Ha de curar-se. | You have to be cured. |
Espero que no és el metge, el dentista, que no poden curar els meus mals | I hope thatit isn't the doctor, the dentist, they can't cure my ills |
Fins i tot afirmava que podia curar malalties, i en Jim s'ho va creure. | She even claims to cure the sick, and jim believed her. |
Aixi vaig coneixer el doctor Henry Goose, l´home qui pensava pogués curar la meva malaltia . | And thus it was when I made the acquaintance of Dr. Henry Goose, the man I hoped might cure me of my afflictions. |
Vull dir, no ho sabia del cert, però m'imaginava que no era una cosa per curar ressaques. | I mean, I didn't know it was Vertigo for sure, but I definitely knew it wasn't something that could cure a hangover. |
Aquí tothom es cura. | It cures everyone. |
Tornant a la meva pregunta original, diguem que en Silas destrueix l'altra banda, es cura i es converteix en un bruixot. | Back to my original question, let's say Silas destroys the other side, cures himself, becomes a witch. |
Si es cura abans d'això, tornarà a ser un bruixot. | If he cures himself before then, he goes back to being a witch. |
El pastís de figa cura la tristesa i elimina l'acne. | Figgy pudding cures the blues and banishes acne. |
Estic curat. | I'm cured. |
Encara no està curat, noi. | You're not cured yet, boy. |
No és que no estem contents de veure't un altre cop i... curat també, eh? | Not that we're not very pleased to see you again, and all. . . . . .cured too, eh? |
He estat curat. | I've been cured. |
Això és per assegurar que continues curat. | And this is to make sure you stay cured. |
El doctor et curarà, ja ho veuràs. | The doctor will cure you. |
Això trencarà el seu cor, i el curarà. | It'll break his heart, and that will cure him. |
Creus que fotre un clau el curarà d'aquest mal? | You think dipping his wick will cure what ails him? |