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Seure (to sit) conjugation

55 examples

Conjugation of seure

Present tense
I sit
you sit
he/she sits
we sit
you all sit
they sit
Present perfect tense
he segut
I have sat
has segut
you have sat
ha segut
he/she has sat
hem segut
we have sat
heu segut
you all have sat
han segut
they have sat
Future tense
I will sit
you will sit
he/she will sit
we will sit
you all will sit
they will sit
Conditional mood
I would sit
you would sit
he/she would sit
we would sit
you all would sit
they would sit
Past perfect tense
havia segut
I had sat
havies segut
you had sat
havia segut
he/she had sat
havíem segut
we had sat
havíeu segut
you all had sat
havien segut
they had sat
Past impf. tense
I was sitting
you were sitting
he/she was sitting
we were sitting
you all were sitting
they were sitting
Imperative mood
let him/her sit!
let's sit!
let them sit!
Imperative negative mood
no seguis
don't sit!
no segui
don't let him/her sit!
no seguem
let's not sit!
no segueu
don't sit!
no seguin
don't let them sit!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria segut
I would have sat
hauries segut
you would have sat
hauria segut
he/she would have sat
hauríem segut
we would have sat
hauríeu segut
you all would have sat
haurien segut
they would have sat
Future perfect tense
hauré segut
I will have sat
hauràs segut
you will have sat
haurà segut
he/she will have sat
haurem segut
we will have sat
haureu segut
you all will have sat
hauren segut
they will have sat
Preterite past tense
I sat
you sat
he/she sat
we sat
you all sat
they sat
Past anterior tense
haguí segut
I had sat
hagueres segut
you had sat
hagué segut
he/she had sat
haguérem segut
we had sat
haguéreu segut
you all had sat
haguéren segut
they had sat
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) sit
(so that you) sit
(so that he/she) sits
(so that we) sit
(so that you all) sit
(so that they) sit
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was sitting
(so that you) were sitting
(so that he/she) was sitting
(so that we) were sitting
(so that you all) were sitting
(so that they) were sitting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi segut
(so that I) have sat
hagis segut
(so that you) have sat
hagi segut
(so that he/she) has sat
hàgim segut
(so that we) have sat
hàgiu segut
(so that you all) have sat
hagin segut
(so that they) have sat
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués segut
(so that I) had sat
haguessis segut
(so that you) had sat
hagués segut
(so that he/she) had sat
haguéssim segut
(so that we) had sat
haguéssiu segut
(so that you all) had sat
haguessin segut
(so that they) had sat
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi seure
(so that I) sat
vagis seure
(so that you) sat
vagi seure
(so that he/she) sat
vàgim seure
(so that we) sat
vàgiu seure
(so that you all) sat
vagin seure
(so that they) sat
Periphastic past tense
vaig seure
I sat
vas seure
you sat
va seure
he/she sat
vam seure
we sat
vau seure
you all sat
van seure
they sat
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver segut
I had sat
vas haver segut
you had sat
va haver segut
he/she had sat
vam haver segut
we had sat
vau haver segut
you all had sat
van haver segut
they had sat

Examples of seure

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Com poden seure i mirar, en lloc de desbancar el pastor?How can they sit and watch,instead of ousting the pastor?
Vine a seure aquí.Come and sit over here.
No hauries de seure al lloc d'en Sheldon. És a Texas.Should you really be sitting in Sheldon's spot?
Serà quan considerem que hem entès el dolor de l'altre que podrem, aleshores, seure al voltant d'una mateixa taula i parlar obertament, sense agressivitat ni acusacions.It was when we believed that we understood each other’s pain, when this moment came, that we could sit down and talk openly - without aggression, without accusations.
Podries no seure tan a prop de mi?Could you not sit so close to me?
