! Rooman su sisikonnas ja munen nagu ämblik! | I will crawl inside you and lay eggs like a baby spider! |
Jah, ma lubasin neile iga muna, mida ma sel kuul munen. | I promised them every egg I lay this month. |
Lubasin neile kõik munad, mis ma sel kuul munen. | - Yep! Promised them every egg I lay this month. |
Ma lähen ja munen ta ajju mune. | I'm going to go lay eggs in his brain. |
Aga oleme ausad, sa oled ainuke, kes muneb kõige vähem mune ja ma tegin teile selgeks, et see juhtub | But let's be honest here, you're the one that lays the fewest eggs and I distinctly told all of you that this was going to happen. |
Anakonda muneb oma pojad söögirikkasse kohta. | The anaconda lays their young next to an abundant food supply. |
Emane muneb üheainsa muna ja veeretab selle isase käppade vahele. | The female lays a single egg and rolls it onto the feet of the male. |
Me muneme päevast päeva. Kui me enam ei mune, siis nad tapavad meid. | We lay eggs day in and day out, and when we can't lay any more, they kill us. |
Me muneme, päevast päeva. Kui me ei suuda enam muneda, meid tapetakse. | We lay eggs, day in and day out, and when we can't lay any more, they kill us. |
Me muneme, päevast päeva. | We lay eggs day in and day out, |
- Nad munevad lillede sisse. | - They lay their eggs inside flowers, so that when... |
Haned, kes munevad kuldmune! | The geese that lay the golden eggs! |
Kas ussid munevad? | Do worms lay eggs? |
Kui munevad kanad söövad kogu selle soja ja maisi on sul energia ülekande suhe umbes 38:1. Teine võimalus on kasvatada taimi ja muuta taimed toiduks. | (Beyond Eggs) When egg-laying hens eat all that soy and corn you have an energy conversion ratio at about 38 to 1 whereas alternatively you can find plants you can grow those plants and convert those plants into food. |
- Ma munesin 5 muna täna. | I've laid five eggs this morning. Five! |
Ma munesin mune su ajju. | I have laid eggs inside of your brain. |
Ossa, ma munesin muna. | Oh, I say. I've laid an egg. |
Hobused on läbi, lehmad piima ei anna. Ja vaata millle kanad munesid. | Horses are spooked, cows ain't milkin', and look what the chickens laid. |
Kui esimesed hobuserauakrabid rannale munesid, võis maismaa selleks turvaline koht olla. | The land may have been a safe place for eggs when horseshoe crabs first laid theirs up on the beach. |
Nad leidsid liha ja munesid sinna oma munad. | They found the meat and laid their eggs. |
- Mis siis, kui see munes tema sisse? | - What if it laid eggs in her? Huh? |
- Äkki ta munes siia voodisse? | What if it laid eggs in the bed? |
Arvad, et miski kaevas augu, munes ja lahkus? | You think something dug this hole, laid the egg, and then just left it? |
Me vist munesime muna. - Muna? | I guess we laid an egg. |
Vennas, te munesite Vermonti võrkpalli! | You laid a Vermont volleyball. |
- Aga lohepoisid ei mune. | - But boy dragons don't lay eggs. |
- Kuked ei mune. | - Roosters don't lay eggs. |
Aga kuked ju ei mune? | Only roosters don't lay eggs, do they? - Don't they? |
Lihtsalt ärge munege... | Just don't lay egg... |
- Kuidas rott on võimeline munema? | - How could a rat lay an egg? ! - I didn't. |
Arvad, et ta hakkab munema? | Do you think she's to lay an egg? |
Ent mitte kõik ei tule siia munema. | But not all have come to lay. |
Ja nad peavad sigimiseks oma munad kuhugi munema. | And they have to lay their eggs somewhere to procreate. |
Annad sa endale aru et sisalik võib muneda... kuni 12 muna korraga? | Do you realize that a lizard can lay... up to 12 eggs at a time? |
Annad sa endale aru, et sisalik võib muneda... kuni 12 muna korraga? | Do yoυ realize that a lizard can lay up to 12 eggs at a time? |
Et muneda. | - To lay their eggs. |
Hästi mu haned, on aeg muneda kuldne muna. | Well, my goose is about to lay a golden egg. |
Ma ei ole munenud ühtegi muna! | I haven't laid any eggs. - Hide me. |
Ma pole ühtki muna munenud. | I haven't laid any eggs. |
Ma tunnen nagu ma oleks munenud miljon muna ja nad kõik kooruvad. | - It hurts. I feel like I've laid a million eggs and they're all hatching. |
Päevavalgus jagab viletsad kaardid pingviinile.., kes on munenud liiga palju mune. | Daylight deals a bad hand To a penguin Who has laid too many bets |
Kuldseid mune munevat hane ei saa ju tappa. | Can't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. |
Peaksin parem soovima kuldmune munevat hane. | I would have been better off asking for the goose that lays golden eggs. |
Teie kõrgeausus eksib, ma pole nii loll, et lämmatada kuldmune munevat kana. | I’m not so stupid as to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. |