Tai buvo sunkus sprendimas…Mano atliekami tyrimai buvo labaibrangūs, tad privalėjau daug galvoti apie tai, kaiptęsti savo tiriamuosius darbus. | It was a hard decision forme…The research I performed was very expensiveand therefore I had to think how to proceed with myresearch works. |
Privalome galvoti apie ateitį, tačiau daugybę dalykų dar galima padaryti remiantis galiojančiomis sutartimis ir reglamentais. | We have to think of the future, but many things can be done within the present treaties and regulations. |
Todėl labai svarbu galvoti apie tai, kokia bus ES ateitis. | So it is an important point to think about for the future for the EU. |
„Tai buvo iššūkis, o iššūkiai man patinka, nes priverčia galvoti kitaip, ir tenka keisti savo mąstymą.“ | “That was a challenge and I like challenges because you have to think in a different kind of way and you have to shift your mind.” |
Jau kurį laiką apie tai galvoju. | I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of months now. |
Dabartinio pasaulinio ekonomikos augimo nauda ne visada paskirstoma tolygiai, ypač galvoju apie Europos ir Afrikos gyvenimo lygio atotrūkį. | I am thinking in particular of the gap in living standards between Europe and Africa. |
Ir galvoju tik apie ją. | I think only of her... |
O kai apie jį galvoju, mintyse iškyla ši nuotrauka.. | And when I think of him, it´s this photo that I see. |
Bet aš galvoju, mama. | I am thinking it over, Mother, I am... |
Žmogaus teisės apima teisę sakyti, ką galvoji, teisę nebūti uždarytam į kalėjimą be sąžiningo teismo, teisę nebūti kankinamam, taip pat ir daug kitų labai svarbių teisių. | Human rights include the rightto say what you think, the right not to be put in prison without afair trial, the right not to be tortured, and many other importantrights as well. |
Tu labai prastai apie ją galvoji. | I think you're being very mean to her. |
Ką galvoji apie kaimiečius? | What do you all think of farmers? |
Žinau, ką galvoji, nesmerkiu tavęs už tai. | Look, I know what you're thinking, and I don't blame you. |
Tu per daug galvoji. | You think too much. |
Galvodami apie tai, kokie galėjome būti, galvojame ir apie tai, kokie esame, ir apie tai, kokie norime būti. | Thinking about what we might become forces us to think about what we are now, and what we want to be in the future. |
Mes galvojame mesti alyvų aliejaus verslą ir įsikurti čia. | We're thinking of giving up our interests in the olive oil business and settle here. |
Mes labai laimingi, kai apie tai galvojame. | We're very lucky, when you think about it. |
Visi tai galvojame. | Everyone's thinking it. l'm just saying it. |
Benas ir aš galvojame apie kažką nedidelio ir jaukaus. | Ben and I were thinking of something small and intimate. |
Jūs taip galvojate. | It's me. That's what you're all thinking? |
Stai ka jus galvojate vieni apie kitus. | And that's what you all think of each other. |
Žinau, ką jūs visi galvojate. | I know what you all think. That... |
Gulėjau ir galvojau jei aš mirsiu ar tu paimsi mano kūdikį? | I've been lying here thinking if I should die will you take my baby? |
Norėjau pasakyti tau.. Na, aš galvojau, gal tu nori gyventi kartu su manimi? Aišku, jei aš - ne našta. | I wanted to tell you... well, I´ve been thinking that if you wanted to share my life... if I weren´t too much of a burden... and that... |
Supranti, aš galvojau ir apie kitką. | You see, there are other things I've been thinking of. |
Žinot, galvojau, sukau galvą... dėl dviejų dalykų: | You know, I was thinking and I was wondering two things: |
Vis galvojau ir nutariau tau pasakyti. | I kept thinking about it, and I've decided to tell you. |
Ką tu darei ir ką tu galvojai? | What did you do, and what did you think? |
Ką tu galvojai? | What were you thinking? |
Apie ką galvojai, kai atlikai tą metimą? | What were you thinking of when you made that shot? |
Apie tai galvojai? | You think? |
Apie ką galvojai? | - What were you thinking? |
Ir jis taip padarė. Jis galvojo, kad tau bus geriau. | And he did, thinkin' it was best foryou. |
Ar ji galvojo apie mane? | Was she thinking about me? |
Ji galvojo tik apie tave. | All she could think about was you. |
Nežinau, ką jis galvojo. | I don't know what he was thinking. |
Manau jis galvojo, kad reikės tvarkyti popierius ir jam reiks prisiimti atsakomybę. | I think he thought there'd be paperwork and he'd be held responsible. |
Mes galvojome, kad sugebėsi išeiti, kovosi. | You make us to think you would walk out, that you will fight with them. |
- Ką mes sau galvojome? | - What were we thinking? |
Su komanda baigta, nežinau, ką mes sau galvojome. | The crew's done. I don't know what we were thinking. |
Jau galvojome, kad mus čia palikote vienus. | We were starting to think you stood us up. |
Apie viską galvojome ne taip, kaip turėjome. | We've been thinking about it all wrong. |
Žmonės galvos, kad sugedo televizorius! | People will think their TV is broken. |
- Žmonės galvos... | - People will think... |
Ir nuo tada Dženifer, ar koks ten jos vardas galvos, kad aš susitikinėjau su mergina, kuri atrodė panašiai kaip ji, kurią aš atstūmiau. | And from then on, Jennifer, or whatever her name is, will think that I dated a girl who looked just like her, who I rejected. |
Visi galvos, kad esu pamišėlis. | Everyone will think I'm crazy. |
Galvok, galvok, Bučai. | You just keep thinkin', Butch. |
- Tai galvok. | - Yeah, well, think already! |
Galvok, galvok, Vudi. | Think, think, think. |
Jei sugrįžčiau, galvok apie mane geriau, Tėve. | If I should return, think better of me, Father. |
Tiesiog galvok apie tai, ką tau reikia atlikti. | Just think about what you need to do. |
Kiekvieną naktį apie tave galvodavau. | Every night I used to think about you. |
Juokinga, aš visada galvodavau tai yra sakyti tiesą daryti gerus darbus. | It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth doing good deeds. |
Tu žinai, aš galvodavau, kad jis tiesiog dar vienas sąmokslo teorijų mėgėjas. | You know, I used to think he was some kind of conspiracy theory wacko. |
Anksčiau galvodavau, kad tai AIDS, bet pasirodo turiu liguistą baimę tamsai. | I used to think it was AIDS, but it's just that I have a morbid fear of the dark |
Aš galvodavau, kad jis pamišęs... | I used to think the guy was crazy. |