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Ser (to be) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to occur, to exist, exist

Conjugation of ser

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I am
you are
he/she/it is
we are
you all are
they are
Present perfect tense
he sido
I have been
has sido
you have been
ha sido
he/she/it has been
hemos sido
we have been
habéis sido
you all have been
han sido
they have been
Past preterite tense
I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you all were
they were
Future tense
I will be
you will be
he/she/it will be
we will be
you all will be
they will be
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would be
you would be
he/she/it would be
we would be
you all would be
they would be
Past imperfect tense
I used to be
you used to be
he/she/it used to be
we used to be
you all used to be
they used to be
Past perfect tense
había sido
I had been
habías sido
you had been
había sido
he/she/it had been
habíamos sido
we had been
habíais sido
you all had been
habían sido
they had been
Future perfect tense
habré sido
I will have been
habrás sido
you will have been
habrá sido
he/she/it will have been
habremos sido
we will have been
habréis sido
you all will have been
habrán sido
they will have been
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I be
(if/so that) you be
(if/so that) he/she/it be
(if/so that) we be
(if/so that) you all be
(if/so that) they be
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya sido
I have been
hayas sido
you have been
haya sido
he/she/it has been
hayamos sido
we have been
hayáis sido
you all have been
hayan sido
they have been
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have been
(if/so that) you have been
(if/so that) he/she/it have been
(if/so that) we have been
(if/so that) you all have been
(if/so that) they have been
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have been
(if/so that) you have been
(if/so that) he/she/it have been
(if/so that) we have been
(if/so that) you all have been
(if/so that) they have been
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera sido
I had been
hubieras sido
you had been
hubiera sido
he/she/it had been
hubiéramos sido
we had been
hubierais sido
you all had been
hubieran sido
they had been
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese sido
I had been
hubieses sido
you had been
hubiese sido
he/she/it had been
hubiésemos sido
we had been
hubieseis sido
you all had been
hubiesen sido
they had been
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have been
(if/so that) you will have been
(if/so that) he/she/it will have been
(if/so that) we will have been
(if/so that) you all will have been
(if/so that) they will have been
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere sido
I will have been
hubieres sido
you will have been
hubiere sido
he/she/it will have been
hubiéremos sido
we will have been
hubiereis sido
you all will have been
hubieren sido
they will have been
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's be!
Imperative negative mood
no seas
do not be!
no sea
let him/her/it be!
no seamos
let us not be!
no seáis
do not be!
no sean
do not be!

Examples of ser

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Bueno, para ser justos, soy mundialmente famoso... o casi.Well, to be fair, I am world famous...
! Debéis aprender a ser civilizados y deportistas!You're supposed to learn how to be citizens and sportsmen, not hooligans!
! - Yo no soy parte de eso.- I am not a part of this.
! -Claro que lo se, soy un detective, ¿Lo recuerda?Of course I am aware of it, that I'm a detective, Remember?
! = = No soy tan emocional sobre Chuck D, pero estoy muy molesto por el equipo de música.I am not as emotional about Chuck D, but I am really upset about the stereo.
! = = Um, yo soy un pintor de un país extranjero... Y éste es mi regalo a los Estados Unidos.Um, I am a painter from a foreign country... and this is my gift to America.
! Bueno, para ser justos, soy mundialmente famoso... o casi.Well, to be fair, I am world famous...
! - Oye eres una hermosa jovencita blanca.Hey, you are a beautiful young white woman.
! - Sí, sé quién eres.Yes, I know who you are.
! Anka, tú eres un angel!Annie, you are an angel!
! Dios, menudo bombón eres!Man, you are gorgeous!
! "Jimmy Deeshel es un hombre gordo.""Jimmy Deeshel is a fat man."
! "¿Quién es ella?"- "Who is she?"
! (Qué clase de monstruo es esta mujer?(What kind of a monster is this woman?
! - Asume que todo lo que digo es cierto.- Just assume everything I say is the truth.
! - Bueno, para mí lo es.- Well, for me, he is one.
! No sólo somos ladrones.We are not just petty thieves!
