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Mirar (to look) conjugation

73 examples
This verb can also mean the following: watch, try

Conjugation of mirar

Present tense
I look
you look
he/she looks
we look
you all look
they look
Present perfect tense
he mirat
I have looked
has mirat
you have looked
ha mirat
he/she has looked
hem mirat
we have looked
heu mirat
you all have looked
han mirat
they have looked
Future tense
I will look
you will look
he/she will look
we will look
you all will look
they will look
Conditional mood
I would look
you would look
he/she would look
we would look
you all would look
they would look
Past perfect tense
havia mirat
I had looked
havies mirat
you had looked
havia mirat
he/she had looked
havíem mirat
we had looked
havíeu mirat
you all had looked
havien mirat
they had looked
Past impf. tense
I was looking
you were looking
he/she was looking
we were looking
you all were looking
they were looking
Imperative mood
let him/her look!
let's look!
let them look!
Imperative negative mood
no miris
don't look!
no miri
don't let him/her look!
no mirem
let's not look!
no mireu
don't look!
no mirin
don't let them look!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria mirat
I would have looked
hauries mirat
you would have looked
hauria mirat
he/she would have looked
hauríem mirat
we would have looked
hauríeu mirat
you all would have looked
haurien mirat
they would have looked
Future perfect tense
hauré mirat
I will have looked
hauràs mirat
you will have looked
haurà mirat
he/she will have looked
haurem mirat
we will have looked
haureu mirat
you all will have looked
hauren mirat
they will have looked
Preterite past tense
I looked
you looked
he/she looked
we looked
you all looked
they looked
Past anterior tense
haguí mirat
I had looked
hagueres mirat
you had looked
hagué mirat
he/she had looked
haguérem mirat
we had looked
haguéreu mirat
you all had looked
haguéren mirat
they had looked
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) look
(so that you) look
(so that he/she) looks
(so that we) look
(so that you all) look
(so that they) look
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was looking
(so that you) were looking
(so that he/she) was looking
(so that we) were looking
(so that you all) were looking
(so that they) were looking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi mirat
(so that I) have looked
hagis mirat
(so that you) have looked
hagi mirat
(so that he/she) has looked
hàgim mirat
(so that we) have looked
hàgiu mirat
(so that you all) have looked
hagin mirat
(so that they) have looked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués mirat
(so that I) had looked
haguessis mirat
(so that you) had looked
hagués mirat
(so that he/she) had looked
haguéssim mirat
(so that we) had looked
haguéssiu mirat
(so that you all) had looked
haguessin mirat
(so that they) had looked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi mirar
(so that I) looked
vagis mirar
(so that you) looked
vagi mirar
(so that he/she) looked
vàgim mirar
(so that we) looked
vàgiu mirar
(so that you all) looked
vagin mirar
(so that they) looked
Periphastic past tense
vaig mirar
I looked
vas mirar
you looked
va mirar
he/she looked
vam mirar
we looked
vau mirar
you all looked
van mirar
they looked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver mirat
I had looked
vas haver mirat
you had looked
va haver mirat
he/she had looked
vam haver mirat
we had looked
vau haver mirat
you all had looked
van haver mirat
they had looked

Examples of mirar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Una altra vegada teniu més compte a mirar amb qui feu el poca-solta.Better look out who you're fooling with next time."
Tenia, a més de les coses abans esmentades, dotze bales, part d'una mandolina, un tros d'ampolla blava per a mirar-hi a través, un canó de rodet, una clau que no servia per a obrir res, un bocí de guix, un tap de vidre d'una garrafa, un soldat de plom, un parell de capgrossos, sis coets, un gatet borni, un pom de porta, de llautó, un collar de gos (sense gos), el manec d'un ganivet, quatre peces de pela de taronja i un vell marc de finestra fet malbé.He had besides the things before mentioned, twelve marbles, part of a jews-harp, a piece of blue bottle-glass to look through, a spool cannon, a key that wouldn't unlock anything, a fragment of chalk, a glass stopper of a decanter, a tin soldier, a couple of tadpoles, six fire-crackers, a kitten with only one eye, a brass door-knob, a dog-collar--but no dog--the handle of a knife, four pieces of orange-peel, and a dilapidated old window sash.
