Multiplicar (to multiply) conjugation

78 examples

Conjugation of multiplicar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I multiply
you multiply
he/she/it multiplies
we multiply
you all multiply
they multiply
Present perfect tense
he multiplicado
I have multiplied
has multiplicado
you have multiplied
ha multiplicado
he/she/it has multiplied
hemos multiplicado
we have multiplied
habéis multiplicado
you all have multiplied
han multiplicado
they have multiplied
Past preterite tense
I multiplied
you multiplied
he/she/it multiplied
we multiplied
you all multiplied
they multiplied
Future tense
I will multiply
you will multiply
he/she/it will multiply
we will multiply
you all will multiply
they will multiply
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would multiply
you would multiply
he/she/it would multiply
we would multiply
you all would multiply
they would multiply
Past imperfect tense
I used to multiply
you used to multiply
he/she/it used to multiply
we used to multiply
you all used to multiply
they used to multiply
Past perfect tense
había multiplicado
I had multiplied
habías multiplicado
you had multiplied
había multiplicado
he/she/it had multiplied
habíamos multiplicado
we had multiplied
habíais multiplicado
you all had multiplied
habían multiplicado
they had multiplied
Future perfect tense
habré multiplicado
I will have multiplied
habrás multiplicado
you will have multiplied
habrá multiplicado
he/she/it will have multiplied
habremos multiplicado
we will have multiplied
habréis multiplicado
you all will have multiplied
habrán multiplicado
they will have multiplied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I multiply
(if/so that) you multiply
(if/so that) he/she/it multiply
(if/so that) we multiply
(if/so that) you all multiply
(if/so that) they multiply
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya multiplicado
I have multiplied
hayas multiplicado
you have multiplied
haya multiplicado
he/she/it has multiplied
hayamos multiplicado
we have multiplied
hayáis multiplicado
you all have multiplied
hayan multiplicado
they have multiplied
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have multiplied
(if/so that) you have multiplied
(if/so that) he/she/it have multiplied
(if/so that) we have multiplied
(if/so that) you all have multiplied
(if/so that) they have multiplied
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have multiplied
(if/so that) you have multiplied
(if/so that) he/she/it have multiplied
(if/so that) we have multiplied
(if/so that) you all have multiplied
(if/so that) they have multiplied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera multiplicado
I had multiplied
hubieras multiplicado
you had multiplied
hubiera multiplicado
he/she/it had multiplied
hubiéramos multiplicado
we had multiplied
hubierais multiplicado
you all had multiplied
hubieran multiplicado
they had multiplied
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese multiplicado
I had multiplied
hubieses multiplicado
you had multiplied
hubiese multiplicado
he/she/it had multiplied
hubiésemos multiplicado
we had multiplied
hubieseis multiplicado
you all had multiplied
hubiesen multiplicado
they had multiplied
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have multiplied
(if/so that) you will have multiplied
(if/so that) he/she/it will have multiplied
(if/so that) we will have multiplied
(if/so that) you all will have multiplied
(if/so that) they will have multiplied
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere multiplicado
I will have multiplied
hubieres multiplicado
you will have multiplied
hubiere multiplicado
he/she/it will have multiplied
hubiéremos multiplicado
we will have multiplied
hubiereis multiplicado
you all will have multiplied
hubieren multiplicado
they will have multiplied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's multiply!
Imperative negative mood
no multipliques
do not multiply!
no multiplique
let him/her/it multiply!
no multipliquemos
let us not multiply!
no multipliquéis
do not multiply!
no multipliquen
do not multiply!

Examples of multiplicar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
'La magia Es la capacidad de multiplicar Con las artes, los cálculos y los símbolos"Magic is the power to multiply, using the arts, computation and symbols,
Así que, entonces, obviamente, él tiene las cualidades, el poder del dios del viento y es capaz de volar y de multiplicar su tamaño.So, then, obviously, uh, he has the qualities, the power of wind god and he's able to fly and he is able to multiply in his size.
Así, en primer lugar, sólo tenemos que multiplicar los tres números.So, first of all, we just have to multiply those 3 numbers together.
El clavo en la mano, la lanza del centurión, Ia esponja empapada en vinagre que aplicaban sobre las heridas para multiplicar el dolor y abajo los soldados se juegan la ropa de cristo a los dados,The nail in his hand, the Centurion's spear, the vinegar-soaked sponge that was applied on the wounds to multiply the pain...
El comienza a multiplicar sus suposiciones.He starts to multiply his assumptions.
- ¿Y ahora qué multiplico yo?- What the hell should I multiply, then?
Así que cuando multiplico estas fracciones...So when I multiply these fractions...
Lo multiplico por el número de clases de danza que doy, y el número de calorías que como al día, lo resto, y multiplico todo por mi altura y esa es la respuesta.Then I mutiply that by the number of dancing lessons I take, and the number of calories I eat in one day, I subtract from that, and then I multiply the whole thing, by now tall I am, and that's the answer.
Lo que te pregunto, idiota, es si multiplico o divido.What I'm asking, you idiot, is whether you multiply or divide.
