Esaten digute nola jokatu behar dugun sartzen direnean. | They're telling us how to act when they come marching in. |
Harritu egiten nau ikusteak hemen jokatu egiten dela. | I'm shocked to find that gambling is going on in here. |
Laburbilduz; bortizki jokatu dezakezue, baina zihurtatzen dizuet horrela ez zaretela hurrun iritsiko. | 'In short, you can start the violent actions if you so choose, 'but I assure you that we will finish them.'. |
Ez zuten horrela jokatu, eta hemen dira ondorioak. | They did not do so and you see the consequences of their decision. |
Yee jauna, jokatu itzazu esku batzuk nigaitik, mesedez. | Mr. Yee, please take my place for a few hands. |
Ez dut jakin golfean jokatzen zenuenik. | Didn't know you played golf. |
Badakit hemen jokatzen dela! | Who do you think... I know there is gambling in there! |
Horreala jokatzen badute kristau on eta Jainkoaren beldur direnak, sinesgabeekin gelditzen naiz. | If that's how decent, God-fearing Christians behave, give me atheists anytime. |
Horreala jokatzen badute kristau on eta Jainkoaren beldur direnak, Sinesgabeekin gelditzen naiz. | If that's how decent, God-fearing Christians behave, give me atheists anytime. |
Mike, zentzuz jokatuko al duzu? | Mike, will you be sensible? |
Askoz hobeto jokatuko dut bera hurbil badago. | I’il be a lot more civil with him around. |
Italiarrak urrea aurkitu balu Heriotzaren Haranean, ez luke zozoago jokatuko. | If the wop hit gold in Death Valley, he couldn't have acted more like a goof. |
Gizon batek bezala jokatuko bazenu, ez nuke gau oso hemen egon beharko eta dibertitzen egongo nintzake. | If you would just man up and babysit, I wouldn't have to be here tonight. I could be out having fun. |
Zure mailari dagokion bezala jokatuko duzu... eta zure izen handiaren erantzunkizunak onartuko dituzu. | Finally act according to your station in life... ...and accept the responsibilities of your great title. |
Katilua mahiaren gainari joka egon zitekeen, orduak... nahi zuena lortzen ez zuen arte. | He'd bash his cup on the table for hours until he got what he wanted. |
Eta norbait etorri zen ate joka. | And someone starts knocking at the door. |
Bai, urrutizkina joka egon da. | Yeah, the phone's been ringing. |
Ama, urrutizkina joka dago! | Mom, the phone's ringing! |
Urrutizkina joka dagoela esan dut. | That's why I said the phone was ringing. |