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Trasladar (to move) conjugation

110 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to transcribe, transfer, copy, to translate, to transmit, transmit, to transfer, to copy, translate

Conjugation of trasladar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I move
you move
he/she/it moves
we move
you all move
they move
Present perfect tense
he trasladado
I have moved
has trasladado
you have moved
ha trasladado
he/she/it has moved
hemos trasladado
we have moved
habéis trasladado
you all have moved
han trasladado
they have moved
Past preterite tense
I moved
you moved
he/she/it moved
we moved
you all moved
they moved
Future tense
I will move
you will move
he/she/it will move
we will move
you all will move
they will move
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would move
you would move
he/she/it would move
we would move
you all would move
they would move
Past imperfect tense
I used to move
you used to move
he/she/it used to move
we used to move
you all used to move
they used to move
Past perfect tense
había trasladado
I had moved
habías trasladado
you had moved
había trasladado
he/she/it had moved
habíamos trasladado
we had moved
habíais trasladado
you all had moved
habían trasladado
they had moved
Future perfect tense
habré trasladado
I will have moved
habrás trasladado
you will have moved
habrá trasladado
he/she/it will have moved
habremos trasladado
we will have moved
habréis trasladado
you all will have moved
habrán trasladado
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I move
(if/so that) you move
(if/so that) he/she/it move
(if/so that) we move
(if/so that) you all move
(if/so that) they move
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya trasladado
I have moved
hayas trasladado
you have moved
haya trasladado
he/she/it has moved
hayamos trasladado
we have moved
hayáis trasladado
you all have moved
hayan trasladado
they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have moved
(if/so that) you have moved
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
(if/so that) we have moved
(if/so that) you all have moved
(if/so that) they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have moved
(if/so that) you have moved
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
(if/so that) we have moved
(if/so that) you all have moved
(if/so that) they have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera trasladado
I had moved
hubieras trasladado
you had moved
hubiera trasladado
he/she/it had moved
hubiéramos trasladado
we had moved
hubierais trasladado
you all had moved
hubieran trasladado
they had moved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese trasladado
I had moved
hubieses trasladado
you had moved
hubiese trasladado
he/she/it had moved
hubiésemos trasladado
we had moved
hubieseis trasladado
you all had moved
hubiesen trasladado
they had moved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have moved
(if/so that) you will have moved
(if/so that) he/she/it will have moved
(if/so that) we will have moved
(if/so that) you all will have moved
(if/so that) they will have moved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere trasladado
I will have moved
hubieres trasladado
you will have moved
hubiere trasladado
he/she/it will have moved
hubiéremos trasladado
we will have moved
hubiereis trasladado
you all will have moved
hubieren trasladado
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's move!
Imperative negative mood
no traslades
do not move!
no traslade
let him/her/it move!
no traslademos
let us not move!
no trasladéis
do not move!
no trasladen
do not move!

Examples of trasladar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Sitio propuesto para la nueva Fundación Barnes" Para mí, la gente que está tratando de trasladar la Fundación Barnes son vándalos.- I see the people who are attempting to move the Barnes Foundation as vandals.
- Creo que debemos trasladar a su familia.- I think we ought to move his family.
- Debe trasladar 1200 cabezas.- You got 1200 head of sheep to move.
- Están listos para trasladar a Bierko. Gracias.- They're ready to move Bierko.
- Están listos para trasladar a Bierko.We're ready to move Bierko.
"Nos alegraría ser la fundación líder "para reunir los fondos que faciliten el traslado de la Fundación Barnes"."We would be happy to be the lead foundation "to assemble the funds to facilitate the move of the Barnes Foundation."
"el médico debe autorizar el traslado del cuerpo.When the death occurs abroad, the authorization to move the body serves as a medical certificate.
- Hemos estado de traslado.- We've been on the move.
- Para activar el traslado.- To trigger the move.
- Prepárelo para el traslado.- Get ready to move him.
Entonces ¿por qué no me trasladas de la playaSo why don't you move me from the beach
Jun y yo nos quedaremos aquí mientras te trasladasJun and I will remain down here while you move.
Mantén tu hotel por esta noche pero mañana te trasladas aquí.Keep your hotel for tonight, but tomorrow you move in here.
