How to Learn Italian: The Complete Guide for Beginners to Advanced

Updated on: October 20, 2023

Whether you're planning a trip to Rome, exploring your Italian roots, or simply eager to broaden your horizons, learning Italian is a great idea.

The Italian language's influence extends far beyond Italy's borders in today's world. With Italy's booming fashion, design, and culinary industries, mastering Italian can give you a competitive edge. Furthermore, Italy plays a role in international politics and economics, making Italian proficiency invaluable in diplomacy and international business. 

As you start your learning journey, you'll discover that it's not just a language; it's an opportunity to unlock a world of personal and professional advantages. So, explore our step-by-step guide on how to learn Italian and start reaping the rewards of this beautiful language and its rich culture.

Getting Started with Italian Language

Italian Alphabet

While sharing some familiar letters with the English alphabet, the Italian alphabet boasts a uniqueness that adds charm to this beautiful language. Comprising 21 letters, the Italian alphabet can be your first step in this guide to mastering Italian. Don't be intimidated by its differences; let's explore how to learn it quickly.

UppercaseLowercaseLetter Name
Jj"ee lohng-ah"
Ww"doppio vee"
Yy"ee gree-eh-gah"

To start, consider using resources like flashcards or language-learning apps. Flashcards offer a tactile learning experience, allowing you to associate the letter with its sound and shape. 

Begin with the basics. Familiarize yourself with the individual letters, their names, and the sounds they make. Unlike English, Italian letters are mostly pronounced as written, making it relatively straightforward once you get the hang of it. Practice writing the letters, paying attention to their proper formation, as neat handwriting is highly valued in Italian culture.

Basic Italian Grammar

Understanding its fundamental rules is your base for constructing simple yet effective sentences. By grasping the fundamental rules of Italian grammar, you'll be well on your way to constructing simple and meaningful sentences

To build a strong foundation in Italian grammar, start with these fundamental rules:

  • Subject-Verb Agreement: In Italian, the verb must agree with the subject regarding gender and number. For instance, "Io parlo" means "I speak," where "parlo" matches the singular first-person pronoun "Io." Practice this by constructing sentences with different subjects and verbs to grasp the concept entirely.
  • Noun Gender: Unlike English, Italian nouns have gender, either masculine or feminine. It's essential to learn the gender of each noun alongside the word itself. There are some general rules to help you determine gender, but memorization will be your best friend here. For instance, "il libro" (the book) is masculine, while "la penna" (the pen) is feminine.
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles: Italian uses definite articles like "il," "la," "i," and "le" to indicate specific nouns, and indefinite articles like "un," "uno," "una," and "un'" to indicate non-specific nouns. Learn when and how to use these articles in your sentences. For instance, "Ho un cane" means "I have a dog," where "un" is the indefinite article.
  • Word Order: Italian generally follows a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) word order, similar to English. For example, "Io mangio la pizza" translates to "I eat the pizza." 
  • Pronouns: Italian pronouns are important for clarity and fluency. Practice using pronouns like "io" (I), "tu" (you), and "lui/lei" (he/she) to refer to people in your sentences.
  • Common Pitfalls: Watch out for common grammatical errors such as confusing "è" (is) with "e" (and) or mixing up "tu" (you singular) with "voi" (you plural). Be mindful of accent marks, as they can change the meaning of a word. For example, "è" means "is," but "e" means "and."

Common Italian Phrases

Getting started with Italian means learning phrases that can help beginners engage in basic conversations right away. These common Italian expressions are your passport to social interactions and will make you feel at ease when communicating with native speakers. 

