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Dar (to give) conjugation

148 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to occur, realize, hand, por to assume, to hand over, to fuck, to encounter, to pretend to be, fuck, consider, to produce, pretend, to consider, produce, to realize or notice something, to grow naturally, to hit, to present oneself as though one were, encounter, surrender, hit, grow, to hit upon, to surrender, to emit, occur, assume, emit, to find with effort

Conjugation of dar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I give
you give
he/she/it gives
we give
you all give
they give
Present perfect tense
he dado
I have given
has dado
you have given
ha dado
he/she/it has given
hemos dado
we have given
habéis dado
you all have given
han dado
they have given
Past preterite tense
I gave
you gave
he/she/it gave
we gave
you all gave
they gave
Future tense
I will give
you will give
he/she/it will give
we will give
you all will give
they will give
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would give
you would give
he/she/it would give
we would give
you all would give
they would give
Past imperfect tense
I used to give
you used to give
he/she/it used to give
we used to give
you all used to give
they used to give
Past perfect tense
había dado
I had given
habías dado
you had given
había dado
he/she/it had given
habíamos dado
we had given
habíais dado
you all had given
habían dado
they had given
Future perfect tense
habré dado
I will have given
habrás dado
you will have given
habrá dado
he/she/it will have given
habremos dado
we will have given
habréis dado
you all will have given
habrán dado
they will have given
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I give
(if/so that) you give
(if/so that) he/she/it give
(if/so that) we give
(if/so that) you all give
(if/so that) they give
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya dado
I have given
hayas dado
you have given
haya dado
he/she/it has given
hayamos dado
we have given
hayáis dado
you all have given
hayan dado
they have given
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have given
(if/so that) you have given
(if/so that) he/she/it have given
(if/so that) we have given
(if/so that) you all have given
(if/so that) they have given
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have given
(if/so that) you have given
(if/so that) he/she/it have given
(if/so that) we have given
(if/so that) you all have given
(if/so that) they have given
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera dado
I had given
hubieras dado
you had given
hubiera dado
he/she/it had given
hubiéramos dado
we had given
hubierais dado
you all had given
hubieran dado
they had given
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese dado
I had given
hubieses dado
you had given
hubiese dado
he/she/it had given
hubiésemos dado
we had given
hubieseis dado
you all had given
hubiesen dado
they had given
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have given
(if/so that) you will have given
(if/so that) he/she/it will have given
(if/so that) we will have given
(if/so that) you all will have given
(if/so that) they will have given
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere dado
I will have given
hubieres dado
you will have given
hubiere dado
he/she/it will have given
hubiéremos dado
we will have given
hubiereis dado
you all will have given
hubieren dado
they will have given
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's give!
Imperative negative mood
no des
do not give!
no dé
let him/her/it give!
no demos
let us not give!
no deis
do not give!
no den
do not give!

Examples of dar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Voy a dar una charla pública para niños de colegio ,"I'm going to give a public talk to schoolkids,
"'No estoy de humor para dar importancia..."'I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies
"... que las evidencias que estoy a punto de dar... ""... that the evidence I am about to give... "
! No doy discos, los vendo.I don't give record...
" Te doy mi corazón y tomas el ala."l give you my heart and l take wing".
""Te doy una última oportunidad para compensar tu error.""I hereby give you one last chance to make up for your mistake.""
"Ahora bien, si yo te doy cinco casos para leer durante la noche, tu vas a leer ocho."Now if I give you five cases to read overnight, you read eight.
! ¿Por qué me la das a mí?Wh...? ! Why would you give it to me?
"E" por todo lo que siempre das a otras personas.Um, "E" is for everything that you always give to others.
"Elige el castigo que me das ""choose the punishment you will give me"
"Ellos se quedan con tu dignidad, con tu esperanza... así que te das por vencida y haces lo que te dicen.""They take your dignity, your hope... "so you give up and do as you're told.
" El mundo da con una mano ""The world gives with one hand"
" La medicación que me da me marea"."The drug he gives me, makes me dizzy."
" Un buen periodista da los hechos. Un gran periodista entiende su significado"."A good reporter gives the facts, a great reporter understands the meaning. '"
"Al amanecer, desbordo pensamientos nuestros, "un placer doloroso que no me da respiro.At dawn I overflow with thoughts of us and aching pleasure that gives me no respite
"Alice me da la fuerza para luchar."Alice gives me the strength to fight.
! ¡Donde le damos a la audiencia lo que quieren!Where we give the audience what they want!
"Con cada buzón, le damos a Ellos un número y una llave"With every post-box, we give them a number and a key
"Experiencia" es simplemente el nombre que damos a nuestros errores."Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes."
"Hoy Ie damos Ia orden...TAJ: "We have this day given order
"Le damos a nuestros dirigentes el poder desenfrenado de los reyes"."We give our elected officials the unbridled power of kings."
