Viņš man lūdza tev to iedot. | He asked me to give it to you. |
Tētis aizmirsa tev iedot šo. | Dad forgot to give you this. |
Gribu tev iedot dāvanu- dāvanu virkni, kas novedīs pie... nosaukšu to par "Pēdējo dāvanu." | So I want to give you a gift— a series of gifts leading up to, well... I wanna call it "the ultimate gift." |
Kā lai es tev iedodu kaut ko un līdz ar to nesabojāju tevi, kā tavus onkuļus un tantes? | How can I give you something and not have it ruin you like your uncles and aunts? |
Tas izskaidro to, kāpēc viņš teica, lai iedodu tev šo. | Ah. That explains why he said to give you this. |
Tu izlasi kaut ko no tā, ko tev iedodu? | Do you read anything that I give you? |
principālam to iedod nosūtītāja muitas iestāde vai, ja muitas dienesti atļauj, tad izdrukā no principāla datorsistēmas; | it is given to the principal by the office of departure, or, where authorised by the customs authorities, it is printed out from the principal's computer system; |
Lou, iedod man lūdzu pienu. | Lou, give me a milk. |
Nē, iedod to man. | No, give it to me. |
Es iedošu kukurūzu, kuru novācu priekš mammas. | The corn Mei picked, Mei will give to Mother. |