! Ahora sois de mi tamaño!Now you are my size!
! Porque creo que sois un sincero hombre de Dios.For I think you are a sincere and godly man.
! Yoshioka, ¿sois maricas?Yoshioka, are you two gay?
! ¡¿Quiénes sois?Who are you guys?
! - Estos pantalones no son caros,- These are not fancy pants,
! Esos son animales de verdad!Those are live animals!
! Esos son mis lentes!Those are my glasses!
! - Yo fui, Donny.- It was me,Donny.
! No fui yo!It wasn't me.
! Tienes suerte que fui publicado con una tapa dura! .You're lucky I was published with a thick hide!
! ¡Nunca fuiste un padre!You never were a father!
! ¿Que fuiste criado por los lobos o algo así?What, were you raised by wolves or something?
" Hizo todo por lo que tú fuiste acusado Y luego trató de matarnos Y volar la mitad de Miami " ¿Simon?"Did everything you were ever accused of and then tried to kill us and blow up half of Miami" Simon?
"...de que tú fuiste hecho para mí."..that you were made for me, all apart."
! - ¡No, ese fue un accidente!No, that was an accident!
! - ¿Que diablos fue eso?- What the hell was that.
! ...¿Qué fue eso?What was that?
"... he hallado asilo aquí, cuando fuimos... "... expulsados de Bengala Oriental... "... tras la secesión del Paquistán.found asylum here, when we were thrown out of East Bengal, due to the separation with Pakistan.
"Al llegar a Cheyenne, fuimos capaces de efectuar cambios inmediatos para frenar la creciente y notoria violencia del lugar"."Upon arrival to Cheyenne, "we were able to effect immediate gains "in curbing the rampant and notorious violence
"Ambos fuimos atrapados en un remolino.""The two of us were caught in a swirl. "
"Ambos fuimos tontos, ella y yo."'We were both fools, she and I.'
"Amaréis al extranjero, pues "extranjeros fuisteis en tierra de Egipto.""Love the Stranger, for you yourselves were strangers once in the land of Egypt."
"Queridos niños, aunque hoy no esté cerca de vosotros, quiero que sepáis que fuisteis mi alegría y que siempre ocupasteis un gran lugar en mi corazón."Dear children, even though I am no longer with you today, know that you were my greatest joys and that you have always occupied a very special place in my heart.
"Y no contristéis al Espíritu Santo de Dios con el cual fuisteis sellados para el día de la redención."And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
"Y no entristezcáis al Espíritu Santo de Dios con el cual fuisteis sellados para el día de la redención."And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, "by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
- Lo siento, fuisteis los ideales.I'm sorry, you were ideal.
! Mi padre está en un club adorador de conejos, el Club Liebre para Hombres. protegen el secreto de la Pascua, pero antes de decírlo, fueron atacados por ninjas y me pusieron a cargo de Bola de Nieve.My Dad's in a rabbit-worshiping cult called the Hare Club For Men they protect the secret of Easter but before they said what it was they were attacked by ninjas and put me in charge of Snowball.
" La fusión " Tengo el presentimiento de que fueron enviados aquí por el Alto Mando.I get the feeling you weren't sent out here by the High Command.
" Muchos fueron terriblemente heridos, algunos de ellos con las piernas cortadas,"many were terribly wounded, some with legs shot off,
" Si fueron hizo cosquillas por el roce del amor"If I were tickled by the rub of love
" 'Yo seré Dios para él y él será hijo para mí." 'and I will be his God and he shall be my son.
"'Yo seré un árbol en el que anidarás."'"'l will be a tree that you come home to."'
"...que seré leal a la profesión de la medicina...""...that I will be loyal to the profession of medicine..."
"Allá donde tú mueras, también moriré yo. " "Allí seré enterrada. ""where you die, I dieth," "and there I will be buried."
"...serás hombre, hijo mio.""You will be a man. My son."
"Allá construiré un castillo... del que tú serás la dueña.""There I will build you a castle -- of wich you will be the distinguished mistress."