No somos amigos! Los amigos se cuentan por lo menos las cosas básicas Como dónde vives y cuándo te trasladasFriends tell each other at least the most basic things... like where you live and when you moved away.
No soy un mueble que trasladas como al escritorio de Ben Franklin.I'm not just a piece of furniture You move in like ben franklin's desk.
"Por temor a los parisinos, la nueva Asamblea Nacional se traslada a Versalles, a 19 km de la capital.Fearing the Parisians, the new National Assembly moves to Versailles, 1 9 km from the capital.
-Se traslada la próxima semana.- She moves in next week.
A Frederic cuando le digo que está bien si se traslada a Bruselas.To Frederic when I say it's OK if he moves to Brussels.
A medida que crece, Larry se traslada a la ciudad y se dedican a un corredor de bolsa hermosa.As he grows older, Larry moves to the city and gets engaged to a beautiful stockbroker.
A partir del próximo mes, el mercado se traslada a Shiring.As of next month, the market moves to Shiring.
"Cuando mi marido Jeff y yo nos trasladamos al vecindario...""When my husband jeff and I first moved to the neighborhood--"
"De esta escena de devoción, nos trasladamos a Nueva York... ""From these scenes of devotion, we move now to New York"
(Albina du Boisrouvray) Le trasladamos y entonces les preguntamos en clave a las autoridades militares qué es lo que había que hacer.(Albina du Boisrouvray) We moved him and then we asked in code the military authorities what were we to do.
- Así que nos trasladamos a la oficina de la campaña.- So we moved to the campaign office.
- En primer lugar nos trasladamos en un refugio para desamparados , pero que no era seguro.- First we moved into a homeless shelter, but that wasn't safe.
Entonces, ¿os trasladáis a alguna otra parte?So, will you move somewhere else?
Le puedo asegurar, Santidad, que si trasladáis vuestras cuentas del banco de los Médici... a las mías, tendréis todos los fondos necesarios.I can assure you, Your Holiness, if you move your accounts from the Medici Bank... to my own, you'll have all the funds you need.
Vosotros os trasladáis a la escuela o la escuela se trasladó a su casa?Did you move into the school or the school moved in?
¿Por qué no trasladáis a vuestras familias?Why don't you move your families.
- Pero con los aviones en tierra, lo trasladan...But with the planes grounded, they move...
- ¿De dónde se trasladan a ?- Where'd they move to?
- ¿Te trasladan? - Sí.- You mean move?
-No lo sabemos. Pero se trasladan en 3 naves... y les gusta merodear nuestras plantas nucleares e instalaciones militares.We don't know, but they move around in three ships and like to buzz our nuclear power plants and military facilities.
A Juan lo trasladan a una prisión militar y pasarán por aquí.Juan is being moved to a military prison and they'll pass by here.
- desde que me trasladé.- since I moved in.
Al día siguiente me trasladé a un lugar que estaba como a 30 minutos de Oslo.The next day l actually moved to their location which was, like 30 minutes outside of! Oslo.
Arlo me habló de él cuando me trasladé.Arlo told me about it when I moved in.
Así que la trasladé.So I moved her.
Así que le trasladé un poco más lejos .So I moved him a bit further away.
- Sí Hace 3 semanas, te trasladaste a Litchfield? Sí- Three weeks ago you moved to Litchfield?
- Te trasladaste a Lichfield?- You moved to Litchfield? - Yes.
- ¿Ya te trasladaste del todo?- You're all moved in, then?
Cabrón, trasladaste el cementerio... pero dejaste los cadáveres, ¿verdad?You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies, didn't you?
Desde que trasladaste a Subhas a las 10:00, él quita toda la basura.Ever since you moved Subhas to 10:00, He takes all the trash.
" El sargento japonés se trasladó a posición , levantó la manija selección"The Japanese sergeant moved into position, lifted his pick handle
"Eres linda". dijo, y se trasladó a sus piernas ligeramente separadas."You're cute. " she said, and moved her legs slightly apart.
"Sergent Bundgaard se trasladó al norte de nuevo una nueva posición "."Sergent Bundgaard moved north to new a new position."
"Trabajó en el campo, pero a los 15 años se trasladó a Santiago. "Allí, trabajando de noche y estudiando de día, logró obtener el título de abogado.He worked in the fields, but at 15 he moved to Santiago, where he studied at night and worked by day until he qualified as a lawyer.
