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Da (to give) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of da

Present tense
I give
you give
he/she/it gives
we give
you all give
they give
Present perfect tense
am dat
I have given
ai dat
you have given
a dat
he/she/it has given
am dat
we have given
ați dat
you all have given
au dat
they have given
Past preterite tense
I gave
you gave
he/she/it gave
we gave
you all gave
they gave
Future tense
voi da
I will give
vei da
you will give
va da
he/she/it will give
vom da
we will give
veți da
you all will give
vor da
they will give
Conditional mood
aș da
I would give
ai da
you would give
ar da
he/she/it would give
am da
we would give
ați da
you all would give
ar da
they would give
Subjunctive present tense
să dau
(so that/if) I give
să dai
(so that/if) you give
să dea
(so that/if) he/she/it give
să dăm
(so that/if) we give
să dați
(so that/if) you all give
să dea
(so that/if) they give
Subjunctive past tense
să fi dat
(so that/if) I have given
să fi dat
(so that/if) you have given
să fi dat
(so that/if) he/she/it have given
să fi dat
(so that/if) we have given
să fi dat
(so that/if) you all have given
să fi dat
(so that/if) they have given
Past impf. tense
I was giving
you were giving
he/she/it was giving
we were giving
you all were giving
they were giving
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu da
do not give!
nu dați
do not give!
Past pluperfect tense
I had given
you had given
he/she/it had given
we had given
you all had given
they had given
Future alternative 1 tense
am să dau
I am going to give
ai să dai
you are going to give
are să dea
he/she/it is going to give
avem să dăm
we are going to give
aveți să dați
you all are going to give
au să dea
they are going to give
Future alternative 2 tense
o să dau
I am going to give
o să dai
you are going to give
o să dea
he/she/it is going to give
o să dăm
we are going to give
o să dați
you all are going to give
o să dea
they are going to give
Future perfect tense
voi fi dat
I will have given
vei fi dat
you will have given
va fi dat
he/she/it will have given
vom fi dat
we will have given
veți fi dat
you all will have given
vor fi dat
they will have given
Future in the past tense
aveam să dau
I was going to give
aveai să dai
you were going to give
avea să dea
he/she/it was going to give
aveam să dăm
we were going to give
aveați să dați
you all were going to give
aveau să dea
they were going to give
Conditional past tense
aș fi dat
I would have given
ai fi dat
you would have given
ar fi dat
he/she/it would have given
am fi dat
we would have given
ați fi dat
you all would have given
ar fi dat
they would have given
Presumptive tense
oi da
I might give
oi da
you might give
o da
he/she/it might give
om da
we might give
oți da
you all might give
or da
they might give
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi dând
I might be giving
oi fi dând
you might be giving
o fi dând
he/she/it might be giving
om fi dând
we might be giving
oți fi dând
you all might be giving
or fi dând
they might be giving
Presumptive past tense
oi fi dat
I might have given
oi fi dat
you might have given
o fi dat
he/she/it might have given
om fi dat
we might have given
oți fi dat
you all might have given
or fi dat
they might have given

Examples of da

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Bine, le vom da dovadă!All right, we'll give them proof!
! Ce vreau eu nu îmi poti da tu!What I want you cannot give!
! Compania de tutun nu ne va da copilul!The tobacco company won't give us the kid!
! Nu as da un ordin pe care, eu nu l-as putea indeplini !I will not give an order I would not be willing to do myself.
" Il binecuvanteaza pe cel ce da si pe cel ce primeste:"It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
"...şi tot ce trebuie să fac e să le dau jumătate de litru de sânge.""And all I have to do is give them a pint of blood.
"Acum simt dorinţa obscură să-ţi mulţumesc... să-ţi cer iertare... şi să-ţi dau explicaţii... un semn..." "Cu toate că nu ştiu care."I now feel an absolute desire to say thank you, to apologize and give some explanations, a sign, though I don't know what.
"Am doar haina asta şi am jurat să nu o dau dar dacă mi-o vei lua din spate, nu am să te opresc. ""I have only this habit, and I have sworn not to give it away but if you take it off my back I won't stop you."
"Am returnat prima rată din onorariul meu..." "... fără să dau o explicaţie completă."I returned the first installment of my fee as I had not given a complete explanation.
"Anzii nu dau oamenii înapoi"."The Andes don't give men back".
! - De ce nu o dai după- Why don't you give 'er to our Mancha?