Des d'on sec estant, irrompre en una institució mental, brandant la Patriot Act, ...que és el que, de fet, necessitaries, ...i demanar temps per entrevistar-te amb una rata vella de laboratori que penses podria estar al darrera dels fets possiblement més terrorífics que jo pugui mai imaginar...So from where I sit,barging into a mental institution waving the patriot act, which is what you'd need, and demanding face time with some old lab rat who you think might be behind some of the most terrifying terror that I can possibly imagine--
I sort que hi som, perquè... bé, el que digué després és la raó per la qual sec en aquesta cadira.And thank God we were, because... well, what he said next is the reason that I'm sitting in this chair.
El rei té la prerrogativa reial d'amagar informació sensible als seus consellers.It's the King's royal prerogative to withhold sensitive information from his councilors.
Aquí és on seus i parles, i aquí és on nosaltres seiem i escoltem.This is where you sit and talk and this is where we sit and listen.
L'assassí confés, de 45 anys d'edat , primer va dir a la policia que ja es trobava a la cafeteria on la víctima seia amb els seus amics i es va veure obligat a apunyalar-lo en defensa pròpia.The 45-year old self-confessed murderer initially told the police that he was already at the coffee shop where the victim was sitting with his friends, that they attacked him as he was heading back to his car, and that he was forced to stab the victim in self-defense.
En una nit tan violenta, un grup de vàndals va incendiar les oficines de VTV, una televisió privada que simpatitza amb l'oposició i que és propietat d'un dels seus caps.In a night filled with violence, the offices of VTV, a private broadcaster which is sympathetic towards the opposition and is owned by an opposition leader, was set on fire by a group of thugs.
Després de tot, com s'ha dit abans, OpenSpace ja havia tancat una vegada: durant l'estiu de 2012, un any després d'haver estat comprada per l'inversor Vadim Beliàiev, un acord que semblava haver salvat la pàgina web dels seus problemes econòmics.After all, as previously mentioned, OpenSpace closed once before, during the summer of 2012 — a year after it was purchased by investor Vadim Belyaev, a deal that seemed to have saved the website from financial troubles.
Llavors, el nen que seu darrere... ja m'entens, el nen anirà darrere?But the child that sits behind... You know, the baby is behind?
Ella seu sota un arbre.She sits under a tree.
Va ella i s'asseu, quatre parets al seu voltant, un sostre sobre el seu cap, medicina per les seves venes, i vol saber què vull d'ella.There she sits, four walls around her, roof over her head, medicine in her veins, and she wants to know what I want from her.
- La vostra germana seu al costat del Rei.Your sister sits by the side of the king.
"És una muralla", m'explica Miguel Castillo, cap del camp de treball de El Paraíso, que seu al seient de darrere."It's a wall", explains Miguel Castillo, field head of the project of El Paraíso, who sits in the rear of the car.
Aquí és on seus i parles, i aquí és on nosaltres seiem i escoltem.This is where you sit and talk and this is where we sit and listen.
Doncs, aquí seiem.So, here we sit.
- On seiem?- Now then, where do we sit?
Si us plau, seieu.Please sit down.
I seieu al costat d'aquest mentider i em blasmeu.And you sit beside this pretender and chastise me.
No ens faci perdre temps. Si us plau, seieu.Don't take our time, please sit down.
On seieu?Where did you sit?"
Aleshores vingué aquella orde: -Ara aneu i seieu amb les noies!Then the order followed: "Now, sir, go and sit with the girls!
@gankuma_: Permeteu-me pensar en veu alta – el projecte de llei de fer campanya en línia es va aprovar ràpidament mentre que els que seuen en l'assemblea legislativa sembla que tenen menys motivació per resoldre el tema de les eleccions inconstitucionals.@gankuma_: Let me think out loud - the online campaign bill was passed quickly while those who sit in the legislatures seem to have lesser motivation to resolve the issue of our unconstitutional elections.
Aleshores, m'agradaria saber una sola cosa, quan els nens seuen un darrere l'altre, he llegit que això és bo, és la forma habitual.And then, I'm just wondering, because, you know, in this one thing, when the children sit one after the other, I've read that that's good, the usual type.
