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Pensar (to think) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also mean the following: reminisce over, do, have in mind, remember

Conjugation of pensar

Present tense
I think
you think
he/she thinks
we think
you all think
they think
Present perfect tense
he pensat
I have thought
has pensat
you have thought
ha pensat
he/she has thought
hem pensat
we have thought
heu pensat
you all have thought
han pensat
they have thought
Future tense
I will think
you will think
he/she will think
we will think
you all will think
they will think
Conditional mood
I would think
you would think
he/she would think
we would think
you all would think
they would think
Past perfect tense
havia pensat
I had thought
havies pensat
you had thought
havia pensat
he/she had thought
havíem pensat
we had thought
havíeu pensat
you all had thought
havien pensat
they had thought
Past impf. tense
I was thinking
you were thinking
he/she was thinking
we were thinking
you all were thinking
they were thinking
Imperative mood
let him/her think!
let's think!
let them think!
Imperative negative mood
no pensis
don't think!
no pensi
don't let him/her think!
no pensem
let's not think!
no penseu
don't think!
no pensin
don't let them think!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria pensat
I would have thought
hauries pensat
you would have thought
hauria pensat
he/she would have thought
hauríem pensat
we would have thought
hauríeu pensat
you all would have thought
haurien pensat
they would have thought
Future perfect tense
hauré pensat
I will have thought
hauràs pensat
you will have thought
haurà pensat
he/she will have thought
haurem pensat
we will have thought
haureu pensat
you all will have thought
hauren pensat
they will have thought
Preterite past tense
I thought
you thought
he/she thought
we thought
you all thought
they thought
Past anterior tense
haguí pensat
I had thought
hagueres pensat
you had thought
hagué pensat
he/she had thought
haguérem pensat
we had thought
haguéreu pensat
you all had thought
haguéren pensat
they had thought
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) think
(so that you) think
(so that he/she) thinks
(so that we) think
(so that you all) think
(so that they) think
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was thinking
(so that you) were thinking
(so that he/she) was thinking
(so that we) were thinking
(so that you all) were thinking
(so that they) were thinking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi pensat
(so that I) have thought
hagis pensat
(so that you) have thought
hagi pensat
(so that he/she) has thought
hàgim pensat
(so that we) have thought
hàgiu pensat
(so that you all) have thought
hagin pensat
(so that they) have thought
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués pensat
(so that I) had thought
haguessis pensat
(so that you) had thought
hagués pensat
(so that he/she) had thought
haguéssim pensat
(so that we) had thought
haguéssiu pensat
(so that you all) had thought
haguessin pensat
(so that they) had thought
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi pensar
(so that I) thought
vagis pensar
(so that you) thought
vagi pensar
(so that he/she) thought
vàgim pensar
(so that we) thought
vàgiu pensar
(so that you all) thought
vagin pensar
(so that they) thought
Periphastic past tense
vaig pensar
I thought
vas pensar
you thought
va pensar
he/she thought
vam pensar
we thought
vau pensar
you all thought
van pensar
they thought
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver pensat
I had thought
vas haver pensat
you had thought
va haver pensat
he/she had thought
vam haver pensat
we had thought
vau haver pensat
you all had thought
van haver pensat
they had thought

Examples of pensar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La tia Polly va enrabinar-se de pensar que havia passat per alt aquell bocí de prova circumstancial i negligit una pista.Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick.
Comença de pensar en la grifolda que s'havia proposat per aquell dia, i sos dols es multiplicaren.He began to think of the fun he had planned for this day, and his sorrows multiplied.
Sanglota, aleshores, de pensar que mai més, mai més, no tornaria a sentir aquella antiga ressonança familiar: era cosa ben dura, pero l'hi obligaven. Ja que era llançat al món glacial, havia de sotmetre's, pero els perdonava.He sobbed, now, to think he should never, never hear that old familiar sound any more--it was very hard, but it was forced on him; since he was driven out into the cold world, he must submit--but he forgave them.
Es posaren a pensar. Una mena d'indefinida enyorança llisca damunt ells.They fell to thinking.
-Igual passava amb el meu Joe: sempre ple d'endiastrament, i a punt de fer qualsevol entremaliadura; pero era recte i generós i bo, com més no es pugui ser. I (Déu em beneeixi!) pensar que vaig fuetejar-lo per haver-se begut la llet, sense que mai se m'acudís que jo mateixa l'havia llençada perque era agra!"It was just so with my Joe--always full of his devilment, and up to every kind of mischief, but he was just as unselfish and kind as he could be--and laws bless me, to think I went and whipped him for taking that cream, never once recollecting that I throwed it out myself because it was sour, and I never to see him again in this world, never, never, never, poor abused boy!"
