- Zer ikasi? | - Learnt what? |
Kontrolatzen ikasi behar duzu. | You gotta learn to control it. |
Adorea daukazuela, indartsuak zaretela eta ikasi ahal duzuela... erakutsi didazue. | You've shown me that you've got courage, that you're strong... and that you can learn. |
Baina ikasi ahal dugu. | But we can learn. |
Ez bota niri Villagen ikasi dituzun gizartezale fardelak. | Don't give me a lot of parlor socialism that you learned in the Village. |
- Errusiera ikasten duzula ikusten dut. | - I see you're studying Russian. |
- Errusiera ikasten duzula ikusten dut. - Bai, ahalegintzen naiz. | Well, comes the revolution, I'll buy you a new hat. |
Uste dut ikasten ari zarela. | I think you're getting the hang of it. |
Hemen Shanghain izebarekin gelditzeko esan zidan, eta ikasten jarraitzeko. | He told me to stay with my aunt here in Shanghai and continue my studies. |
- Beste alaba bat du, Silvia deitzen dena... hirian ikasten du eta bera aurkitzen saiatzen ari da. | He has another daughter, Silvia, a student. She's trying to get hold of him. |
Kanta hau ikasiko duzue. Denok. | You're going to learn that chant. |
Horrela ikasiko du jokabidea. | This way, he gets to learn his way around. |
Ez eragozten ikasiko balu, pakean utziko lukete. | lf he learnt to keep his cool, they'd leave him alone. |
Ikusten ikasiko du, idazten ikasi aurretik. | To learn to see before learning to read. |
Nola jendeak filmak ekartzen dizkizunak suposatuko dut nire betaurrekoengaitik ordaintzea? osasun asegurua lortu? eta nire ikas maileguak ordaindu? | How are the people who bring you the movies supposed to pay for my glasses? get health insurance? and pay off my student loans? |
Gehienek bere ikas materialak ez ekartzeaz kexatzen da. Ikasgelara doanean, askotan egiten du huts, eta berandu iristen da. | Many complain... ...that he comes without his things, ...When he comes, as he’s often absent |
Hoberena litzake esatea Souleymanek jadanik mugak gainditu dituela, zeren, ikas ikuspegitik, mugatuta dago. | Maybe we should say he has reached his limit, ...because he’s limited scholastically. |
Hori ez da arazoa. Gustatuko litzaidake bere ikas oharrera itzuliko bagina. | Let's consider ...his school record |
Eta sendagintza ikas-sailera joan nintzeneko historia goibela. | Sad story, as I had medicine, to write. |