Uste dut idazmakina berri bat erosi beharko dudala... | You know, I think I'm gonna have to get a new typewriter... |
Uste dut idazmakina berri bat erosi beharko dudala... - Zer egiten duzu...? | You know, I think I'm gonna have to get a new typewriter... |
Eta ez ahaztu, gure"Good Guy" gehigarri guztiak... erosi ditzakezulaz. | And remember, you can buy all of our Good Guy accessories, too. |
Gogoratzen al zara Andyrentzat erosi nahi zenuen panpina hortaz? | Hi. You know that doll that you wanted for Andy? |
Carson merkatal zentruen atzealdeko kalezuloan panpin bat erosi nizun atzo. | I'm sorry. I bought a doll from you in back of Carson's department store with my friend yesterday. |
Lan-elkarte batek beste lan-elkarte bat irentsi nahi duenean partehartze nagusi bat erosten dute, baino lehenik gobernuari jakinarazi behar diote. | In this country, when one company wants to take over another company... they simply buy up a controlling share of the stock... but first they have to file notice with the government. |
Orain norbait CCA erosten dabil. | But now somebody's buying up CCA. |
Esango dizuet norentzat ari diren CCA erosten. | I will tell you who they're buying CCA for. |
Saudi Arabiako Inbertsio Korporazioarentzat ari dira erosten. | They're buying it for the Saudi Arabian Investment Corporation. |
Arabiarrentzat erosten ari dira. | They're buying it for the Arabs! Clarence? |
Ba iraultza iristen bada, berri bat erosiko dizut. | Well, comes the revolution, I'll buy you a new hat. |
Iraultzaren ondoren, kapelu berri bat erosiko dit. | After the revolution, you'll buy me a new hat. |
Beste norbaitek erosiko du. | Take it or leave it. Somebody else will buy it. |
Banekien bat erosiko zenidala! | I knew you'd get me one. |