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Donar (to give) conjugation

89 examples

Conjugation of donar

Present tense
I give
you give
he/she gives
we give
you all give
they give
Present perfect tense
he donat
I have given
has donat
you have given
ha donat
he/she has given
hem donat
we have given
heu donat
you all have given
han donat
they have given
Future tense
I will give
you will give
he/she will give
we will give
you all will give
they will give
Conditional mood
I would give
you would give
he/she would give
we would give
you all would give
they would give
Past perfect tense
havia donat
I had given
havies donat
you had given
havia donat
he/she had given
havíem donat
we had given
havíeu donat
you all had given
havien donat
they had given
Past impf. tense
I was giving
you were giving
he/she was giving
we were giving
you all were giving
they were giving
Imperative mood
let him/her give!
let's give!
let them give!
Imperative negative mood
no donis
don't give!
no doni
don't let him/her give!
no donem
let's not give!
no doneu
don't give!
no donin
don't let them give!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria donat
I would have given
hauries donat
you would have given
hauria donat
he/she would have given
hauríem donat
we would have given
hauríeu donat
you all would have given
haurien donat
they would have given
Future perfect tense
hauré donat
I will have given
hauràs donat
you will have given
haurà donat
he/she will have given
haurem donat
we will have given
haureu donat
you all will have given
hauren donat
they will have given
Preterite past tense
I gave
you gave
he/she gave
we gave
you all gave
they gave
Past anterior tense
haguí donat
I had given
hagueres donat
you had given
hagué donat
he/she had given
haguérem donat
we had given
haguéreu donat
you all had given
haguéren donat
they had given
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) give
(so that you) give
(so that he/she) gives
(so that we) give
(so that you all) give
(so that they) give
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was giving
(so that you) were giving
(so that he/she) was giving
(so that we) were giving
(so that you all) were giving
(so that they) were giving
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi donat
(so that I) have given
hagis donat
(so that you) have given
hagi donat
(so that he/she) has given
hàgim donat
(so that we) have given
hàgiu donat
(so that you all) have given
hagin donat
(so that they) have given
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués donat
(so that I) had given
haguessis donat
(so that you) had given
hagués donat
(so that he/she) had given
haguéssim donat
(so that we) had given
haguéssiu donat
(so that you all) had given
haguessin donat
(so that they) had given
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi donar
(so that I) gave
vagis donar
(so that you) gave
vagi donar
(so that he/she) gave
vàgim donar
(so that we) gave
vàgiu donar
(so that you all) gave
vagin donar
(so that they) gave
Periphastic past tense
vaig donar
I gave
vas donar
you gave
va donar
he/she gave
vam donar
we gave
vau donar
you all gave
van donar
they gave
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver donat
I had given
vas haver donat
you had given
va haver donat
he/she had given
vam haver donat
we had given
vau haver donat
you all had given
van haver donat
they had given

Examples of donar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Qui queda per donar ordres?Who's left to give orders?
Li pots donar alguna cosa pels crits?Can you give her something for the screaming?
Una amiga meva, qua havia de donar a llum a un poble del costatA friend of mine, she had to give birth in the neighboring county.
UM, se suposa que he de donar-li a muggles algun tipus de pastilles mentres la mare esta fora.Um, I'm supposed to give Muggles some kind of pill while mom's away.
Jo suggereixo que treballin en alguns canvis en la seva proposta abans de donar-la al President.I suggest you work some changes to your proposal before you give it to the President.
Ara t'ho dono a tu.Now I give it to you.
Et dono tot el permís.I give you full permission.
Tu sempre vas saber l'afortunats que érem per tenir a Matthew, i ara dono jo gràcies per ell igual que dono gràcies per la meva casa i per la meva família.You always knew how lucky we are in Matthew, and now I give thanks for him as I give thanks for my home and my family.
Bé, te'l dono.Fine, I give.
Et dono una.I give you one.
No fins que em dónes una pista.Not till you give me a clue.
Suposem que em dónes l'exèrcit, senador, què em demanaries a canvi?So let's say you give me this army, senator. - What will you ask for in return?
No et dónes per vençut.Don't give up. Do you have a plan?
No fins que em dónes el que vull.Not until you give me what I want.
va fabricar l'aigua i aquest aiguamoll, que s'estén i ens dóna la vida.He made this water... and he made this swamp, that stretches long and gives us life.
