Si necessiteu això, heu d'estar planejant atacar un d'aquests objectius. | BRODY: If you need these, you must be planning to hit one of these targets. |
Si necessiteu això, heu d'estar planejant assassinar a algun d'aquests objectius. | If you need these, you must be planning to hit one of these targets. |
Tu i els teus us heu de rendir ara i ningú més prendrà mal. | You and your boys need to surrender now and no one else gets hurt. |
Tinc imatges d'altres llocs on hi ha hagut atacs. | I've got exclusive footage of other places this thing has attacked. You do? |
Llavors... com pots haver arribat aquí des de Londres per ajudar amb l'autòpsia si hauries d'haver hagut de marxar quan encara era viu? | - Mm-hmm. - So... so how could you have got here from London to help with the postmortem if you would have had to leave when he was still alive? |
Els libanesos sembla que s'han avesat tant a les bombes que fins i tot ha hagut d'aparèixer una aplicació que avisa els familiars i amics que ets viu després d'una explosió. | The Lebanese seem to have gotten so used to bombs that an app dedicated to letting your loved ones know you're alive seems inevitable. |
es cert, no es facil pero ens hem hagut d'acostumar a qu'ella ens sigui distant a sovint per decisio pròpia, en soletat el qu'hem va sorprendre va ser cuan em va parlar de fora de la tristesa | True, it's not easy. But we've got used to her being distant from us, often off by herself, alone. What surprised me was when she spoke to me out of the blue. |
Si heu hagut de matar tots els meus amics per sobreviure.. | If you've got to kill all my friends to survive.. |
Mira, sé que això no és al que estàs acostumada, però ho hauràs de fer. | Look, I know this is not what you are used to, but you will get used to it. |
- Segur que ja hi haurà més ocasions. | We will get you some other time. |
Demà pagarà els diners de la fiança i l'haurem vist prou. | In the morning a bail bond will get him out again. |
Doncs haurien d'haver sabut que el sabotatge enverinaria l'aigua. | They must have understood that the water would get poisoned by the sabotage. |
Era evident que havia de rendibilitzar part del meu temps lliure. | It was getting obvious that I needed to trade some of my time. |
Em pensava que les coses havien millorat. | I thought things were getting better. |
Pero és impossible de penjar una pista per assassinat: així és que, després que aquest detectiu hagué fet el seu fet i tornat a casa, Tom va sentir-se tan mal segur com estava abans. | But you can't hang a "clew" for murder, and so after that detective had got through and gone home, Tom felt just as insecure as he was before. |
Hi hagué una vegada un chor d'església que no era mal educat, pero he oblidat on va ésser. | There was once a church choir that was not ill-bred, but I have forgotten where it was, now. |
Huck resta de sentinella i Tom féu un reconeixement pel carreró. Després hi hagué una estona d'afanyosa espera, que pesa damunt l'esperit de Huck com una muntanya. | Tom got his lantern, lit it in the hogshead, wrapped it closely in the towel, and the two adventurers crept in the gloom toward the tavern. Huck stood sentry and Tom felt his way into the alley. |
Tan aviat com Tom hagué recobrat l'ale, va dir: | Just as they got within its shelter the storm burst and the rain poured down. |
Quan hagueren arribat a cinc passes del roncaire, Tom petja una branqueta, que es peta amb un fort espetec. | When they had got to within five steps of the snorer, Tom stepped on a stick, and it broke with a sharp snap. |
A fa fi Huck es decanta damunt la seva pala, frega amb la manega el rosari de gotes del seu front, i digué: -On cavareu, després, quan haguem acabat aquí? | Finally Huck leaned on his shovel, swabbed the beaded drops from his brow with his sleeve, and said: "Where you going to dig next, after we get this one?" |
Quan haguem identificat a l'objectiu, aniré i el neutralizaré. | Okay. Once we identify the target, I'll move in and neutralize him. |
- Com ha pogut sortir sense que l'haguem vist? | - How did he get past the monitoring? |
Quan ens haguem desfet dels seus amics, necessitarem que ens guiï fins la tomba. | Once we get rid of his friends, we'll need him to lead us to the graves. |
Podem tenir-lo per $3,000 quan haguem arribat al meu cotxe. | We can get it for three grand by the time we get to my car |