"Usted ha sido seleccionada para mudarse a un apartamento para discapacitados". | "You have been selected for the opportunity to move into the new housing and have been assigned a handicapped apartment." |
"espero que no tengan que mudarse" | "I hope you don't have to move". |
- Apuesto que está emocionado de mudarse. | I bet you're excited to move. |
- Bueno, estaba ayudando a mudarse a un colega... | - Well. I was helping a mate to move... |
- Ella quería mudarse conmigo lo que estuvo bien, porque no tenía donde quedarse. | - She wanted to move in. Which was fine, because you know she didn't have a place to stay, |
, ahí lo tienes, múdate conmigo. | That's where it's going-- move in with me. |
- Así que múdate. | - So move out. |
- Entonces múdate a un hotel. | Then go move into a hotel. |
- Ya múdate perra. | - Bitch, move in already. |
-Bien, múdate | - Well, move house. |
El dueño de la casa me hizo una broma pesada: "múdese cuanto antes - dijo". | My landlord has played me a trick. "Make haste and move," he says. |
Pues múdese a otro sitio. | Then move to a different place. |
Si quiere buena electricidad, ¡múdese! | You want your electricity fixed, move! |
Tome el dinero y múdese, OK? | You take the money and move out, OK? |
Vaya y múdese a su palacio y déjenos en paz. | Go and move into your palace and leave us be! |
-Entonces mudémonos. | -Then let's move. |
Entonces mudémonos juntos. | Then let's move in together. |
Que dices, sólo tú y yo... mudémonos y vivamos juntos. | So, just you and me... let's move in and live together. |
Conseguid trabajo y mudaos a California. | Get work, move to California. |
- No. De acuerdo, pues múdense aquí conmigo. | - All right, then move in here with me. |
He venido para decírselo Si no están de acuerdo, múdense | Would you like me to come back one more time and I'll monitor it for you? If there's a messing about, they'll move. |
Quédense con un par de lotes para ustedes y múdense. | You ought to save a couple of lots for yourselves, move into a new house. |
Si odian la libertad, múdense a China. | And if you hate freedom, move to China. |
Sólo consigan el mejor trato que puedan, múdense a otro lugar y comiencen de nuevo. | Just negotiate the best deal you can, move on to a new location and start again. |
"Alguien nuevo se había mudado al lado." | "Someone new had moved in next door. |
"Nos hemos mudado." | "We've moved." |
"Su mejor amigo se había mudado." | Her best friend had moved away." |
"ellos solían ser mis niños, pero me he mudado," | "They used to be my kids, but I've moved on," |
'Solo porque el se haya mudado... no esperes que todo su equipaje se vaya' | "Just because he moved in Don't expect his stuff to move out." |
Así que mudate a la ciudad cuando seas menos pequeñita, niña. | ♪ So move to the city when you're less itty-bitty, girl ♪ |
Entonces mudate a la ciudad cuando seas menos peque-ñita, niña. | ♪ So move to the city when you're less itty-bitty, girl ♪ |
Eso, o tú sabes, mudate al Motel 6. | That or, you know, move to a Motel 6. |
Estás cansado, mudate. | You're tired, move on. |
Okay, primero, decora mi casa, luego mudate. | Okay, first, decorate my house, then move out. |
- Aquí están, caminando al altar, intercambiando votos, mudándose a su casa de ensueño, y ve como sería su bebé, cruzando sus rasgos! | - Here you are walking down the aisle, exchanging vows, moving into your dream house, and look how cute your composite baby is! |
- Deben estar mudándose. | Oh. - They must be moving out. |
- Sobre Mart Waterman mudándose. | - About Mart Waterman moving in. |
Adaline juró seguir mudándose cambiar su nombre, residencia y apariencia, cada década. | Adaline vow to keep moving. Changing her name, residence and appearance every decade |
Avisos de cambios de dirección de correo. Gente mudándose a Florida y Carolina del Sur. | USPS change of address notices, people moving into Florida and South Carolina. |