- Daamid ja härrad esitlen One Directionit. | - Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for One Direction. |
Christopher Chance, ma esitlen teile tema kõrgeausust - Victoria, Walesi printsess. | Christopher Chance, I give you her royal highness, Victoria, Princess of Wales. |
Daamid ja härrad, esitlen teile Colossust! | Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Colossus! |
Daamid ja härrad, esitlen teile Kongi, kaheksandat maailmaime! | I give you Kong, The Eighth Wonder of the World! |
Daamid ja härrad, esitlen teile meest, kes valgustab meid eesseisvate ülesannete ja partei osas, millesse nii väga usume. | Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the man who will inform us of the work we must do and of the party we so believe in. |
Daamid ja härrad, Confetti esitleb: | Ladies and gentlemen, Confetti gives you: |
Ashley, ma ütlesin 40,000 inimesele, et homme kell 7. 30 õhtul me esitleme neile kahe-tunnise ABBA eriloo. | Ashley, l have told 40,000 people that at 7.30 tomorrow night we will give them a two-hour ABBA radio special. |
Me esitleme kohtuasja kohtunikule ja ta on nõus asja edasi lükkama, mis annab meile aega asjad korda saada, olgu? | We'll put the case to the judge and... he will agree to adjourn which will then give us time to sort things out, OK? |
Ning nad esitlevad seda "kingitusena" meile. | Wrapped up with a bow and given to public like a gift. |
Näiliselt vabatahtlik ja erastatud töölaager eirab vastutust avalikkuse ees ja vaba tahet. Ning nad esitlevad seda "kingitusena" meile. See on tõeliselt... | An apparent gulag imagines privatized… that it eliminates your public responsibility and it frees will like adult man… and in public they give that you gift and stays as… |
- Ma esitlesin neid kongressile, kuid nad lõpetasid mu programmi rahastamise. | I already gave that number to Congress. |
Georg Kaplani nimi, kellena ta end vastuvõtus esitles, oli vale. | "...which he gave to an attendant in the General Assembly Building... "...was false. |
Ennem kui ma hakkame esitlema teile mehi oma 30-ndates, oma räpaste mõtete ja ... | Before you is a moderately presentable man in his 30's, - - given to unhealthy thoughts and a dissipated lifestyle. |
Aitäh. Lubage esitleda meie imepärast külalist. | Thank you, thank you, and now, Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our surprise guest. |
Caesaril on au esitleda teile... | Caesar is proud to give you... |
Daamid ja härrad, Maine'i osariigi nimel... on meil suur au esitleda... | Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the state of Maine, it gives us great pleasure to present |