Jaio nintzenean ez zen poztasunik egon. | There was no gladness when I was born. |
- Berdin da. Oso txarto egon zen. | It was stink anyway. |
Zure zain egon dira. | They've been waiting for you. |
Urrun egon naiz. | Been away. |
- Bai. Bai. Ondo egon da. | Yeah, it's been good. |
Aizu, ez da txarto egoten hemen goian. | Hey, it's not too bad up here. |
Eta zergaitik ez zara geldik egoten eta esaten duzu... agertokian itzulika ibili beharrean? | Then why the hell don't you just stand still and say it instead of wandering all over the stage? |
Eta aurka egoten jarraitu behar dugu! | In that, we must continue our opposition! |
Guda bat da, E.G., eta gudatan bezala borrokatu behar da, araupetasunez, beldurrarekin eta fusilamendu taldeekin... edo egoten utzi. | It's a war, E.G., and we gotta fight it like we fight a war, with discipline, with terror, with firing squads, or we just give it up. |
Hazten egongo zara. | Must be growing up. |
- Denok hemen daudenean, prest egongo naiz. | - When everyone's here, I'll be ready. |
Horrelako gauzak esatean harro egongo dela uste duzu? | Think she'd be proud of you saying things like that? |
Baina bakarra gera daiteke... beraz, zuen izpiritua frogatzeko... azken froga egongo da. | But there can only be one... so there's one final test-- a test of your spirit. |
Nigaitik galdetzen badute, hemen egongo naiz. | If anybody asks for me, I'll be right here. |
Meusier Tissau, berak jarraituko du jaunaren aztarna. Eta bere egote guztietaz argibidetuko zaitu. | Monsieur Tisserant will personally keep track of the gentleman, and report about his whereabouts at night. |
TB orain egote global bat da: | TV is now a global presence: |