"Diablos, si no eras terrorista cuando llegaste... cuando salgas seguro lo serás, por como te tratamos"."Hell, if you were not terrorist when you came ... when you leave you will be safe, by how they treat you. "
! EI reino de Dios será destruido!The Kingdom of God will be destroyed.
! Toda la nave será destruida!The whole ship will be destroyed!
""Seremos, seremos libres"".We will, we will be free.
"...quienes somos y lo que seremos".Who we are, and what we will be."
"Nosotros seremos ciudadanos."We will be citizens.
"Algún día, seréis líderes mundiales"- Someday you will be the world's leaders.
- Entonces lo seréis.- Then you will be
" Hay partes que serán difícil de pasar.""There are parts that will be hard to get through.
" de que serán perseguidos si volver a su país de origen ""that they will be persecuted if they go back to their home country."
"...serán de utilidad para Roma cuando sean y si es que son...""...will be of any value to Rome, if and when..."
! Mira, sé que normalmente esto sería muy gracioso pero ya lleva ahí demasiado tiempo como para dar una buena explicación.Look, I know that normally this would be very funny but he's been under there too long for reasonable explanation.
! Pero si dijiste que sería al menos un mes.But you said it would be at least a month.
"Sabía que serías tú.I knew it would be you.
*Siempre supe que* *serías tú* *desde que escuché tu risa melodiosa*.♪ I always knew ♪ It would be you ♪ Since I heard your lilting laughter
- ... serías un ayudante de cocina.- ...you would be a busboy.
- Ah si, imaginé que serías Ya que no eran para tiOh, yeah, I imagine you would be since they weren't meant for you.
"Si no hubiera infierno, seríamos como los animales..."If there were no hell, we would be like the animals.
(traductor) lt se realizó que si Saipan estaba perdida, seríamos en una posición muy difticult.(translator) lt was realised that if Saipan was lost, we would be in a very difticult position.
- Ese seríamos nosotros.- That would be us.
- No. Si ustedes se juntan y él forma parte del equipo... seríamos infalibles.If you guys got together, and then he was on our team, and then... we would be foolproof.
- Siempre he sabido que seríamos amigos.- l knew we would be friends.
- Si fuera bastardo, señor, ahora seríais el regente.If only he were a bastard, My Lord, then you would be regent now.
Así que vosotros seríais lo último que viera.So you guys would be the last thing that I see.
Creo que seríais perfectos.I think you guys would be perfect.
En Corea, todos seríais abandonados en la cuneta y llevados con la basura.In Korea, you all would be left on the curb and taken away with the garbage.
" ellos y sus aliados del norte serían los amos y nosotros los esclavos ""they and their northern allies would be the masters, and we the slaves."
"... para decidir cuáles serían esos objetos.""in order to determine just what those items would be.
"... y el asunto de Airwest serían de alta prioridad. ""and the Airwest matter would be of highest priority."
"Cuando me casé con un C.P.A., siempre pensé que sus ojos serían los que fallarían primero."When I married a C.P.A., I always thought it would be his eyes that would go first."
"El honor de introducirlas en Inglaterra, serían en sí mismas un gran logro"The honour of introducing them into England would be a rich reward.
! - Que sea mi mejor tiempo.Be my best time ever.
! Gloria sea tu nombre!Glory be thy name!
! Sr. Belden, por qué haría Alguien sea conducción abajoMr. Belden, why would anyone be driving down either side of the highway, let alone the wrong side?
! - No seas insolente, marinero, o te aplastaré.Don't be impudent, sailor, or you'll be squashed.
! Nene, no seas tan malo! !Baby, don't be so mean!
! No seas así!Don't be that way!
! No seas estúpido.Don't be stupid.
" Haz que seamos dignos de la palabra de Jesucristo""That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ."
"Ah, amor, seamos sinceros el uno con el otro."Ah, let us be true to one another, for the world, which dreams to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new,
"Al menos que seamos como niños pequeños... no podemos entrar en el paraíso"."Unless we become as little children, we cannot enter paradise."
! Qué detalle! La próxima vez no seáis tan estúpidos.That's very nice of you, but don't be so stupid next time.