Fa una pila d'anys que aixo va passar, i amb prou feines puc recordar-ne cap detall; pero em penso que fou en algun país estranger.It was a great many years ago, and I can scarcely remember anything about it, but I think it was in some foreign country.
Després diguéreu que jo no era dolent, que només era atarantat i tabalot, i que jo no tenia més responsabilitat que… que… em penso que vau dir un cavallet o alguna cosa per l'istil.Next you said I warn't _bad_, only mischeevous and harum-scarum, and not any more responsible than--than--I think it was a colt, or something."
Des d'ahir que penso què dolorós és això...Since yesterday and I'm thinking how painful is that...
Em penso que s'acabarà amb la dissolució del parlament.I think it will end with the parliament dissolving
En primer lloc, no havíem planejat que fos una cosa gran, simplement feiem el que ens agradava i penso que aquestes coses creixen quan realment fas el que t'agrada.First, we didn’t plan for it to be big, so we were just doing what we liked, and I think these things are always going bigger when you just do what you love.
Què en penses, de la situació actual dels escriptors a Cambodja?What do you think of the current situation of writers in Cambodia?
Què en penses, del món virtual, per a un professional com tu?What do you think about the online world today for a professional like you?
3.Què en penses, del cost d'impressió dels llibres en format paper a Cambodja?3.What do you think of the printing cost of paper books in Cambodia?
Crec que aquestes idees de «Germanor i unitat» poden semblar massa idealístiques i fins i tot impossibles avui, però si penses que fins i tot són una mica necessàries i les veus lògiques, no tot estarà perdut.I believe such ideas of “brotherhood and unity” may seem too idealistic and even impossible today, but if you think they are even a little necessary, and if you consider them logical, not all is lost.
- On et penses que vas, tu?- Where do you think you're going?
Estic veient una nena petita que mira enfora de la finestra; em temo que es pensa que estic en algun indret d'allí fora: potser dalt d'un arbre fent un discurs als ocellets.I see one little girl who is looking out of the window--I am afraid she thinks I am out there somewhere--perhaps up in one of the trees making a speech to the little birds.
-Bé, tieta, no hi ha mala intenció- pledeja Mary. -Tot ve d'aquest geni de Tom, sempre atarantat: agafa tanta embranzida que mai no pensa en res."Now, auntie, that ain't any harm," pleaded Mary; "it's only Tom's giddy way--he is always in such a rush that he never thinks of anything."
-I no havia d'ésser cap altre noi!- pensa Tom, xerricant de dents. -Cap altre noi de tot el poble, sinó aquest clenxinat de Sant Lluís que es pensa vestir amb tanta d'elegancia i ésser aristocrata! Oh!Tom thought, grating his teeth. "Any boy in the whole town but that Saint Louis smarty that thinks he dresses so fine and is aristocracy!
També pensa que la posició nord-americana respecte a la pesca de balenes al Japó és influïda per una hostilitat subjacent que el "món blanc" sent pels japonesos.He also thinks the American position towards Japanese whaling is influenced by an underlying hostility that the “white world” feels towards Japanese.
El director d'art pensa que el Japó necessita presentar més bé el seu cas al món, perquè moltes persones enaltres països no entenen per quin motiu els japonesos mengen carn de balena.The art director thinks that Japan needs to do a better job at presenting its case to the world, as so many people in other countries don’t understand why Japanese people eat whale meat. 2008-12-26 SS encounters Japanese whaling ship.
Jesús arribarà més aviat del que ens pensem.Jesus is coming sooner than we think.
La temàtica era el Nadal als tròpics i pensem que té la màgia suficient com per escampar l'alegria del Nadal.The theme was Christmas in tropics and we think its got the magic to spread the Christmas cheer.
Hem de dir el que realment pensem sobre l'homofòbia, digueu NO, expresseu-vos, oposeu-vos, enfadeu-vos, és hora de mobilitzar-se contra l'homofòbia.We should say what do we think frankly about homophobia, say NO, express, oppose, get angry, this is the time for movement against homophobia.
Què passarà demà, no ho sabem, però hem notat que cada vegada que pensem que no hi ha recursos acabem trobant alguna cosa que es pot digerir.What will happen tomorrow, we don’t know, but we have noticed that whenever we think there are no resources left, we find something else that can be eaten.
- Crec que està més a prop del que pensem.- I'm sure he's a lot closerthen we think.
Naturalment, el mestre d'escola concedí festa aquella tarda: quí sap que hauria pensat d'ell el poble si no ho hagués fet.Of course the schoolmaster gave holi-day for that afternoon; the town would have thought strangely of him if he had not.
