- Té dret a riure's de mi. | She has a right to laugh at me, |
Puc riure? | Is it okay to laugh? |
Sibèria a la primavera. Per morir-se de riure. | Siberia in the spring, Must be a million laughs, |
Ja n'hi ha prou de riure de mi! | [Slurring] Stop laughing at me! |
Després van començar a riure, no van poder seguir amb la mentida més temps. | And then they all started to laugh, they couldn't keep the game going any longer. |
Segur. Ja ric ara i tot. | Sure, I'm laughing right now. |
*i estar orgullosa* *ric ben fort* *promeses, promeses* *ací és on acaben totes aquestes promeses* *no fingeixo* *el que estava errat* *pot ser correcte* *cada nit* | ♪ And be proud ♪ ♪ I'm laughing out loud ♪ ♪ Oh, promises, promises ♪ |
Me'n ric dels núvols... | I'm laughing at clouds |
Me'n ric dels núvols. | I'm laughing at clouds |
Ets molt guapo quan rius, ho saps? | You're really cute when you laugh, you know that? |
Quants en són? 24? Què collons rius, Michè? | - What are you laughing at, what's so funny? |
Per què no rius? | Why don't you laugh? |
Rius, rius d'algú que no agafarà cap compromís. Això l'espenta i s'amaga darrere dels dibuixos infantils. | You laugh, you're laughing at someone who won't engage, who is scared to engage, who hides behind a children's cartoon. |
Què rius? | What are you laughing at? |
Es fa els cabells cap enrere amb un toc dramàtic i riu efusivament, mentre s'emprova un clip brillant. | She flips her hair dramatically, and laughs heartily, as she tries on a sparkly hair clip. |
Sempre es riu d'això. | 'She always laughs at that. |
"Jo sempre m'he preguntat per què les lluitadores estan gairebé nues, lluitant en biquini, mentre els seus companys s'amaguen sota pesades armadures", riu. | "I always wondered why women fighters are almost nude and fighting in bikinis, while her male teammates appear behind heavy armor," she laughs. |
El meu amic i jo ens riem davant de la idea de córrer més ràpid que un caça. | My friend and I laugh at the idea of trying to outrun a fighter jet. |
En Robert s'hagués rigut. | ( laughs ) Robert would have laughed. |
Si hagués vingut fa una setmana i ho hagués demanat amablement, te n'hauries rigut a la meva cara. | If I'd come in here a week ago and asked nicely, you would have laughed me out of the room. |
Endavant, rieu, rieu com tots els altres, però aquests mags van aconseguir el millor truc de tots: m'acceptaren. | Go ahead, laugh, laugh like all the others, but those magicians pulled off the greatest trick of all: they accepted me. |
Per què no us rieu, nois? | Why aren't you guys laughing? |
Us rieu, però ho dic seriosament. | You laugh, but I'm serious. |
Endavant, rieu, rieu com tots els altres, però aquests mags van aconseguir el millor truc de tots: | Go ahead, laugh, laugh like all the others, but those magicians pulled off the greatest trick of all: |
La gent les considera indecoroses, i, o bé s'escandalitzen, cosa que és vulgar, o bé riuen, que és pitjor. | People always seem to think they're improper... and either look shocked, which is vulgar, or laugh, which is worse. |
Es riuen de mi. | They're laughing at me. |
-Es que es riuen de mi. | - But they're laughing at me. |
La gent les considera indecoroses, i, o bé s’escandalitzen, cosa que és vulgar, o bé riuen, que és pitjor. | People always seem to think that they are improper, and either look shocked, which is vulgar, or laugh, which is worse. |
He vist la seva nena assseguda entre vostè i el seu marit, i reia. | I've seen your little girl sitting between you and your husband and she was laughing! |
La vella senyora s'enfonsa en una cadira i rigué una mica, després plora una mica, i després féu totes dues coses alhora. | The old lady sank down into a chair and laughed a little, then cried a little, then did both together. |
*recorda els que han mentit* *els que han dit que els importaves* *però rigueren quan vas plorar* | ♪ So when you remember the ones who have lied ♪ ♪ Who said that they cared ♪ ♪ But then laughed as you cried ♪ |
Esperes que la gent se'n rigui amb tu? | Are you set on people laughing with you? |
M'estimo més que em pengi que no pas que es rigui de mi. | I'll hang before I let you give me the horselaugh. |
Que tothom es rigui del monstre de circ. | Everyone laugh at the circus freak. |
Bé, sempre em vaig imaginar una petita casa blanca amb una porta vermella i, no riguis, però tenia una tanca de fusta com les cases on viu la gent a la tele. | Well, I always imagined a little white house with a red door and, don't laugh, but it had a picket fence, just like, you know, the houses that you see on TV that people live in. Hmm. |
Vull que em posis el vi, riguis els meus acudits, freguis les meves cames nafrades després d'un dia de cavalcada. | I want you to pour my wine, laugh at my jokes, rub my legs when they're sore after a day's ride. |
No te'n riguis. | Okay, don't laugh. |
Ei, no riguis. No riguis. | Hey, don't laugh. |
No riguis, sents? | Don't you laugh now, okay? |
Et trobem molt a faltar, però sempre ens recordarem de tu; quan riguem, quan ens despertem i quan mirem el mar. | We'll miss her very much, but we promise to always think of you when we laugh, wake up, fall asleep, and look at the ocean. |
No rigueu maleïts... | Don't you laugh, damn you! Don't you laugh. |
Ja estic acostumat a que se'n riguin de mi. | I'm used to being laughed at. |
Fins i tot ha pagat a gent per a que li riguin les gràcies. | He's even paid people to laugh for him. |
# M'estic rient # | I'm just laughing. |
Somrient o rient? | Smiling or laughing? |
*Estic rient.* | * I'm laughing |
Vés rient, tu. | Keep laughing, okay? |
Un moment després, ja era fora, i engegant-se com un indi, udolant, rient, empaitant minyons, saltant per damunt el clos amb perill de la vida i el coll, fent capgirells amb la ma en terra, sostenint-se damunt el cap, acoblant totes les fetes heroiques que pogué imaginar, i mirant de cua d'ull, tota l'estona, per veure si Becky Thatcher n'havia esment. | The next instant he was out, and "going on" like an Indian; yelling, laughing, chasing boys, jumping over the fence at risk of life and limb, throwing handsprings, standing on his head--doing all the heroic things he could conceive of, and keeping a furtive eye out, all the while, to see if Becky Thatcher was noticing. |