El minyó es posa a córrer i s'atura no gaire lluny de la flor, i després es protegí els ulls amb la ma, i comença de mirar carrer avall, com si hagués descobert quelcom d'interessant que anés en aquella direcció.The boy ran around and stopped within a foot or two of the flower, and then shaded his eyes with his hand and began to look down street as if he had discovered something of interest going on in that direction.
Aquest superintendent era una tenue criatura de trenta cinc anys, amb una perilla crespada i cabell curt i crespat; portava un coll rígid i dret, l'extrem superior del qual ben bé li arribava a les orelles, i les agudes puntes del qual s'encorbaven cap endavant, en front dels angles de la seva boca: aquest clos obligava a un esguard ben recte cap endavant, i a girar tot el cos quan calia mirar de costat. La seva barba l'apuntalava una corbata tota estesa, que era tan llarga i tan ampla com un bitllet de banc, i tenia caps de serrell; els extrems de les seves botes eren girats violentament cap amunt, segons la moda del dia, com a lliscadores de trineu: efecte pacientment i laboriosament produit pels joves, seient amb els dits del peu apretats contra una paret hores senceres.This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty-five, with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair; he wore a stiff standing-collar whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved forward abreast the corners of his mouth--a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead, and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required; his chin was propped on a spreading cravat which was as broad and as long as a bank-note, and had fringed ends; his boot toes were turned sharply up, in the fashion of the day, like sleigh-runners--an effect patiently and laboriously produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together.
Amy Lawrence estava orgullosa i contenta, i feia per manera d'aconseguir que Tom la mirés a la cara, pero ell no hi volia mirar.Amy Lawrence was proud and glad, and she tried to make Tom see it in her face--but he wouldn't look.
Vaig a Shahbag tres cops al dia, crido eslògans i quan estic cansat i reflexiono sobre el que passa, miro al meu voltant i observo amb admiració com els fanals s'han convertit en pals on penjar reivindicacions.I go to Shahbag three times aday, shout slogans, when I am tired, I scratch my head, look around, see with wonder that the lamp posts have become hanging posts.
Quan miro aquesta il·lustració no puc pensar en altra cosa que no sigui Shingeki no Kyojin .All I can think of when I look at this textbook illustration is Shingeki no Kyojin .
I miro cap a dalt, esperant que caigui un piano, una taula, un sofà, una tele, la mama, potser.I'm looking up for a piano to fall. Or a desk, couch, TV... Momma, maybe.
Et miro i et puc llegir...i em fas pudor.I look at you know and I can read you...and you repel me.
Cada dia que miro la teva cara, i em recordes a la teva estimada mare morta... qui, com tu, de debò era...Every day I look upon your face, and I am reminded of your dearly departed mother... Who, like you, truly was...
Es pot saber què mires?What areyou looking at?
No em miris així, estic notant com em mires.Don't be looking at me like that, all right? I can feel your look.
Molts cops a la vida, mires el teu reflex al mirall i et preguntes:Many, many times during your life, you'll look at your reflection... in the mirror and ask yourself...
Si mires al pàrquing, hi veuràs un gran vehicle recreacional.Well, I'm a truck driver. lf you look outside your door in your parking lot, you'll see... a big recreational vehicle.
No veus amb quins ulls et mira?Don't you see the way that he looks at you?
És quan algú veu, no ho sé, una forquilla, se la mira i diu:It’s as if a man sees, I don’t know, a fork, he looks at it he says, "What is this thing? I’ve never seen anything like this before. "
És que et mira com si fossis menjar.I mean, I don't know, he just looks at you like you're something to eat.
Com em mira!- See what? How she looks at me,
Que mirem junts cap endavant, no cap enrere.Let's look ahead together, not behind.
És important que mirem tot desde diferents Angles que podem.It's important that we look at everything from as many angles as we can.
Et trobem molt a faltar, però sempre ens recordarem de tu; quan riguem, quan ens despertem i quan mirem el mar.We’il miss her very much, but we promise to always think of you when we laugh, wake up, fall asleep, and look at the ocean.