-Oh! Sí, és veritat- digué Joe; -pero no hi havia pensat gaire, sabeu?"Oh yes, that's so," said Joe, "but I hadn't thought much about it, you know.
Sid hi hauria pensat.Sid would have thought.
No hi havia pensat, Huck!I never once thought of it, Huck!"
Podríem haver-hi pensat abans.Might have thought of that before.
Que me'n doneu, de fil! -Oh! Us penseu que sou molt viu: oi?"Oh, you think you're mighty smart, _don't_ you?
-Murri! Us penseu que sou algú: veritat? -Ai, ai!You think you're _some_, now, _don't_ you?
Us penseu que me n'he oblidat?Did you think I'd forget?
Val més que us hi penseu una mica.Now you better think 'bout this awhile.
Jo en passaré el risc, de deixar-me caure al poble una vegada més. Farem aquesta feina «perillosa» després que hagi espiat una mica els encontorns, i penseu que les coses no semblen pas de mal averany.We'll do that 'dangerous' job after I've spied around a little and think things look well for it.
Porta ses considerables fetes a son immediat veinatge: ana pel volt fent esgarips de guerra, arrabassa la gorra un noi, la tira rabent damunt la teulada de l'escola, es precipita entre un grup de minyons, trabucant-ne en totes direccions, i caigué, obert de cames i braços, sota el nas de Becky, gairebé tirant-la a terra; i ella es gira, amb el nas en l'aire, i ell sentí com deia: -Uix! Hi ha gent que es pensen ésser qui sap que: sempre es donen importancia!He carried his exploits to her immediate vicinity; came war-whooping around, snatched a boy's cap, hurled it to the roof of the schoolhouse, broke through a group of boys, tumbling them in every direction, and fell sprawling, himself, under Becky's nose, almost upsetting her--and she turned, with her nose in the air, and he heard her say: "Mf! some people think they're mighty smart--always showing off!"
-No: s'ho pensen, que hi tornaran; pero generalment obliden les marques, o bé moren."No, they think they will, but they generally forget the marks, or else they die.
Qui són els autors de Global Voices, quin és el seu origen i què pensen sobre el futur de Global Voices, el periodisme i els mitjans ciutadans?Who are Global Voices Authors, what is their background, and what do they think about the future of Global Voices, journalism and citizen media?
Pel que fa a la literatura veneçolana actual, sóc dels que pensen que estem en un molt bon moment per a la literatura.Regarding Venezuelan literature of today, I share the opinion of those who think we're in a very good moment for literature.
Les expectatives dels africans eren moltes, però molts pensen que la segona part del mandat del president Obama li permetrà tenir un marge de maniobra més ampli en les qüestions africanes.The expectations of Africans were great, but many think that the second term of President Obama will enable him to have a wider margin of manoeuvre on African issues.
-El preu més alt del combustible comportarà que els caps del petroli i els pilots de carreres de motos il·legals s'ho pensaran dues vegades abans de cremar gasolina els dissabtes per la nit, cosa que et permetrà gaudir de més moments romàntics amb la teua parella.- With higher fuel price means petrol heads and rempits will think twice to burn fuel during Saturday nights, which means you can have quiet romantic moments with your partner.
Està amoïnat pel que pensaran els seus amics.He's worried about... what their friends will think.
No entenc per què en Hood pensaria que això és...I don't understand why Hood would think that that's something--
Si fos més viu pensaria que t'estan festejant.A smarter man would think you were being wooed.
Bé, m'ho pensaria millor.Oh, well, I would think again.
Potser pensarien que es tracta d'una precaució sensata.Perhaps they would think it is a sensible precaution.
-Aixo és el que jo pensava per dins, Huck."That's just what I was thinking to myself, Huck."
- Ja m’ho pensava.I was thinking it pretty well was.
Ell se n'hi va, a veure la seva estimada. Ell pensava, que amb tots els homes absents, potser podria atansar-se a Munandjarra.He was thinking, with all the men gone, maybe he could get closer to Munandjarra.
En realitat pensava en aquest pobre diable ... amb el que alimentaste als teus gossos avui.Actually, I was thinking of that poor devil you fed to the dogs today.
Jo pensava el mateix.I was thinking the same thing.
No, vull dir sobre el que pensaves quan en Lance m'acusava de vendre aquí al club.No, I meant the thing that you were thinking when Lance accused me of dealing out of the club.
Perquè hi pensaves.Because you were thinking of it.
Ho pensaves.You were thinking it.
A mesura que els homes travessaven l'aiguamoll, pensaven en què Ridjimiraril hauria d'afrontar.They were thinking of what Ridjimiraril had to face. Maybe that stranger's mob could throw their spears good and straight.