- Brad trasladó la reunión. - ¿Qué?- Brad moved the meeting.
Cuando os trasladasteis aquí el año pasado, me temí... que pudierais descubrir algo sobre Kate.I was afraid when you moved here last year... that you might find out something about Kate.
- Bueno, perfecto porque trasladaron el espectáculo a Harborfront esta noche.Well it's ok 'cause they moved the show to Harborfront tonight.
- La trasladaron a Vida hoy.They moved her to Vida this mornin'.
- La trasladaron a otra cuadra.- She got moved to another stall.
- Le trasladaron justo antes de que aparecierais.- They moved him just before you showed.
- Los alemanes los trasladaron.- The Germans just moved them.
Ahora, dime... cómo entra Franky el contrabando y te trasladaré a Protección con los máximos privilegios.Now, you tell me... how Franky is bringing the contraband in here and I will move you to Protection with maximum privileges.
Lo que tú quieras, lo trasladaré.Whatever you want, I will move it.
Una vez que se haya plantado en los campos, me trasladaré de un pueblo a otroOnce the field is planted, I will move on, one village to the next.
(Locutor) sólo dos cocineros se trasladará para competir por $ 1/4 millones de dólares y el título de...(Announcer) Only two cooks will move on to compete for $1/4 million dollars and the title of...
El juez Barritt trasladará la indagatoria Azaria Chamberlain a Ayers Rock, Para hacer una inspección de el campamento y área de parrillada de los ChamberlainJustice Barritt will move the Azaria Chamberlain inquest to Ayers Rock, to make an inspection of the Chamberlain campsite and the barbecue area.
En 50 años, mucha gente se trasladará al campo.In 50 years, many people will move to the country.
Pero, si la máquina no funciona, entonces usted se trasladará a donde lo llevaremos.But if the machine doesn't work, then you will move where we move you.
Se supone que mañana por la mañana debo firmar un trozo de papel que trasladará a la compañía y le costará el trabajo a miles de empleados.Tomorrow morning, I am supposed to sign a piece of paper that will move the company and cost thousands of employees their jobs.
La trasladaremos a un refugio hasta el juicio.We will move you to a safe house until the trial.
Lo trasladaremos allí y empezaré a trabajar con él.We will move him in, and I will really go to work on him.
Lo trasladaremos bajo el manto de la noche.We will move him under the cover of night.
Luego nos trasladaremos rápidamente.Then we will move quickly.
Nos trasladaremos al mar pronto, y usted es libre de seleccionar cualquier trabajo, pero... a mis amigos les parece bien.We will move to the sea soon, and you are certainly free to select any work, but... my friends like you.
En el día de la operación y justo a tiempo... cuatro cuerpos de ejército y la marina UDT se trasladarán a Corea del Sur... desde el Mar del Oeste.On the day of operation and right on time... Four army corps and the navy UDT will move in to South Korea from the West Sea.
Lavon Hayes se trasladaría a la ciudad, y mucho menos se convertiría en alcalde.Lavon Hayes would move back to town, much less become the mayor.
Ningún fan de los White Sox que se respete se trasladaría a Boston.No self-respecting White Sox fan would move to Boston.
¿O es el tipo de jefe que trasladaría tu mesa al baño de caballeros durante un mes porque decidiste que tomar una copa más era más importante que la compañía que construyó con la sangre de sus antepasados?Or is he the type of boss that would move your desk into the men's room for a month because you decided getting one more drink was more important than the company he built with the blood of his ancestors?
Sí, pero entonces ellos se trasladarían al palacio y yo podría quedarme con la mansión y cambiar las cosas.But they would move into the palace and I could stay with the manor and turn things around. You like him.
- El alcalde me está presionando para que me traslade a Manhattan, pero tiene que ser un sitio alcanzable.The Mayor is pressuring me to move into Manhattan, but it's gotta be someplace winnable. - Yeah...
-Me traslade tambien.- And I moved out.
Ahora, con mucha discreción, traslade los pasajeros a la sala.Now, as discreetly as possible, move the passengers into the lounge.
Ayudar a que una cosa se traslade entre dos puntos.Assisting a thing to be moved between parties.