"Me dais el dinero, y mañana ensayamos."You give me money, we start rehearsals tomorrow.
- Chicas, ¿me dais un minuto?- Guys, can you give me a minute?
- Chicos, ¿me dais un minuto?Guys, will you give me a minute here?
- Cuando vuelva, me las dais.- When I get back you must give them to me.
- Hola. Si hay alguna duda me dais un telefonazo.Any queries, just give me a cali.
"... pero estimados preliminares dan la cifra de 5.000 muertos o desaparecidos.But preliminary estimates give a figure of 5,000 dead or missing."
"A" por el proyecto... y entonces esto combinado con tu falta de asistencia y tus bajos resultados del test, te dan una "C" para la clase."A" for the project... and then that, combined with your poor attendance and your low test scores, would give you a "C" for the class.
"Ahora convertido en uno en cuerpo y Soui" "Esta noche, le dan todo el derecho que se merece"Tonight, give him every right he deserves
"Aquellos que solo dan y jamás piden"Those who only give, and never ask.
! ¡Les di la Colt!I gave you the colt!
" PUENTE - SE PROHI BE LA ENTRADA" Se portó bien y le di una tiara de diamantes.She played her cards right, and I gave her a diamond tiara.
"A pesar de que le di mi corazón a otra mujer... de verdad lamento haberte causado dolor"."Although I gave my heart to another woman, I'm truly sorry for causing you pain".
"Al abrirla, le di vida."Opening it, I gave her life.
"Al escuchar anoche el discurso del primer ministro en el que parodió de tal modo la política del partido laborista me di cuenta enseguida cuál era su objeto."When I listened to the prime minister's speech last night, in which he gave such a travesty of the policy of the Labour party, I realized at once what was his object.
"Aquel pañuelo por mí tan estimado, que yo te regalé, ¡tú se lo diste a Casio!"That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee thou gav'st to Cassio!
"Estaba hambriento y me diste algo para comer."For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.
"Gitana, eso que me diste todavía me dura, un beso, tu sonrisa de mujer perdida""What you gave me that night, gipsy, I'll miss: your perjurer's smile and a kiss".
"Jeff, he oído a uno de los soldados de Troy hablar del discurso que diste a las tropas en el fuerte de almohadas."Jeff, heard from one of Troy's soldiers about a speech "you gave to troops at the blanket fort.
! Mi marido me dio ese collar.My husband gave me that necklace.
" .. es debido a la la vida que te dio tu padre " ."..is because of the life your father gave you."
" Me dio los sueños coloridos del amor""he gave me the colourful dreams of love"
"...y el dragón le dio su poder.and the dragon gave it his power.
"A" me dio otra entrada."a" gave me another ticket
"Bueno, eh, otra de las cosas que les dimos era una cosa nueva para los granjeros.""Okay, uhh...one of the other things we gave 'em is a new thing... for the farmer."
"No estábamos convencidos, 'Así que le dimos una mano de ayuda.''We weren't convinced, 'so we gave him a helping hand.'
"Te lo dimos todo"We gave you everything.
- Le disteis mi camisa rosa.- You gave him my pink shirt!
- Me disteis esperanza y luego me la arrebatasteis.You gave me hope, and then you took it away.
- Pero aún así les disteis su recompensaBut you still gave them their pay-off?
- Sire, disteis vuestra palabra.Sire, you gave your word. Of course.
- Vos disteis el permiso.You gave us permission to print.
" Papá, este tipo habló conmigo para 10 minutos y me dieron una prueba"Dad, this guy talked to me for 10 minutes and gave me a test
"... tus cabellos me dieron sombra. "..your tresses gave me shade.
"Dame lo que te dieron para mí.""Give me what they gave you for me."
"Ellos me dieron hiel para comer, y cuando tuve sed, me dieron a beber vinagre.'They gave me gall to eat, and when I was thirsty, gave me vinegar to drink.'
" 'Al que tenga sed yo le daré de beber gratuitamente" 'To the thirsty, I will give from the fountain of the water of life
"Adórame a mí y sólo a mí y yo le daré la tierra de Canaán a tus descendientes"."Worship me and me alone and I will give the land of Canaan to your descendants."
"Cuando esté hecho mi trabajo te daré un nuevo pasaporte Y 25 mil rupias.'But after my work is done, i will give you a new passport and 25 lakhs.'
"Dame los hechos, y te daré el derecho.""Give me the facts, and I will give you the law."
"Le daré de beber al sediento de la fuente de la vida""I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
"Destrúyele y así me darás su poder."'Destroy him, then you will give your power to me.'
- De ahora en más me darás tu paga.From now on you will give me your pay.
- Encontrar un trabajo Al diablo con él, que me darás un trabajo?-Find a job hell with it, who which will give me a job?
