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Pensar (to think) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: conceive, to conceive, intend

Conjugation of pensar

Present tense
I think
you think
he/she thinks
we think
you all think
they think
Present perfect tense
tenho pensado
I have thought
tens pensado
you have thought
tem pensado
he/she has thought
temos pensado
we have thought
tendes pensado
you all have thought
têm pensado
they have thought
Past preterite tense
I thought
you thought
he/she thought
we thought
you all thought
they thought
Future tense
I will think
you will think
he/she will think
we will think
you all will think
they will think
Conditional mood
I would think
you would think
he/she would think
we would think
you all would think
they would think
Past imperfect tense
I used to think
you used to think
he/she used to think
we used to think
you all used to think
they used to think
Past perfect tense
tinha pensado
I had thought
tinhas pensado
you had thought
tinha pensado
he/she had thought
tínhamos pensado
we had thought
tínheis pensado
you all had thought
tinham pensado
they had thought
Future perfect tense
terei pensado
I will have thought
terás pensado
you will have thought
terá pensado
he/she will have thought
teremos pensado
we will have thought
tereis pensado
you all will have thought
terão pensado
they will have thought
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha pensado
I have thought
tenhas pensado
you have thought
tenha pensado
he/she has thought
tenhamos pensado
we have thought
tenhais pensado
you all have thought
tenham pensado
they have thought
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have thought
(if/so that) you will have thought
(if/so that) he/she will have thought
(if/so that) we will have thought
(if/so that) you all will have thought
(if/so that) they will have thought
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver pensado
I will have thought
tiveres pensado
you will have thought
tiver pensado
he/she will have thought
tivermos pensado
we will have thought
tiverdes pensado
you all will have thought
tiverem pensado
they will have thought
Imperative mood
let's think!
Imperative negative mood
não penses
do not think!
não pense
let him/her/it not think!
não pensemos
let us not think!
não penseis
do not think!
não pensem
do not think!

Examples of pensar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! - Tens a audácia de pensar que tu...- What gives you the audacity to think that you..
" Costumava pensar que talvez me amasses "♪ used to think maybe you loved me ♪ --
" Meu Deus, fico excitada só de pensar nisso."God, it gets me hot just to think about it."
" É estranho pensar que não vos vejo há um mês."It is strange to think I have not seen you in a month.
"Agora tens de pensar nas pessoas que te amam.""Right now you need to think about the people who love you."
! Não penso que queiras sabê-lo.l don't think you want to know.
! Talvez um dia te importes com o que eu penso.Maybe someday you'll care what I think.
" Todo o dia penso,"All day long I think,
" que penso em ti constantemente.I think about you often".
""Em penso que..." ""Meu sentimento sobre isso...""I think that..." "My feeling is that..."
! - O que pensas de tudo isto?-Yeah, what do you think?
! Não é o que tu pensas, Frank.- It's not what you're thinking.
! Que diabo pensas tu?What the hell were you thinking?
! Tu nunca pensas em tudo!You never think these things through!
" - Um passo adiante se pensas que reunes as condições. - Sim".Step on up if you think you fit the bill Yeah
! Mas quem é que pensa em ti?Whoever thinks about you?
! Minha irmã pensa que voce está braba comigo!My sister thinks you're mad about me!
! O computador "pensa" que eu sou tu e tu és eu.This thing thinks I'm you and you're me.
"A minha filha pensa que foi violada... mas não sabe quem foi nem quando"?And say what? And say, "My daughter thinks she was raped but she doesn't know who did it or when it happened"?
"A tia Charlotte está aqui porque pensa que agiu um pouco precipitadamente".Aunt Charlotte is here because she thinks she acted a bit hastily. "
" 'que nos recusamos a separar o que pensamos da maneira como vivemos.'"who refuse to detach what we think from the way we live.
"Além do mais," "pensamos que 15 milhões" "seja uma justa avaliação pela pintura."On further consideration, we think that 15 million would be a fair valuation for the painting.