Tot i que algunes de les representacions són partidistes i molt generalistes, mirar-les junt amb els debats de la secció de comentaris del grup li dóna al lector una idea clara de les diferències entre les dues societats.Though some of the representations are biased and over-generalising, viewing them alongside the debates in the comment sections on the group certainly gives readers a clearer idea on the differences between the two societies.
Primer un nen fa un discurs (per cert, en un àrab millor que el que té el ministre d'afers exteriors, però això no ve al cas) i després dóna l'ordre als seus acòlits de matar els dos "ostatges".I aquest no és de cap manera un joc amb un final feliç.Tonight I saw this video, of kids playing Daesh, where first kid gives a little speech (incidentally in better Arabic that the minister of foreign affairs, but i digress) and then gives the order to his acolytes to slaughter the two 'hostages'. And that's not a game that has a happy ending in any possible way.
El que hem aconseguit ens dóna esperança d'allò que podem i hem d'aconseguir demà.What we've already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
Ningú dóna res a canvi de res.Nobody gives away anything for free.
Li donem una cantimplora, el deixem a la carretera y que segueixi el seu camí.We give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way.
Et donem 250 per tot.- We'll give you 250 for the lot.
Què passa si li donem sense el sedant? Sarah!What happens if we give it to him without the sedative?
Val, doncs donem una llista de sospitosos i indagaré a fons.Well, give me a list of suspects and I can run a deep background.
Mon pare m'ha donat permís.My father's given his permission.
I, un cop ho va aconseguir, l'únic que desitjava era el que jo li havia donat la nit anterior.And once he could, the only thing he wanted was what I'd given him the night before.
Se't veu força bé per haver donat a llum uns bessons.You look too good to have just given birth to twins
La crisi econòmica ha donat lloc a diverses iniciatives i discussions en línia.The economic crisis has given way to various online discussions and initiatives.
Si encara fos viu podríem fer-lo servir per a negociar la pau amb Hivernplè i Riufluent, això ens hauria donat temps per a tractar amb els germans d'en Robert.If he were alive, we could have used him to broker a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, which would have given us more time to deal with Robert's brothers. But now...
Si li doneu la pau que necessita i feu la promesa de portar el seu secret a la tomba, crec que us permetrà posar-vos de negre i acabar els vostres dies al Mur, amb el vostre germà i el vostre fill bastard.If you give her the peace she needs and promise to carry her secret to your grave, I believe she will allow you to take the Black and live out your days on the Wall with your brother and your bastard son.
Per tant, em veig en l’obligació d’advertir-vos a tots... ...que no els doneu cap motiu per fer-vos mal.Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you... ...to give them no reason to harm you.
No estic dient que no vagi a haver nois ocasionals que obrin la nevera, fotin fora un ullada, doneu un resoplido, s'encojan de espatlles i preneu un glop de tots maneres.I'm not saying the occasional guy won't still open the fridge, pick you up, give a sniff, shrug and take a sip anyway.
Aparentment salvarà el món, no estic segur com, però doneu-me un moment, només he estat 8 segons amb el cas.Apparently it's going to save the world, I'm not sure how, but give me a moment, I've only been on the case eight seconds.
I doneu, Sid, el marc de finestra vell i el meu gat borni a aquesta noia nova que ha vingut al poble, i digueu-li…Tell 'em so, Sid. And Sid, you give my window-sash and my cat with one eye to that new girl that's come to town, and tell her--"
Es casa amb les seves filles, i elles li donen més filles.He marries his daughters, and they give him more daughters.
Em donen una pistola. Un cavall. I 500 dòlars dels 11.500.Look, you give me a pistol, one o'them horses, and five hundred dollars of that eleven thousand five hundred, and I'll point 'em out to you.
Certes eleccions donen certes respostes.Certain choices give certain answers.
Però no es donen per vençuts, lluiten casa per casa."But they don't give up, they fight for every house."
Els treuen les bosses de medicines, els donen nous noms.They take away their medicine bags, they give them new names.
He dit que donaré La mitat de l'or del meu regne a l'home que ens lliure de Grendel.I have let it be known that I will give half the gold in my kingdom to any man who can rid us of Grendel.