  • Ciao (ch-ow): This is your Italian "hello" and "goodbye" all rolled into one. Use it casually with friends and acquaintances.
  • Grazie (graht-see-eh): Express gratitude with "thank you." Politeness goes a long way in Italian culture.
  • Prego (preh-goh): In response to "Grazie," you can reply with "You're welcome" or "Please." 
  • Per favore (pehr fah-voh-reh): When asking for a favor, like using "please."
  • Mi chiamo [Your Name] (mee kee-ah-moh): Introduce yourself by saying, "My name is [Your Name]." 
  • Scusa (skoo-sah): If you need to apologize or say "excuse me," this word will be useful.
  • Buongiorno (bwohn-jor-noh): Greet someone with "good morning." It's appropriate to use until around noon.
  • Buonasera (bwoh-nah-seh-rah): Transition to "good evening" as the day progresses.

To sound more confident and natural when using these common Italian phrases, consider these pronunciation and usage tips:

  • Pronunciation: Italian pronunciation is generally consistent, with each letter having a specific sound. Pay attention to vowel sounds: "a" is pronounced like "ah," "e" like "eh," "i" like "ee," "o" like "oh," and "u" like "oo." Practice these vowel sounds to improve your pronunciation.
  • Intonation: Italian often uses rising intonation at the end of questions. When asking questions, slightly raise your pitch toward the end of the sentence.
  • Gesture: Hand Gestures: Italians are known for their expressive hand gestures. While not necessary, using hand gestures can add emphasis and clarity to your spoken phrases.
  • Practice: Practice these phrases aloud, mimicking native speakers' pronunciation and intonation. Consider language apps and online resources that offer audio samples for accurate pronunciation.

Tips and Tricks to Learn Italian

Consider using mnemonic devices to remember tricky words or phrases. Create associations between Italian words and images, making them easier to recall. For instance, associate "gatto" (cat) with a picture of a cat. 

Establish a daily practice routine. Dedicate a few minutes each day to learning new vocabulary or practicing grammar. This regularity will keep your Italian skills sharp and steadily build your language foundation.

To maximize your early learning phase, immerse yourself in Italian as much as possible: 

  • Change your smartphone or computer settings to Italian so you see and interact with the language daily. 
  • Listen to Italian music and watch Italian films or TV shows (with subtitles at first). 
  • Follow Italian social media accounts to expose yourself to spoken Italian. 
  • Label objects around your home with their Italian names, turning your living space into a mini-language lab. 
  • Try to think in Italian when going about your daily tasks, even if it's just forming simple sentences in your mind. 

Integrating Italian into your daily life will create a consistent and enjoyable learning experience that will significantly enhance your progress.

Advanced Italian Learning Tips

After establishing a solid foundation in Italian with the basics, the next phase is to get deeper into complex grammar structures and expand your vocabulary beyond the everyday essentials. It's a crucial step to achieving proficiency in Italian. It's where you transition from forming basic sentences to crafting more sophisticated and nuanced expressions, allowing you to engage in meaningful conversations.

  • Start by watching Italian movies and TV series. 
  • Choose content with subtitles in both Italian and your native language to improve comprehension. 
  • Listen to Italian music and try to decipher the lyrics. 
  • Reading Italian literature, even if it's simple children's books at first, can be a great way to enhance your vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure. 

Engaging with native speakers and Italian-speaking communities is invaluable for practical experience and cultural insight. Seek language exchange partners in person or online to practice conversational Italian. Language exchange platforms and social media groups can connect you with native speakers eager to exchange language skills. 

Joining local Italian cultural clubs or attending events can provide immersive experiences. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; native speakers appreciate your effort to learn their language. As you engage with the language and its speakers, you'll gain fluency and cultural understanding that textbooks alone can't provide.

Online Italian Language Courses

Online courses have emerged as a substantial resource for learners of the Italian language, offering flexibility and structured learning experiences at various levels. These platforms provide a wealth of resources and opportunities to enhance your Italian language skills from the comfort of your home.