"Analisando a situação..." "nós pensamos que 20 milhões seja uma quantia justa" "para a pintura"After further consideration, we think that 20 million would be a fair valuation for the painting and of course help facilitate the sale.
"Aproveitando a ocasião," "pensamos que 10 milhões seja uma avaliação justa" "para o seu notável Lucien Freud."Incidentally, on further consideration, we think 10 million would be a fair valuation for your remarkable Lucien Freud.
"O que pensamos" "O que sabemos" "O Que podemos provar"What do we think, what do we know, what can we prove?
! - Nem tinha pensado nisso.Gee, I never thought of that.
"Acho que alguns dos nossos membros podem ter pensado que a questão do incumprimento era um refém que valia a pena tentar alvejar."I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting," he said.
"Atingido o objectivo, "como ele tinha pensado, "como o ogre se levantava por volta da meia-noite,This goal achieved... as he had thought, as the ogre woke at midnight, with much regret at having put off what he could have done at once...
"Fácil de resolver", deves ter pensado."Easy to handle", you must have thought.
"Não deves ter pensado muito nisso, mas a quem dos presentes o desejas secretamente?""Thou may not have given much thought of it, yet whom in this room doth thou secretly covet?"
- Mas que raio pensais estar a fazer?What on earth do you think you're doing? !
- Mas só pensais em comer?Food! That's all you think about.
- Não pensais em ninguém senão em vós?Do you think of no-one but yourself?
- O que pensais de mim?- What do you think of me?
- Que pensais estar a fazer?- What do you think you're doing?
" Eles pensam que foste tu. "They think you did it.
"A Iniciativa BRAIN", um programa que promete conceber uma nova luz sobre a forma como os seres humanos pensam, recordam e criam.Titled, the "BRAIN" Initiative, the program promises to shed new light on how human beings learn, think, remember and create.
"As pessoas de cá pensam que sou louca"People down here think I'm crazy
! - Eu pensei que teria tempo para os tirar daqui!- I thought I would have time to get them out of here!
" Mesmo quando pensei que tinha escapado, apanharam-me outra vez.""just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."
"A caminho de casa, pensei num antigo ditado sobre...""Driving home, I thought of an old saying about...
"Alguma vez pensaste no papel de uma criança nos teus planos futuros?"'Have you given any thought to how children will work into your future plans? '
"Olá, sou o Ted, sou o filho do teu padrasto e estou a tomar conta do negócio que pensaste que ia ser teu um dia destes. ""Hi, I'm Ted- - I'm, uh, your new stepbrother, and I'm gonna be takin' over the business you thought would be yours one day."
# Se pensaste que estavas sozinho # # não podias estar mais errado # # se olhares para o teu lado # # estarei lá, e estaremos bem #If you thought you're alone... Then you couldn't be more wrong... If you look to your side...
! O Dep. do Xerife pensou que ele ficara retido na zona da baixa.The sheriff s department thought they had him contained in a downtown area.
" 'Agora', pensou Christian, ' O que devo fazer' " ?"'Now,'thoughtChristian, 'What shall I do?"'
" Ela sabe " pensou ele..."She knows" he thought.
" l pensou que l teve o terra em minha mão ""i thought i had the earth in my hand"
"'De que serve um livro', pensou Alice..."'And what is the use of a book,' thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?"'
- Ele pensou isso. - Tu pensastes isso?- He thought he was giving it.
-Não dissestes,mas pensastes.-You didn't, but you thought it.
Certamente vós pensastes sobre isso?Surely you've thought this through?
E já pensastes em...?Have you thought about...?
"Eles pensaram que significava para continuar a filmar!"They thought I meant keep shooting!
"Os rapazes pensaram que com certeza ele estava perdido.""The boys thought for sure all was lost.
"Pois se pensaram..."For you would have thought...
"Que grande sorte!", eles pensaram."What good fortune!" they thought.
"Sua confiança e fé Nele permitiu bênçãos na sua família que nunca pensaram possível."Their trust and faith in Him allowed blessings on their family they never thought possible.