" Amad a vuestros enemigos y rogad por los que os persigan " para que seáis hijos de vuestro Padre celestial, " que hace salir su sol sobre malos y buenosLove your enemies and pray for those who persecute you to be the true children of our Father in heaven for He causes the sun to rise on both good and evil and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
" He aquí... el diablo echará a algunos de vosotros en la cárcel para que seáis probados."Behold, the devil shall cast some of thee into prison that you may be tried."
" No tardéis, volved pronto Dejad que os mire, benditos seáisDon't be gone long, but be back soon Give me one long last look, bless you
! Ahora mismo y sean rigurosos!Right now and be thorough!
! Deberías estar afuera ahora mismo intentando encontrar a esta gente, quienquiera que sean!You should be out there right now, trying to find the people, whoever they are!
" Dios, tendría que haber escuchado a Michel ", Espero que estas cookies sean las mejores del mundo"My God, I should have listened to Michel"... these better be the best cookies in the world.
" En tanto que la inacción pone en peligro el futuro de la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos, ...y que no puede haber paz verdadera en Oriente Medio mientras tales actos no sean castigados..."Whereas inaction further threatens the national security of these United States... ...andtherecan benopeace inthe Middle East if such acts are... ...sanctionedandcommitted.
" Y la muerte no tendrá señorío desnudos los muertos se habrán confundido con el hombre del viento y la luna poniente cuando sus huesos estén roídos y sean polvo los limpios tendrán estrellas a sus codos y a sus pies aunque se vuelvan locos serán cuerdos aunque se hundan en el mar saldrán de nuevo aunque los amantes se pierdan quedará el amor y la muerte no tendrá señorío.""And death shall have no dominion." "Dead men naked, they shall be one With the man in the wind and the west moon."
"Con 6 horas, quizás fuera un filme."at six hours, Cleopatra might have been a movie,
"El Soldado" no ha dejado las montañas Hoggar durante dos años, y su gente ha estado activa fuera de esa área durante el mismo tiempo.El Soldat hasn't left the Hoggar Mountains for two years, and his people have been active outside that area for just as long.
"Pero habría sido agradable que esto hubiera durado, aunque sólo fuera unos meses.""But it would have been kind o' funny if this had been on the level - even for a couple o' months."
"Puede que fuera yo quien estaba en una guerra, pero ella también estaba luchando una batalla"'I might have been the one at war, but she too was fighting a battle.'
"Spuda". Quizá fuera su papá.It could have been "spoodah. " It could have been your daddy.
A él le habrá desilusionado que te fueras antes de hablar contigo.He must have been rather disappointed that you left before he could talk to you.
Aunque habría sido más fácil si solo fueras una bruja.Although it would have been a good deal easier if you'd only been a witch.
Bueno, quizá si fueras un poco mejor marcando con el hierro, no habría habido ninguna confusión.Well, maybe if you were a little better with a branding iron, there wouldn't have been any confusion.
A Vega lo debieron matar justo después de que fuéramos amenazados por el Juez.Vega must have been killed just after we were threatened by that judge.
Decidir que ambas fuéramos.That would have been hard to decide that we would both go.
Es posible que a veces no fuéramos siempre tan atentos como podíamos haberlo sido.Maybe sometimes we weren't always as thoughtful as we could have been.
Porque si no fuerais gays... ..tarde o temprano tendríais interés en mí... ..y entonces la vida sería extraña.Because if you hadn't been gay.. ..then sooner or later you would have been interested in me.. ..and then life would've become strange.
- Chicos que fueran mordidos.- Kids have been bitten.
- La parte más difícil ya está hecha. - Los túneles estaban hechos antes que las normas fueran establecidas... - Según nuestras cuentas la construcción está completada al 65%.The hard part Mr. Cole is already done... ceilings are preexisting, routes have been established and construction is by our estimates 65% completed finished plans have been sitting on the shelf for 30 years... all I need now is the money to finish the job...
Así que me sería de gran ayuda que mis instrucciones,que han sido detenidamente sopesadas, fueran cumplidas.It would assist me greatly therefore... if my instructions, which have been given great consideration... should be observed.
