- Ma saadan teid samuti. | - I will accompany you also. |
-Ma saadan seda noort daami. | - I'm accompanying that young girl. |
Jah, ma saadan sind. | Yes, I will accompany you. |
- Kui sa saadad mind... | - If you will accompany me... |
Alison saaks krambid, kui ta teaks, et sa saadad mind sellel peol, isegi kui see oli sinu heaks. | Alison would have a fit if she knew you were accompanying me to this party, even if it was for your benefit. |
Hea küll, Castle, aga ainult saadad ja jälgid, ei mingit osalemist ega tüütamist. | Okay, Castle, but it's accompany and observe, not participate and annoy. Got it? |
Ja kuna sina saadad esinejat, siis pead jõudma varasemaks ajaks. | And since you are accompanying a performer, you will need to make the earlier time. |
Lõhn saadab haavu. | A smeII accompanies the wounds. |
Mis oleks, kui kapten Randall saadab teid Invernessi? | What if Captain Randall accompanies you to Inverness? |
Tema naine Ann saadab teda tihti ja aitab patsiente nõustada ning näitab ette, kuidas valmistada taimetoitu. | His wife Ann frequently accompanies him to help council patients and to demonstrate the preparation of plant-based foods. |
Alex ja Manu on need tuletõrjujad, keda me täna õhtul saadame. | Alex and Manu are the firemen we will accompany this evening. |
Me saadame teid täna õhtul. | We'll accompany you tonight. |
Hr Graham, te saadate mind taha. - Jah, muidugi. | - Mr. Graham, you'll accompany me to the rear, okay? |
Hr Graham, te saadate mind taha. | - Mr. Graham, you'll accompany me to the rear, okay? |
Kas te saadate mind? | Will you accompany me? |
Kirby, Elias, teie saadate Raptori alla. | Kirby, Elias, you accompany the Raptor down. |
- Kas sa arvad, et poisid saadavad tüdrukuid karude pärast? | Do you think guys accompany girls because of bears? |
- Las Moilanen ja Leinonen saadavad teda. | -Let Moilanen and Leinonen accompany him. |
Esiteks, minu mehed viivad teid haiglasse. Ja kui te olete koos oma kaastöötajaga võimeline reisima, saadavad nad teid lennuväljale. | One, my men will accompany you to a hospital and when you and your associate are able to travel, they will escort you to the airport. |
Ma saatsin sind hommikul kooli. | I accompanied you to schooI this morning. |
Nagu ikka, mu isa filmis ja mina saatsin teda. | My father was filming as usual and I accompanied him. |
Ma räägin talle, et sa saatsid mind. | I will say to him that you accompanied to me. |
Ta mõistab hukka meie ülikute tapmise, kes teid heas usus siia saatsid. | He condemns the murder of our nobles, who accompanied you here in good faith. |
Tunnistajad Brooklynis majapeol, kus rünnak toimus, kirjeldasid ta ründajat kui noort meest, keda saatsid kolm väikest last. | Witnesses at the Brooklyn house party where the assault took place described his attacker as a young man, accompanied by three small children. |
Cheryl Frasierit nähti viimati siin, Las Vegase vanadekodus. Keda saatis pikaajaline iludusvõistluste õhtujuht, Stan Fields. | Cheryl Frazier was last seen outside this Las Vegas senior- citizen home accompanied by longtime pageant host, Stan Fields. |
Darwinit saatis igal pool tema häbelik, aga hiilgav kolleeg- ahvike Wallace. | Darwin was always accompanied by his shy, brilliant colleague, Wallace the monkey. What is that, Wallace |
Kui sul pole eelnevalt kokkulepitud kohtumisi, oleksin ma väga rõõmus, kui sa mind hotelli saadaksid. | - Yeah. Well, if you don't have any prior engagements, I'd be very pleased if you would accompany me into the hotel. |
Hal, palun saada me austatud külaline sööklatelki. | Hal, would please accompany our honored guest to the mess tent? |
Ma palun sind, Dimitri, tule Sydney'sse ja saada mind kohe Atlantasse. | I beg you, Dimitri, come to Sydney and accompany me to Atlanta. lmmediately. |
Ma palun sind, Dmitri, tule Sydney'sse... ja saada mind kohe Atlantasse. | I beg you, Dmitri, come to Sydney and accompany me to Atlanta immediately. |
Palun saatke teda Nassau tänava väljapääsu juurde, kohe. " | Please accompany her to the Nassau Street exit, now." |
Teie saatke mind. | You'll accompany me. |
Ärge saatke mind, lähen üksi. | Don't accompany me. |
Daniel Jacksoni sisse pandud sümbioot oli spioon, kes pidi teid saatma. | The symbiote implanted within Daniel Jackson was a spy intended to accompany you. |
Hea küll. Oma määruste kohaselt, kui ma sind takistada ei saa, siis pean sind saatma, kuna olen sinu parim sõber. | Well, according to regulations, if I can't stop you, I must accompany you, |
Ja, loomulikult, ta vanemad, kes peavad teda saatma pikamaareisidel. | And, consequently, her parents, who must accompany her on long-distance journeys. |
- End saata võid sa ise. | - You can accompany yourself. |
- Kas ma võin sind saata? | May I accompany you? |
Ehk võiksin ma sind saata. | Perhaps I could accompany. |
Homme hommikul eskordivad su mehed meid Floriini väinani, kus kõik mu armaada laevad ootavad, et saata meid pulmareisil. | Tomorrow morning, your men will escort us to Florin Channel... where every ship in my armada... waits to accompany us on our honeymoon. |
Pop grupi saabumist Austraaliasse on on saatnud massiline ajakirjanduse huvi. | The group's arrival in Australia has been accompanied by a blaze of publicity. |
Sest et president Lincoln'i ei saatnud kunagi ihukaitsjad, siis kui ta käis teatris. Kuulad? | Because President Lincoln was never accompanied by guards when attending the theater. |
Sest et president Lincoln'i ei saatnud kunagi ihukaitsjad, siis kui ta käis teatris. | Because President Lincoln was never accompanied by guards when attending the theater. |