Barbra, eu sei que está a pensar que isto é um retrocesso, mas eu prometo-Ihe eu pensarei nalguma coisa.- Mmm. I know you're thinking this is a real setback, but I promise you... I will think of something.
E pensará em mim... assim como eu pensarei em si muitas vezes nos próximos anos... ao ver um rio de águas claras dançando ao sol... ou nuvens altas sobre as montanhas.And you will think of me... as I will think of you many times in the years to come... when you see a river of white water dancing in the sun... or clouds hanging high above the mountains.
E, sim, pensarei em Downton como a minha casa.And, yes, I will think of Downton as my home.
Fica descansado, amor, pensarei apenas em ti.Rest assured, love, I will think only of you.
Eu sei que pensarás que é perigoso, mas trago pão fresco para ti.I know you will think it's dangerous, but I have some fresh bread for you.
Não, tu também pensarás que sou louco se vires isto.No, you too will think I'm crazy If you watch this.
pensarás em mim e terás um intenso orgasmo.you will think of me and have an intense orgasm.
- Mas Cozzamara pensará que és tu. - Cozzamara!- But Cozzamara will think it's you.
- Se calhar, Madame, quando estiver sob escrutínio público e for alvo de chacota há tanto tempo como a minha família, pensará novamente nesta conversa.Perhaps, madame, when you have been in the public eye and available for ridicule for as long as my family has, you will think again about this conversation.
A Cathy pensará em algo.Cathy will think of something.
A gente que não te conhece pensará que está louco.Otherwise, people who don't know you will think you're loony tunes.
Cada vez que ele olhar para esta criança, pensará na Valerie.Every time he looks at this child, he will think of Valerie.
James, pensaremos em ti com afecto, em Julho, ao tomarmos as frescas bebidas estivais pelas quais deste a vida.James, we will think of you lovingly this July as we sip the cold summer beverages for which you gave your life.
nós pensaremos sobre o filme seguinteWe will think about next movie
Como confio que pensareis em mim.As I trust you will think about me.
-As pessoas pensarão que...People will think--
-As pessoas pensarão? Preocupa-se com o que pensarãoYou're concerned what people will think?
Ambos sabemos que se casarmos, as pessoas do seu círculo pensarão que me concedeu uma grande bênção.Of course, we both know that if we marry, people, your people, will think you've conferred a great blessing on me.
As pessoas pensarão que ele está a fazer-lhe a corte.People will think they are courting.
". Suave como fundo de um bebê" Quem pensaria?"Smooth as a baby's bottom." Who would think?
"Quem pensaria há três meses que em vez da alegria da vitória, "teríamos de suportar tais sacrifícios e tortura, "cujo fim não está à vista?Who would think has three months that instead of the joy of the victory, we would have that to support such sacrifices and torture, whose end is not at sight?
*E a onda vai virar E tudo vai ser bom para você* *9h às 17h, por serviço e devoção Você pensaria que eu*And the tide's gonna turn and it's all gonna roll your way Working 9:00 to 5:00 for service and devotion You would think that I would deserve a fair promotion
- Quem pensaria nisso? Só um doido.- Who would think of it?
- Quem pensaria que estás morta?Who would think you were dead?
- Não sei por que pensarias...- I don't know why you would think...
Claro que pensarias numa maldição ao invés de uma bênção.Of course you would think of a curse instead of a blessing.
Deve ser engraçado, porque supus que pensarias que o que me ia preocupar... seriam os gajos no camião... ou algum tipo que eu nem conheço e que me vigiasse perto do bar, ou algo assim.I know it sounds funny because I suppose you would think that what would be worrying me... would be the guys in the truck... or maybe some guy I don't even know watching me pretty close in the bar or something.
É o último lugar em que pensaríamos.It makes sense. It's the last place we would think of.
É tão estranho, porque se não soubéssemos o que se passa aqui, pensaríamos que esta cidade adora golfinhos e baleias.It's so bizarre because if you didn't know what's going on over here, you would think this is a town that loved dolphins and whales.
