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Ritenere (to think) conjugation

72 examples
This verb can also mean the following: hold, hold back, consider, believe, stop, hold down, reckon, retain

Conjugation of ritenere

Present tense
I think
you think
he/she/it thinks
we think
you all think
they think
Present perfect tense
ho ritenuto
I have thought
hai ritenuto
you have thought
ha ritenuto
he/she/it has thought
abbiamo ritenuto
we have thought
avete ritenuto
you all have thought
hanno ritenuto
they have thought
Past preterite tense
I thought
you thought
he/she/it thought
we thought
you all thought
they thought
Future tense
I will think
you will think
he/she/it will think
we will think
you all will think
they will think
Conditional mood
I would think
you would think
he/she/it would think
we would think
you all would think
they would think
Past impf. tense
I used to think
you used to think
he/she/it used to think
we used to think
you all used to think
they used to think
Past perfect tense
avevo ritenuto
I had thought
avevi ritenuto
you had thought
aveva ritenuto
he/she/it had thought
avevamo ritenuto
we had thought
avevate ritenuto
you all had thought
avevano ritenuto
they had thought
Future perfect tense
avrò ritenuto
I will have thought
avrai ritenuto
you will have thought
avrà ritenuto
he/she/it will have thought
avremo ritenuto
we will have thought
avrete ritenuto
you all will have thought
avranno ritenuto
they will have thought
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I think
(if/so that) you think
(if/so that) he/she/it think
(if/so that) we think
(if/so that) you all think
(if/so that) they think
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia ritenuto
I have thought
abbia ritenuto
you have thought
abbia ritenuto
he/she/it has thought
abbiamo ritenuto
we have thought
abbiate ritenuto
you all have thought
abbiano ritenuto
they have thought
Imperative mood
let's think!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei ritenuto
I would have thought
avresti ritenuto
you would have thought
avrebbe ritenuto
he/she/it would have thought
avremmo ritenuto
we would have thought
avreste ritenuto
you all would have thought
avrebbero ritenuto
they would have thought

