Negar (to deny) conjugation

131 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: refuse, to refuse

Conjugation of negar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I deny
you deny
he/she/it denies
we deny
you all deny
they deny
Present perfect tense
he negado
I have denied
has negado
you have denied
ha negado
he/she/it has denied
hemos negado
we have denied
habéis negado
you all have denied
han negado
they have denied
Past preterite tense
I denied
you denied
he/she/it denied
we denied
you all denied
they denied
Future tense
I will deny
you will deny
he/she/it will deny
we will deny
you all will deny
they will deny
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would deny
you would deny
he/she/it would deny
we would deny
you all would deny
they would deny
Past imperfect tense
I used to deny
you used to deny
he/she/it used to deny
we used to deny
you all used to deny
they used to deny
Past perfect tense
había negado
I had denied
habías negado
you had denied
había negado
he/she/it had denied
habíamos negado
we had denied
habíais negado
you all had denied
habían negado
they had denied
Future perfect tense
habré negado
I will have denied
habrás negado
you will have denied
habrá negado
he/she/it will have denied
habremos negado
we will have denied
habréis negado
you all will have denied
habrán negado
they will have denied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I deny
(if/so that) you deny
(if/so that) he/she/it deny
(if/so that) we deny
(if/so that) you all deny
(if/so that) they deny
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya negado
I have denied
hayas negado
you have denied
haya negado
he/she/it has denied
hayamos negado
we have denied
hayáis negado
you all have denied
hayan negado
they have denied
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have denied
(if/so that) you have denied
(if/so that) he/she/it have denied
(if/so that) we have denied
(if/so that) you all have denied
(if/so that) they have denied
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have denied
(if/so that) you have denied
(if/so that) he/she/it have denied
(if/so that) we have denied
(if/so that) you all have denied
(if/so that) they have denied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera negado
I had denied
hubieras negado
you had denied
hubiera negado
he/she/it had denied
hubiéramos negado
we had denied
hubierais negado
you all had denied
hubieran negado
they had denied
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese negado
I had denied
hubieses negado
you had denied
hubiese negado
he/she/it had denied
hubiésemos negado
we had denied
hubieseis negado
you all had denied
hubiesen negado
they had denied
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have denied
(if/so that) you will have denied
(if/so that) he/she/it will have denied
(if/so that) we will have denied
(if/so that) you all will have denied
(if/so that) they will have denied
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere negado
I will have denied
hubieres negado
you will have denied
hubiere negado
he/she/it will have denied
hubiéremos negado
we will have denied
hubiereis negado
you all will have denied
hubieren negado
they will have denied
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's deny!
Imperative negative mood
no niegues
do not deny!
no niegue
let him/her/it deny!
no neguemos
let us not deny!
no neguéis
do not deny!
no nieguen
do not deny!

