"Kao siit minema, või ma murran su neetud kaela" on korraldustele mitte allumine. | "Get the hell away from me before I break your goddamn neck" is insubordination. |
"murran sisse sinu majja | "I'm going to break into your house |
- Anna see kang siia, ma murran endale tüki. | Give me that crow bar. I am going to break a chunk off this bitch. |
- Higistad ja murrad selja - Just. | - # Sweat and break your back # - Yeah. |
- Higistad ja murrad selja | - # Sweat and break your back # |
- Jane Quimby, sa murrad mu südame. | Jane Quimby, you are breaking my heart. |
- Kas sa koju ka sisse murrad? | You break in to your home? |
"Ja see murrab mu südame. Ja see murrab mu südame." | And it breaks my heart And it breaks my heart |
"Kui see minu südame murrab." "Kui see minu südame murrab." "Kui see minu südame murrab." | When it breaks my heart |
"Kui see minu südame murrab." | When it breaks my heart |
- Kui me murrame nõiduse. | - So we break the spell. |
- Loomulikult, satume kohe troonisaali, teeme kaks-kolm tuhat Skeletori sõdurit külmaks, murrame jõuvälja sisse ja päästame Nõia. | We'll drop right into the throne room fight off 2,000 or 3,000 of Skeletor's crack troops break into the force field and free the Sorceress. |
- Läki murrame need jalad . | - Let's break those legs. |
- Läki murrame need jalad. | -Let's break those legs. |
- Te murrate mu südame. | Well, you're breaking my heart, Mr, Barnell, |
Aga kui te selle murrate, ma olen tavaline mees. | But when you break it down, I'm a simple man. |
Ehk selgitate, miks te murrate sisse Jason Greenfieldi korterisse ja võtate tema asju, kaasa arvatud see käekell. | Now, perhaps you'd like to explain why you're breaking into Jason Greenfield's apartment and taking his possessions, including that watch. |
"Väiksed lapsed mängivad nipsumängu, kus oksad murravad päikese graatsilisteks valguskiirteks." | "Little kids shoot marbles "where branches break the sun "into graceful shafts of light. |
- Hästi. Tema ja ta õpilased murravad leiba. | He and his disciples are breaking bread. |
- Kas nad murravad koodi? | - Will they break this one? |
- Palun parandage, kui eksin. Me ei murra sisse sellesse majja. | Well, and please correct me if I'm wrong, we're not breaking into this house. |
Aga kui me loitsu ei murra, saab tema surm seda olema. | But if we do not break the spell his death will be. |
Aga, me ei murra sisse. | See, we're not breaking. |
Ei, me ei murra sisse. | No, we're not breaking in. |
Ma arvan, et sel hetkel, kui sina pole enam vampiir, kogu vereliin, mis juhatab sinuni, murtakse, ja su Isandaside lõpetab oma olemuse. | I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. |
"samast autost, kuhu ma täna sisse murdsin." | "that I broke into earlier today. " |
- Ei, aga ma arvan, et murdsin aega. | - No, but I think... I've broken time. |
"Aga sa murdsid oma lubaduse ja jätsid mind sinna. | "But you broke your promise and you left me there. |
"Hei jobu, murdsid mu õe südame. Tule ja heasta." | "Hey, jerk, you broke my sister's heart Come down here and make it right" |
"Hei jobu, murdsid mu õe südame. | "Hey, jerk, you broke my sister's heart. |
! Ta vist murdis mu nina. | I think she's broken my nose. |
"911, keegi murdis mu majja sisse ja jättis 6000 dollarit maksva kleidi." | "911, sobody broke in the house and left a 6,000 dollars dress." |
"Pahkluumurdjaks," sest ta murdis minu oma J.V lisamatšidel. | "Ankle-breaker," 'cause he broke mine during J.V. playoffs. |
"See murdis mu südame", ütles ta. | "It broke my heart.", he said. |
- Me murdsime majja sisse, te nuusutasite kokaiini! | - We broke in! You guys did cocaine! |
- Me murdsime ukse maha ja lõhkusime akna ära. | - We just busted down a door and broke a window. |
Aga me murdsime seda vannet täna. | But we broke that promise today. |
- Te murdsite mu peidukohta sisse. | - You broke into my hiding place. |
- Te murdsite sisse? | -You broke in? |
- Te murdsite ta hinge. | - You broke him. |
Aga mind sa ei murdnud. | But you did not break me. |
Ella, ta ei murdnud sinu pärast sinna majja. | Ella, he did not break into a house because of you. |
Nemad ei murdnud kellegi majja sisse. | - They did not break into someone's house. |
Ainus märge temast on avaldus... mille ta täitis kui ta majja sisse murti. | Her only record is a police report filed three weeks ago when her house was broken into. |
Candenceville politse teatas äsja, et apteeki murti sisse just siit Old Forge Roadi ja Madisoni nurgal. | Cadenceville PD just reported a drugstore was broken into here, on the corner of Old Forge Road and Madison. |
Härra Romacki vaim murti Õpetajate Tänuavalduspäeval, kui ta käe külge liimiti kohvitass. | Mr. Romack's was broken on Teacher Appreciation Day when they super-glued a mug to his hand. |
Ja mu nina murti eile õhtul kakluse käigus. | And also, my nose was broken in a fight last night. |
Kui ma lahkuksin, siis murraksin südame. | It would break my heart to leave you. |
Ma murraksin sinna veel sisse, kui mul oleks jalg alles. | I would break in again if I still had my leg. |
Sest sa tead, et kui ma peaksin tagasi tulema, murraksin su kaela. | Because you know if I did return that I would break your damn neck. |
- Jah. Ja pani sind vanduma, et sa ei murra mu südant? | And made you swear that you wouldn't break my heart? |
