si trobeu res que se suposa que no heu de trobar, el millor que es pot fer és fer veure que no ho heu trobat. | If you find something you're not supposed to, best thing to do is pretend you've never seen it. |
Em vaig alegrar de veure't l'última vegada que et vaig veure. | It was nice seeing you the last time that I saw you. Yeah. |
Un lloc que es suposa que no pot veure? | A place that you're not supposed to see? |
En aquesta posició, elles no podien veure'l durant el fet. | In that position, they couldn't see him during. |
Vas veure a la Gwendolyn Harris ahir? | Did you see Gwendolyn Harris yesterday? |
No veig la gent d'en Genny. | I don't see Genny's guys. |
No. No la veig a la llista. | I don't see you on the list. |
Després féu: -Bé, veureu: jo só d'una mena malota (almenys tothom ho diu, i jo no veig res a dir contra d'aixo), i de vegades no puc dormir gaire tot pensant-hi i fent per manera de començar un nou taranna de vida. | "Well, you see, I'm a kind of a hard lot,--least everybody says so, and I don't see nothing agin it--and sometimes I can't sleep much, on account of thinking about it and sort of trying to strike out a new way of doing. That was the way of it last night. |
Si tanco els ulls, encara veig les mamelles botant. | If I close my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing. |
"Sóc cautelosament optimista... només perquè veig la seva resistència. | "Cautiously optimistic. . . only because I see their resilience. |
Ja t'hi veus? | You can see? |
Si sents o veus un caminant, corre. | You hear or see a walker, you run. |
Si veus el meu germà Bran, digues-li que el trobo a faltar. | lf you see my brother Bran, tell him I miss him. |
Ara, què veus? | Now what do you see? |
Llavors... què veus? | Then... what do you see? |
La nena esclata a xisclar quan el veu a ell, un home que no ha vist mai abans, - a menys que l'hagi vist abans. | The girl screams her head off when she sees him - a man she has never seen before, unless she had seen him before. |
l'Hox veu com la història torna a repetir-se. | Hox sees history repeating itself. |
És quan algú veu, no ho sé, una forquilla, se la mira i diu: | It's as if a man sees, I don't know, a fork, he looks at it he says: "What is this thing? I've never seen anything like this before." |
El típic home de negocis americà veu un producte, un article de mercat, i l'examina en la seva longitud i amplada. | Your average American businessman... ...he looks at a product marketing scheme, what have you... ...he sees the length and width of it. |
- Ell veu una càmera. | -He sees the camera. |
D'acord, veiem si podem fer-hi alguna cosa també. | Okay, let's see if we can do something about that, too. |
Li connectarem a un Electroencefalograma I tirem un ullada i veiem què passa. | We're hooking up an EEG and gonna take a look and see what's going on. |
Ens veiem després. | I'll see you later. Captain? |
Bé, ens veiem més tard, aleshores. | Well, I'll see you later then. |
Després ens veiem. | l'll see you later then, all right? |
No l'he vist. | I haven't seen her. |
Veuràs, no crec que siguis aquí perquè ens hagi vist o perquè haguem activat cap mena d'alarma. | See, I don't think that you're here because we were seen or because we triggered some sort of alert. |
Has vist últimament la llibreta d'adreces del teu germà? | Ah. Have you seen your brother's address book lately? |
Harry, tu mateix has vist com aquell monstre assassí que té... perseguia dia i nit. | Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers... always Iurking about. |
He estat en hospitals de l' exèrcit, he vist cirurgies, vaig anar a visitar les barcasses de malària, amb mare. | She told me she didn't take you inside. I snuck in afterwards. I've seen what it's like. |
Que hi veieu? | What do you see in them? |
Només que no els veieu" | You just don't see them." |
Quan em mireu veieu un heroi? | When you look at me do you see a hero? |
Com veieu, vaig assolir captar el seu atractiu. | As you can see, I pretty much got the handsomeness. |
Quan veieu a la Michonne, obriu foc. | The minute you see Michonne, you open fire. |
Només així mai veuen el odi que està al teu cap. | Just as well they never see The hate that's in your head |
