Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
El primer va ser tirotejat fins a la mort l'octubre de l'any passat i el segon va haver d'abandonar la seva comunitat el mes passat amb la família. | The former was shot dead October last year and the latter had to leave his community behind last month with his family. |
Les autoritats realitzen ara anàlisis forenses per a concloure si les restes humanes corresponen als quaranta-tres estudiants de pedagogia de la comunitat d'Ayotzinapa desapareguts el 26 de setembre, després que el seu autobús fos tirotejat per policies i membres del crim organitzat. | The authorities are conducting a variety of forensic tests to conclude if the human remains belong to 43 education students from the community of Ayotzinapa who went missing on September 26, after their bus was shot at by police agents and members of organized crime. |