Kamioi batean ezkutatu zuten Pariseko kanpoaldean. | They hid him in a freight car in the outskirts of Paris. |
Ni ezkutatu egin behar naiz. | (Mexican man) I'm gonna hide out. |
Jakin nahi dut zergaitik ezkutatu zitzaidan Albistegien mailaz jeistea akziodunen biltzarrean iragarri dena. | I want to know why that debasement of the News Division... announced at the meeting this afternoon was kept secret from me? |
Eta ezkutatu dezakezu | And you may hide |
- Gugandik ezkutatu zen. | She's been hiding from us. |
Orduan zergatik ezkutatzen zara? | How come you're hiding around here then? |
"Bere bideak oraindikan ezkutatzen den norbaitenak dira. | "His style is still that of a man in hiding. |
"Bere bideak oraindikan ezkutatzen den norbaitenak dira. "Smolnyn Trotsky entzun genuen." | "He'd been in hiding with Lenin." ...had another whole decade, less than a day. |
Artista hoberenak Hong Kongen ezkutatzen dira. | The top artists are all hiding out in Hong Kong. |
Baina ez dut burua hondarretan ezkutatuko zer gertatzen den itxaroten. | But I put my head in the sand, hoping this go away. |
- Armairuan ezkutatuko naiz. | I'm gonna go in the closet. |
- Buruan ezkutatuko dira? | And life... Where are they hidden, then? In the head? |
Eta hemen ezkutatuko nintzake. | This is where I would hide. |