Perquè aquí és on seuen.Because that's where they sit.
I tan fort com vull salvar les arts, els meus majors èxits són les persones que seuen ara davant de mi.And as badly as I want to save the arts, my greatest accomplishment are the people sitting in front of me right now.
Els treballadors locals que hi solien treballar ara seuen als turons vigilant.The native workers who previously used to be engaged in the excavation, now sit on the top of the hills, watching over.
Pensa que ell no diria una paraula, fins i tot quan la seva tia entrés, sinó que seuria perfectament quiet fins que ella demanés qui havia fet la trencadissa; i aleshores parlaria, i fóra la més bella cosa de tot el món el veure al manyac model atrapant una sumanta.He said to himself that he would not speak a word, even when his aunt came in, but would sit perfectly still till she asked who did the mischief; and then he would tell, and there would be nothing so good in the world as to see that pet model "catch it."
L'assassí confés, de 45 anys d'edat , primer va dir a la policia que ja es trobava a la cafeteria on la víctima seia amb els seus amics i es va veure obligat a apunyalar-lo en defensa pròpia.The 45-year old self-confessed murderer initially told the police that he was already at the coffee shop where the victim was sitting with his friends, that they attacked him as he was heading back to his car, and that he was forced to stab the victim in self-defense.
Huck seia damunt la borda d'una barca plana, amb els peus que li penjaven distretament dins de l'aigua i amb posat de gran melangia.Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat, listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy.
-Bé doncs: el dimecres a la nit vaig somniar que seieu per allí, vora el llit, i Sid seia vora la caixa, i Mary al seu costat."Why, Wednesday night I dreamt that you was sitting over there by the bed, and Sid was sitting by the woodbox, and Mary next to him."
Altra vegada, tanmateix, n'esdevingué fadigat, al cap d'una estona; prova de distreure's amb una mosca, pero no hi troba conhort; ana voltant una formiga, amb el nas ben arran del paviment, i de seguida se'n sentí fastiguejat; badalla, sospira, oblida del tot l'escarabat, i segué damunt ell!But he grew tired once more, after a while; tried to amuse himself with a fly but found no relief; followed an ant around, with his nose close to the floor, and quickly wearied of that; yawned, sighed, forgot the beetle entirely, and sat down on it.
Tot sospesant, enfonsa la brotxa a la galleda, i la passa damunt la post del cim; repetí l'operació; va tornar-hi; compara la insignificant llenca emblanqueida, i segué damunt una caixa de fusta, tot descoratjat.Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a tree-box discouraged.
Un cuquet verd anava arrossegant-se damunt una fulla amarada de rou, adesiara alçant en l'aire les dues terceres parts de son cos, flairant a son volt, i després tornant a avançar, perque prenia mesures, segons deia Tom; i quan el cuc se li acosta de son grat, ell segué quiet com una pedra, amb ses esperances muntant o defallint alternativament a mesura que la bestioleta anava envers ell o semblava inclinada a adreçar-se a qualsevol altre indret; i quan a la fi reflexiona, per espai d'un moment anguniós, amb son cos encorbat en l'aire, i després baixa a la cama de Tom i comença un viatge al seu damunt, tot son cor se n'alegra, perque aixo volia dir que tindria un nou abillament, que, sense el més petit dubte, fóra un llampant uniforme de pirata.A little green worm came crawling over a dewy leaf, lifting two-thirds of his body into the air from time to time and "sniffing around," then proceeding again--for he was measuring, Tom said; and when the worm approached him, of its own accord, he sat as still as a stone, with his hopes rising and falling, by turns, as the creature still came toward him or seemed inclined to go elsewhere; and when at last it considered a painful moment with its curved body in the air and then came decisively down upon Tom's leg and began a journey over him, his whole heart was glad--for that meant that he was going to have a new suit of clothes--without the shadow of a doubt a gaudy piratical uniform.
Entra en un bosc espes, tria sa via, sense seguir cap tirany, cap al centre del bosc, i segué damunt un indret molsós, sota una alzina tota ufanosa.He entered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it, and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak.