Si el veuen, diguin-li que continuï fugint. | If you see that pal you might tell him to keep on escaping. |
Bé, les noies veuen més sang que els nois. | Well, girls see more blood than boys. |
No veuen com n'és de senzill, tot això. | They just don't see how simple it is. |
L'afició pels Lufsig té els seus crítics: aquells que veuen un ramat d'ovelles que segueixen cegament la darrera moda o les masses que compren el ninot com a símptoma d'una malaltia mental col·lectiva. | Lufsig mania has its critics — those who see a bunch of lemmings blindly following the latest fad or view the mass purchasing of the toy as symptomatic of a collective mental illness. |
La veuré complerta. | I will see it done! |
Nois, us veuré més tard. | Guys, I will see you both later. |
Me l'emporto, veuré si allà el poden arreglar. | I take it with me, and we will see if they can fix it there. |
Si tu vas i parles amb aquesta noia, et veuré en els tribunals. | You go over there and talk to that girl, I will see you in court. |
Crec que ho fas per amagar que ets un covard, i et prometo que et veuré desemmascarat, processat i sentenciat a presó. | I think you wear it to hide that you're a coward. And I promise you, I will see you unmasked, prosecuted and sent to prison. |
Demà, gravat aquestes paraules , ho veuràs.. | Tomorrow, mark my words, you will see. |
Ja veuràs, Helga. | You will see, Helga. |
Si mires les dades, veuràs que les dones es tornen boges | If you look at the data, you will see that women are going nuts |
Mira atentament i la veuràs. | Watch attentively and you will see it. |
"Quant mes enrere puguis mirar, mes endavant veuràs. " | "the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." |
Primer, el món veurà com el que són. | First, the world will see you for what you are. |
Tot el món ho veurà. | The world will see it. |
L'avió de vigilància ens veurà i ens dispararà. | The surveillance plane will see us and fire at us. |
El Dr. Bowers la veurà ara. | Dr. Bowers will see you now. |
Tothom ho veurà. | Everyone will see it. |
Això ja ho veurem! | We will see about that! |
D'acord, que Alà acabi això bé, ja veurem... | OK, we will see, May Allah end it well. |
Som el 99% i ens veurem les cares al final del camí. | We are the 99%, and you will see us in the end. |
Aquest és l'últim cop que ens veurem. | This is the last time... we will see one another. |
Ens veurem ben aviat. | - I will see you soon. |
"Confieu en Al·lah," "car un dia veureu un noi al firmament," "el més humil dels humils, cavalcant sobre un núvol." | Have confidence in Allah, because in the sky you will see a boy of the humblest, overlapping a cloud. |
"Confieu en Al·lah," "car un dia veureu un noi al firmament," "el més humil dels humils, cavalcant sobre un núvol." | Have confidence in Allah, because in the sky you will see a boy of the humblest, overlapping a cloud. |
I així veureu exactament el que val la pena de la vida quan la resta s'ha perdut. | Then you will see exactly what life is worth when all the rest has gone. |
@K_Sociaal: Aviat crearé: "Nioul kouk" , ja ho veureu. | @K_Sociaal: I will soon create : "Nioul kouk" you will see. |
"car un dia veureu un noi al firmament," | "because in the sky you will see a boy |
Als novaiorquesos ens agrada pensar que ho hem vist tot, però el que veuran ara els deixarà absolutament estupefactes. | Ladies and gentlemen, we New Yorkers like to think... we've seen it all, but what you will see will shock you beyond belief. |
Així es com et veuran. | Everyone will see you then. |
Si el seu cos és com el meu, els policies veuran una foto policial d'algú que s'assembla a la Beth, només que és una servidora i se suposa que jo estic morta. | If the body matches me, the cops will see a mugshot of somebody who looks like Beth, only it's yours truly and I'm already supposed to be dead. |
Frank, si et rentes les dents, els alemanys et veuran de lluny i et mataran. | Frank, you keep cleaning those teeth, the Germans will see you a mile away. |
És el que sobresurt. La gent que no està en el seu grup... ....el veuran com un tipus estrany, temible. | He'll be memorable to somebody, people who aren't in his group will see him as strange, weird, scary. |
