Dormia als llindars de les portes quan feia bon temps, i en bótes buides quan plovia; no havia d'anar a l'escola ni a la capella, ni reconeixer ningú per senyor, ni obeir a ningú: podia anar a pescar o a nedar, quan i on li plagués, i romandre-hi tanta d'estona com li fos escaient. Ningú li prohibia de tenir batusses; podia vetllar fins a l'hora que li semblés bé; era sempre el primer noi que anava amb els peus nus en primavera, i el darrer en tornar a adoptar el cuiro en la tardor; mai no s'havia de rentar o posar-se roba neta; podia renegar prodigiosament. | He slept on doorsteps in fine weather and in empty hogsheads in wet; he did not have to go to school or to church, or call any being master or obey anybody; he could go fishing or swimming when and where he chose, and stay as long as it suited him; nobody forbade him to fight; he could sit up as late as he pleased; he was always the first boy that went barefoot in the spring and the last to resume leather in the fall; he never had to wash, nor put on clean clothes; he could swear wonderfully. |
Com que volien convertir els estudiants d'institut en soldats, les escoles van començar a imposar l'esperit militar als nens i van adoptar gairebé els mateixos càstigs corporals que s'aplicaven a l'exèrcit El problema més greu en la nostra educació és "els estudiants han d'obeir fins i tot les males ordres", idea que va néixer durant l'era colonial japonesa – el govern colonial japonès va convertir els nens de la dinastia Chosun en soldats a base d'injectar militarisme a l'educació. | Since they wanted to make soldiers out of high school kids, schools started enforcing those kids to have military spirit and adopted almost the same corporal punishment used in the army The biggest problems in our education is 'students need to obey even the wrong orders' which was born during the Japanese colonial era- Japanese colonial government had turned Chosun dynasty's kids into boy soldiers by injecting militarism in education. |
Diversos conferenciants fins i tot van debatir que el món de fora ha d'acceptar la confiança de la Xina en les seves lleis sobre l'Internet i entenien que els negocis estrangers no poden beneficiar-se de la Xina sense obeir les lleis locals. | Several speakers at the conference even argued that the outside world must accept China's confidence in its Internet regulations and understand that foreign businesses cannot profit in China without obeying local laws. |
Per què refuses d'obeir el teu destí? | Why refuse you to obey your destiny? |
Hi ha d'obeir, Capità. | You've got to obey, Captain. |
Amo, escolto i obeeixo. | Mr., speak and I will obey. |
Escolto i obeeixo, petit amo del món. | I obey, small master of the world. |
Escolto i obeeixo, oh amo. | Speak and I will obey, oh master. |
Si no obeeixes aquesta ordre, el Comte mai et donarà un braçalet! | If you don't obey this order, the Earl will never give you an arm ring! |
Quan Ell ho ordena, l'obeïm. | When he commands, we obey. |
Alguns creuen que us xiuxiueja ordres a l'oïda i vós l'obeïu. | Some believe she whispers orders in your ear and you obey. |
Vostè ordena i ells obeeixen. | You command and they obey. |
I per tant, tu l'obeiràs. | And therefore, you will obey him. |
Tinent, Vostè obeirà les seves ordres, sense fisures! | Lieutenant, you will obey and conform to the orders! |
Una noia obeirà. | A girl will obey. |
Fer-los por per a que obeeixin. | Scare them into obeying. |
Esteu obeint la meva ordre. | You're obeying a command. |