Examples of ritenere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Stavo dicendo, zio, che possiamo ritenere oggi...As I was saying, uncle, I think...
Abbiamo quindi dovuto eliminare una mela marcia cosa che potreste ritenere troppo severa verso il vostro amico ma era l'unica cosa da fare date le circostanzeWe had to therefore get rid of the rotten apple, which you would think is a little harsh on your fellow student, but it was the only thing to do under the circumstances.
Beh, l'assassino potrebbe ritenere che le sue azioni siano del tutto sensate.Well, the killer could think that his actions are quite sane.
Come osa decidere cio' che io dovrei ritenere importante?How dare you presume to decide what I should think is important?
Come possono ritenere che lui sia una minaccia per loro?How could they possibly think he's a threat to them?
- Che alternative ho? - Non so quali siano, ma ritengo sia fattibile.I don't know what they are, but I think it's possible.
- Devo fare cio' che ritengo giusto per lui.I have to do what I think is right for him. Really?
- Diciamo che... metto la spunta a tutte le caselle e scrivo a chiunque ritengo sia carina.I just kind of... Check all the boxes and e-mail whoever I think is pretty.
- Eppure mi ritengo piuttosto intelligente.And I think I'm pretty clever.
- Io ritengo che ne serva molto - per esaminare seriamente ogni cosa.I think you need a lot of context to seriously examine anything.
"Sheldon, non buttare via le mie magliette perche' ritieni che siano brutte!""Sheldon, don't throw away my shirts 'cause you think they're ugly."
- Beh, puoi mandare... una volta che l'hai criptato, puoi mandarlo da ovunque ritieni appropriato.Well, so you can-- you can send them-- once you've encrypted it, you can send it from whatever you think is appropriate.
- Beh, se lo ritieni opportuno...Well, if you think it proper... Please.
- Dunque ritieni che sia in debito con te.So you think she owes you for this?
- E' il tuo Problema a tenerli in trappola. E credo che li tenga in trappola nei luoghi che ritieni piu' pericolosi per loro.It's your trouble that's trapping them, and I think it's trapping them in the places that you fear for them the most.
"Ll signor Martin la ritiene un tipo studioso,"Mr. Martin thinks you must be studious-looking...
- Beh, lui la ritiene la pista più valida.Well, he thinks that's the most viable lead.
- La ritiene un ciarlatano.- She thinks you're a quack.
- Liz ritiene di sì.-Liz thinks you are!
- Lui mi ritiene una guidatrice sbadata.He thinks I'm a careless driver.
"Tra le piu' inestimabili delle nostre benedizioni, c'e' quella della liberta' di venerare il nostro Creatore, nel modo che riteniamo Gli sia gradito"."Among the most inestimable "of our blessings is that of liberty "to worship our Creator in a way we think would be agreeable to Him."
- Anzi, riteniamo che il procuratore... abbia presentato queste accuse proprio perche' Cary e' un avvocato zelante.In fact, we think that the state's attorney brought these charges because Cary is such an effective advocate.
- Henry e io non riteniamo etico l'uso di questo materiale.I mean, madame, Henry and I don't think the use of this material is proper.
- Non la riteniamo strano.-We don't think you're strange.
Abbiamo degli agenti con Jamie Levinson all'ospedale e con suor Claire, che riteniamo possa essere un potenziale obiettivo.We have officers with Jamie Levinson at the hospital and with Sister Claire, who we think could also be a potential target.
"E' piu' importante per me essere una brava persona o essere ritenuto una brava persona?"Is it more important for me to be a good person or to be thought of as a good person?
"Il Giudizio Universale" di William Blake, ritenuto perduto per piu' di 200 anni.A Vision of the Last Judgment by William Blake, thought to have been lost for over 200 years.
"Sono andato a dormire, Vostro Onore, e mi sono ritrovato accusato di omicidio, ma non posso essere ritenuto responsabile, perche' pensavo fosse un sogno.""I went to sleep, Your Honor, and the next thing I know, "I killed a man, but I can't possibly be held responsible 'cause I thought I was dreaming." Hey.
- Gli e' piaciuta moltissimo. Ha ritenuto fosse un'ottima angolazione sul vicepresidente.He loved it, thought it was a great take on the vice president.
- Ho ritenuto che voi foste piu' adatto.I thought you'd be more suitable.
- Lo ritenete uno sciocco?~ You think him foolish?
Abbiamo bisogno di una lista di chi ritenete possa essere responsabile.We need a list of anyone you think might be responsible. Okay.
Allegare un breve tema che descriva quale ritenete sia il più significativo traguardo accademico e come siete riusciti a superare le insidie e gli ostacoliInclude a short subject that describes what do you think is the most significant academic achievement and how did you manage to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles
Be', se ritenete una maledizione essere rimasti al secolo precedente, si', pero' sto lavorando al problema.Only if you think being stuck in the wrong century is a curse. And I'm doing what I can to lift that one.
Beh, se lo ritenete d'aiuto, fate pure.Well, if you think that'll help, go ahead.
"Le persone che ritengono chi ha rapito Polly malvagio dovrebbero pensare alla persona che ha strappato Polly dal sua habitat naturale forzandola a vivere in gabbia."The people who think that the person who took Polly... is so awful should think about the person who ripped... Polly from her natural habitat and forced her to live in a cage.
- - di due ragae'e'i che eseguono un ordine che ritengono innocuo?Do you really think that's the same as two teenage Marines... executing a routine order they never believed would result in harm? These guys aren't the Nazis.
- Già. E se le prime duecento persone con cui ha a che fare non lo ritengono all'altezza... non funzionerà mai.And if the first 200 people who come in contact with him think he's tainted, it's not gonna work.
- Io sono 1.62 metri. Lo so, sei bassa. Inoltre ritengono che l'assassino sia mancino.I don't think we should go out tonight, 'cause I... you know, I don't want you to get in any trouble, but if you want to get up, you know, early, say, 6:30 tomorrow morning...