Aunque las armas fueran auténticas, tiene que haber terceros implicados.Even if these are genuine, a third party must have been involved.
(Anton) Quizá la conversación fuese más interesante una vez muerto.(Anton) Well, perhaps the conversation would have been better after he'd died.
- "Puede que fuese"... - pero una vez tomada, tuve que seguir.- "It may have been"-- - but once I made it, I had to commit to it.
A los ojos de Dios y del mundo yo quería que mi vida fuese como debió ser.In the eyes of God and the world I wanted my life to be as it should have been.
Ahora, si Adrian Philby fuese un espía soviético, ¿La KGB no hubiese tirado inmediatamente la operación Francotirador?Now, if Adrian Philby were a Soviet spy, would not Operation Sniper have been shut down immediately by the KGB?
Esperaba que fueses la esposa de mi Hamlet.I hoped thou shouldst have been my Hamlets wife.
Estaría orgulloso de que fueses astronauta.He must have been pretty proud of you when you became an astronaut.
Puede que fueses concebida en la parte trasera de un Pinto.You may have been conceived in the back of a pinto.
Enviarnos a detener un problema habría sido una buena manera de distraernos y no fuésemos a por ti.Sending us off to stop a trouble would have been a great way of distracting us from coming after you.
Si fuésemos ricos, Joe, quizás hubiera funcionado mejor.You should have been rich, Joe then it might have been
Oh, bueno, habría sido de mi incumbencia... conseguir que fueseis inhabilitados.Oh, well, it would have been incumbent upon me -to have you both disbarred. -Ah.
Cogí un par de parches, puede que fuesen cuatro.I took a couple of patches, might have been four.
El impacto causó que millones de toneladas de tierra y rocas fuesen arrojadas a la atmósfera, envolviendo todo el planeta.Millions of tons of earth and rock would have been hurled up into the atmosphere, enveloping the whole planet.
Las balas de Deckard quizá no fuesen reales, pero la culata de la pistola sí.Deckard's bullets may not have been real, but his gun butt sure was.
Mark y Margot puede que fuesen en serio, pero Margot y David fueron a por todas.Mark and Margot may have been going steady, but Margot and David were going all the way.
Me destrocé la espalda, así que cogí un par de parches, puede que fuesen cuatro.Wrecked my back, so I took a couple of patches, might have been four.
! Mira, sé que normalmente esto sería muy gracioso pero ya lleva ahí demasiado tiempo como para dar una buena explicación.Look, I know that normally this would be very funny but he's been under there too long for reasonable explanation.
" Chao, pero volved pronto No sé, os echo de menosCheerio but be back soon I don't know, somehow I'll miss you
" Vosotros, pues, sed perfectos " como es perfecto vuestro Padre celestial."Therefore, you will be perfect as your heavenly Father...
"Benditos los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia porque serán llenados con el espíritu de Dios."Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the spirit of God.
"Cuando en un suelo se ha derramado mucha sangre el suelo empieza a sentir sed de ella"."Once too much blood has been spilled on the same ground, "that ground develops a thirst for it."
! - ¡Nunca ha sido fácil!- It's never been easy!
! Los archivos están siendo eliminados.The files are being erased.
"Deidre, sos muy sensible."Deidre, you are so emotional.
! Jamás he sido tan humillado!Never have I ever been so... so humiliated!
! Sí, estás siendo un gilipollas- Yes, you're being an asshole!
" Andrei Rublev" estaba siendo proyectada, a pesar de no ser estrenada en nuestro país." Andrei RubIyov" is being screened, although it hasn't been released in our country.
" Disfruta siendo quien eres""Enjoy being yourself"
" Esta siendo sostenido, sin problemas, por el freno de mano... ""It is being held, no problem at all, by its handbrake.
"Madalena, cuando yo te miro, no te veo como sos, te veo como eras, cuando tenías 20 años, y nos casamos.Madalena, when I look at you I don't see you as you are, I see you as you were, when you were 20, and we got married.
#Lohermosoque sos ## The beauty you are #

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