Si mirem aquesta indústria, aquesta indústria neta i americana...And as we look at this industry- Ssh...
Ens passem tot el temps cridant, "mirem, mirem"We spend all our time screaming, "look at me. Look at me."
Em poden acusar de violar la llei de seguretat nacional per haver mirat el mapa?Is there any chance I may be accused of violating the national security law just because I looked at this map?
Des d'aquell moment, no ha mirat mai enrere.Since then she has never looked back.
"Hem mirat per tot el castell! ""We looked all over the castle!"
- No, ho has mirat a l'hotel?No, have you looked at the hotel?
-No, ho has mirat a l'hotel?No, have you looked at the hotel?
Mireu-vos les mans i mireu-vos la boca.Look at your hands. And look at your mouth.
-Rebeca Thatcher…- (Tom dona una llambregada a son rostre: era blanc de terror.) -Heu esquinçat… No, mireu-me la cara.- (Les mans d'ella se aixecaren en una invocació.) -Heu esquinçat aquest llibre?"Rebecca Thatcher" [Tom glanced at her face--it was white with terror]--"did you tear--no, look me in the face" [her hands rose in appeal]--"did you tear this book?"
-Sí, pero mireu: pot passar una bella estona abans que trobi la bona avinentesa d'aquesta feina, pot haver-hi accidents; i la cosa no esta en gaire bon lloc: tant se val que l'enterrem ben enterrada… i ben endins."Yes: but look here; it may be a good while before I get the right chance at that job; accidents might happen; 'tain't in such a very good place; we'll just regularly bury it--and bury it deep."
Està estudiant anglès com un boig per buscar feina fora, a Anglaterra o a Canadà”, explica, encara que s’interromp amb freqüència per corejar el que els seus companys criden als cotxes que s’impacienten amb la marxa de la manifestació: “No ens mireu, uneix-te!”.He's studying English like crazy so he can look for a job outside in England or Canada," she explained, although she interrupts herself often to join the chants her companions make to the cars that get impatient with the protest: "Don't look at us, join us!"
Si mireu a l'altra banda del riu... hi ha les posicions que creiem que tenen els infiltrats Khmer Rouge... que han avançat en els últims dies.Now, if you look across the river... ...you'll see positions held by Khmer Rouge... ...who moved in over the past few days.
Mon pare diu que, quan us miren d'allo més enravenades, és que us embruixen, sobretot si remuguen.Pap says when they keep looking at you right stiddy, they're a-witching you. Specially if they mumble.
Els seus habitants s'ho miren de fora.The occupants are standing by the house, looking on.
Tots els que miren cap el cel seran a la glòria. –Glòria. –Glòria.Anyone who looks to the Lord will find heaven. –Heaven. –Heaven.
Els japonesos miren el pròxim quart de segle.TheJapanese look at the next quarter ofa century.
La gent el mirarà com si fos boig i el faran fora.'People will look at him like he's insane and take his position away.
I... I no estic dient està bé, però t'he dit que és un fet, el departament et mirarà de forma diferent.I-- I'm not saying it's right, but I'll tell you it's a fact, the DA will look at you differently.
On ningú mirarà.Where no-one will look.
El minyó, doncs, s'atura, demanant-se quína en devia haver fet (perque ella havia dit que miraria les imatges tota la migdiada); i ella seguí son camí, plorant.So the boy halted, wondering what he could have done--for she had said she would look at pictures all through the nooning--and she walked on, crying.
Aquest és el primer lloc on la Malvada Bruixa miraria.That's the first place the Evil Queen would look.
Ningú miraria cap a una altra banda.No one would look the other way.
Procura dar entenent que mirava arreu arreu, llevat d'on mirava de bo de bo: pel camí avall.He tried to seem to be looking everywhere but whither he really was looking--down the road.
La mirava? Sí.Did you notice the way that he was looking at her?
¿Has vist com La mirava?Did you notice the way he was looking at her?
Aquesta és la finestra des de la qual mirava fora en la meva visió des del tanc.This is the window I was looking out in my vision from the tank.
