- Ja et alustada täiesti uuelt lehelt, siis müün selle maja maha ja kolin New Yorki. | I'm gonna sell this place and move to New York. |
- Jah, kolin juunis kiriklasse sisse. | Yes, I move into the rectory at Summer Street in June. |
- Ma kolin Aprili juurde. | - I'll move in with April. |
- Tore, kui mina siit välja pääsen ja sina kolid ära, kolin ka mina ära. | - Perfect, because when I get out of here, when you move, I'm moving in. |
- Ehk kolid Ramona poole? | Maybe you can move in with Ramona. |
- Kas kolid täna siis sisse? - tead mida? | - So you want to move in tonight? - You know what? |
- Kas kolid täna siis sisse? | - So you want to move in tonight? |
- Laflamme kolib seisukohta. | - Laflamme moves into position. |
Aga kui Alan välja kolib, siis ka Jake ei jää enam sinna, eks? | But once Alan moves out then Jake won't be staying there anymore, right? |
Aga kui ma õpetan oma venna temaga magama, siis ta armub temasse, palub ta endale naiseks, kolib välja, ja ma olen elu lõpuni õnnelik. | But if I teach my brother to sleep with her, he falls in love, asks her to marry him, moves out and I'm happy for the rest of my life. |
Aga, kui Travis Bickle kolib siia pool- automaatse relvaga, siis on kõik korras? | But Travis Bickle moves in with a semiautomatic weapon and it's okay? |
"Miks me kogu aeg kolime?" | why do we always have to move around? |
"Oh, Elisabeth, kolime ära maale". Siia sitaauku! | "Oh, Elisabeth, move to the country with me. " To this miserable dump! |
- Isa, kolime ära. | - Dad, we have to move. |
- Jah, kolime sisse! | - Yes, let's move in! |
- Kuule, kolime kokku. | - Hey, let's move in together. |
Amada ütles, et te kolite iga paari päeva tagant. | Amada said you moved every couple days. |
Dominic rääkis mulle, et te kolite palju, et hoida halbu inimesi eemal. | well, Dominic was talking to me about having to move around a Iot to keep the bad people away. |
Dominic rääkis mulle, et te kolite palju... et hoida halbu inimesi eemal. | WeIl, Dominic was talKing to me about having to move around a Iot to Keep the bad people away. |
Et te kolite korterisse ja võtate omale koera? | The two of you would move into a condo together, get a dog? |
"Wow, see on mu perekond" nad kolivad ära või saavad uue beebi või on neil allergia. | "Wow, this is my family"... they´d move or have a new baby... or have an allergy. |
- Inimesed, kes kolivad, jätavad teate aadressimuutusest. | - People who move leave word of change of address. |
Aasta pärast, kolivad nad Connecticuti äärelinna, restaureerivad vana farmimaja ja kasvatavad üles kolm täiuslikku last. | Within a year, they move to suburban Connecticut, refurbish an old farmhouse, and raise three neurotically perfect children. |
Aga ma ei koli siia, kui ühel päeval pean sinuga läbi klaasi rääkima. | And believe that this is the best decision I've made. But I will not move here if it means... ...l have to talk to you through glass. |
Aga ma ei koli siia, kui ühel päeval. . . | But I will not move here if it means that one day... |
Aga ma ei koli siia, kui ühel päeval... | But I will not move here if it means that one day... |
Me ei koli enam. | We will not move again. |
"Kuigi ma ära kolisin," "vaatan harjumusest ikka veel Tokio ilmateadet." | "Even though I moved away..." "...I still look at Tokyo's weather forecast out of habit." |
'Nii, siis et ma olen nähtamatu? " Ma kolisin ära ja jaotasime mööbli. | Now I've moved out, we're dividing furniture... |
- Aga ma kolisin ära. | - But I've moved. |
- Ei, just kolisin siia. | --No, just moved to town. |
"Kohe peale kolledþi lõpetamist kolisid nad Brooklynisse. | "Right after college, they moved to Brooklyn." |
"Kohe peale kolledži lõpetamist kolisid nad Brooklynisse. | "Right after college, they moved to Brooklyn. |
- Arvasin, et sa kolisid Floridasse. | I thought you moved to Florida. |
- Heldeke! Kuulsin, et kolisid New Yorki ja töötad Lehmann Brothersis? | Now, I heard you moved to New York, you're working at Lehman Brothers. |
"Pere kolis Zenith'ist alles hiljuti Chester's Milli." | "The family moved to Chester's Mill from Zenith a short time ago." |
"Ta kolis Mansfieldi, kus elu on tükkmaad odavam." | "She's moved into Mansfield proper, where life is decidedly less expensive." |
- Dougie kolis välja! | - Dougie moved out! |
"Kui ma olin sinu vanune, kolisime siit ära." "Tihti mõtlen, milline meie vana maja välja näeb." | We moved away from Holdrege... when I was not much older than you... and I've often wondered... what our old house would be like today. |
"Kui ma olin sinu vanune, kolisime siit ära." | We moved away from Holdrege when I was not much older than you and I've often wondered what our old house would be like today. |
- Jah, me kolisime sisse umbes aasta tagasi. | Yeah, we moved in about a year ago. |
- Just kolisime sisse. | Just moved in. |
- Me ju alles kolisime kokku. | - No. - Because we just moved in together. |
- Selles, et te ära kolisite. | - OK, the problem is that you moved. |
Aga siis te kolisite. | Only, you've moved recently. |
Ma ei kolinud siia mingi mehe pärast. | So... I did not move to Greece because of some man. |
