Aš stovėjau už tavęs, bet tu buvai per kvailas atsisukti. | l was standing right behind you... but you're too dumb to turn around. |
A nusisuku, isiimu kramtoke, dedu ja i serveteliu stikline ir atsisuku atgal. | So I turn, take out the gum, stuff it in a paper cup next to the sofa, and turn around. |
Kaskart, kai atsisuku, jis tiesiog... | Every time I turn around he's just... |
o po to prie lėktuvo staiga atsisukau. | And as I got in the thickest part of the alders right here, as I got near the airplane, I just happened to turn around. |
Kai atsisukau pamačiau Pola lekiantį žemyn. | And when I turned around, I saw Paul going down. |
Nenuėjau, tik nuėjau kai ko pasižiūrėti, O kai atsisukau tu buvai dingusi. | I went to look at something, and then I turned around and you were gone. |
Tuomet, akies kampu pamačiau kitą vaikiną, atsisukau į jį ir pasakiau: "Atiduok man jogurtą". | Then out of the corner of my eye I see this other guy, and then I turn to him and I say, "Hand over the yogurt." |
Izengardas išsiveržė. Saurono Akis dabar atsisuko į Gondorą paskutinę laisvą Žmonių karalystę. | The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor the last free kingdom of Men. |
Tuomet ji atsisuko ir pasakė, "Nori jo? | Anyway, there you were and your mom... turned to me and she said: "Hey, you want him? |
Jie atsisuko atgal o mergaitė buvo dingusi. | They turned to the back seat... the little girl had vanished. |
Tuomet atsisuko į mane ir sako: | He turns to me and he says: |
Jus gi žinot kaip būna, kai nuo jusu visi atsisuko. | You know what it's like to have everyone turn their back on you. |
Bet kai jam nepavyks... Tamsos Valdovas atsisuks į tave... | But should he fail, one should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you. |