Vas dir que no sabies què veuria als molls. | You said you didn't know what I would see at the docks. |
Llavors veuríem una pel·li, probablement una comèdia romàntica protagonitzada pels talentosós Hugh Grant o Sandra Bullock. | Then we would see a movie, probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of hugh grant or sandra bullock. |
Si poguéreu pujar fins als vostres propis merlets, veuríeu que té 20.000 homes fora de les vostres muralles. | If you could climb your own battlements, you would see that he has 20,000 men outside your walls. |
I les ambaixades americanes veurien desfilar diplomàtics enfadats, començant pels francesos. | U.S. embassies would see angry diplomats coming through their doors, starting with the French ones. |
Kasper, l'espavilat del meu ex m'ha preguntat si em veia amb ningú. | Kasper, my usually smart ex, asked me if I was seeing someone. |
Quant es va despertar veia coses. | We fell asleep. When she woke up, she was seeing things. |
No sabia que et veies amb algú. | I didn't know you were seeing someone else. |
Al principi, no es creien el que veien. | I think they couldn't quite believe what they were seeing. |
Quan veges un envàs tirat al carrer, en un parc, en la platja – o en qualsevol lloc on no hauria d'estar – fes-li una foto i carrega-la al mapa de CS. | When you see drink container litter on the street, in a park, on the beach – or anywhere it shouldn‘t be – take a photo and upload it to the CS map. |
-Potser en aquesta casa veges justícia | Then perhaps it's ours to seek justice. I don't want it. |
Crec que volia que veiés com viu la gent de debó. | I thought it was time you saw how real people live. |
Si diu que va veure en James viu, | If she says that she saw james alive, |
Una mirada d'espant a la cara de Becky retorna a Tom els seus sentits, i veié que havia comes una errada. | A frightened look in Becky's face brought Tom to his senses and he saw that he had made a blunder. |
Després sortí tot saltant; i veié Sid, que tot just començava a pujar l'escala descoberta que menava a les cambres posteriors del segon pis. | Then he skipped out, and saw Sid just starting up the outside stairway that led to the back rooms on the second floor. |
Arriba a casa molt tard aquella nit; i, en enfilar-se cautament a la finestra, descobrí una emboscada en la persona de la seva tia; i quan ella veié l'estat en el qual es trobaven sos vestits, la seva resolució de convertir-li la festa del dissabte en captiveri i treballs forçats esdevingué d'una fermesa diamantina. | He got home pretty late that night, and when he climbed cautiously in at the window, he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt; and when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his Saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness. |
Mentre passava vora la casa on vivia Jeff Thatcher, veié una noia nova en el jardí, una exquisida criatura d'ulls blaus i cabell daurat, aconduit en dues llargues trenes, que duia una blanca túnica estival i uns pantalonets brodats. | As he was passing by the house where Jeff Thatcher lived, he saw a new girl in the garden--a lovely little blue-eyed creature with yellow hair plaited into two long-tails, white summer frock and embroidered pan-talettes. |
Tom estigué a punt de cercar aixopluc sota una mentida; pero aleshores veié dues llargues trenes de cabell groguís penjant damunt una esquena, i les reconegué, en virtut d'aquella electrica simpatia de l'amor; i al costat d'aquella personeta hi havia l'únic lloc vacant de la banda de les noies. | Tom was about to take refuge in a lie, when he saw two long tails of yellow hair hanging down a back that he recognized by the electric sympathy of love; and by that form was _the only vacant place_ on the girls' side of the school-house. |
Digueu-me, senyora Stark, quan fou l'últim cop que veiéreu la vostra germana? | Tell me, Lady Stark, when was the last time you saw your sister? |
Jo us vaig clavar una pallissa el primer dia que veiéreu aquest poble, mestre, i us en clavaré una altra! | Oh, all right, I licked you the first day you ever saw this town, mister, and I'll lick you again! |