"Sr. presidente, só lunáticos e suicidas, que querem morrer, pensariam em travar uma guerra nuclear."Mr President, only lunatics and suicides who themselves want to perish "would think of waging nuclear war.
Achei que todos pensariam que ela abriu o frasco por acidente e não o conseguia admitir, porque ela era assim...Everyone would think she'd opened a flask and couldn't admit to it.
Aposto que 90 porcento das pessoas pensariam em remover o...I bet 90 percent of people would think to remove this wire here -
Certas mulheres pensariam que o que aconteceu hoje é um sinal.Some girls would think what happened today is a sign.
Assange pensara mudar a base para a Suécia, onde a WikiLeaks mantinha os servidores.Assange had thought of moving his base to Sweden, where WikiLeaks kept its servers.
Durante estes anos todos, ele pensara que ela lhe tinha virado as costas.All these years, he had thought that she had turned her back on him.
Um homem pode esforçar-se para ter um pouco de ócio na sua reforma e depois descobrir que, afinal, anseia pelos velhos dias ocupados, e pelas velhas ocupações que pensara estar tão contente por deixar.A man may labour and toil to attain a certain kind of leisure in retirement, and then find that, after all, he yearns for the old busy days and the old occupations he had thought himself so glad to leave.
"Aja agora, pense depois?"Act now, think later?
"E não pense que pode direccionar o caminho do amor."And think not that you can direct "the course of love.
"Não pensarei mais em si para que não pense mais em mim.I will stop thinking of you, so that you can stop thinking ofme.
"Não pense em ir à polícia, porque eles virão cá de qualquer modo.""Don't think of going to the police, because they'll be here anyway."
"Quem quer que você seja, quem quer que pense que é, acredite também que é uma princesa silenciosa."Whoever you are, whoever you think you are, believe that you're also a silent princess.
! - Nem penses nisso.- Don't even think about it.
"As coisas não podem voltar a ser como eram. Apesar do que penses,"Things cannot be as they were and whatever you might think,
"Ei, anda lá, não penses naquelas cenas todas."hey, come on, don't think about all that stuff.
"Jesus disse: não penses... que vim para trazer a paz na Terra."Jesus said, do not think I came to bring peace on Earth.
"mesmo que pensemos que já vivemos tudo.""evenifyouthink have lived it. "
(PJ) Considerando tudo isto, pensemos agora com um pouco mais de precisão acerca desta coisa toda de democracia.(PJ) All of this considered, let's now think a little more accurately about this whole democracy deal.
- E até lá não pensemos mais nisso.-Let's not think about it until then.
- Então pensemos nisso.Let's think about that.
- Isso é o que querem que pensemos.Or so they would like you to think.
- Por favor, Milorde, não penseis...Please my lord, do not think-
A não ser que penseis que a Igreja possa beneficiar do lucro e da riqueza que tirastes do seu castelo.Unless you think the Church can benefit from the profits you removed from her castle.
Gaius, nem sequer penseis em dizer-me para não ir.Gaius, don't even think about telling me not to go.
Irmã penseis como uma mãe cuidadosa no Príncipe de Gales, vosso filho.Sister, think you like a careful mother of the Prince of Wales, your son.
Mas não penseis em roubar-me o rei.But do not think to take the King away.
" Desiludam-se quando me virem, mas por favor, pensem que sou especial. ""Fear or revere me, but please think I'm special."
"Espero que não pensem, que foi eu quem matou aquele mau polícia"I hope you do not think I was the one who wiped out that blue meanie
"Nossa é a época onde é um orgulho que as máquina pensem, "e os homens que tentem pensar, serem suspeitos.""Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think... and suspicious of men who would try to."
"Não pensem no jogo que perdemos na semana passada."Don't think about the game we lost last week. Hmm?
"Nunca mais pensai em dedicar-me outro touro.Don't ever think of dedicating another bull to me again!
Bom, pensai em casamento.Well, think of marriage now.