Tu no saps quines coses més fastigoses que pensaven.You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
Si no haguessis necessitat ajuda no m'hi hagués acostat. Però llavors he sentit què pensaven aquells desgraciats.I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help, and then I heard what those low-lifes were thinking.
Has sentit què pensaven?You say you heard what they were thinking?
Encara que mon llibre s'adreça sobretot al divertiment de nois i noies, espero que aixo no sera causa que el defugin homes i dones, perque part del meu proposit ha estat mirar de fer plaent memoria als adults d'allo que un dia foren, i de com sentiren i pensaren i parlaren, i en quínes singulars empreses s'esmerçaren de vegades.Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in. THE AUTHOR.
«Aquells nois del dimoni» s'estremiren de bell nou sota la inspiració d'aquesta nova, i pensaren si n'havia estat, de sortós, que s'haguessin recordat que era divendres i s'haguessin determinat a esperar un dia."Those infernal boys" quaked again under the inspiration of this remark, and thought how lucky it was that they had remembered it was Friday and concluded to wait a day.
Els nois pensaren en el recambró, pero no tenien forces.The boys thought of the closet, but their strength was gone.
Qui pensi això és massa delicat o no és fan de South Park.If you think so, you are way too sensitive or you are not a fan of South Park.
No ho pensi massa.Don't think about it too long.
Només pensi, arribar aquí, de déu sap on, i primer trobar-se terroristes, i llavors la aplicació de la llei d'un oficial com vostè, Glebsky.Just think, to arrive here, God knows from where and to meet first terrorists, and then such law enforcement officer as you, Glebsky.
No es que pensi que estàs mentint, però no és el mateix que saber-ho.It's not that I think you're lying, but it's not the same as knowing.
No ho pensi, n'ha de ser segur.Okay, well, don't think, know.
No pensis en això!-Where are the people? -Stop thinking about it!
Ara, no pensis que el Senyor canviaria d'opinió si tu anessis a--Now, don't you think the Lord might change His mind if you was to--
No pensis més en Tradex.Don't always think about Tradex.
No pensis que ho ets.Don't think you are.
- Sí, bé, no ho pensis massa.- Yeah well don't over think it.
Obama va dir al seu discurs que el fet que alguns iranians cridin “mort als Estats Units” no significa que ho pensin tots i té tota la raó.Obama said in his speech that just because some Iranians chant “death to America” it doesn’t mean all Iranians think so—and he is damn right.
Espero que no pensin que es tracta d'un complot familiar si els dic que em referixo a la meva filla, la Srta.I just trust you won't think this is a family affair when I refer to my daughter Miss. CaroI Fischer
- No vull que pensin que sóc metge.I don't want them to think I'm a doctor.
El Xef Nick Podarutti utilitza ingredients frescos, que es cultiven aquí, però no pensin ni per un segon que això significa que no és un noi dolent.Chef Nick Podarutti uses all fresh, locally grown ingredients, but don't think for a second that means he's not a bad boy.
Què creus que els seus famílies pensin sobre mi?What do you think their families think about me?
Tom Sawyer torna a casa joiós del tot, bo i pensant que era més satisfactori el servei religiós quan s'hi presentava una mica de varietat.Tom Sawyer went home quite cheerful, thinking to himself that there was some satisfaction about divine service when there was a bit of variety in it.
Tom no digué res: continua pensant.Tom said nothing--went on thinking.
Després féu: -Bé, veureu: jo só d'una mena malota (almenys tothom ho diu, i jo no veig res a dir contra d'aixo), i de vegades no puc dormir gaire tot pensant-hi i fent per manera de començar un nou taranna de vida."Well, you see, I'm a kind of a hard lot,--least everybody says so, and I don't see nothing agin it--and sometimes I can't sleep much, on account of thinking about it and sort of trying to strike out a new way of doing. That was the way of it last night.
Vaig utilitzar el meu bloc com un taller públic de traducció de Ramos Sucre, sempre pensant que el material havia d'aparèixer en un llibre en un futur Mitjançant el bloc, he tingut la sort de conèixer diversos escriptors veneçolans, i d'alguna manera sentir-me connectat amb l'actualitat de la literatura veneçolanaI used my blog as a public workshop for this translation project, thinking that the material should be published as a book in the future I have been lucky to meet a lot of Venezuelan writers through my blog, which has made me feel somehow connected with what's been happening in Venezuelan literature.
Així doncs, quan se'n va anar la llum, molts engegaren els generadors i encengueren les espelmes, pensant-se que es tractava d'una apagada programada.So when the lights first went out, many responded by powering up their generators or lighting candles, thinking it was a scheduled outage.

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