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Correrse (to move) conjugation

22 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to have an orgasm, to cum, ejaculate, to ejaculate

Conjugation of correrse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me corro
I move
te corres
you move
se corre
he/she/it moves
nos corremos
we move
os corréis
you all move
se corren
they move
Present perfect tense
me he corrido
I have moved
te has corrido
you have moved
se ha corrido
he/she/it has moved
nos hemos corrido
we have moved
os habéis corrido
you all have moved
se han corrido
they have moved
Past preterite tense
me corrí
I moved
te corriste
you moved
se corrió
he/she/it moved
nos corrimos
we moved
os corristeis
you all moved
se corrieron
they moved
Future tense
me correré
I will move
te correrás
you will move
se correrá
he/she/it will move
nos correremos
we will move
os correréis
you all will move
se correrán
they will move
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me correría
I would move
te correrías
you would move
se correría
he/she/it would move
nos correríamos
we would move
os correríais
you all would move
se correrían
they would move
Past imperfect tense
me corría
I used to move
te corrías
you used to move
se corría
he/she/it used to move
nos corríamos
we used to move
os corríais
you all used to move
se corrían
they used to move
Past perfect tense
me había corrido
I had moved
te habías corrido
you had moved
se había corrido
he/she/it had moved
nos habíamos corrido
we had moved
os habíais corrido
you all had moved
se habían corrido
they had moved
Future perfect tense
me habré corrido
I will have moved
te habrás corrido
you will have moved
se habrá corrido
he/she/it will have moved
nos habremos corrido
we will have moved
os habréis corrido
you all will have moved
se habrán corrido
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me corra
(if/so that) I move
te corras
(if/so that) you move
se corra
(if/so that) he/she/it move
nos corramos
(if/so that) we move
os corráis
(if/so that) you all move
se corran
(if/so that) they move
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya corrido
I have moved
te hayas corrido
you have moved
se haya corrido
he/she/it has moved
nos hayamos corrido
we have moved
os hayáis corrido
you all have moved
se hayan corrido
they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me corriera
(if/so that) I have moved
te corrieras
(if/so that) you have moved
se corriera
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
nos corriéramos
(if/so that) we have moved
os corrierais
(if/so that) you all have moved
se corrieran
(if/so that) they have moved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me corriese
(if/so that) I have moved
te corrieses
(if/so that) you have moved
se corriese
(if/so that) he/she/it have moved
nos corriésemos
(if/so that) we have moved
os corrieseis
(if/so that) you all have moved
se corriesen
(if/so that) they have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera corrido
I had moved
te hubieras corrido
you had moved
se hubiera corrido
he/she/it had moved
nos hubiéramos corrido
we had moved
os hubierais corrido
you all had moved
se hubieran corrido
they had moved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese corrido
I had moved
te hubieses corrido
you had moved
se hubiese corrido
he/she/it had moved
nos hubiésemos corrido
we had moved
os hubieseis corrido
you all had moved
se hubiesen corrido
they had moved
Future subjunctive tense
me corriere
(if/so that) I will have moved
te corrieres
(if/so that) you will have moved
se corriere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have moved
nos corriéremos
(if/so that) we will have moved
os corriereis
(if/so that) you all will have moved
se corrieren
(if/so that) they will have moved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere corrido
I will have moved
te hubieres corrido
you will have moved
se hubiere corrido
he/she/it will have moved
nos hubiéremos corrido
we will have moved
os hubiereis corrido
you all will have moved
se hubieren corrido
they will have moved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's move!
Imperative negative mood
no te corras
do not move!
no se corra
let him/her/it move!
no nos corramos
let us not move!
no os corráis
do not move!
no se corran
do not move!

Examples of correrse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Que necesitan correrse de aquí.- y'all need to move down.
Al correrse la palabra de la fuga, fuimos directamente al túnel.Once word of the escape was out, we had to move for the tunnel.
Yo diré cuándo correrse.I'll tell you when to move.
- Anna, córrete a la derecha.- Anna, move a little to the right.
Ahora, córrete.- Good, now move over.
Está bien, córrete.All right, move over.
Eve, córrete.Eve, move!
Gianni, córrete al medio, y yo usaré el extremo.Gianni, move over to the middle.
Así que por favor, córrase.So, please, move on.
Doctora Yang, córrase al otro lado de la camilla.dr. yang,move to the other side of the table.
Despidieron a los tipos con salario medio y ascendieron a los de la sala de correos antes de que aumentaran todos los salarios.So they fired all the guys in the middle and moved up their mail room staff, right before all the salaries got expensive.
Por correos pasa mucha pornografía.Look, a lot of porn movies move through the mail, okay?
Vi a un empleado de correos compañeros de eliminar una muestra de la fragancia de una revista.I saw a fellow postal employee remove a fragrance sample from a magazine.
recoger su periódico, regar sus plantas, mover su auto para que no tenga más multas encontré un par de correos seguramente cuentas que deberíamos encargarnos.Water the plants. Probably move his car that so do not receive more tickets. I found a couple of mail, and a couple bill so.
Por favor, córranse.Please, move back!
Vamos, córranse del medio!Come on, move!
¡Córranse, córranse!Move, move!
Debieron haberla corrido.Then you must've moved it.
Esto es un negocio. Dile a los viejos que el cronograma se ha corrido un día.Tell the old people the schedule's been moved up a day.
He movido mi reunión y he corrido entre el tráfico... para tener 21 minutos con mi hija, y está en el coche con Raquel.I moved three meetings and jockeyed through traffic to have 21 minutes with my daughter and she's in a car with Racquel. I'll text her.
No sé, se habrán corrido con el golpe.May be they moved with the bump
no lo se, talvez no lo matamos el mueble sobre la puerta esta corridoI do not know, I think I did not kill. The cabinet on door is removed.

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