Si teniu set, us donaré de beure.If you're thirsty, I will give you a drink.
Pel amor a la mare que ens va dur al ventre, et donaré aquesta nit perquè ho reconsideres.For the sake of the mother who bore us, I will give you this one night to reconsider.
Però com a pare, et donaré un consell.But as a father, I will give you some advice.
Però casa't amb mi i et donaré els Set Regnes i els nostres fills seran prínceps i princeses.But marry me and I will give you the Seven Kingdoms and our children will be Princes and Princesses.
Els donarà amor i ells prosperaran al seu costat... per sempre.She will give them her love and they will thrive by her side... forever.
Està per veure's com afrontarà el govern de Jokowi aquests desafiaments i com donarà significat a la seva promesa d'establir justícia.It remains to be seen how the Jokowi government will navigate these challenges and how it will give meaning to its promise to establish justice.
Els dothraki que teniu no valen el que costa alimentar-los, però l'amo Kraznys us donarà tres Immaculats per tots ells.The Dothraki you have are not worth what they cost to feed, but Master Kraznys will give you three Unsullied for all of them.
Llavors uneix-te a la baralla que et donarà el dret de ser lliure.Then join in the fight That will give you the right to be free!
Aqueste tipe d'Hollywood te donarà lo ròtle.Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.
Quan el meu fill faci 18 anys, que serà d'aquí deu mesos i dos dies, a partir d'avui, li donareu aquests diners en forma d'un fideïcomís irrevocable.On my son's 18th birthday, which is ten months and two days from today, you will give him this money in the form of an irrevocable trust.
En dos anys i mig de viatge, la recerca de noves cultures, olors, paisatges i sabors donaran força a les cames responsables del gir de les dues rodes, lliure de qualsevol esterotip amb la finalitat d'endinsar-me a la tradició llatinoamericana, sense por i sense etiquetes.During these 2.5 years of journey, the contact with new cultures, smells, scenery and tastes will give strength to the legs responsible for guiding the two wheels, free of any prejudice and with the sole objective of exploring the traditions across Latin America, without fears or labels.
Els meus nois els donaran el millor dels inicis:1400 megatones."My boys will give you a good start: 1 ,400 megatons."
Sap, aquests pallassos de fora em donaran... un bon repàs en pocs minuts. Per tenir el codi.Those clowns outside will give me a good going-over soon for the code.
Els cucs els donaran unes proteïnes extra.Worms will give them some extra protein.
Jo donaria prioritat al cap.I would give priority to my head.
Odín va lliurar el seu ull per a l'adquisició de saviesa, però jo hi donaria molt més.Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge, but I would give far more.
T'ho donaria, ho faria, però tots dos sabem que d'aquí a dos dies, tornaria a ser a aquesta sala amb tu assenyalant noms a aquella pissarra i jo mossegant-me la corbata.Deputy, now I would give it to you. I would. Except we both know in two days,
He pensat que ens donaria l'oportunitat de parlar.I thought it would give us a chance to talk.
Si guanyessis, de debò creus que el Rei et donaria la mà de l'Ariadna?If you won, do you really think the king would give you Ariadne's hand?
-Escolti què ens donarien per menjar.I heard that they would give you a meal.
Jo li acabava de donar el biberó, i li donava el pit a en Carl, perquè encara em quedava Ilet als pits.And I had been giving her the bottle and I was giving Carl the tittie because my milk hadn't dried up in my breasts
Jo li acabava de donar el biberó, i li donava el pit a en Carl, perquè encara em quedava Ilet als pits. Però no per ella, sinò perquè en Carl...And I had been giving her the bottle and I was giving Carl the tittie because my milk hadn't dried up in my breasts but not from her, but because Carl was...
Li doní tota la meua llonganissa I així i tot, volia mésI gave her all my codpiece And still she wanted more
Vols saber per què Et doní un passe gratis?You wanna know why I gave you a free pass?
Hauria jurat que te la doní a tu.I could've sworn that I gave it to you.
Després que Yurlunggur de donar als vells avantpassats la Cerimònia dels Djunggan, els donà la llei perquè tots aprenguessin,It is after Yurlunggur gave the old ancestors big ceremony of the Djunggan... which gives us the law we all learn.
em donà la seva paraula, Capità.gave me your word, Captain.