- Me darás un nieto- You will give me a grandson
- Mentira, te darás una oportunidad tú..- You will give you a chance.
"Acciones audaces, con el elemento sorpresa, te dará ventaja.""Audacious action, with the element of surprise, will give you the upper hand."
"Ahora, tienes que mirar en ti mismo, ya que sólo un camino te dará la riqueza.""At this moment, you must look to yourself, as only one path will give you true wealth."
"Alemania les dará la libertad."Germany will give you your freedom.
"Allí hay un hombre a través de la frontera que dará su vida para usted"There's a man across the border who will give his life for you"
"El oeste es de pensadores deseosos, así que les daremos lo que ellos quieren pensar""the West are wishful thinkers, "so we will give them What they want to think."
"Te daremos muerte de forma honrosa".We will give you an honourable death."
- Le daremos 10 dolares.We will give you $10.
- Le daremos los nombres.- We will give him the names.
- Le daremos una inyección. ¿Y el bebé?- We will give you an injection now.
Ahora, en lugar de 20 mil me daréis 50 mil dólares.Now, instead of 20,000, you will give me 50,000 dollars!
Le daréis esto.You will give her this.
¡Y a cada fusil le daréis un nombre de chica!You will give your rifle a girl's name!
" Sus lágrimas caerán sobre el Mal y le darán la vida "."... his tears falling upon the evil one, will give him life. "
""Todos te darán ideas para salir de los líos...""Everybody will give you ideas on how to get out of trouble...
"Pregúntale a los Mason, y te darán cierre.""Ask the Masons, and they will give you closure."
"Pídeles lo que quieras, que te lo darán"."Whatever you want, just ask, and they will give it."
"Si intentan detener al hombre, a quien darán el dinero... "... nunca volverán a ver a su hija con vida.If there's any attempt to detain the man to whom you will give the money you will never see your daughter alive again.
"Daría mi respiración y corazón y daría mi vida entera""I would give my breath and heart I would give my entire life"
"Le daría mucha alegría si sumergieras tu dedo en esto y lo saborearas.""It would give him much joy if you dipped your esteemed finger in this and licked it."
"Quien para Ud., daría su alma, si fuese necesario."He would give his soul if it was necessary.
"Y tu le darías a mi hermano una pintura cada mes,"And you would give my brother one painting a month,
Bueno, ahora que hemos resuelto el caso, prometiste que me darías un...Well, now that we've solved the case, you promised that you would give me an...
Cuando darías lo que fuera por haberlo hecho diferente la pregunta es:When you would give anything to have made different ones, the questions is:
Coordinarías mi agenda laboral y personal, y te daríamos una pequeña cuota de traslado por mudarte a Indianapolis.You would coordinate my professional and personal schedule, and we would give you a small relocation fee for your move to Indianapolis.
Cuando dejamos nuestra provincia dijiste, que daríamos la vida por nuestro clan Oyamada!As we left our province you said, you would give your life for our Oyamada-clan!
Cuando dejamos nuestra provincia dijiste, ¡que daríamos la vida por nuestro clan Oyamada!As we left our province you said, you would give your life for our Oyamada-clan!
De hecho, daríamos lo que fuera por tener a Rupert aquí.In fact, we definitely would give anything to have Rupert over here.
Me dijeron que me las daríais vosotros.They said they would give them to you.
¿Me daríais vuestra loca y joven vida?Am I crazy and you would give your young life?
, estás aqui Temí que no te darían el mensaje en el trabajoThank God! , You're here I feared that would give you the message at work
- Otras darían años por tenerla.- That's a handicap that a lot of women would give years for.
- Quizás por eso ellos le darían dinero-Maybe that's why they would give him money--
Además de millones de ciudadanos promedio que darían su mano derecha para recibir la recompensa de $50,000.Plus millions of average citizens who would give their left nut to collect the $50,000 reward.
Alfie dijo que nos darían más tiempo de juego.Alfie said Kevlar would give us more game time.
! QUe alguien le dé un empujón!Somebody give the place a shove!
"...y te dé paz.""... and give you peace. "
"Adiós, mi Severa, que Dios te dé mucha suerte"."Goodbye, my Severa, God give you good luck. "
"Con una rica inglés que le dé la luna ..."who give her the moon,
"Cuando ella me dé cierta señal, sé que llegará la hora de partir."When she gives me a certain sign, I know it's my fight too.
! No me lo des a mí.Don't give it to me.
! Pues, mejor que me la des!You'd better give me a chance!
" Y haz lo que quieras con ellas No me las des a mí"And do whatever you want with it Just don't give it to me
" hasta que me des tu amor "♪ till you give me your love ♪
"Como castigo no puedes hablar hasta que te demos una señal.""As your punishment you mustn't speak until we give you a sign."