És una tranquilitat inexplicable. Ho veus? Perquè estaven astorats i per primera vegada se'n adonaren de la facilitat en deixar anar-se'n, i veieren... tot just en l'últim nano segon, veieren allò que eren, que tu, tu mateix, tot eixe gran drama, | It an unmistakable relief, see, because they were afraid and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just let go, and they saw-- |
Quan ell va haver arribat on eren ells, escoltaren esquívolament, fins que veieren a la fi l'indret on els menava, i aleshores esclataren en un esgarip de guerra, a tall d'aplaudiment, i digueren que era esplendid, i digueren que si els ho hagués fet saber a la primeria no se n'haurien anat. | When he got to where they were, he began unfolding his secret, and they listened moodily till at last they saw the "point" he was driving at, and then they set up a warwhoop of applause and said it was "splendid!" and said if he had told them at first, they wouldn't have started away. |
Es giraren i veieren el gos singular que romania a tret d'on jeia Potter, encarant-se amb Potter, tot assenyalant el cel amb el nas. -Oh! | They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where Potter was lying, and _facing_ Potter, with his nose pointing heavenward. |
Els infants clavaren els ulls en llur bocí de candela, i vigilaren com anava fonent-se a pleret, implacablement; veieren la mitja polzada de ble que romania, al capdavall, tota sola; veieren la débil flama alçant-se i caient, la prima columna de fum, enfiladissa, aturant-se-li al cim un instant, i després… l'absoluta horror de les tenebres! | The children fastened their eyes upon their bit of candle and watched it melt slowly and pitilessly away; saw the half inch of wick stand alone at last; saw the feeble flame rise and fall, climb the thin column of smoke, linger at its top a moment, and then--the horror of utter darkness reigned! |
Després, una colla de minyons i noies (companyons de joc de Tom i de Joe) comparegueren, i s'aturaren a mirar per damunt l'estacada del clos, tot parlant, en to reverent, de com havia fet Tom aixo i allo la darrera vegada que el veieren, i com Joe digué aquesta i aquella petita bagatel·la (gravida de paorosa profecia, com ara veien bé prou!); i cada orador assenyalava l'indret exacte on els minyons perduts havien estat aleshores, i després afegien alguna cosa així: -I jo m'estava dret d'aquesta manera, igual que estic ara i com si vós fóssiu ell, n'estava a prop aiximateix; i ell somrigué de aquesta manera. I després vaig tenir una mena de pressentiment com si… terrible, sabeu? I poc va acudir-se'm que voldria dir, naturalment; pero massa que ho veig ara! | Then quite a group of boys and girls--playmates of Tom's and Joe's--came by, and stood looking over the paling fence and talking in reverent tones of how Tom did so-and-so the last time they saw him, and how Joe said this and that small trifle (pregnant with awful prophecy, as they could easily see now!)--and each speaker pointed out the exact spot where the lost lads stood at the time, and then added something like "and I was a-standing just so--just as I am now, and as if you was him--I was as close as that--and he smiled, just this way--and then something seemed to go all over me, like--awful, you know--and I never thought what it meant, of course, but I can see now!" |
Ho creuré quan ho vegi. | I'll see it when I believe it. |
Vanessa, mira, no pots impedir-me que vegi als nens. | Vanessa, look, you can't keep me from seeing my kids. |
La propera vegada que vegi a aquesta dona, dispararé. | Next time I see that woman, I'm shooting her. |
Skyler, m'esperaré aquí fora fins que obris la porta, així que deixa'm entrar ara o d'aquí tres hores, però no me n'aniré fins que et vegi. | Skyler, I'm just gonna wait here until you open the door, so let me in now or three hours from now, but I'm not leaving until I see you. |
Aquesta festa és la primera oportunitat perquè la Penny em vegi... en el context del seu grup social, i necessito que no m'avergonyeixis aquesta nit. | This party is my first chance for Penny to see me in the context of her social group, and I need you not to embarrass me tonight. |
Mai vaig voler que vegis açò. | I never wanted you to see this. |