No me puedes matar soy como una cucaracha no muero, me multiplico.You can't kill me! I'm like a roach! I don't die, I multiply!
'Si multiplicas sus edades, da 36, y si las sumas, da el número de tu casa'.If you multiply their ages you get 36. If you add them, you get your house number.
Bien, pero multiplicas por...Right, but you multiply by...
El momento angular es... es lo que obtienes cuando multiplicas la velocidad de algo que está girando con la distancia al ángulo en el cuál está girando.Angular momentum is - is what you get when you multiply the speed of something that's going round with the distance to the axle that it's going around.
Es el 40% la división de 48/129 lo multiplicas por 100 y te el resultado de eso.Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X. Whatever.
Haz tu mejor oferta y la multiplicas por dos, para empezar.Make your best offer and multiply it by two, for a start.
"Este amplificador multiplica la señal con obvios resultados trigonométricos"."The nonlinear amplifier multiplies the input signal with obvious trigonomic results."
"La amistad multiplica lo bueno de la vida y divide lo malo"."Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil."
"pero si lo uso con mucha audacia, se multiplica.""but if I use it in a very audacious way, it multiplies it."
Aislé una muestra de la sangre de Black de tu traje para ver si podía desencadenar la en el proceso de cultivo in vitro y saber como Black se multiplica.I isolated a sample of Black's blood from you suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies.
Bueno, pero multiplica el mentalmente por diez.good, but mentally multiplies by ten.
"¿Por qué multiplicamos las dimensiones espaciales tan libremente, pero el tiempo no?""Why do we multiply spatial dimensions so freely, "but not time?
... ...entonces si multiplicamos diez por--So, do you multiply 10 --
Aquí, nosotros simplemente multiplicamos el diámetro por pi.See, we just multiply the diameter by pi.
Cada una contiene miles de millones de sistemas solares, de modo que, aunque no haya ningún otro planeta con vida en nuestro sistema, ¿que será de las probabilidades si las multiplicamos por un billón?Each galaxy contains billions of solar systems, so even if there is no other case of intelligent life in our solar system, what about the probability when we multiply these chances by a trillion?
Cuando multiplicamos un número por 5 el resultado será 0 o 5.Now, whenever we multiply a number times five, the result is going to end in a zero or a five.
"Uno se convierte en adulto de pronto, se multiplican catástrofes y desdichas.Suddenly you become an adult, partings and misfortunes multiply.
* Tengo escalofríos, se multiplican *♪ I got chills, they're multiplyin' ♪
*Que se multiplican*♪ They're multiplying
- Los bacilos se multiplican.- The bacilli are multiplying.
- Los organismos vivos se multiplican. Las máquinas se duplican.- Living organism multiply, ...machines replicate.
No sumé, sólo multipliqué cien por cien.I didn't add up, I just multiplied.
Una explosión normal apenas sería notada por estos gigantes, así que multipliqué las cantidades de pólvora diez veces.A normal explosion would hardly be noticed by these giants, so I multiplied the quantities of gunpowder tenfold.
Yo me multipliqué con ovejas.I multiplied with sheep.
Éramos pobres, y yo multipliqué envíos con la esperanza de conseguir un premio.We were poor and I multiplied the shipments hoping to win a prize.
Cogiste algo completamente absurdo y lo multiplicaste por tres.You took something completely absurd and multiplied it by 3.
- Y se multiplicó y multiplicó.- And it multiplied and multiplied.
Cuando llegué a Europa ... todo se multiplicó.And when I got to Europe, it kind of multiplied.
El Dr. Harold Washington, economista en el lnstituto Manchester calculó el número de esclavos, multiplicado por las horas trabajadas. Lo multiplicó por el valor del trabajo manual y obtuvo una cifra moderada.Dr. Harold Washington, economist at the Manchester Institute calculated the number of slaves, multiplied it by the hours worked multiplied that by the market value of labor and came up with a figure.
El compuesto basado en el iridio que se multiplicó en su torrente sanguíneo lo ha convertido en alguna clase de receptor.The iridium-based compound that multiplied in his bloodstream has turned him into some kind of receiver.
Fue tan grande que, cuando ganamos velocidad se multiplicó geométricamente.Thank you-- was such that... as we gathered speed, it was multiplied geometrically.
Y os multiplicasteis.And multiplied.
- Y se multiplicaron.- And multiplied.
- ¡Cómo se multiplicaron!-How they multiplied
A medida que se multiplicaron... la tierra ya no pudo producir suficientes alimentos.As they multiplied, the earth could no longer produce enough food.
Al año de la muerte de Canonnier... se multiplicaron los incidentes terroristas.In the year following Canonnier's death the incidents of terrorism multiplied.
Desde pequeñito estoy oyendo hablar de la reforma agraria... pero el gobierno tarda tanto para hacer esas cosas... que los sin-tierra se multiplicaron como hormigas.I've been hearin' about land reform since I was a little boy. But the government took so long to start doing things... that the landless workers multiplied like ants.
