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Repenser (to think) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of repenser

Present tense
je repense
I think
tu repenses
you think
il/elle/on repense
he/she/it thinks
nous repensons
we think
vous repensez
you all think
ils/elles repensent
they think
Present perfect tense
j’ai repensé
I thought
tu as repensé
you thought
il/elle/on a repensé
he/she/it thought
nous avons repensé
we thought
vous avez repensé
you all thought
ils/elles ont repensé
they thought
Past impf. tense
je repensais
I was thinking
tu repensais
you were thinking
il/elle/on repensait
he/she/it was thinking
nous repensions
we were thinking
vous repensiez
you all were thinking
ils/elles repensaient
they were thinking
Future tense
je repenserai
I will think
tu repenseras
you will think
il/elle/on repensera
he/she/it will think
nous repenserons
we will think
vous repenserez
you all will think
ils/elles repenseront
they will think
Past perfect tense
j’avais repensé
I had thought
tu avais repensé
you had thought
il/elle/on avait repensé
he/she/it had thought
nous avions repensé
we had thought
vous aviez repensé
you all had thought
ils/elles avaient repensé
they had thought
Past preterite tense
je repensai
I thought
tu repensas
you thought
il/elle/on repensa
he/she/it thought
nous repensâmes
we thought
vous repensâtes
you all thought
ils/elles repensèrent
they thought
Past anterior tense
j’eus repensé
I had thought
tu eus repensé
you had thought
il/elle/on eut repensé
he/she/it had thought
nous eûmes repensé
we had thought
vous eûtes repensé
you all had thought
ils/elles eurent repensé
they had thought
Future perfect tense
j’aurai repensé
I will have thought
tu auras repensé
you will have thought
il/elle/on aura repensé
he/she/it will have thought
nous aurons repensé
we will have thought
vous aurez repensé
you all will have thought
ils/elles auront repensé
they will have thought
Present subjunctive tense
que je repense
that I think
que tu repenses
that you think
qu’il/elle/on repense
that he/she/it think
que nous repensions
that we think
que vous repensiez
that you all think
qu’ils/elles repensent
that they think
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie repensé
that I have thought
que tu aies repensé
that you have thought
qu’il/elle/on ait repensé
that he/she/it have thought
que nous ayons repensé
that we have thought
que vous ayez repensé
that you all have thought
qu’ils/elles aient repensé
that they have thought
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je repensasse
that I would think
que tu repensasses
that you would think
qu’il/elle/on repensât
that he/she/it would think
que nous repensassions
that we would think
que vous repensassiez
that you all would think
qu’ils/elles repensassent
that they would think
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse repensé
that I had thought
que tu eusses repensé
that you had thought
qu’il/elle/on eût repensé
that he/she/it had thought
que nous eussions repensé
that we had thought
que vous eussiez repensé
that you all had thought
qu’ils/elles eussent repensé
that they had thought
Conditional mood
je repenserais
I would think
tu repenserais
you would think
il/elle/on repenserait
he/she/it would think
nous repenserions
we would think
vous repenseriez
you all would think
ils/elles repenseraient
they would think
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais repensé
I would have thought
tu aurais repensé
you would have thought
il/elle/on aurait repensé
he/she/it would have thought
nous aurions repensé
we would have thought
vous auriez repensé
you all would have thought
ils/elles auraient repensé
they would have thought
Imperative mood
let's think!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie repensé
have thought
ayons repensé
let's have thought
ayez repensé
have thought

Examples of repenser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"La première fois qu'on s'est embrassés, ça me donne des frissons rien que d'y repenser. ""The first time we kissed... God, it gets me hot just to think about it."
"La récente controverse a forcé la firme Halicorp, déjà contestée, à repenser sa stratégie pour la ville de New Lago.DON: "The recent controversy has forced "the already under-fire Halicorp "to rethink its move to the city of New Lago.
"mais qui m'a fait repenser à ma vie avec vous."but which has made me think again... "about my Iife with you both.
- ...et repenser ta vie. - Je veux rentrer chez moi et repenser ma vie.I want to go home and rethink my life.
- Devons réellement repenser à un crime si horrible qui justifierait de tuer neuf personnes, some horrible crime that we did?- Are we supposed to think of a crime that's so horrible that he would kill nine people as a result, some horrible crime that we did?
"et puis j'ai repensé à ce tas d'oseille !""And then I thought again of those 10,000 smackeroos..."
- J'ai repensé à ce que tu m'as dit tout à l'heure...I've given more thought to what you said before...
- J'ai repensé à ça.I thought about it.
- J'y ai repensé, et je me suis dis, "Tu sais c'est idiot."- I started thinking about her, and I thought, "You know, this is silly."
- Oui, j'étais l'inspecteur assigné à l'affaire, mais vous savez, je n'avais pas repensé à ça depuis plusieurs années.- Yeah, I was the Detective assigned to that case, but you know, I haven't thought about it in a lot of years.
"Elle repense aux paroles de sa fille."she thinks again.
"Je repense à son cadavre qui n'a pas été retrouvé.I sometimes think about her corpse, which has never been found.
"Je tuerai les enfants d'un millier de planètes juste pour te voir sourire." Aw... C'est la chose la plus romantique que j'ai jamais entendu, ce qui est plutôt triste en quelque sorte quand on y repense."I would kill the children of a thousand planets just to see you smile." Aw... that is the most romantic thing I've ever heard, which is kind of sad if you think about it.
"Mais c'est plus fort que moi, je repense au 18 août 1934."but I can't help thinking of August 18, 1934.
"Oui, j'aurais mieux fait de mourir, quand j'y repense maintenant.""Yes, I had better die when I think it over."
- Appelez-moi si vous repensez à un truc.- lf you think of anything, will you call me?
- S'il vous plaît, repensez y précisément.- Please, think back carefully.
A tel point que quand vous y repensez, vous vous remettez en colère.So much that when you think about it, you get angry all over again.
Appelez-moi si vous repensez à quelque chose, d'accord ?Now, you call me if you think of anything, all right? - Sure.
Avant de tout rejeter en bloc, repensez à ce que vous avez vu et entendu.Before you dismiss it offhand, think about what you've seen and heard.
Alors Lucius, repensant à Nazareth, à la mère, à l'enfant, et aux miracles... alla voir Jean le Baptiste.Then Lucius, thinking on Nazareth, the long years the mother, the child, and the miracles did go to see John the Baptist.
Après avoir dîné avec ses parents, la petite fille se brossa les dents tranquillement, en se regardant dans le miroir et en repensant à sa journée."After having dinner with her parents" the little girl quietly brushed her teeth looking at herself in the mirror "thinking back on her day."
Bon, en y repensant, je sais ce qui s'est passé hier soir.All right, I've been thinking it over and I know what happened last night.
Car le Docteur était merveilleux, mais, en y repensant,Cos the Doctor might be wonderful, but, thinking back,
EH bien, en y repensant, tu sais, C'était beaucoup mieux que la façon dont je l'ai raconté.Well, you know, thinking back on it, it's a lot better than I made it sound, you know?

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