I tenen unes màscares que et tapen els ulls quan te'n vas a dormir de manera que no hi vegis res. | And they had these masks which you put over your eyes when you're sleeping... so that you can't see anything. |
Encara que caminis, vegis o et netegis el pompis, sempre és lleig. | I don't care if you can walk, see, wipe your own ass. It's always ugly. |
- Necessito que vegis una cosa. | - I need you to see something. |
Quan vegis el regal que et porto potser canvies el to. | Well, when you see the gift I'm bearing, you will change your tune. |
Pot ser que vegem major activitat. | We might see a bit more activity. |
Què collons t'ha passat al cap? Bé, vegem, la Sarah em va atacar per darrera, i va desaparèixer amb la coca. | Well, let's see - Sarah blindsided me, then she took off with the coke. |
Ara, vegem quin dels teus cadells el domina realment. | Now, let's see which of you fillies has really got the stuff. |
Robin sembla una gran noia, però vegem els fets. | Robin seems great, but let's look at the facts. |
Bé, vegem. He de revisar l'habitació de costura. | Well, let's see, I'll have to check the sewing room. |
El principal propòsit de les polítiques de solidaritat és donar suport al mercat únic (vegeu el capítol 6, “El mercat únic”) i corregir els desequilibris per mitjà de mesures estructurals per ajudar les regions que es queden enrere o determinats sectors industrials amb dificultats. | The main purpose of the solidarity policies is to support the completion of the single market (see Chapter 6, ‘The single market’), and to correct any imbalances by means of structural measures to help regions lagging behind or industrial sectors encountering difficulties. |
No us ho creureu quan ho vegeu. | You won't believe it when you see it. |
Pot passar un temps abans que vegeu una altra. | It may be awhile before you see another. |
Els acords de Schengen, de juny de 1985 i de 1990, regeixen la política de cooperació i una política d’asil i immigració comuna, de manera que és possible eliminar per complet les comprovacions de les persones a les fronteres internes de la UE (vegeu el capítol 10: “Llibertat, seguretat i justícia a Europa”). | The Schengen Agreement, which was signed by a first group of EU countries in 1985 and later extended to others (although Ireland and the United Kingdom do not participate), governs police cooperation and a common asylum and immigration policy, so as to make it possible to completely abolish checks on persons at the EU’s internal borders (see Lesson 10: ‘Freedom, security and justice’). |
Digueu-l'hi quan el vegeu, missenyor. | Tell him when you see him, My Lord. |
Què creu que diran els paios d'Updike quan vegin això, eh? | What do you think the guys at Updike are gonna say when they see this, huh? |
Però quan et vegin amb aquest vestit no em creuran. | I did. But when they see you in that dress, they're not gonna believe me. |
Ja saps, on vegin la vàlua que tens, on, no sé, es preocupin per tu? | You know, where they see how valuable you are, where, I don't know, maybe they care about you? |
Es demana als participants que cliquin i vegin quines mesures afegides han de prendre el primer ministre grec Tsipras, l'exministre de Finances d'Atenes Varoufakis i, fins i tot, Itàlia i Portugal a causa dels seus deutes per complaure la cancellera alemanya Merkel i el defensor de l'austeritat més polèmic de la Unió Europea, el ministre de Finances alemany Schaeuble. | Participants are asked to click and see what extra actions Greek Prime Minister Tsipras, Athens' former Finance Minister Varoufakis, and even debt-troubled Italy and Portugal have to take to please German Chancellor Merkel and the EU's most controversial proponent of austerity, German Finance Minister Schaeuble. |
El canibalisme no és l'únic comportament aberrant que estem veient. | Cannibalism's not the only aberrant behavior we're seeing. |
LA meva dona ha estat veient un puto. | My wife has been seeing a hooker. |
Perquè... cap dels meus metges, cap dels que estic veient ara, escriuria això. | 'Cause... no doctor of mine, one that I am actually seeing, would write that. |
El jurat no tindrà cap problema veient-ho. | Jury's gonna have no problem seeing that. |
Ha dit que no em mataria, Però he estat veient coses. | He said it wouldn't kill me, but I've been seeing things. |