Senyor, vostè... em donà la seva paraula, Capità.Sir, you... gave me your word, Captain.
Després que Yurlunggur de donar als vells avantpassats la Cerimònia dels Djunggan, els donà la llei perquè tots aprenguessin, després que les persones van aprendre a viure d'acord amb la llei, després d'això, però fa molt, molt de temps.It is after Yurlunggur gave the old ancestors big ceremony of the Djunggan... which gives us the law we all learn. It is after the people learnt to live to that law... after then, but a long, long time ago. And in that ancient time, there lived an ancient ancestor.
Descrigué com havia maldat amb ella i l'havia convençuda, i com Becky gairebé morí de joia en haver anat a les palpentes fins a l'indret on veié, talment, la blava taqueta de la llum del dia, i com ell, d'una embranzida, eixí del forat, i després l'ajuda a ella a fer-ho; com segueren allí i cridaren d'alegria; com uns homes passaren en una barca, i Tom els crida i els digué llur situació i llur famolenc estat; com els homes no cregueren, a la primeria, la brofega historia, «perque», digueren, «us trobeu cinc milles més avall d'on és la cova», i després els pujaren a la barca, remaren cap a una casa, els donaren sopar, els feren reposar fins a dues o tres hores després de caure la nit, i en acabat els portaren al poble.He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn't believe the wild tale at first, "because," said they, "you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in"--then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home.
Els minyons feren allo que havien fet ben sovint altres vegades: anaren a la reixa de la cel·la, i donaren a Potter tabac i mistos.The boys did as they had often done before--went to the cell grating and gave Potter some tobacco and matches.
Si-us-plau doni això al seu professional de rentat del cotxe, i que tingui un dia A-1.Please give this to your car wash professional, and have an A-1 day.
I el meu consell, Jack... és que em doni el codi ara.My advice to you is to give me the code now, -
Un cop dins del joc, poden fer que "Tsipras escolti Justin Bieber durant 69 hores sota els efectes de drogues dures" o fer que Itàlia "doni 11 iPhones al 4% dels nens i deixi els altres amb mòbils vells per crear gelosia i enveja", mentre que España ha de "fer que el seu primer ministre s'aguanti dret sobre un sol peu durant 48 hores".Once in play they can make "Tsipras listen to Justin Bieber for 69 hours while on heavy drugs", or have Italy "give 11 iPhones to 4% of its kids while leaving the others with old mobiles to create jealousy and envy", while Spain must "have its prime minister to stand on his one foot for 42 hours".
Vols que li doni un vessament cerebral?You want me to give my dad a stroke?
No deu pas parlar seriosament. Doncs almenys doni'm una aspirina anglesa!Oh, well, give me some decent english aspirin.
No li donis.Don't give it to him.
Vull que em donis cada copia d'aquella obscenitat què vosaltres dos vareu fer per desacreditar en Hank.I want you to give me every single copy of that obscenity that the two of you made to discredit Hank.
Vull que, ara mateix, em donis - la teva opinió cent per cent sincera. - Està bé.I want you, right now, to give me your 100% honest opinion.
Per demanar-te... que em donis aquesta medecina.To ask you ... to give me those drugs.
Milton, vull que em donis una resposta concreta i no una pregunta específica.Milton, I want you to give me a specific answer to a specific question.
Ara ... donin-me els nom de els altres que van estar sondejant.Now... give me the names of whoever else you been hunting.
Qui no vulgui donar res, que no ho faci, però que no esperi menjar de franc del que els altres donin.No one has to give if they don't want to. But don't expect to be fed at the expense of the rest of us. - Here.
Procuraré que ens donin el llum verd.I'll ensure that they'll give us a green light.
Que em donin una a mi i jo l'arreglaré.If they give me one, I'd fix it up myself.
Sembla que els tricorders no ens estan donant una imatge real del que hi ha aquí dins.Our tricorders aren't giving us the real picture.
Això és el que t'he estat donant.That's what I've been giving you.
Els rics no es tornen rics donant més del que aconsegueixen.Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they get.
No estic donant una ordre.I'm not giving an order.
La meva filla està donant un discurs per a l'ONU infantil a la seva escola, i me'l perdré per culpa teva.My daughter is giving a big speech for the Model U.N. at her school, and I'm gonna miss it because of you.

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