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Hreyfa (to move) conjugation

62 examples
This verb can also mean the following: stir, shift, mention, bring, bring up

Conjugation of hreyfa

Present tense
I move
you move
he/she/it moves
we move
you all move
they move
Past tense
I moved
you moved
he/she/it moved
we moved
you all moved
they moved
Future tense
mun hreyfa
I will move
munt hreyfa
you will move
mun hreyfa
he/she/it will move
munum hreyfa
we will move
munuð hreyfa
you all will move
munu hreyfa
they will move
Conditional mood
mundi hreyfa
I would move
mundir hreyfa
you would move
mundi hreyfa
he/she/it would move
mundum hreyfa
we would move
munduð hreyfa
you all would move
mundu hreyfa
they would move
Present continuous tense
er að hreyfa
I am moving
ert að hreyfa
you are moving
er að hreyfa
he/she/it is moving
erum að hreyfa
we are moving
eruð að hreyfa
you all are moving
eru að hreyfa
they are moving
Past continuous tense
var að hreyfa
I was moving
varst að hreyfa
you were moving
var að hreyfa
he/she/it was moving
vorum að hreyfa
we were moving
voruð að hreyfa
you all were moving
voru að hreyfa
they were moving
Future continuous tense
mun vera að hreyfa
I will be moving
munt vera að hreyfa
you will be moving
mun vera að hreyfa
he/she/it will be moving
munum vera að hreyfa
we will be moving
munuð vera að hreyfa
you all will be moving
munu vera að hreyfa
they will be moving
Present perfect tense
hef hreyft
I have moved
hefur hreyft
you have moved
hefur hreyft
he/she/it has moved
höfum hreyft
we have moved
hafið hreyft
you all have moved
hafa hreyft
they have moved
Past perfect tense
hafði hreyft
I had moved
hafðir hreyft
you had moved
hafði hreyft
he/she/it had moved
höfðum hreyft
we had moved
höfðuð hreyft
you all had moved
höfðu hreyft
they had moved
Future perf.
mun hafa hreyft
I will have moved
munt hafa hreyft
you will have moved
mun hafa hreyft
he/she/it will have moved
munum hafa hreyft
we will have moved
munuð hafa hreyft
you all will have moved
munu hafa hreyft
they will have moved
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa hreyft
I would have moved
mundir hafa hreyft
you would have moved
mundi hafa hreyft
he/she/it would have moved
mundum hafa hreyft
we would have moved
munduð hafa hreyft
you all would have moved
mundu hafa hreyft
they would have moved
Mediopassive present tense
I move
you move
he/she/it moves
we move
you all move
they move
Mediopassive past tense
I moved
you moved
he/she/it moved
we moved
you all moved
they moved
Mediopassive future tense
mun hreyfast
I will move
munt hreyfast
you will move
mun hreyfast
he/she/it will move
munum hreyfast
we will move
munuð hreyfast
you all will move
munu hreyfast
they will move
Mediopassive conditional mood
mundir hreyfast
you would move
mundi hreyfast
he/she/it would move
mundum hreyfast
we would move
munduð hreyfast
you all would move
mundu hreyfast
they would move
Mediopassive present continuous tense
er að hreyfast
I am moving
ert að hreyfast
you are moving
er að hreyfast
he/she/it is moving
erum að hreyfast
we are moving
eruð að hreyfast
you all are moving
eru að hreyfast
they are moving
Mediopassive past continuous tense
var að hreyfast
I was moving
varst að hreyfast
you were moving
var að hreyfast
he/she/it was moving
vorum að hreyfast
we were moving
voruð að hreyfast
you all were moving
voru að hreyfast
they were moving
Mediopassive future continuous tense
mun vera að hreyfast
I will be moving
munt vera að hreyfast
you will be moving
mun vera að hreyfast
he/she/it will be moving
munum vera að hreyfast
we will be moving
munuð vera að hreyfast
you all will be moving
munu vera að hreyfast
they will be moving
Mediopassive present perfect tense
hef hreyfst
I have moved
hefur hreyfst
you have moved
hefur hreyfst
he/she/it has moved
höfum hreyfst
we have moved
hafið hreyfst
you all have moved
hafa hreyfst
they have moved
Mediopassive past perfect tense
hafði hreyfst
I had moved
hafðir hreyfst
you had moved
hafði hreyfst
he/she/it had moved
höfðum hreyfst
we had moved
höfðuð hreyfst
you all had moved
höfðu hreyfst
they had moved
Mediopassive future perfect tense
mun hafa hreyfst
I will have moved
munt hafa hreyfst
you will have moved
mun hafa hreyfst
he/she/it will have moved
munum hafa hreyfst
we will have moved
munuð hafa hreyfst
you all will have moved
munu hafa hreyfst
they will have moved
Mediopassive conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa hreyfst
I would have moved
mundir hafa hreyfst
you would have moved
mundi hafa hreyfst
he/she/it would have moved
mundum hafa hreyfst
we would have moved
munduð hafa hreyfst
you all would have moved
mundu hafa hreyfst
they would have moved
Imperative mood
Mediopassive imperative mood

