La darrera vegada vaig estar-me miolant per allí fins que el vell Hays va començar a engegar-me rocs, tot dient: -Gat del diastre!- així és que li vaig tirar una rajola per la finestra; pero moixoni! | Last time, you kep' me a-meowing around till old Hays went to throwing rocks at me and says 'Dern that cat!' and so I hove a brick through his window--but don't you tell." |
Volia el curial tirar per la borda la vida de son client, sense cap esforç? | Did this attorney mean to throw away his client's life without an effort? |
I recollir-los... i tirar... | And pick them all up. . . . . .and throw-- |
Una altra forma seria que el van tirar. | Another way to say it would be that he was thrown out. |
Una altra forma seria que el Marsellus el va tirar per la finestra. I hi ha una altra forma de dir-ho: El Marsellus el va tirar per la finestra per tu. | Another way would be was he was thrown out by Marsellus... and yet even another way is to say... he was thrown of a window by Marsellus because of you. |
- Només firma els maleïts papers. - Ara, Sandra, No tires per la borda 22 anys de matrimoni. | -Now, Sandra, don't throw away 22 years of marriage. |
T'assabentes que la Victoria el té a Alemanya, però la Jeanette l'intercepta, el tira al llac del Central Park. | You learn Victoria has it in Germany, but Jeanette intercepts it, throws it in Central Park Lake. |
Anem–hi, i tirem pedres a les finestres. | Let’s go throw rock as the meeting. |
No tirem caixes de fruita aquí. | We do not throw fruit crates here. |
Pero se li acudí que tanmateix podia quedar-se la bala que havia tirat al lluny, i ana i féu una pacient recerca. | But it occurred to him that he might as well have the marble he had just thrown away, and therefore he went and made a patient search for it. |
Ara que Danko ha tirat A Nathan des de l'edifici I l'ha vist com escapava volant, Tot recau sobre tu, Noah. | Now that Danko has thrown Nathan from a building and watched him fly away, it all comes down to you, Noah. |
Qualsevol altre t'hagués tirat als llops. | Anybody else would've thrown you to the wolves. |
Però si no hagués sigut pels meus fills, m'hauria tirat des de la finestra més alta de la Fortalesa Roja. | But if it weren't for my children, I'd have thrown myself from the highest window in the Red Keep. |
Li has tirat coses seves? | Have you thrown some of his stuff? |
Tot el que haureu de fer és pujar corrents una illa de cases per Hooper Street, i miolar; i, si dormo, tireu-me una mica de sorra a la finestra, i aixo em fara bellugar. | All you got to do is to trot up Hooper Street a block and maow--and if I'm asleep, you throw some gravel at the window and that'll fetch me." |
- No fas res i aquestes dones se't tiren a sobre. | You don't do anything, and these women are throwing themselves at you. |
Com ella es tiraria al damunt seu i com caurien les llagrimes a dolls, i pregarien sos llavis a Déu que li retornés el seu minyó, tot dient que ella no l'ofendria mai més, mai més! | How she would throw herself upon him, and how her tears would fall like rain, and her lips pray God to give her back her boy and she would never, never abuse him any more! |
Mentre Joe tallava llenques de porc per al desdejuni, Tom i Huck li demanaren que s'esperés un instant. Se n'anaren a un reconet prometedor de la vora del riu i tiraren l'ham: gairebé immediatament en foren recompensats. | While Joe was slicing bacon for breakfast, Tom and Huck asked him to hold on a minute; they stepped to a promising nook in the river-bank and threw in their lines; almost immediately they had reward. |
Aixo equivalia, si fa no fa, a tallar la retirada; pero l'un provocava l'altre, i, naturalment, el resultat només pogué ésser un: tiraren les eines a un recó i muntaren. | This was something like cutting off retreat, but they got to daring each other, and of course there could be but one result--they threw their tools into a corner and made the ascent. |
La colpejaren fins a la mort i després tiraren el cos a la vora del riu i li prengueren foc. | They beat her to death and then threw her on the river bank and burned her. |
Que el Marsellus tiri el Tony per la finestra per fer-me un massatge als peus, et sembla raonable? | Marsellus throwing Tony out of a four-story window... for massaging my feet seemed reasonable? |
Que el Marsellus tiri el Tony per la finestra per fer-me un massatge als peus, et sembla raonable? No. | Marsellus throwing Tony out of a fourth-story window... for massaging my feet seemed reasonable ? |
O potser pots convèncer a en Frazier que et tiri un os. | Or maybe you can convince Frazier to throw you a bone. |
Si continueu a Meereen a l'alba, faré que tirin el vostre cap a la Badia dels Esclaus. | If you're found in Meereen past break of day, I'll have your head thrown into Slaver's Bay. |
Vaig veure un vídeo d'un grapat d'homes sirians tirant el menjar que se'ls oferia perquè no era 'halal'. | I saw a video of a load of Syrian men throwing food offered to them away because it ain't halal. |
Suposo que va ser millor que la teva actuació de la setmana passada, tirant aquella pintura vermella. | I guess it was better than that stunt you pulled last week, throwing the red paint. |
Si hagués algun problema, ara mateix estaria tirant la pota fins a que s'em sortissin els ulls. | If there was a problem, I'd be throwing up out of my eyeballs by now. |