Deitai-vos para trás, fechai os olhos e pensai em Inglaterra.Just lie back, close your eyes and think of England.
E convosco e o Papa no poder, pensai no que o povo vai sofrer.And with you and the Pope in power, think now the people win suffer!
" Eu sei o que você está pensando.""I know what you're thinking."
Mas se alguma vez sequer pensardes em me denunciar, as verrugas vão reaparecer.But if you ever even think of telling on me, the warts will reappear.
"Enquanto eles pensarem, teremos os nossos problemas.Well, as long as they can think, we'll have our problems.
"Se pensares que o homem tem o direito de me vender como um animal," "Irei ao mesmo lugar e destruirei toda a tua carne"If you think being a man gives you the right to sell me like cattle l will in that same place destroy your entire race
"A busca na floresta pelo túmulo do rei Maia"... que, se pensarmos bem, parece um mau programa de televisão, não é?which, when you think about it, sounds like a bad cable special, doesn't it?
Duvido que pensasse correctamente.I doubt if he was thinking it through.
Talvez pensassem que era tão fresco quanto parecia.You know, maybe they were thinking it was as fresh as it looked.
- Se pensasses com a cabeça...- If you were thinking with your head...
" Se você está pensando " " que é muito legal para dançar "♪ If you're thinking you're too cool to boogie ♪
"Cara Lydia, estive pensando sobre o investimento sugerido por você e o Jack e eu... decidi desistir."Dear Lydia, I've been thinking about the investment "that you and Jack suggested, and I... "I decided to back out.
"Estamos pensando em montar um espetáculo de comédia,"We're thinking of getting a comedy revue together,
Não quis dar-vos a satisfação de pensardes que me importava o suficiente para perguntar.I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I cared enough to ask.
Penseis o que pensardes, o que fiz agradou a Inglaterra.No matter what you think, what I did there pleased England.
Se pensardes em roubar gado que não seja o que eu protejo.When next you think to steal cattle, have a care they're not under my protection.
É um erro pensardes que me conheceis, princesa.Don't make the mistake of thinking you know me, princess.
"Espera mesmo quando a minha mãe E o meu filho pensarem que morri.Wait exactly when my mother E my son to think that I died.
"Pensamento rápido sem pensarem na sua própria segurança". Bla, bla, bla..."Quick thinking and selfless disregard for their own safety." La, la, la.
"Vocês, seus porcos corruptos, usam o meu dinheiro com gajas ordinárias, sem nunca pensarem em partilhá-las connosco."You grafting pigs use my money to wine and dine cheap bimbos never once thinking to share them with the rest of us.
"se pensares noutra mulher""think about another woman,
- A culpa é tua, se pensares bem.- It is your fault, if you think about it.
- Como é possível não pensares nisso?- How can you not think about it?
"A minha filha limitou-se a dizer-nos para pensarmos por nós.""All my daughter ever did" "was tell people to think for themselves."
"Com 150 quilômetros de diâmetro, era muito grande para nós sequer pensarmos em atravessa-lo com uma jangada caseira.'At 150 miles across, it was too wide for us to even think about building a homemade ferry.
"Matarei as crianças de mil planetas só para te ver sorrir." É a coisa mais romântica que já ouvi. O que até é triste, se pensarmos nisso."I would kill the children of a thousand planets just to see you smile." Aw... that is the most romantic thing I've ever heard, which is kind of sad if you think about it.
"Poderemos vir a ser acusados por pensarmos com o coração "em vez de sermos racionais, "mas teremos a nossa humanidade.We may be accused of thinking with our heart... instead of our heads... but we will have our humanity.
Muito embora eu pensasse...Although l was thinking:
Não sei bem o que queria dizer... a não ser que pensasse no David.I don't exactly know what I meant, unless I was thinking about David.
Se ele só pensasse em si mesmo, já teria um bom cargo no exército.If he was thinking for himself, he would have an elite post in the army by now.
Se pensasses direito sabias que Londres te pôs nesse estado.If you were thinking clearly, Virginia, you'd recall it was London that brought you low.

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