Examples of hreyfa

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
- Þú hefðir átt að hreyfa þig.- You should have moved.
Ég sagði þér, að það er ekki hægt að hreyfa Rady.I told you,... ..Rady can't be moved.
Er ég að hreyfa bílinn með hugarorkunni?I'm making the car move with the power of my mind?
Ég er ekki einhver hlutur sem hægt er að hreyfa eins og strengjabrúðu.You know, I'm not something that c]an be moved around like a puppet.
Ég sagði Þér að hreyfa Þig ekki.I said don't move.
- Ekki hreyfa ūig!- Don' t move!
Ekki hreyfa sig!Don't move!
Ekki hreyfa þig!Now don't move!
Ekki hreyfa þig.Don't move, mister.
Enginn má hreyfa sig.- Okay, nobody moves.
- Það er dálítið sárt þegar ég hreyfi mig.- There is a little hurt when I move.
Enginn hreyfi sig!Nobody move!
Segðu mér hvað er á seyði, eða ég hreyfi hvorki legg né lið.You start telling me what's going on or I won't move a muscle.
Ég næ henni ekki nema ég hreyfi mig.I can't get it unless I move.
-Jú, og hreyfi mig líka.- Yes, and I can move too!
Ef þú hreyfir þig...But you try any bad moves...
Ef hann hreyfir tunguna skerðu hana þá af.If his tongue moves, cut it!
Hann drepur ?ig samstundis, ef ?ú hreyfir ?ig.They will kill you... ...instantly, if you move.
Hann hreyfir sig svo undarlega.He keeps making these strange movements.
Ef einhver hreyfir sig, þá eru þeir dauðans matur.Anybody moves, and they're dead meat!
Ég vil vita nákvæmlega hvað þeir eru að gera áður en við hreyfum okkur.I wanna know exactly what they're up to before we make our move.
Ég vil vita nákvæmlega hvađ ūeir eru ađ gera áđur en viđ hreyfum okkur.I wanna know exactly what they're up to before we make our move.
Svona, hreyfið ykkur!Come on, move! Back!
Áfram, hreyfið ykkur!Go on, move!
- Áfram, hreyfið ykkur hraðar.- Come on, move faster.
Er það Skilið? Þið hreyfið ykkur ekki!You don't move!
Ef þið hreyfið ykkur eruð þið dauðir.Any of you move, you're dead.
Frú Artoni hringdi í manninn sinn í hvert sinn sem barnið hreyfði sig.Mrs Artoni at the café called her husband every time their baby moved.
Hann hreyfði sig.He's okay, he moved.
Paulie hreyfði sig kannski ekki hratt en það var bara af því að hann þurfti ekki að hlýða neinum.Paulie might have moved slow... ...but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody.
-Hverju? þú hreyfðir þig líkt og þeir gera.- Do what? You moved like they do.
Þú hreyfðir tunguna.You moved your tongue.
Þú hreyfðir höfuðið.You moved your head.
Þú hreyfðir þig.- Yeah! But you moved.
Þú segir föður Ritu fremsta vökvaaflsfræðing heims... ...og þvi hreyfist þetta.According to you, Rita's father's the world's foremost expert in hydraulics... ...so the thing's gonna move.
Þótt Bernoulli hafi verið talinn geðveikur... ...hreyfist loftið yfir fuglsvæng samkvæmt kenningu hans... ...með lægri þrýstingi en loftið undir vængnum.Bernoulli was considered insane by his peers. His theory states that the air over a bird's wing moves... ...at a lower pressure than that below the wing.
Hann hreyfist yfir líkama þinn og læknar þig.It moves over your body, healing you.
Hann hreyfist.It's on the move.
Hún er eina stjarnan á himninum sem hreyfist aldrei.That's the only star in the sky that never moves.
Við hunsum fjórðu víddina af því að við hreyfumst ekki með henni.Why do we ignore the fourth dimension? Because we can't move within it.
Viđ hunsum fjķrđu víddina af ūví ađ viđ hreyfumst ekki međ henni.Why do we ignore the fourth dimension? Because we can't move within it.
Ūeir hreyfast í allar áttir.You know, they move every which way.
Þeir hreyfast svo hratt að þeir mala okkur.They can move so fast and strike so hard, they ought to be able to sneak in and flatten us.
Hvernig léstu magann hreyfast svona?How did you make your tummy move like that?
Viltu hreyfast!Would you move!
Styttan virtist hreyfast en var samt kyrr.The statue seemed to move, but didn't.
Hann hreyfðist!Korben! It moved!
Penninn hreyfðist.Hey, the pen just moved!
- Þetta hreyfðist með þér.-Whatever it is, it moved with you.
Augu kattarins hreyfðust.Did you see that? The cat's eyes moved.
?ú hreyf?ir ?ig of snemma.You moved too soon.
Ég skal hreyf hann hægt og rólega.I'll move it around real slow.
Ég skal hreyf hann hægt og rķlega.I'll move it around real slow.
Parkinsonsjúklingar þínir, ef þeir eru það, hafa ekki hreyft sig í áratugi.Your "Parkies", if that is what they are, have not moved in decades.
Það er hreyfing á þér eins og þú hefur hreyft við mér.You're moving, as you have moved me.
Hún hefur ekki hreyft sig síðan hún kom hingað.She hasn't moved since she got here.
Þeir breyta líkunum svo að nú reynum við að breyta okkar til að vinna gegn tveim sem hafa ekkert hreyft.They're moving their line, so now we're trying to move our lines accordingly to adjust for a couple of outs that haven't moved their lines yet.
Er að hreyfast, elskan, hreyfast, elskan Já, já, jáIs move, baby, move, baby Yeah, yeah, yeah
Þegar landið hættir að hreyfast...Once the movement of our land masses comes to a halt...
Þegar það er á hliðinni verður allt hjólið að hreyfast til að þola höggin því dempararnir hreyfast ekki upp og niður þegar hjólið er á hlið.When it's on its side, the entire bike must flex to absorb the bumps, because the suspension cannot move up and down when it's horizontal.
Og yfirnáttúrulegar hreyfingar, hlutir að hreyfast í herberginu.And preternatural movement, which is basically objects moving around the room.
Ferjan tók að hreyfast og við vorum komin yfir eftir hálftíma.The ferry started to move and we were across in half an hour.

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