Algunas veces usan cocaína para dopar caballos. | They sometimes use cocaine to dope horses. |
Ésos de Ampco no tienen derecho a dopar a un caballo. | Them Ampco people got no right to dope up a horse. |
- ¿Por qué no lo dopas? - Explícales, Doc. | Why don't you dope him? |
Dice que en los cuatro, se dopa! | He says it in all four, you dopes! |
Esa mujer iba a escribir sobre cómo dopa a los luchadores jóvenes en su gimnasio. | The lady was gonna write about how he dopes his young fighters at his gym. |
O atarlo y después lo dopamos con cloroformo? | Or tie him up first and then dope him with chloroform? |
¿ - Le dopan? | - Are you doped? |
Con todo el Benadryl con que lo dopaste, dormirá por días. | With all that Benadryl you doped him with, he gonna be out for days. |
Fazlu te dopó con hierba y le informó a Sultan que papá viajaba solo. | Fazlu doped you with weed and informed Sultan that dad was riding alone. |
No solo se dopó sino que se dopó con la mayor pericia disponible. | Not only did he dope, but he doped with the best expertise available. |
Oírlo decir, finalmente, que se dopó... Bill Strickland Editor, Bicycling ...después de años y años de las más increíbles negaciones. | To finally witness him saying that he doped after the years and years and years and years of just the most amazing denials. |
Mis padres me doparon con píldoras para adelgazar desde los 10 años. | My parents have had me doped up on diet pills since I was 10. |
*Sí* *jaja * * crisis dope * *recuerdaqueelmejor* | *Yeah* * ha ha * * dope crisis * * remember who the nicest * |
- ¡Está haciendo un rope-a-dope! | - He's doing a rope-a-dope! |
? I'm dope on the floor ? | ♪ I'm dope on the floor ♪ |
? super dope homegirl from the oak town ? | ♪ a super dope homegirl from the oak town ♪ |
Bogey dope. | Bogey dope: |
La próxima vez que te diga que dopes a un caballo seguro lo harás. | Next time I tell you to dope a horse, I'll bet you do it. |
Digo que lo dopemos para siempre. | I say we dope him up forever. |
- Está muy dopado. | - He's pretty doped up. |
- ¿aun esta dopado? | - He's still doped up? |
Bien y dopado, gracias. | Nice and doped up, thanks. |
Cuando estaba mirando a su examigo y también excompañero de equipo y quien se había dopado. Parecía estar admitiéndole a Frankie más que a la cámara que: "No tengo la capacidad. | When he was looking at this guy, who had been his friend for years as well as his teammate, and who had doped, and he seemed to be admitting to Frankie more so than to the camera that, "I just don't have it. |
Cuando perdió, sabía que era porque Sweet Stakes estaba dopado. | When he lost, he knew it was because Sweet Stakes was doped. |
"Quizá se esté dopando". "No es buena persona". | "Maybe he's doping." "He's not a nice guy." |
- Creo que Solis se está dopando. | I think Solis is doping. |
- Se estaba dopando. | He was doping himself. |
- Si Shari se está dopando te juro que no se lo suministro yo. | - If Shari's doping, she sure as hell didn't get it from me. |
- Te has estado dopando, hijo. | You've been doping, son. |