big the city, there must always be parks... and places for the birds to live.
L.H els diu que visquin les seves fantasies i l'obeeixen.When L.H. saying to them that they must live out their fantasies they believe him.
Allò just i correcte és deixar que les famílies visquin a les seves cases.It is right and fair that a family be allowed to live in its own house.
Des que em vaig assabentar de la situació de la República Sud-africana, fa 20 o 30 anys, sempre he estat convençuda que el millor per a les races és que visquin separades unes de les altres, com es va fer allà amb els blancs, els asiàtics i els negres.Ever since I learned of the situation in the Republic of South Africa some 20 or 30 years ago, I have been convinced that it is best for the races to live apart from each other, as was the case for whites, Asians, and blacks in that country.
L'Ivo va dir que l'essència de l'heroisme és morir perquè d'altres visquin.Ivo said the essence of heroism is to die so that others can live.
No m'imagino vivint sense ballar.Even now, I cannot imagine living without my dance.
Si això fos veritat, no seguiria vivint sola.If that were true, I wouldn't still be living alone.
Sóc una viatgera vivint al cos de la teva dona mentre el meu cos és en una cova sota de la ciutat.I'm a traveler living inside your wife's body while my real body is asleep in a cave under the town.
A través del nostre especial Europa en Crisi, vam donar veu a ciutadans que estan vivint les conseqüències socials, polítiques i financeres dels rescats financers.Through our special Europe in Crisis coverage, we gave voice to the ordinary people living with the social, political and financial consequences of Europe's financial bailouts.
I això és perquè dubto que vulgui seguir vivint.Because I feel doubt, I want to go on living...

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