Gutxi entzun dugu eta ulertu gutxiago egiten dugu. | We hear very little and we understand even less. |
Auziperatua, ulertu dezakegu zure filosofiatik, zu esklabutzaren aurka zaudela, ez? | Defendant, I take it from your philosophy you're opposed to slavery, is that right? |
Presidente jauna, ulertu beharko zenuke zein arriskutsua den nahi izatea... | I think we should realise the dangerous extent to which... |
Eta margolari oso ona, ulertu dudanez. | And a very good painter, I hear. |
Ene jainkoa, ez daiteke Freud hitzinguru ekonomiko batean ulertu. | My God, you can't interpret Freud in an economic context. |
Hizlari ospea duzu, orain ulertzen dut zergaitik. | You have a reputation for eloquence, which I can now understand. |
"Zerriek ez badute ulertzen indarra baino, erabili ezazue." | 'If the pigs comprehend nothing but force, then use it.' 'Liberate yourself. |
Argi dago, baina ez dut zergaitia ulertzen. | What happened is obvious. What I don't know is why. |
Auziperatua, ulertzen duzu zergaitik zauden epaimahi honen aurrean? | (Chairman) Do you understand why you are before this tribunal? |
Berak ulertzen zuen zer den guda zuzen bat. | He understood what a just war meant. |
Berak ulertuko luke. | He'd understand. |
Oso ongi ulertuko zarete Amerikan. | You'll get along beautifully in America. |
Egunen batean ulertuko duzu. | Someday you'll understand that. |
Noiz ulertuko duzu? | Will you never understand? |
Batzuetan nahiko nuke haidean ulertuko banindute. | "Sometimes I wish they'd understand me, |
Gai zara hitzak eratzeko, uler dezan? | Are you able to form words, so that he may? |
Gu bion artean uler gaitezen: | Just so we two understand each other. |