Priešas turi pamanyti, kad juos puola. | We want the others to think there's an attack. |
Dabar, aš galėjau "perkąsti" žmones ir aš pamaniau"prastas aktorius". | Now, I can read people and I'm thinking "bad actor". |
Beje, jeigu jau kaIbame apie batus, inai, ka pamaniau? | Speaking of shoes... you know what I was thinking? |
Bet atsirado vieta darbe, aukšte virš manęs ir pamaniau, kad pabandysiu. | I love it. But there's an opening at work the level above me, and it's... I was thinking I was gonna try out for it. |
...pamaniau,kadnebūtinaEdisono vyrams pasakoti apie dėžę. | I didn't think it was necessary to tell Edison's men about the box. |
Aš tik pamaniau, kad jei tu norėtum, galėčiau ir aš nusivest Džeiką su Libi. | I was just... I'm thinkin' maybe, you know, if you like... then I could maybe take Jake and Libby for you, you know... if... if you want. |
- Juk žinau, kad pamanei taip pat! | -You were thinking it! |
Atvažiavau tiek kelio ne tam, kad susikrautume tik todėl, kad tu pamanei, kad kažkas įvyko.. | I ain't come all this way just to pack it up because you thinking something up. |
Taip pamanei? | Is that what you think? |
Man atrodo, kad ji pamanė, jog aš buvau jos dukra. | I think she thought I was her daughter for a minute. |
Dilanas neišsiaiškino, kieno tai darbas, todėl jie pamanė: | Dillon can't work it out who did it, so they think... |
Jis pamanė tą patį, ką ir mes. | He thought what we think. |
Bet jei jau skoliniesi kūną, turi pasiskolinti spintą. Ir, mielasis, pamanytum, kad ši moteris išrado chalatą. | But if you borrow the body, you have to borrow the closet... and, my dear, you would think the woman invented the housecoat. |
Jei nebūčiau gynęsis, kiti pamanytų, kad esu silpnas. | If I hadn't fought back, then everyone would think I was weak. |
Tik pamanyk, kokią progą praradome su tuo Alanu Paueliu? | Just think of the opportunity we wasted years ago with that errand boy, Powell, Alan Powell? |