  • Udemy: Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of Italian language courses created by instructors with expertise in the language. It hosts a diverse selection of Italian courses, catering to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. Courses are often reasonably priced, and the platform offers discounts and promotions. This affordability makes it accessible to learners on a budget. Once you purchase a Udemy course, you typically get lifetime access to the course materials. This means you can revisit the content whenever you need to reinforce your Italian skills.
  • Rosetta Stone: Rosetta Stone is a renowned name in language learning, and its Italian courses are designed to immerse learners in the language from day one. Is known for its immersive approach, which replicates the way we learn our first language. It focuses on developing listening and speaking skills through natural language exposure. This tool helps learners improve their pronunciation by providing instant feedback on their spoken Italian. It allows you to fine-tune your accent and sound more natural when speaking.
  • Babbel: This comprehensive online course provides structured lessons for learning Italian. What makes Babbel stand out is its focus on practical conversation skills. The platform emphasizes real-life scenarios, helping you build confidence in speaking Italian from day one. Babbel's speech recognition technology aids in perfecting pronunciation, while its grammar lessons are designed to be concise and accessible. With a subscription fee, you can access a wealth of well-structured content and an app that adapts to your progress, ensuring a tailored learning experience.

Italian Language Tutoring

Tutoring is pivotal in language learning, offering personalized guidance to enhance your Italian language skills significantly. A tutor provides one-on-one attention, tailored lessons, and the opportunity for practical conversation practice, making it an invaluable resource for those looking to advance their Italian proficiency.

  • iTalki: This renowned platform connects learners with native-speaking Italian tutors. The uniqueness of iTalki lies in its flexibility and personalization. You can choose from a wide array of tutors, each with their own teaching style and expertise. Lessons are conducted via video call, allowing for real-time interaction and feedback. Additionally, iTalki offers language exchange partners and community features.
  • Verbling: Is another platform that offers one-on-one Italian tutoring with native Italian speakers. What sets Verbling apart is its focus on structured lessons and language assessment. When you sign up, you're given a free level assessment to determine your proficiency. Based on the results, Verbling matches you with a tutor who can help you reach your goals. Lessons are conducted via video chat, and you can choose from various packages to fit your budget and schedule. Verbling also offers group classes for additional practice and learning opportunities.
  • Preply: Is a platform that connects learners with Italian tutors who offer personalized lessons. Preply's unique feature is its wide range of tutors, allowing you to find a tutor who fits your language learning needs and accommodates your budget. You can read reviews and view tutor profiles to select your best fit. Lessons are conducted via video chat, providing a face-to-face learning experience. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your advanced skills, Preply offers the flexibility to choose a tutor who aligns with your goals.

Apps for Learning Italian

Mobile apps have revolutionized language learning, offering the convenience of studying Italian anytime and anywhere. Whether you're on the go, waiting in line, or just have a few minutes to spare, these apps can turn those moments into valuable opportunities for improving your Italian language skills.

  • Duolingo: Duolingo is a standout app that makes learning Italian engaging and fun. It offers bite-sized lessons that cover vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Duolingo's gamified approach sets it apart, where you earn points for completing lessons, compete with friends, and unlock new levels. Duolingo is an excellent choice for beginners and those seeking a flexible and entertaining learning experience.
  • Memrise: Memrise is another popular app that focuses on vocabulary acquisition. It uses spaced repetition techniques to help you remember words and phrases effectively. Memrise offers a wide range of user-created courses, allowing you to explore various aspects of Italian, from basic terms to specialized topics. Memrise's approach is excellent for expanding vocabulary and honing memory skills. 
  • Tandem: Is a language exchange app that connects you with native Italian speakers for conversation practice. The app pairs you with language exchange partners based on your interests and language goals. You can chat via text, voice, or video, providing an opportunity for practical language use. Tandem encourages cultural exchange and offers insights into daily life in Italy. 

Italian Language Learning Books

Books have long been treasured as a rich resource for delving deeper into the Italian language. They offer comprehensive and detailed insights, making them an invaluable tool for those eager to enhance their understanding of Italian.