" Dacă mai dai o lovitură "" lf you give it one more shot "
" Dacă nu te dai bătut, vei câştiga"" lf you don't give in, you're gonna win "
" Nu poti sa-mi dai opt? "" Can't you give me eight? "
"Accept ceea ce-mi dai doar ca să nu crezi că n-ai încercat tot ce se putea face."who never fails to say to him, "I take what you give me only so that you will not feel that you have left something undone."
! - Tata dă periutele în loc de bomboane.- My dad gives these instead of candy.
" Trebuie să vă asiguraţi că triumful monarhiei dă impresia a fi opinia politică adevărată. "" You must ensure that the monarchist triumph gives the impression of being true public opinion."
"4 rochii, 8 soluri, 3 liards", care ne dă ..."4 frocks, 8 sols, 3 liards," which gives us...
"Atâta timp trăieşte asta..." "...şi asta le dă lor viaţă."So long lives this... ..and this gives life to thee."
"Corect" "Îţi dă şansa unei noi încercări!"## It gives you that chance to second-guess
! Unde este viaţa, este şi speranţă! Trebuie să dăm oraşului ordin de evacuare, sau altfel!Naturally... ...we run away! While there's life, there's hope! We have to give the town an evacuation order, or else! But, ma'am, isn't this like abandoning our duty? Well, yes, but if we don't contact the town... Mm, these are really tasty! How did you get those?
"Capitolul patru, vrei să ne despărţim. Nu mai vrei să ne dăm o şansă?""Chapter four, you break up Won't you give it one more chance?"
"Ne dăm bătuţi."We give up.
"Noi, oameni liberi ai acestui codru, jurăm să luăm de la bogaţi şi să dăm numai celor săraci.That you, the freemen of this forest, swear to despoil the rich only to give to the poor.
"Să ţi le dăm în lectica ta.""To give them away to you in your palanquin"
" ţi-am dat ţie naştere," tu eşti imaginea mea.'" l have given you bi rth ," you are my i mage .'
""Băiatului"" inteligent al lui Harvey, Ira Lowenstein i s-a dat slujba de a se gândi la o posibilitate de a nu opri baseball-ul.Harvey"s promotional whiz kid, Ira Lowenstein has been given the job of figuring out how to keep baseball going.
"... şi îţi mulţumesc pentru ce mi-ai dat.""...and I thank you for what you have given me."
"Acesta este trupul meu, care va fi dat pentru tine.""This is my body, which will be given up for you.
"Acționează ca și cum ați are credință și credința va fi dat la tine.""Act as if ye hath faith and faith shall be given to you. "
- Cel puţin dați-i ei o casca umplută cu gelatină care să-i păstreze intact creierul.- At least give her a gelatin-filled helmet to keep her brain intact.
- Înainte. Păi atunci mai bine îmi dați vreo cinci.You better give me about five of these.
Ar putea să-mi dați numele acestor oameni care le-ați utilizat când erai responsabil de g sucursale?Could you give me the names of those men that you used when you were in charge of G Branch?
Atunci vreți să-i dați asta?Would you give this to her, then? Please?
Așa că dați-ne cele șase puncte de paragraf... ca să ne ducem toți la culcare.So just give us the six bullet points... so we can all go to bed.
Dragă generale, nicicând nu-ţi dădui temei.Dear general, I never gave you cause.
" Blestemată soarta care te dădu Maurului ! ""Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!" - O monstrous!
"Am auzit că te-ai descurcat de minune cu acele vagoane." "Să le aratam ce putem!" şi dădu un brânci vagoanelor lui."You did well with those coaches," and he gave his trucks a bump.
Peter îmi dădu 10.000 de dolari când îi semnal acordul de separare.Peter gave me $10,000 when I signed the separation agreement.
Păi, cea pe care Maurul i-o dădu întâi Desdemonei şi pe care-atât de des mi-ai cerut s-o fur.Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona that which so often you did bid me steal.
[Povestea se termină când medicul de gardă [ne dădu nişte calmante atât de puternice] [încât dormirăm buştean toată noaptea,] [aşa încât în dimineaţa următoare ne trezirăm proaspeţi şi odihniţi] [şi pregătiţi să reîncepem][In the end the doctor gave us such powerful sedatives... ] [... that we slept all night like pumpkins. ] [And so, the day after we woke up fresh and rested... ] [... ready to start again. ]
- Ştii că dădeam o petrecere. Trebuia să te văd.You know I was giving a party I had to see you
Eu dădeam ordinele pe acolo.I was giving the orders around there.
Eu îi dădeam bani.l was giving him the money.
I-o dădeam inapoi.I was giving it back.
Îi dădeam nişte apă proaspătă.I was giving him some freshwater.
Ce era în cutie ? Le dădeai băieţilor ceva din cutie.The boys, you were giving them something from the tin.