- Jah. Ära mu kätt murra. | - If, if, if, if... you do not break my arm |
- Me ei murra sisse. | We're not gonna break into his room if that's what you're thinking. |
## Murdke maha, murdke maha. ## | Break it down, break it down. |
- Hei, murdke ennast! | - Hey, break yourself! |
Hoidke ta pöialt ja murdke see, kui vaja! | Take ahold of his thumb and break it if you have to! |
# Lihtsalt murdma läbi kõige Ma mulgustan, teen katki | # Just break through 'em all I'm punching, crashing |
- Ma pean oma lubadust murdma. | Looks like I'm gonna have to break that promise. |
- Ma pidin rahustite pärast läbi seina murdma. | I had to break through the wall for sedatives. |
- Me peame sillale läbi murdma. | - We must break through to the bridge. |
! Sa arvad, et ma tahan siit välja murda? | You think I want to break out of here? |
"...keerutada, painutada, murda või mõjutada esemeid otsese vaimujõu või mõne muu mittefüüsilise vahendi abil." | "Spin, bend, break or impact objects... through the direct influence of mental power or other nonphysical means.". |
"Kõrbe koiott kellele meeldib süüa südameis noori, kui veri jookseb lastest hommikusöögi, lõuna ja õhtusöögi ajal, ainult ribisid saab kaks korda murda. " - Tino. | "The coyote of the desert always likes to eat the heart of the young, where the blood drips down to children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, - only the ribs will be broken in two." - Tino. |
"Kõrbe koiott kellele meeldib süüa südameis noori, kui veri jookseb lastest hommikusöögi, lõuna ja õhtusöögi ajal, ainult ribisid saab kaks korda murda. " | "The coyote of the desert always likes to eat the heart of the young, where the blood drips down to children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, - only the ribs will be broken in two." - Tino. |
"Kõrbe koiott kellele meeldib süüa südameis noori, kui veri jookseb lastest hommikusöögi, lõuna ja õhtusöögi ajal, ainult ribisid saab kaks korda murda." - Tino. | "The coyote of the desert always likes to eat the heart of the young, where the blood drips down to children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, - only the ribs will be broken in two." - Tino. |
- Hea uudis on see, et ta ei murdnud luud. | - The good news is he hasn't broken it. |
- Nad on vist vanglasse sisse murdnud! | -They must have broken into the jail! |
- Roomlased on oma sõna murdnud. | The Romans have broken their word. |
- Jah, protokoll on murtud. | - Yes, protocol has been broken. |
Aga siiski... mu süda on murtud. | But then again my heart has been broken. |
Ma olen murdnud pühasi reegleid, et hoida portaal avatuna. | I have broken the sacred rules to keep the portals open. |
Ja sa oled murdnud mu üle terve keha. Tere, siin Catherine. | #And you have broken me all the way now # (music continues) (phone ringing) |
Ja sa oled murdnud mu üle terve keha. | # And you have broken me all the way now # |
Sa oled murdnud Esimest Käsku. | You have broken the First Commandment. |
Aga kuna asi oli nagu oli, tegin ma seda, mida mitmed mehed ajaloo vältel teinud kui naine nende südame on murdnud, ma läksin sõtta. | But as it was, I did what so many men have done throughout history ...when a woman has broken their heart... I went to war. |
Briti valitsus on murdnud oma Ugandale antud lubadusi. | The British government has broken its prom ises to Uganda. |
me oleme murdnud Votanite kolleegiumi selgroo. | we have broken the back of the Votanis Collective. |
Sina ja Edgar olete murdnud mu südame. | You and Edgar have broken my heart. |
Ma ei ole murdnud seda ja kunagi ei tee ka. | I've not broken it nor will I ever. |
- Jah, protokoll on murtud. | - Yes, protocol has been broken. |
Aga siiski... mu süda on murtud. | But then again my heart has been broken. |
Ma arvasin, et ma olin murdnud oma sabakondi ja ma üritasin mitte liigutada. Seal ma siis lamasin ja vaatasin kuud... ...ja esimest korda oma elus ma soovisin surra. | / thought / had broken my ass-bone, so / tried not to move. / lay there, staring at the moon... ...and for the first time in my life, / think about not getting back up. |
Ma arvasin, et ma olin murdnud oma sabakondi ja ma üritasin mitte liigutada. | I thought I had broken my ass-bone, so I tried not to move. |
Kuid ükski neist ei vabanda sind au koodi murdmast.. | - Hmm. But, none of that excuses... - your breaking the honor code. |
Mitu korda olen ma päästnud seda poissi kaela murdmast? | How many time I saved that kid from breaking his neck? |
Et võid Pühapäeval ja Esmaspäeval kohtuda, ilma reeglit murdmata. | You could have a date on Sunday and then Monday without breaking it. |
Ma ei teadnudki, et vanakooli ajakirjanikud saavad teha loo ilma kellegi kaela murdmata. | I don't know how old-school journalists broke a story without breaking somebody's neck. |
Ta sööb poppadome (india toit) ilma neid murdmata. | He eats poppadoms without breaking them. |
Aga see murraks tõesti ta südame. | But it really would break her heart. |
Ei. Keegi ei murraks loata vaherahu. | No one would break the truce without sanction. |
Ja see murraks mu südame, kui sinuga nii juhtuks. | And it would break my heart to see that happen to you. |
Ka... Teie kaotus murraks mu südame. | Also... your loss would break my heart. |
Keegi ei murraks loata vaherahu. | No one would break the truce without sanction. |