Basándonos en las pruebas presentadas contra la Sra. Nurse, ordenamos que se la traslade a la cárcel de Sus Majestades en Salem, - donde esperará el juicio por brujería.On the evidence presented against Goodwife Nurse, we order her removed to Their Majesties" jail at Salem, there to await trial for witchcraft.
Cuando te traslades con Soichiro encontrarás muchas dificultades.After you move in with Soichiro you will have lots of inconveniences.
De todas formas, creo que es el momento de que te traslades a una empresa mejor. Como la mía.By the way I think it's about time you moved to a better company like mine?
En lugar de eso, y por tres meses quiero la piscina, la sala de billar y que traslades a la casa de invitados la nueva TV de pantalla grande y libre acceso a la bodega de vinos.Instead, for three months, the swimming pool, the billiard room, the new big-screen TV moved into the guest house, and free access to the wine cellar.
Es por eso que me gustaría que te traslades a Chepstow Villas.Which is why I would like you to move to Chepstow Villas.
Madge Turner, quiere que traslades la fiesta a la Biblioteca Nixon.Madge Turner, she wants you to move the party to the Nixon Library.
- Cuanto antes los traslademos mejor. - ¿Trasladarlos?- The sooner we get them moved the better.
- Yo digo que nos traslademos a Bu.- I say we move to the 'Bu.
De hecho, el Almirante sugiere que te traslademos a Galor IV.The Admiral is suggesting you be moved to Galor IV, Lal.
El capitán nos ha dicho que nos traslademos a la popa.The captain ordered us to move our bunks aft. With the gentlemen, huh?
Es imperioso que los traslademos de la zona hostil a la zona segura.It's imperative that we move them out of the hostile area and into the safe zone.
Más adelante cuando tú y tus hijos os trasladéis nuestra casa estará más animada.Later on when you and your kids move in our house will be lively
Por supuesto no la necesitaréis cuando os trasladéis a un sitio más pequeño.Of course you'll have no use for it when you move to a smaller place.
Quiero que os trasladéis a una casa cerca de Siracusa. Ahora mismo.I want you to move to a villa near Siracusa...right now.
- ¿ Y si no quiero que me trasladen?What if I don't want to be moved?
Además, ya solicité que los trasladen a limpieza y mantenimiento.Besides, I've already requested That they be moved to cleanup And maintenance.
Ahora mismo, está con el abogado de su padre, intentando pensar en el mejor momento para que ella vaya a verle a la cárcel antes de que le trasladen.She's with her father's lawyer right now, trying to figure out the best time for her to go out to the prison to see him before he's moved.
Apelaré para que te trasladen a otra prisión.I'm gonna appeal to have you moved to another prison.
Busca la forma de que me trasladen a un hospital.So find a way to get me moved to a hospital.
Incluso puede que se trasladaran, podrían estar en cualquier lugar.They could be anywhere. They could have moved house.
Hasta que se arregle, todo el ala oeste estará fuera de servicio, así que trasladad a los huéspedes al ala este.Until it's mended, the whole of West Block is out of commission, so move any guests to East Block.
Henry, Terry, trasladad los bloques de hielo que cortamos a la cubierta.Henry, Terry, move the blocks of ice as we cut them topside.
Una vez que estén listas, trasladad el cuerpo de Alistair.Once they're clear, move Alistair's body.
"Audiencia preliminar ha sido trasladado a la sala de tribunal B." 3:00 pm 03:35."Preliminary hearing has been moved to Courtroom B." 3:00 p.m. 3:35.
"El cuerpo fue trasladado en coche,"The body was removed by car,
"Nuestro hospital se ha trasladado de nuevo, pero ..."I hope you are fine. Our hospital has moved again, but ... "
"Podría haberme trasladado a París y haber sido una concertista de piano".'I could have moved to Paris or been a concert pianist.
"Yerno trasladado a mínima seguridad."Son-in-law moved to minimum security.
- Están trasladando al Juez Schuller.They're moving Judge Schuller.
- Están trasladando la nave del tiempo.They're moving the timeship. Timeship?
- La están trasladando hoy.- They're moving it today.
- Se la pasan trasladando gente.- They keep moving people.
- ¿Me estás trasladando?- You're moving me out?

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