Si podíeu venir en una corredora per assistir al vostre funeral, hauríeu pogut deixar-vos caure aquí i dar-me una entresenya o altra que no éreu mort, sinó que us havíeu escapat només. | If you could come over on a log to go to your funeral, you could have come over and give me a hint some way that you warn't dead, but only run off." |
-El Senyor va dar-lo i el Senyor l'ha pres. Beneit sigui el nom del Senyor! | "The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away--Blessed be the name of the Lord! |
Tom, mai no m'hauria vist en aquest tribull si no hagués estat per aquells diners: ja podeu pendre la meva part amb la vostra, i dar-me de tant en tant deu centims (no pas moltes vegades, perque jo no dono una malla per cap cosa sinó quan és d'allo més difícil d'haver); i vós aneu i em feu quedar com una persona amb la vídua. -O Huck! | Tom, I wouldn't ever got into all this trouble if it hadn't 'a' ben for that money; now you just take my sheer of it along with your'n, and gimme a ten-center sometimes--not many times, becuz I don't give a dern for a thing 'thout it's tollable hard to git--and you go and beg off for me with the widder." |
Huck es sentia en lloc estret: l'esguard inquisitiu era al seu damunt: hauria dat qualsevol cosa per tenir el material d'una plausible resposta. | Huck was in a close place--the inquiring eye was upon him--he would have given anything for material for a plausible answer--nothing suggested itself--the inquiring eye was boring deeper and deeper--a senseless reply offered--there was no time to weigh it, so at a venture he uttered it--feebly: |
Fa deu anys van fer-me aquesta ferida, mai es curarà del tot. | This mark was given me ten years ago, and it will never heal. |
Creus que algú deu haver-li donat un nom. | You'd think someone would have given that a name. |
Abandona tota això, i et donaré deu dòlars. | Drop this whole thing, and I'll give you ten bucks. |
No deu pas parlar seriosament. Doncs almenys doni'm una aspirina anglesa! | Oh, well, give me some decent english aspirin. |
Et donaré deu francs per tot això. | I'll give you all of 10 francs |