  • "Italian for Beginners" by Kristine Kershul: This is a highly regarded resource for newcomers to the Italian language. This user-friendly book offers a gentle and approachable introduction to Italian, emphasizing practical vocabulary and essential phrases for everyday communication. Its engaging format and interactive exercises provide a solid foundation for beginners looking to embark on their Italian language learning .
  • "Prego!: An Invitation to Italian" by Graziana Lazzarino: Is a comprehensive Italian textbook designed for learners who want a structured approach to language acquisition. This book offers a well-organized curriculum that covers grammar, vocabulary, and cultural insights. Its clear explanations and practical exercises provide a thorough foundation for those looking to learn Italian in a classroom or self-study setting.
  • "Il Piccolo Principe" (The Little Prince): is a classic novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and has been translated into Italian. This story is a literary gem and a valuable resource for Italian language learners. Reading "Il Piccolo Principe" in Italian allows learners to engage with authentic Italian text while enjoying the timeless tale of the little prince's adventures and philosophical musings.

Italian Language Videos and Podcasts

In modern language learning, videos and podcasts have emerged as powerful tools, offering immersive and engaging experiences for those looking to master the Italian language.

  • Learn Italian with Lucrezia: Is a popular YouTube channel that provides a wide range of video lessons and content. Lucrezia covers various aspects of Italian language learning, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and cultural insights. Her approach is friendly and approachable, making it easy for learners of all levels to follow along. With a library of engaging videos, you can explore Italian idioms, travel phrases, and even cooking recipes in Italian. 
  • Coffee Break Italian Podcast: It offers an effective way to learn Italian during your daily commute or multitasking. Hosted by native speaker Francesca and learner Mark, this podcast covers Italian language lessons in bite-sized episodes. Each lesson is designed to be engaging and easy to follow, focusing on conversational Italian and practical language use. The podcast also includes cultural insights and travel tips, making it a well-rounded resource for Italian language enthusiasts.
  • FluentU: This platform takes authentic Italian videos, including movie clips, music videos, and news segments, and turns them into language learning experiences. The videos have interactive subtitles, which you can click on for instant translations and definitions. FluentU also provides exercises and quizzes to reinforce your learning. This platform offers the advantage of learning from real-world content while supporting comprehension and vocabulary building.


This step-by-step guide equips you with the essential tools for your Italian learning. From mastering the basics like the alphabet and grammar to practicing common phrases and immersing yourself in the language through media and conversation. 

You have many resources with online courses, tutoring platforms like iTalki, engaging YouTube channels like Learn Italian with Lucrezia, and podcasts like Coffee Break Italian. 

So, embrace the adventure, dive into Italian culture, and let your language-learning journey begin with enthusiasm and the right tools. Apprendistato felice! (Happy Learning!)


How long does it take to learn Italian? 

The time it takes to learn Italian varies depending on your dedication, study time, and prior language learning experience. On average, achieving basic conversational skills can take 6-12 months of consistent effort. Fluency may take 2-3 years of continuous learning and practice.

How hard is it to learn Italian? 

Italian is often considered one of the more accessible Romance languages for English speakers due to its sentence structure and vocabulary similarity. While it has complexities like any language, its straightforward pronunciation and lack of extensive verb conjugations can make it relatively accessible for beginners.

How can I learn Italian quickly? 

To learn Italian quickly, focus on regular, immersive practice. Dedicate daily time to studying, listening, and speaking in Italian. Use language learning apps and online courses, and engage with native speakers for practical experience. The more time and effort you invest, the faster you'll progress.

How can I learn Italian at home on my own? 

Learning Italian at home is convenient and achievable. Start with online resources, such as language learning apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, watch Italian-language videos on YouTube, and listen to Italian podcasts. You can also find online courses and textbooks. Practice speaking by talking to yourself or participating in language exchange platforms like Tandem.

How can I become fluent in Italian? 

To become fluent in Italian, maintain consistent practice and immersion. Regularly engage with native speakers through conversation partners, online tutoring, or language exchange. Read Italian books, watch Italian movies, and listen to Italian music to improve comprehension and vocabulary. Fluency comes with time, effort, and consistent use of the language in various contexts.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.