Ellos piensan que han encontrado una partícula subatómica... qué multiplicará por 10,000... la velocidad de los microchips.They think they've found a subatomic particle... which will multiply by 10,000... the speed of microchips.
Estas sólidas estructuras sufren pocos daños... cuando son golpeadas por bombas de 1 ó 2 toneladas Pero cuando se le lance una bomba de 10 toneladas, no en su estructura, sino profunda en el agua, tras el hormigón, la explosión multiplicará la presión del agua... por arriba del límite de resistencia de la presa... haciéndola añicosThese solid structures suffer relatively minor damage... when hit by one and two-ton bombs... but when a ten-ton delayed-action bomb is dropped, not on the concrete structure... but deep in the water behind the dam... its explosion will multiply the pressure of the water... far beyond the structural strength of the dam... and crush it like an eggshell.
Lo que toquen, se multiplicará.Everything you touch will multiply.
Si lo celebramos juntos, la alegria se multiplicará.If we celebrate together, the joy will multiply
Nos multiplicaremos y consumiremos vuestro mundo.We will multiply... ..and consume... ..your world.
Estos rifles Springfield multiplicarán por cinco la fuerza de nuestra guarnición.The firepower in these Springfield rifles will multiply the strength of our garrison by five.
Mientras funcione, se multiplicarán, y se volverán cada vez más poderosos.So long as it goes on, they will multiply, getting stronger and stronger.
Teniendo en cuenta la radiación el número de muertos y heridos graves se multiplicaría en cientos de miles.Taking the radiation into account, the number of deaths and serious injuries would multiply into the hundreds of thousands.
Waddi Haddad y los palestinos se dieron cuenta de que si podían alistar terroristas que no fueran palestinos, multiplicaría su capacidad de acción.Waddi Haddad and the Palestinians realized that if they could enlist terrorists who weren't Palestinians, it would multiply their capacity for action.
" oh, se siente tan bien", dice, "oh, si en realidad quieres que te multiplique tres veces cinco, lo haré para ti"."oh, that feels so good," says, "oh, if you really want me to multiply 3 times 5, I'll do it for you."
Ahora multiplique eso por millones y se acerca a las patentes acuerdos e investigaciones que mi empresa preferiría guardarse.Now multiply that by millions and you're approaching the patents, agreements and research that my company would rather keep to itself.
Así que, multiplique 31.556.926 por 14.000 millones y lo que obtiene es un número realmente grande.So multiply 31,556,926 by 14 billion, and what you get is a really big number.
Conté una mentira, y dejé que la mentira crezca y se multiplique... y se convierta en muchas otras mentiritas, y como ya les he dicho, probablemente, en muchas otras ocasiones, una mentira generalmente causa muchos más problemas... de los que resuelve,Please? I told a lie, and I let that lie grow and multiply and turn into lots of other little lies, and, as I've told you all, probably, on many different occasions, a lie always, always causes more problems than it solves.
Dile, dile que se vaya y se multiplique.Tell him! Tell him to go forth and multiply!"
Te aconsejo que no multipliques las diferencias entre ellos.I advise you not to multiply the points of difference between them.
Ni que decir tiene que tengáis fruto y os multipliquéis.But I don't have to tell you to be fruitful and multiply.
"Cuando los humanos vengan y se multipliquen en la faz de la tierra... Y de sus hijas nazcan, Los hijos de dios serán muy hermosos, y las tomarán a ellas como esposas."When humans began to multiply on the face of the Earth... and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw they were beautiful, and took wives for themselves.
Denles tiempo para que se multipliquen como los santos.Pen 'em up and give 'em time to multiply... - like good saints. - [ Chuckles ]
Dios los bendijo, y les dijo: `fructifiquen y multipliquen´God blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply.
Entonces... entonces convencemos que esas células de cartílago se multipliquen.So... then we coax those initial cartilage cells to multiply.
Esperemos que pueda sacarlas antes de que se multipliquen.Hopefully I can get them out before they multiply.
"Fructificad y multiplicad"."Be fruitful, and multiply".
"el gozo dentro de mí se obtiene multiplicado"Bliss is filled within me getting multiplied!
- 3 multiplicado por 5. - 15.- 3 multiplied by 5 - 15
- 6 multiplicado por 9. - 54.- 6 multiplied by 9 - 54
- Estaba pensando que después de haber sumado, restado, multiplicado e incluso dividido, siempre obtenía la misma respuesta.I was just accounting, that when I added subtracted and multiplied.. ..and then I even divided it, I got only one answer.
- Jesús, han multiplicado.- Jesus, they've multiplied.
*Los clones mientras se están multiplicando*♪ Cloning while they're multiplying ♪
- Ese hongo se está multiplicando mientras hablamos.- That yeast is multiplying as we speak.
- Quizá un nivel de 100 veces más. Y se están multiplicando.- Maybe on the level of a hundred times more and they are multiplying.
- Se están multiplicando.- They are multiplying.
Ahora se están multiplicando exponencialmente, consumiéndola.Now they're multiplying exponentially, consuming her.

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