He vist com et mirava en Hudson.I saw the way Hudson was looking at you.
Et miraves al mirall i volies tenir una manxa?You were looking at yourself in the mirror, and you wish you had some pot ?
Açò és aixina ençà que una mona mirà enlaire i li digué a una altra mona:Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey,
Després, tots dos, d'un plegat, miraren a una altra banda i es preguntaren si algú havia reparat alguna entresenya en llur mútua llambregada.Then both looked elsewhere at once, and wondered if anybody had noticed anything in their mutual glance.
Els altres pirates miraren per darrer cop, també; i tots plegats miraren per tant de temps que estigueren a punt de deixar que el corrent se'ls endugués enfora de l'abast de l'illa.The other pirates were looking their last, too; and they all looked so long that they came near letting the current drift them out of the range of the island.
Al cap de poc eixiren a l'escamot de mates de roldó, miraren estrategicament enfora, veieren la ribera neta, i no trigaren a menjar i a fumar dins el bot.They presently emerged into the clump of sumach bushes, looked warily out, found the coast clear, and were soon lunching and smoking in the skiff.
La construcció d'un nou Estat ofereix, en aquest sentit, una oportunitat única per fer creu i ratlla i iniciar un procés ambiciós i engrescador que miri endavant sense la càrrega del passat.The building of a new State offers, therefore, a unique opportunity to start, from scratch, an ambitious and engaging process that looks to the future without being weighted down by the past.
Deixa'm que et miri bé.Let me look at you.
Oh miri, ja estem en el Savoy.Oh look, we're at the Savoy
Nómes hi ha un restaurant, miri.There's only one restaurant, look
Capità, miri la pantalla número 2.Captain, look at screen number 2.
No em miris així...Don't look at me so.
Espero que sempre em miris just com ara. Especialment quan hi hagi més gent present.I hope you will always look at me just like that, especially when there are other people present.
No miris enrere per res del món.Don't look back no matter what! Understand?
No em miris així, estic notant com em mires.Don't be looking at me like that, all right? I can feel your look.
No miris.C'mon. Don't look at me.
M’encanta que em mirin.I am very fond of being looked at.
Nois, mirin aquí.Boys, look here.
M'encanta que em mirin.I'm very fond of being looked at.
Ara mirin això!Now just look at this.
No mirin cap al tren.Don't look at the train.
El Negre Flagell romania encara quiet, amb els braços closos, mirant per darrera vegada la escena de ses joies primerenques i sos darrers sofriments, i desitjant que «ella» pogués veure'l ara, lluny, anant per la mar esquerpa, confrontant el perill i la mort amb cor indomable, marxant cap el seu destí amb un somriure inflexible en els llavis.The Black Avenger stood still with folded arms, "looking his last" upon the scene of his former joys and his later sufferings, and wishing "she" could see him now, abroad on the wild sea, facing peril and death with dauntless heart, going to his doom with a grim smile on his lips.
Huck s'allunya dolorosament, i Tom resta mirant-lo, mentre li estirava el cor un desig fortíssim d'abandonar el seu orgull i anar-se'n, així mateix.Huck started sorrowfully away, and Tom stood looking after him, with a strong desire tugging at his heart to yield his pride and go along too.
Era Becky asseguda comodament en un branquet, darrera el casal de l'escola, tot mirant un llibre d'imatges amb Alfred Temple; i tan ataleiats hi estaven, i llurs caps eren tan proxims damunt el llibre, que no semblaven adonar-se de cap cosa del món exterior.She was sitting cosily on a little bench behind the schoolhouse looking at a picture-book with Alfred Temple--and so absorbed were they, and their heads so close together over the book, that they did not seem to be conscious of anything in the world besides.
Art 3D en cafès, per l'usuari de Twitter @george_10g: "Un gat mirant peixos."But baristas have pushed this creative coffee phenomena to a new level with foamy 3D sculptures. 3D latte art by Twitter user @george_10g: "A cat is looking at golden fish."
L'administrador de la finca també s'ho queda mirant.The property managers are standing by the house looking on as well.

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