Ei da, înainte te dădeai bătută, acum eşti încântată.Come on, before you were giving up, now you're excited.
I-ai spus că dădeai un interviu referitor la importanţa desuurilor curate.You said you were giving an interview on the importance of clean underwear.
Le dădeai peşte, cafea, furculiţe.You were giving them fish and coffee and forks.
Pentru că în ultimele dăţi, am avut impresia clară că îmi dădeai cu şutul.Because the last couple of times, I've been getting the distinct feeling that you were giving me the boot.
Am păstrat somniferele pe care mi le dădea sora mea, pe 10 zile, 1,000 miligrame.I saved the sleeping medication the sister was giving me, 10 days' worth, 1,000 milligrams.
Aşa că în timp ce acest om dădea ce e mai bun din el în fiecare minut al fiecărei zi, eu eram ocupat să-l judec.So while this man was giving us his best every minute of every day, l was busy judging him.
Bunica îmi dădea câteva idei de ce ai fugit de fericirea maritală.Hi, Netta. Grammy here was giving me the skinny on why you run from marital bliss.
Hiena asta îi dădea resturile la cantina şcolii.But that hyena was giving him the school canteen leftovers.
Jack îi dădea nişte bani.Jack was giving her some money.
Le dădeau degeaba la colţ.They were giving it away on the corner.
Nici măcar nu eram sigur dacă îţi dădeau mesajele mele.I wasn't even sure if they were giving you my messages.
Spune-mi ce îţi dădeau şi eu nu puteam.Tell me what on earth they were giving you that I can't.
Îmi dădeau o băutură care conţinea rădăcină de tannis.They were giving me a drink with tannis root in it.
Ştiai că ceilalţi dădeau mită.Now, you knew others were giving bribes.
I-o dădusem când vă îngrijeam şi nu mai ştia unde a pus-o!I had given it to him to care it, and he no longer knew what he had done.
Îmi vine să mă las păgubaş. Dar pentru că am umblat eu după ea, şi pentru că îmi dădusem cuvântul ţi-aş fi dat-o ţie, dacă nu aveai faţă de ea dezgustul mărturisit.This consideration had made me determine to abandon the project and as I had demanded her in marriage and had given her my promise I would have given her to you if it were not for the dislike you have for her.
" Dar anii au trecut şi Sligon nu a găsit ascunzătoarea..."' " unde Regele Arthur le dăduse azil..." " într-o mănăstire pe un teritoriu îndepărtat al coastei Britaniei."'But years passed, and Sligon had not found the hiding place 'where King Arthur had given them sanctuary 'in an abbey in a remote section of the coast of Britain. '
- Raju mi-o dăduse, tată !Raju had given me this.
Am sosit aici seara, când tu te aflai la spital. Poliţiştii plecaseră eu ieşisem puţin. Amber îmi dăduse cheia sa.I got here right when you were being rushed to the hospital, you know, and when the cops left I went up, because Amber had given me her key and told me where she'd hid her money.
Carnea dăduse uitării păcatul pe care ea... mi-l dăruise. Dar sufletul nu putea să o uite.My flesh had forgotten the sinful pleasure that our union had given me... ... but my soul could not forget her.
Dar chiar când toţi se dăduseră bătuţi, abandonaseră lupta şi erau demoralizaţi, s-a întâmplat un miracol."But just when everyone had given up... "thrown in the towel and really become depressed... "a miracle occurred.
De ziua ei, fraţii Danei îi dăduseră o puşcă BB... şi îi arătau cum s-o folosească.For her birthday, Dana's brothers had given her a BB gun... and were showing her how to use it.
Preoţii şi fariseii dăduseră ordine... că dacă cineva ştia unde era Iisus, trebuia să spună.. ca să îl poată aresta.The chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders... that if anyone knew where Jesus was, he must report it... so that they could arrest him.
"E este pentru fiecare dintre noi grija, partajarea, dând"."E is for each of us caring, sharing, giving. "
- La hotelul Beverly Hills făcând publicitate cărţii mele, mâncând langâ piscinâ, dând interviuri şi dicutând cu starlete.- At the Beverly Hills Hotel... on my book tour, lounging around the pool, giving interviews, gazing at Starlets.
- Sau dând norocul unei bucăţi de noroi.- Or giving luck to a piece of dirt.
- Şobolanul ? Da, am auzit-o pe mama ta dând o lecţie unui şobolan pianist.Yeah, I heard your mother giving a lesson to one of her piano rats.
... dând jocul la o parte pentru a spune am avut un pahat dublu cu vin.(Celia)... giving the game away to say we did have the odd glass of wine.

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