Després posa el fatal ganivet en l'oberta ma dreta de Potter, i segué damunt el taüt malmenat.After which he put the fatal knife in Potter's open right hand, and sat down on the dismantled coffin.
Vingué la tia Polly; i Tom i Sid i Maria segueren amb ella. Tom fou deixat en el passadís perque estigués tan lluny de la finestra oberta i les enciseres escenes estiuenques del defora com fos possible.Aunt Polly came, and Tom and Sid and Mary sat with her--Tom being placed next the aisle, in order that he might be as far away from the open window and the seductive outside summer scenes as possible.
Descrigué com havia maldat amb ella i l'havia convençuda, i com Becky gairebé morí de joia en haver anat a les palpentes fins a l'indret on veié, talment, la blava taqueta de la llum del dia, i com ell, d'una embranzida, eixí del forat, i després l'ajuda a ella a fer-ho; com segueren allí i cridaren d'alegria; com uns homes passaren en una barca, i Tom els crida i els digué llur situació i llur famolenc estat; com els homes no cregueren, a la primeria, la brofega historia, «perque», digueren, «us trobeu cinc milles més avall d'on és la cova», i després els pujaren a la barca, remaren cap a una casa, els donaren sopar, els feren reposar fins a dues o tres hores després de caure la nit, i en acabat els portaren al poble.He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn't believe the wild tale at first, "because," said they, "you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in"--then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home.
Ara segui.Now sit down.
I, quan segui al Tron de Ferro, seràs la meva Mà.And when I sit the Iron Throne, you'll be my Hand.
No cal que segui tot sol.Why sit by yourself?
Quan segui al Tron de Ferro, seràs la meva Mà.When I sit the Iron Throne, you'll be my Hand.
No cal que segui tot sol. Acompanyi'ns.You don't have to sit here all alone, join us and have a laugh.
- No seguis aquí!Don't sit on that!
T'he dit que seguis.I said to sit down.
No seguis aquí a plorar.Don't you sit there and cry.
Comença d'aquesta manera: -Ara, minyons, necessito que segueu tan correctament i gentilment com pugueu, i em presteu tota la vostra atenció per un minut o dos.He began after this fashion: "Now, children, I want you all to sit up just as straight and pretty as you can and give me all your attention for a minute or two.
I què aconsegueixes seient enmig de les canyes, un cul mullat.And what do you get from sitting in the reeds, but a wet arse.
Aquest superintendent era una tenue criatura de trenta cinc anys, amb una perilla crespada i cabell curt i crespat; portava un coll rígid i dret, l'extrem superior del qual ben bé li arribava a les orelles, i les agudes puntes del qual s'encorbaven cap endavant, en front dels angles de la seva boca: aquest clos obligava a un esguard ben recte cap endavant, i a girar tot el cos quan calia mirar de costat. La seva barba l'apuntalava una corbata tota estesa, que era tan llarga i tan ampla com un bitllet de banc, i tenia caps de serrell; els extrems de les seves botes eren girats violentament cap amunt, segons la moda del dia, com a lliscadores de trineu: efecte pacientment i laboriosament produit pels joves, seient amb els dits del peu apretats contra una paret hores senceres.This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty-five, with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair; he wore a stiff standing-collar whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved forward abreast the corners of his mouth--a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead, and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required; his chin was propped on a spreading cravat which was as broad and as long as a bank-note, and had fringed ends; his boot toes were turned sharply up, in the fashion of the day, like sleigh-runners--an effect patiently and laboriously produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together.
I no és seient per aquí i parant boig.And it ain't sitting around here driving yourself crazy.
Els números mai apareixen en seqüència, però les lletres vénen en petites freqüències famílies i parelles seient junts.The numbers always appear not in sequence, but the letters have little runs of sequence families and couples sitting together.
T'has pensat que sou al seient del darrere d'un cotxe?You think you're sitting in the back seat of a flivver? Now get up.

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