No és com beure la teva sang, per exemple. | It wouldn't be like drinking your blood, for instance. |
Anaven a beure cervesa i jugar als dards. | They were going to drink beer and play darts. |
- Jo trio beure. | – I choose to drink. – You do? – Yes I do. |
No rebran menjar ni beure. | There will be no eating or drinking. |
Et puc oferir res per beure? | Well, I could offer you something to drink. |
Treballo quatre nits a la setmana; entremig, bec, i allí no hi ha ningú que m'aturi. | Work 4 nights a week; in between, I drink, and there ain't nobody there to stop me. |
- No bec mentre estic de servei. | I'm not drinking while on duty. |
Com més bec, pitjor jugo. | The more I drink, the worse I play. |
Sempre bec abans d'un combat. | I always drink before a fight. |
Me la bec? | Do I drink her? |
Si no beus moriràs. | If you don't drink, you'll die. |
- Què beus? | What do you have to drink? |
Si tinc raó, beus. | If I'm right, you drink. |
Et desafiament que et donaré dos rupies Si entres a aquesta església i beus aigua beneïda. | Challenge. I'll give you two rupees. Run in to that church and drink the holy water. |
Si no beus. | You don't drink. |
Encara que suposo que ningú se'l beu pel gust, veritat? | But I guess nobody drinks it for the taste, right? |
Amb molta fe a Déu, Beto sempre busca alguna cosa que sobrepassi els límits de la seva resistència física i psicològica, tornarà dos anys i mig més tard i valorarà més encara l'aigua que beu i les mirades que rep. | With faith in God, Beto is in search of something that will surpass the limits of his own physical and psychological resistance, only returning 2.5 years later when he will appreciate even more the water he drinks and the attention he gets! |
Au, beu. | He/she takes, he/she drinks. |
Una família beu d'una canonada aigua que brolla de la muntanya en la província kirguís de Narín. | A family drinks water from a pipe jutting out of the mountains in the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. |
Quan l'Ós beu, tot el seu control desapareix. | When Bear drinks, all impulse control goes out the window. |
Va, bevem. | Come, let's get a drink. |
Vinga, estem mirant una peli de mafiosos, bevem cervesa i mengem patates. | C'mon. We're watching a gangster flick, drinking beer, eating chips, |
Bé, nosaltres bevem sopa de porc , mengem peix enverinat i brots tòxics produïts per l'agricultura industrial, respirem fum tòxic. | Well, We drink pork soup , eat poisonous bread, toxic sprouts produced by industrial farming, breathe in toxic smog. |
Aquí hi ha molts que comercien amb els francs, i... nosaltres bevem el seu vi. | Many here trade with the Franks, and... we still drink their wine. |
Quan caminam, quan menjam, quan bevem, esperam la mort. | When we walk, eat or drink, we are waiting for death. |
Anava begut a la majoria de les reunions del Consell Privat, però me'n recordo. | I was drunk through most of the Small Council meetings, but it's all coming back. |
he vist en Curt begut. | I've seen Curt drunk. |
Només n'has begut la meitat. | You've only drunk half. |
"He begut i he vist l'aranya!" | I have drunk and seen the spider. |
Sona com si hagués begut Kool-Aid. | Sounds like you've drunk the Kool-Aid. |
Bé, beveu. | Well, drink up, |
No beveu o què? | Don't you drink, or what? |
Que no beveu, Lord Bolton? | Don't you drink, Lord Bolton? |
Us beveu el te i toqueu el dos. | You just drink your tea and be off. |
Perquè vós i la meva filla Margaery beveu en abundància i visqueu molt de temps. | May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long. |
No, no beuen de nit. | No, no, no, they drinkin' tonight. |
Bé, els homes beuen. | Well, men drink. |
Això és el que beuen, veritat? | That's what they drink, isn't it? |
Vodka. Això és el que beuen, veritat? | Vodka, that's what they drink, isn't it? |
Les persones que beuen necessiten seguir bevent. | People who drink need to keep drinking. |
Doncs m'ho beuré jo. | I will drink it then. |
La capitana Smith i jo beurem whisky. | Captain Smith and I will drink whiskey spring, |
Primer, beurem a la nostra salut, després buscaré la identitat de l'home que busques. | First, we will drink to each other's health, then I will look into the identity of this man you seek. Ahh. |
No begui orina ni aigua de mar. | Do not drink urine or sea water. |
i cap les 7:00 intent convèncer a menjar, perquè begui ... | Then, around 7, I try to persuade her to eat and drink. |
S'espera que begui fins que es desmaia. | One waits for him to drink until he passes out. |
Tingui, begui's això: whisky. | Here, drink this. Whisky. |
Si us plau, begui. | Please drink it. |
- No beguis i condueixis. | - Don't drink and drive. |
Serà millor que te'l beguis ràpid. | Better drink it fast. |
No li diguis res a la mama. No li agrada que beguis coca-cola. | Don't tell your mom, she doesn't like if you drink soda. |
- No t'ho beguis, és per les plantes. | Don't drink it! It's for the plants. |
Prefereixo mil vegades donar-te un got de vi que no que et beguis el meu Givenchy. | I'd rather go get you a bottle than have you drink my Givenchy. |
Voleu que beguem plegats? | Shall we drink together? |
Així doncs, beguem... per la Princesa Kwenthrith, i la conquesta de Mèrcia. | So let us drink... To princess Kwenthrith, and the conquest of Mercia. |
Som-hi, dames, beguin, beguin. | Come on, ladies - drink up, drink up. |
Com més beguin, més furiosos es posaran. | The more they drink, the angrier they'll get. |
"Et criticava a tu i els agents que havien passat la nit abans bevent." "Com si en Kennedy n'hagués pogut sortir il·lès | They criticizedyou andthe otheragents... who were outdrinking late thenightbefore... as though Kennedy wouldbealive today ifyou'dbeeninbedat 10:00p.m. |
Estàs bevent un got de malta Del que el propi Déu Només trauria de la seua vitrina Una vegada a l'any. | You're drinking a single malt the likes of which God himself only takes out of the cabinet but once a year. |
Ostres! L'Stefan Salvatore bevent cervesa en un got de plàstic. | Stefan Salvatore is drinking beer out of a cup. |
Estàvem allí esperant i bevent knify moloko... i tu no vas aparegut... i vam pensar que potser... estaves com ofès per alguna cosa. | There we were, waiting and drinking away at the old knifey moloko... ...and you had not turned up. And we thought you might have been, like... ...offended by something or other. |
Si us plau, deixeu tot el que esteu bevent o menjant. | Please put down whatever it is that you're eating and drinking, and please |