- La ritengono una specie di Messia, infallibile.They all think she's some kind of messiah who can do no wrong.
"Riflettei sulla questione e, quando ritenni che fosse assolutamente necessario...""I thought about the question "and when I saw it was absolutely necessary,
Mi offrì quello che ritenni il miglior modo per uscire...He offered me what I thought was the best way out...
Mi rimprovero' per non aver dato notizia del mio arrivo a Londra e ritenni molto strano che entrambe le mie lettere fossero andate perdute.She reproached me for giving her no notice of my coming to London, and I thought it very strange that both my letters should have gone astray.
Brad ed io eravamo rimati in contatto, e lui ci propose un'idea chiamata "Gli Incredibili". E' una famiglia di supereroi, e inizialmente pensava di realizzarlo manualmente ma poi ritenne che potesse funzionare in animazione computerizzata 3-D.Brad and I stayed in touch, and he pitched us on an idea called The Incredibles, and it's a family of superheroes, and originally he was thinking of it being cell-animated, but he thought it could work in 3-D computer animation.
E quello rispose -- penso che fosse 200 milioni di dollari, qualcosa che Aaron ritenne totalmente ridicolo.And they gave some--I think it was two hundred million dollars, something that Aaron thought was totally ridiculous.
Ha scritto in proposito. E ha scritto pure... di un vento, il Simun, che una nazione ritenne tanto maligno da dichiarargli guerra e mandargli contro l'esercito.He writes about it... and he writes about... a, a wind, the Simoon, which a nation thought was so evil, they declared war on it and marched out against it.
L'accusa ritenne che Mattie pensasse che se si fosse liberata del bambino, l'uomo sarebbe tornato e la giuria fu d'accordo.The prosecution reckoned Mattie thought if she got rid of the child, the man would come back. The jury agreed.
Ma quando i suoi voti cominciarono a peggiorare... il padre la ritenne una distrazione e la uccise.But when his grades started to suffer, his dad thought it was a distraction, so he killed it.
E così, a quel punto ritenemmo opportuno fare quadrato ed andare... tutti insieme con un assegno ad offrire quasi due milioni di dollari alla General Motors... per rimettere su strada quelle auto.At this point we thought it would be appropriate to some full circle. Join me in holding this check offering 1.9 million dollars to General Motors to put these cars back on the road.
Le ritenemmo una storiella interessante e null'altro.. . ...finché Tess trovò un oscuro libro spagnolo pubblicato nel 1 905 dal titolo:We thought it was an interesting sidebar and really didn't think much more of it until Tess found this very obscure Spanish book published in 1905 titled, The Vangors:
Somministrarono loro una dose intossicante di alcol o cio' che ritennero essere una dose intossicante, ad alcuni ragazzi di 10-12 anni.They gave an intoxicating dose of alcohol, or what they thought would be an intoxicating dose of alcohol, to some 10-12-year-old boys.
Ti riterrò in errore o isterica a meno che non ci siano prove concrete. Mostrami dei fatti.I will think you wrong and hysterical, unless there's concrete evidence.
- Si', ma riterrei che la mia competenza sia la cosa piu' desiderabile.Yes, but I would think you would want nothing more than my expertise.
Ti riterrei un idiota davvero principesco.l would think thee a most princely hypocrite.
Anche se avesse addosso il tendone di Billy Smart, Bob la riterrebbe bellissima.You could wear Billy Smart's tent and Bob would think you look wonderful.
Prima ti ritenevo sexy, pero' c'entrava il fatto che pensavo fossi meticcio e quello mi eccita sempre.I used to think you were smokin', but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I thought you were mixed race, and that never fails to get me going.
Inizialmente ritenevamo i pianeti esterni abbastanza stabili, non gli accadeva poi cosi' tanto.We used to think that the outer planets were pretty stable. There wasn't a lot happening to them.
- Credo lo ritenga un complimento.I think he meant it as a compliment.
A meno che non ritenga poco opportuno recarsi nella stanza di un uomo.Unless you think it would be indiscreet to come to a man's room.
A meno che tu non ritenga che Aaron riesca a tenerlo sotto controllo.Unless you think Aaron can get a handle on him.
Abbiamo una psicologa, che potrà andare a trovare nel caso lei ritenga che rientri nelle sue competenze...There's a psychologist in our team, whom you could go and see, if you think it could be of advantage, in your profession...
Adoro che tu mi ritenga cosi' furba... cosi' calcolatrice da riuscire a compiere il delitto perfetto.I love that you think that I could be so cunning, so calculated, that I could pull off the perfect murder.
A meno che non riteniate saggio rimanere intrappolati tra la flotta francese e l'Esercito Continentale.Unless you think it wise to be trapped between the French fleet and the Continental Army?
Beh, lui voleva riconciliarsi con voi, ma gli avete detto che e' impossibile e lui vuole che Brandon abbia i soldi per l'universita' o per qualsiasi cosa riteniate giusta per lui.Well, he wanted to reconnect with you, but you've said that that's not possible, and he wants Brandon to have money for college or whatever else you think is best.
Ehi, comincio a pensare che voi non mi riteniate molto intelligente.Hey, I'm beginning to think you guys don't think I'm very smart.
Fate qualsiasi cosa riteniate necessaria.Take whatever measures you think necessary.
Qualsiasi cosa... riteniate rilevante!Anything... you think relevant!
A meno che, ovviamente, non ritengano di meritarlo. Ilsa.Unless, of course, for some reason they think they deserve it.
Credo che i russi mi ritengano troppo importante.I think the Russians feel my profile is too high.
Devo andare via, prima che i poliziotti mi ritengano sua complice.I gotta get out of here before the cops think I'm an accessory.
Ma dovete capire che... non posso permettere che i miei figli mi ritengano una miserabile.But can you understand that I can't have my children think I'm pitiful.
Mi sono abituato ad ignorarli e credo che loro mi ritengano ormai una causa persa.But I've gotten used to ignoring them, and I think they've given up on me.

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