sospso que per el nou mestre necessitarà viure a la escola perque no aprop? | Perhaps the new teacher will need to live at the school. Why not nearby? |
Minygululu li explicarà a Dayindi aquesta història, per ajudar-lo a viure de manera correcta. | Minygululu will tell Dayindi that story... to help him live the proper way. |
No puc viure sense tu ... | I cannot live without you... |
Quan són vius, no poden viure bé. | When they are alive, we can't give them a good life. |
Vol que vagi a viure a la granja. | He wants me to live at the farm. |
- No visc aquí. | - I don't live here. |
Estic al món de les persones corrents i... ...visc les seves descolorides i ximples vides corrents. | I'm in the real world of ordinary people just living their ordinary, colorless workaday lives. |
Jo visc aquí de fa més temps. | I've lived here longer. |
És que visc en un barri de merda. Ah, sí? | - I live in a crappy neighborhood. |
A en Mance Ryder no li importa si visc o moro. | Mance Rayder don't care if I live or die. |
Quan són vius, no poden viure bé. | When they are alive, we can't give them a good life. |
Què estan vius? | That you're alive? |
Sou vius. | You are alive. |
Sé perquè gairebé no dorms... ...perquè vius sol i perquè, nit rere nit... ...t'asseus davant l'ordinador. | I know why you hardly sleep... ...why you live alone, and why, night after night... sit at your computer. |
Si en Bran i en Rickon són vius, tot el país es posarà de la seva banda ara que en Robb Stark no hi és. | If Bran and Rickon are alive, the country will rally to their side now that Robb Stark is gone. |
Es soltera, viu a El Paso. Ha escrit diversos llibres i articles Publicats en revistes de medicina. | She's unmarried, lives in El Paso, she's written several books and papers, mainly published in medical circles. |
Aquí és on viu? | Is this where she lives? |
Hi viu l'Olof Gran. | Olof Gran lives there. |
La meva família viu al 3 Highview Crescent, a Coolaroo. | Our family lives at 3 Highview Crescent, Coolaroo. |
Bill Jenkins, viu al 303. | Bill Jenkins, he lives up in 303. |
Per què intentem contínuament oblidar d'on som i dins de quines fronteres vivim? | Why do we continuously try to forget where we are from, and inside whose borders we live? |
Um....ja portem uns 6 mesos divorciats... ---però que no vivim junts , 1 any. |'s been final for 6 months, but we haven't lived together for over a year. |
No vivim junts. | We don't live together. I mean... |
En els països on vivim tenim problemes per aconseguir la ciutadania, el permís de residència i el permís laboral. | We have difficulty in getting citizenship, settlement permission and work permission in the countries where we live. |
Sap on vivim, sap on viuen les nostres famílies. | She knows where we live, she knows where our families live. |
I és que ha viscut molts anys a Mataró, on el 2010 va crear la Cyborg Foundation. | He has lived in Mataró for many years and in 2010 set up the Cyborg Foundation there. |
He viscut complint la llei durant disset... | I've lived within the law for 17-- |
Un sant és un home que ha viscut una vida particularment santa, i ha fet alguns miracles, o bé ha mort en martiri per les seves creences. | A Saint is a man who has lived a particularly holy life, performed some miracle, or been martyred killed for their beliefs. |
He viscut molts anys a Nova York. | I lived in New York a long time. |
Hem viscut sense casa, donant voltes com bestiar. | We have lived without a home, roaming like cattle. |
Com viviu, com moriu... no depèn de mi. | How you live, how you die... it isn't up to me. |
Que viviu per a més Que les nostres morts. | That you live for more than our deaths. |
On viviu? | Where do you live? |
- No viviu junts. | -You do not live together. |
- El teu germà i tu viviu aquí? | -You and your brother live here? |
El patiment d'aquells que viuen sense sostre no coneix la fi. | For those people that live under the open skies, there is no end to their suffering. |
Contra el decret de mort i d'extermini s'alça la determinació obstinada dels pobles que viuen i moren conjuntament, segons les seues creences, esperances o desesperació. | In face of the decree of death and extermination arises the obstinate determination of the peoples to live or die collectively, according to their beliefs, hopes or despair. |
Conduïu allunyant-vos de la Terra, intenteu no xocar amb la Lluna. Sinó, les races que viuen allà s'enfadaran. | Steer away from Earth, try not to bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid. |
Perquè no viuen sota el comunisme. | Because they don't live under communism. |
I encara viuen al 3 de Highview Crescent tot i que ara només hi viuen ells dos. | And they still live at 3 Highview Crescent, even though it's only them two living' in it. |
Tu viuràs, Pare, tu viuràs. | You will live, Papa You're going to live |
Però tu viuràs, Éponine, Sant Déu del cel. | But you will live, 'Ponine Dear God above! |
Si raones en que tot l'atzar és creat per Déu viuràs més tranquil. | Once you realize all the random events in your life are God, you will live a much easier life. |
E lo poder viurà en vosautres. | And their power will live in you. |
Ara l'esperit de'n Kiko viurà amb aquesta feliç granota. | Now Kiko's spirit will live in the happy frog! |
Los devètz manjar. E lo poder viurà en vosautres. | You must eat them ... and their power will live in you. |
Mozes ha dit que no viurà més d'una hora. | Mozes said that he will live not more than an hour. |
La teva saviesa viurà llarg temps en les ments dels homes. | Your wisdom will live long in the minds of men. |