Me ei kolinud siia Wichita'st, et sa saaksid ballile minna. | We did not move here from Wichita so you could go to prom. |
Hiljem koliti kell oma kohalt Vabaduse Saali kellatornist ning talle anti oma... | Eventually, it was moved from its place in Independence Hall steeple and given its own... |
Kuna mu kambri seinas oli auk, siis koliti mind ühiskongi. | Since there was a hole in my cell, I was moved to general population. |
Ma armastan sind nii palju, et koliksin siia eliidi jääkuubikusse, kui seda tahaksid. | I love you so much I would move to this elitist icebox if you want me to. |
Mida sa oledki. - Ja siis ma ütlesin, et ma koliksin Indianapolisse, kui vaja peaks olema ja sina ütlesid, et ei tahaks mind seda tegema panna ja siis ütlesid, et teistsuguses maailmas... | - And then I said that I would move to Indianapolis if I had to, and you said you didn't want to make me do that, and then you said that in a different world... |
"Mõistan, miks kõik inimesed pargis põlgavad teda ning soovivad, et me ära koliksime." | "Once again, I see why everyone in our trailer park despises her" "and wishes we would move." |
- Tahame, et te ära koliksite. | We wanted to frighten you so you would move out. |
-Tahame, et te ära koliksite. | We wanted to frighten you so you would move out. |
Ta ei koliks Singapuri ja ei jätaks oma naist ja last maha. | He would not move off to Singapore and leave his wife and his kid. You understand? |
"Palun koli Villast välja, koheselt." | "Please move out of the Mansion immediately." |
- Miks sa Vegasesse ei koli? | - Why don't you just move to Vegas? |
- Sa ei koli Las Vegasesse. | - If. You didn't move to Those Vegas. |
Abiellu ilusa tüdrukuga, koli äärelinna ja veeda nädalalõpud muruniidukiga. | I understand. Marry a cute girl, move to the suburbs spend your weekends mowing. |
Jah, kolige Avaga minu juurde. | Yeah, you and Ava move in with me. |
Kui tahate kergemat elu, siis kolige minu riiki, õppige hinduismi. | If you want to not be so difficult, your move in my country, studiaþi Hinduism. |
""Kui sa jätkad Rosewoodis heade tulemuste ja peaujujana me saame pakkuda sulle täisstip.." See tähendab, et sa ei pea kolima! | "... If you continue as a Rosewood's MVP, we can offer you a full scholarship." This means you don't have to move! |
"Meiega on korras. pidime getosse kolima... | "We are OK. We had to move to the ghetto... |
- Agnis ütleb, et me peame talveks ära kolima. | Agnis tells me we got to move for the winter. |
- Jah, peame kolima. | We can't move. - Oh, yeah, we have to move. |
"Ma tahaksin oma ema keldrist välja kolida ja olla majas." | "I'd like to move out of my mother's basement and up into the main house." |
"Matt. Palun ära arva, et ma põgenen sinu eest. Ma olin jahmunud, kui sa palusid mul enda juurde kolida. | "Matt. please dorh't thirhk that 'm rurhrhirhg away from you. "was so overwhelmed wherh you asked me to move irh. "couldrh't speak. |
"Ta tahab Tanzier Island'ilt ära kolida ning tuua terve koloonia siia põhjapoole." | "He wants to move off Tanzier Island... "and relocate the entire colony just north of here. |
- Ma näen, et sa oled kolinud. | - I noticed that you've moved. |
- Me oleme palju kolinud | - We moved around a lot |
- Me olime just kolinud Ühendriikidesse. | We had just moved to the U.S. |
Ma tean, et te olete teel St. Regisesse, et preili Waldorfi tüdrukuteõhtut segada, nii et ma arvasin, et te tahaksite teada, et pidu on kolitud. | I know that you're on your way to the St. Regis to interrupt Ms. Waldorf's bachelorette party, so I thought you would like to know that the party's been moved. |
Nate' pidu on Impeeriumi sviiti kolitud. | Nate's party has been moved to a suite at the Empire. |
Klient on kolinud. | The client has moved |
Kui lahing säilitamaks ohustatud liike, on kolinud juba linna loomaaeda... me peame küsima enestelt, kas ükski loom maailmas on ohutuses. | If the battle to preserve endangered species has moved into the urban zoological park... we must ask ourselves if any animal in the world is safe. |
Kuld Lion Clan on kolinud õis. | The gold Lion Clan has moved to the Blossom. |
Keegi lõikas endale kolides sõrme. | Someone cut their finger while moving. |
Kui sulle siin ei meeldi, kes sul keelab minema kolimast. | If you don't like it here, no one's stopping you from moving out. |
Kõik need aastad hoidsid sa mind siin, takistasid välja kolimast, ülikooli minemast, tegemast kõike, Kõike seetõttu, et kartsid röövlit, keda pole olemas. | All these years you keep me here, you keep me from moving out, from going to college... from doing anything all because you were scared of some burglar that never existed. |
Oo orkaanide jumalad, müristamise, äikese ja suurte lainte loojad... kasutage oma jõudu, et takistada minu ema Austraaliasse kolimast. | - ( grunts loudly) o gods ofhurricanes, makers ofthunder and lightning and majestical waves... useth your power to keep my mom from moving to Australia. |
Ma koliks USA-sse, kui see sinu haige eksnaine annaks meile ühise hooldusõiguse. | I would move to the U.S. if that ex-wife of yours would give us joint custody. |
Mina sinu asemel koliks kohe selle baasi teise kohta. | If I were you, I would move this base right now. |