- Digo que les demos una segunda oportunidad- I say we give 'em a second chance.
- Estamos comandando reclutas, mejor que les demos un poco más de tiempo para que tomen posiciones.Yeah, we're just leading' damn recruits. We better give 'em a few more minutes to get in position.
- Estoy de acuerdo, demos una...- I agree. Let's give... we've got to go in now and do That.
- Lo que digo es que demos una oportunidad a Londres.- All I'm saying is, give London a chance.
"No me deis chucherías o golosinas""Do not give me sweets or snacks"
- #Vamos a atraparlos.# - #No deis ningún aviso ahora.#- ♪ Let's go get 'em ♪ - ♪ Don't give no warning now ♪
- Mientras no le deis mi dirección...- Just don't give him my address. - All right.
A menos que me deis vuestro jubón relleno de paja.Unless thou give me thy filled with straw.
Adelante, ¿queréis ser vosotros... quienes deis a todo el mundo otra razón para rendirse?Go on, you, you wanna be the ones who give everyone another reason to give up?
! Que,¿Como es tan equivocado esperar que las personas den una oportunidad real?What, like it's so wrong to expect people to give it a real shot?
"Aquellos que hablen de nosotros y den a conocer nuestra existencia y nuestros actos deben morir" ."Those who go out into the marketplaces and speak of us and give knowledge of our being and our deeds whomsoever doeth this shall die."
"Esperemos que nos den tiempo para hacer el nudo.""Let's hope they give us time to make slipknots!"
"Haces que me den contracciones ventriculares prematuras""You give me premature ventricular contractions."
"Mira, a menos que las cosas cambien y nos den más dinero, nos vamos a casa "."unless things change and you give us some money, we're going home."
- Puede que le diera algo extra.- I might have given her some extra.
- Puede que le diera algún extra.- I might have given her some extra.
Bueno, puede que él no le diera el piano pero está muy preocupado por su bienestar...Well, he may not have given her the piano but he is very concerned for her welfare...
Escucha, tú me invitaste a tomar una copa, y, yo ... puede que te diera la impresión de que no estaba interesada, pero ... en realidad, me encantaría hacerlo.Listen, you asked me out for a drink, and, I-I may have given the impression I wasn't that interested, but... actually, I'd love to.
Puede que Abraham te diera la idea de venir a América, pero tú la pusiste en marcha.Abraham may have given you the idea to come to America, but you put in action.
Esperaba que le dieras mejores directrices que yoI hoped, that you'd have given more guidelines than me...
Estoy tan contenta de que me dieras ese consejo, Frasier, Porque sin ello, yo nunca le hubiera dado una segunda mirada.And I'm so glad you gave me that advice, Frasier, because without it, I would never have given him a second look.
Puede que le dieras la niña a Viktor, pero sabes tan bien como yo que no tenías intención de dejarle marchar con ella.You may have given the child to Viktor, but you know as well as I do, you had no intention of letting him leave with her.
Sin embargo me gustaría que me dieras un poco más de información.I wish you would have given me a little more notice, though.
Te dije que se la diéramos a Astaire.I told you, we should have given it to Astaire.
Cualquier ajuda directa que diese a ella solo empeoraria la situación.Any help I would have given her directly would have just made the situation worse.
"Partid en dos al niño vivo", dijo, "y dad la mitad a la una y mitad a la otra"."Divide the child in two, " he said, "and give half to each. ."
Ahora dejad vuestras mochilas y dad un abrazo a vuestro padre, ¿de acuerdo?Now put the bags down and give your dad a hug, all right?
Ahora, iros, dad a vuestras esposas y novias un poco de atención y os veré en la granja el día seis.Now, go off, give your wives and your girlfriends a bit of attention and I'll see you at the farm on the 6th.
Ahora, todo el mundo, dad 15 vueltas.Now, everyone, give me 15 laps.
Antes dad audiencia a los embajadores. Mis noticias serán el postre del festín.First give admittance to the ambassadors - my news shall be the fruit unto the feast.
" ...porque su pelo le ha sido dado...""...for her hair is given her for..."
! Me está dando dolor de cabeza!You're just giving me a headache!
""Ningún comandante os pediría más de lo que habéis dado día y noche"".""No commander could ask more than you have given each hour of the day and night.""
"A mi querida amiga que me ha dado coraje inspiración y amor"."To the dear one who has given me courage inspiration and love. "
"A todos los que tengan, más les será dado"To all those that have, more will be given
" Sólo están dando información."They're just giving you information.
"...si aun todos los niños en el mundo continúan dando sus declaraciones en Inglés..."TV: "..still remains why every child in the world is giving their statements in English..."
"...y dando muestras de encontrarse alcoholizado...""... and giving signs of being under the influence of alcohol..."

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