I que viurem els anys junts. | That we will live the years together |
Tenint en compte que aquesta canalla viuran amb vostè... em faré càrrec d'aquesta despesa. | occurs to me, if the children will live in Spain with you... I shall give the whole amount. No, no. |
Què fas? Els meus dos fills viuran. | - Both my children will live. |
Així tenia que ser, els nostres noms viuran per sempre. | This was meant to be, our names will live forever! |
Tota la llum acabaria i el món viuria a l'obscuritat. | All light would end and the world would live in darkness. |
I viuries a prop? | And you would live nearby? |
A la segona setmana d'estar junts vaig veure on vivia. | Yeah. Second week we were together, I saw where he was living. |
- Va dir on vivia abans de? | Did he say where he was living before he came? |
I tot aquest temps pensant que era jo el que vivia la gran vida. | And all this time, I thought I was living the life. |
El noi, vivia sota terra. | The boy, he was living underground. |
El judici revelarà que vivies sota el domini d'en Malcolm Merlyn. Ho revelarà tot. | The trial is gonna reveal you were living under Malcolm Merlyn's thumb. |
Van tornar a la ciutat a buscar la casa on vivien, així com la tenda familiar, reduïda a enderrocs. | They returned to the city to find the house they were living in, as well as the family store, burned to the ground. |
Allende visqué la presidència amb molta soledat. | Allende lived his presidency is great loneliness. |
La meva mare diu que si em caso amb tu ho lamentaré mentre visqui. | My mother says if I married you I would regret it as long as I live, okay? |
Vols que visqui per a que puguis torturar-me. | You want me alive so you can torture me? |
- No ho puc saber, però el que sé és que jo vull que visqui. | I'm not sure. But I do know that I want him to live. |
Només si vols que visqui. | Only if you want me to live. |
Està bé, deixa que visqui en un altre lloc ... | All right, let him go live somewhere else, not with you, not with me! |
- M'alegro de no visquis a prop. | It is good that you do not live nearby. |
Sé que és difícil que t'ho imaginis, Grace, però pot ser que no visquis amb el mateix home, tampoc. | I know it's hard for you to imagine, Grace, but you may not always live with the same man, either. |
Et vull dir la veritat ara mateix, perquè quan més visquis en aquesta mentida, més allunyada de mi estaràs. | I want to tell you the truth right now, because the longer you live with this lie, the further away from me you're gonna get. |
Encara que visquis només fins als 20? | Even if it means you only live to be 20? |
Necessito que visquis quan sigui mort. | I need you to live when I'm gone. |
Si, però no és bé que visquem en un constant estat de pànic. | Yes, I am, but it doesn't do us any good to live in this constant state of panic. |
Conèixer el bretó, el català, el cors, l'occità i el basc no fa que la visquem d'una manera diferent d'aquells qui no parlen cap llengua minoritària. | Knowing the Breton, Catalan, Corsican, Occitan or Basque does not live differently from people who do not speak a minority language. |
Vull que visquem junts. | - I'd want us to live together. |
Treballem junts visquem junts com amics. | Let's work together, live together, like friends. |
Perquè vós i la meva filla Margaery beveu en abundància i visqueu molt de temps. | May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long. |
Dobleu el genoll, jureu lleialtat al meu fill i permetrem que visqueu la resta del vostres dies en aquell desert gris al que considereu la vostra llar. | Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son-- and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home. |
Per molt que creixi la ciutat sempre tenen que haber-hi parcs i llocs on visquin els ocells. | No matter how big the city, there must always be parks... and places for the birds to live. |
L.H els diu que visquin les seves fantasies i l'obeeixen. | When L.H. saying to them that they must live out their fantasies they believe him. |
Allò just i correcte és deixar que les famílies visquin a les seves cases. | It is right and fair that a family be allowed to live in its own house. |
Des que em vaig assabentar de la situació de la República Sud-africana, fa 20 o 30 anys, sempre he estat convençuda que el millor per a les races és que visquin separades unes de les altres, com es va fer allà amb els blancs, els asiàtics i els negres. | Ever since I learned of the situation in the Republic of South Africa some 20 or 30 years ago, I have been convinced that it is best for the races to live apart from each other, as was the case for whites, Asians, and blacks in that country. |
L'Ivo va dir que l'essència de l'heroisme és morir perquè d'altres visquin. | Ivo said the essence of heroism is to die so that others can live. |
No m'imagino vivint sense ballar. | Even now, I cannot imagine living without my dance. |
Si això fos veritat, no seguiria vivint sola. | If that were true, I wouldn't still be living alone. |
Sóc una viatgera vivint al cos de la teva dona mentre el meu cos és en una cova sota de la ciutat. | I'm a traveler living inside your wife's body while my real body is asleep in a cave under the town. |
A través del nostre especial Europa en Crisi, vam donar veu a ciutadans que estan vivint les conseqüències socials, polítiques i financeres dels rescats financers. | Through our special Europe in Crisis coverage, we gave voice to the ordinary people living with the social, political and financial consequences of Europe's financial bailouts. |
I això és perquè dubto que vulgui seguir vivint. | Because I feel doubt, I want to go on living... |