Alemanian ere denbora luzea eman dut. | I've been spending a bit of time in Germany too. |
Ez zenioke horrela eman beharko Korori. | You shouldn't have hit Koro like that. |
- Buelta eman behar diogu. | - We've got to turn it around. |
Alemaniar batzuk txeke hau eman didate. | Some Germans gave this check. |
Hoberena eman diot, banekien alemaniarra izateagaitik berdin izango nuela. | I've already given him the best, knowing he is German and would take it anyway. |
- Zer janaria ematen dizute? | [ Grunts, Chuckles ] - What are they feeding you? |
- Desberdina ematen duzu. | - You look different. |
Ez zara inoiz geratzen gertatzen zaizkigun gauzak ikusteak mina ematen dizulako. | I see it in you. You never stay, because it hurts you to see what's happening to us. |
Errua nirea dela ematen du. | Sounds like his fault to me. |
Baimenak ematen diet. | Through ways of my own, I provide them with exit visas. |
Paka, eskolan nondik gatozen eta horri buruzko hitzaldi bat emango dugu. | Paka, at school we gotta do a speech on where we come from and that. |
Kolpe zuzena emango diegu. | We're gonna smack all those other ones. |
- Nik ordaintzen dizudanaren bikoitza emango dizu. | - He'll double what I pay you. |
Izenak emango dizkiguzu? | You'll give us the names? |
Ura emango dizut. | I'll give you some water. |
"Sistema hau edukitzeko, ez duzula elkarbanatuko hitza eman behar duzu". Eta niretzat hori funtsean gizatxar bat izatearen hitz emate bat zen, bai saltzeko, edo elkarlan herkidegotik, gizartetik ateratzeko. | And to me that was essentially a promise to be a bad person, to betray the rest of the world, cut myself off from society from a cooperating community. |
Gero, xingola kasetaren eztandaren ondoren nolabaiteko amore emate bat egon zen musika grabatuarekiko eta urrezko aroa izan zen cd-aren industriarentzat. baina | Then, after the cassette tape explosion there was some kind of capitulation to recorded music and it was a golden age for recording industry with the cd. but |
Esku lan eta emate epe bikainak. | Excellent workmanship and delivery times respected. |
Niri dagokit gogoraraztea hiritar bezala dituzuen erantzunkizun berriak, eta gogoraraztea ere AEB-ko hiritartasuna ez dela garaipen berme bat, baizik eta aukera hitz emate bat. | It is incumbent upon me to remind you of your newfound responsibilities as citizens, and also to remind you that an American citizenship is not a guarantee of success but rather the promise of opportunities. |
Hitz emate bat izan zen. Sentitzen dut. | I'm sorry. |