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Mudarse (to move) conjugation

39 examples

Conjugation of mudarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me mudo
I move
te mudas
you move
se muda
he/she/it moves
nos mudamos
we move
os mudáis
you all move
se mudan
they move
Present perfect tense
he mudado
I have moved
has mudado
you have moved
ha mudado
he/she/it has moved
hemos mudado
we have moved
habéis mudado
you all have moved
han mudado
they have moved
Past preterite tense
me mudé
I moved
te mudaste
you moved
se mudó
he/she/it moved
nos mudamos
we moved
os mudasteis
you all moved
se mudaron
they moved
Future tense
me mudaré
I will move
te mudarás
you will move
se mudará
he/she/it will move
nos mudaremos
we will move
os mudaréis
you all will move
se mudarán
they will move
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me mudaría
I would move
te mudarías
you would move
se mudaría
he/she/it would move
nos mudaríamos
we would move
os mudaríais
you all would move
se mudarían
they would move
Past imperfect tense
me mudaba
I used to move
te mudabas
you used to move
se mudaba
he/she/it used to move
nos mudábamos
we used to move
os mudabais
you all used to move
se mudaban
they used to move
Past perfect tense
había mudado
I had moved
habías mudado
you had moved
había mudado
he/she/it had moved
habíamos mudado
we had moved
habíais mudado
you all had moved
habían mudado
they had moved
Future perfect tense
habré mudado
I will have moved
habrás mudado
you will have moved
habrá mudado
he/she/it will have moved
habremos mudado
we will have moved
habréis mudado
you all will have moved
habrán mudado
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me mude
(if/so that) I move
te mudes
(if/so that) you move
se mude
(if/so that) he/she/it move
nos mudemos
(if/so that) we move
os mudéis
(if/so that) you all move
se muden
(if/so that) they move
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya mudado
I have moved
hayas mudado
you have moved
haya mudado
he/she/it has moved
hayamos mudado
we have moved
hayáis mudado
you all have moved
hayan mudado
they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me mudara
(if/so that) I have moved
te mudaras
(if/so that) you have moved
se mudara
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
nos mudáramos
(if/so that) we have moved
os mudarais
(if/so that) you all have moved
se mudaran
(if/so that) they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me mudase
(if/so that) I have moved
te mudases
(if/so that) you have moved
se mudase
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
nos mudásemos
(if/so that) we have moved
os mudaseis
(if/so that) you all have moved
se mudasen
(if/so that) they have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera mudado
I had moved
hubieras mudado
you had moved
hubiera mudado
he/she/it had moved
hubiéramos mudado
we had moved
hubierais mudado
you all had moved
hubieran mudado
they had moved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese mudado
I had moved
hubieses mudado
you had moved
hubiese mudado
he/she/it had moved
hubiésemos mudado
we had moved
hubieseis mudado
you all had moved
hubiesen mudado
they had moved
Future subjunctive tense
me mudare
(if/so that) I will have moved
te mudares
(if/so that) you will have moved
se mudare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have moved
nos mudáremos
(if/so that) we will have moved
os mudareis
(if/so that) you all will have moved
se mudaren
(if/so that) they will have moved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere mudado
I will have moved
hubieres mudado
you will have moved
hubiere mudado
he/she/it will have moved
hubiéremos mudado
we will have moved
hubiereis mudado
you all will have moved
hubieren mudado
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's move!
Imperative negative mood
no te mudes
do not move!
no se mude
let him/her/it move!
no nos mudemos
let us not move!
no os mudéis
do not move!
no se muden
do not move!

Examples of mudarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Usted ha sido seleccionada para mudarse a un apartamento para discapacitados"."You have been selected for the opportunity to move into the new housing and have been assigned a handicapped apartment."
"espero que no tengan que mudarse""I hope you don't have to move".
- Apuesto que está emocionado de mudarse.I bet you're excited to move.
- Bueno, estaba ayudando a mudarse a un colega...- Well. I was helping a mate to move...
- Ella quería mudarse conmigo lo que estuvo bien, porque no tenía donde quedarse.- She wanted to move in. Which was fine, because you know she didn't have a place to stay,
, ahí lo tienes, múdate conmigo.That's where it's going-- move in with me.
- Así que múdate.- So move out.
- Entonces múdate a un hotel.Then go move into a hotel.
- Ya múdate perra.- Bitch, move in already.
-Bien, múdate- Well, move house.
El dueño de la casa me hizo una broma pesada: "múdese cuanto antes - dijo".My landlord has played me a trick. "Make haste and move," he says.
Pues múdese a otro sitio.Then move to a different place.
Si quiere buena electricidad, ¡múdese!You want your electricity fixed, move!
Tome el dinero y múdese, OK?You take the money and move out, OK?
Vaya y múdese a su palacio y déjenos en paz.Go and move into your palace and leave us be!
-Entonces mudémonos.-Then let's move.
Entonces mudémonos juntos.Then let's move in together.
Que dices, sólo tú y yo... mudémonos y vivamos juntos.So, just you and me... let's move in and live together.
Conseguid trabajo y mudaos a California.Get work, move to California.
- No. De acuerdo, pues múdense aquí conmigo.- All right, then move in here with me.
He venido para decírselo Si no están de acuerdo, múdenseWould you like me to come back one more time and I'll monitor it for you? If there's a messing about, they'll move.
Quédense con un par de lotes para ustedes y múdense.You ought to save a couple of lots for yourselves, move into a new house.
Si odian la libertad, múdense a China.And if you hate freedom, move to China.
Sólo consigan el mejor trato que puedan, múdense a otro lugar y comiencen de nuevo.Just negotiate the best deal you can, move on to a new location and start again.
"Alguien nuevo se había mudado al lado.""Someone new had moved in next door.
"Nos hemos mudado.""We've moved."
"Su mejor amigo se había mudado."Her best friend had moved away."
"ellos solían ser mis niños, pero me he mudado,""They used to be my kids, but I've moved on,"
'Solo porque el se haya mudado... no esperes que todo su equipaje se vaya'"Just because he moved in Don't expect his stuff to move out."
Así que mudate a la ciudad cuando seas menos pequeñita, niña.♪ So move to the city when you're less itty-bitty, girl ♪
Entonces mudate a la ciudad cuando seas menos peque-ñita, niña.♪ So move to the city when you're less itty-bitty, girl ♪
Eso, o tú sabes, mudate al Motel 6.That or, you know, move to a Motel 6.
Estás cansado, mudate.You're tired, move on.
Okay, primero, decora mi casa, luego mudate.Okay, first, decorate my house, then move out.
- Aquí están, caminando al altar, intercambiando votos, mudándose a su casa de ensueño, y ve como sería su bebé, cruzando sus rasgos!- Here you are walking down the aisle, exchanging vows, moving into your dream house, and look how cute your composite baby is!
- Deben estar mudándose.Oh. - They must be moving out.
- Sobre Mart Waterman mudándose.- About Mart Waterman moving in.
Adaline juró seguir mudándose cambiar su nombre, residencia y apariencia, cada década.Adaline vow to keep moving. Changing her name, residence and appearance every decade
Avisos de cambios de dirección de correo. Gente mudándose a Florida y Carolina del Sur.USPS change of address notices, people moving into Florida and South Carolina.

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