Examples of negar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Daniel Goldman, ambos declinaron negar o confirmar... ""Mr Daniel Goldman, both of whom declined to deny or confirm
"El modo en que nuestra cultura intenta negar la muerte es trágico.""The way our culture tries to deny death is tragic."
"Es inútil minimizar la gravedad de la situación..." "y negar el peligro".I feel that at this time, it is senseless to minimise the gravity of our situation or to deny the danger of the course decided upon.
# Bueno, ya sé que esto es un asunto de las leyes estatales, # # pero creo que es imprudente e irracional negar la voz política...# # a los que han hecho un esfuerzo para rehabilitarse. #While I know this is primarily a matter of state law I think it's both imprudent and unreasonable for us to deny a political voice to people who have rehabilitated themselves.
# Bueno, ¿quién soy yo para negar este momento? #♪ Well, who am I to deny this moment?
"Debo dinero, no Io niego."I owe, I don't deny it.
"No eres tú a quien niego, sólo demuestro mi pasión.""It is not you I am denying, it is my own passion."
"No niego que pienso lo mejor de él"."l do not deny that I think very highly of him."
# Ahora es cuando me niego a mí mismo,... # cansado siempre de perder el tiempo y de esperar.# It's now when I deny myself, # tired of always wasting time and waiting.
- Caballeros, ¡lo niego absolutamente!- Gentlemen, I deny it absolutely!
"¿Me niegas un poco de calor humano?""Would you deny me a little body heat?"
* Why you deny when you know I wanna... * ¿Por qué lo niegas si sabes que quiero...* Why you deny when you know I wanna... *
- Ahora niegas tu negación.I'm not. Now you're denying you're denying.
- Así que no lo niegas.So you don't deny it.
- Así que, no lo niegas.So, you don't deny it.
"Alto Mando Británico niega cualquier tropa estuviese cerca de los hechos.""British High Command denies any of their combat troops were within 200 miles of the incident."
"Aun así me niega esa reunión que tanto he anhelado..." "...y que igualmente temía."Yet denies the reunion I've so longed for and equally feared.
"El MP, Martin Fleming niega los cargos de lavado de dinero " "Que está enfrentando desde la detención en Yorkshire " "Del contador Keith Rothwell."MP Martin Fleming denies the money laundering charges he's facing since the arrest of Yorkshire accountant Keith Rothwell.
"El acusado niega la autoridad del FLN, niega públicamente la necesidad de la lucha armada.-"The accused denies the authority of the FLN, -he publicly denies the necessity for armed struggle.
"El hospital niega haberle dado el alta a la niña que desapareció. ""The hospital denies releasing the girl who disappeared in the night"
"Ahora nos negamos por octava y última vez.""We now deny it for the eighth and final time."
"En siete ocasiones previas nos negamos a pagarle por escrito.""On seven prior occasions, we have denied your claim in writing." "We now deny it for the final time.
- Es precisamente lo que negamos.- This is exactly what I've been denying.
- No lo negamos.- We don't deny it.
Acaso negáis, señor Leofric, señora Godiva, ¿Que habéis conspirado en secreto para traer al conde Godwin de regreso a Inglaterra?Do you then deny, Lord Leofric, Lady Godiva, that you worked secretly to being Earl Godwin back to England?
Así que negáis que sea un dios.So, you deny that l am a god.
Cerráis la puerta a liberaros de vuestros problemas, si los negáis a vuestros amigos.You do, surely, bar the door upon your own liberty, if you deny your griefs to your friend.
Habéis dicho ya que no nos concedéis nada, pues no tenemos otra cosa que pediros sino lo que ya nos negáis.You have said you will not grant us anything, for we have nothing else to ask but that which you deny already.
Le negáis el premio y ni veinticuatro horas después, ¿estáis hablando de cancelar su investigación?You guys deny her the award and not 24 hours later, you're talking about shutting down her research?
"Aquellos que la niegan no pueden ser conquistados por ella".Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it."
"Casi todos los científicos lo niegan".I must tell you that the majority of the world's scientists deny that this is the cause.
"Ejecutivos de la Sociedad de Control Internacional no confirman, ni niegan la existencia de una supercomputadora de miles de millones de dólares... construida con contratos de Defensa"."Executives of the International Control Corporation neither confirm nor deny the existence of a revolutionary new supercomputer multibillion-dollar,"et cetera,"built under Defense Department contracts," et cetera.
"Los Castores de Palmerston niegan que el equipo se esté mudando"."Palmerston Beavers deny team is moving.
"Los policias nos niegan nuestra libertad de por vida."The cops deny our freedom for life.
- Lo negué todo.- I denied everything.
- No te negué nada.- I've never denied you anything.
- Yo lo negué. ¿Tú me creíste?-I denied it. Did you believe me?
- ¡No te lo negué!- I denied you not!
-Ángel de la Música, te negué...]- Angel of Music, I denied you
- Compré una manzana... cuando me negaste el plátano, y por eso silbo. - ¿ Ya estás contento?- I had to buy a candied apple... when you denied me a banana, so, yeah, I'm whistling. { Whistling Continues]
- Compré una manzana... cuando me negaste el plátano, y por eso silbo. - ¿Ya estás contento?- I had to buy a candied apple... when you denied me a banana, so, yeah, I'm whistling.
- Lo negaste y no me trastorno.- You denied it. And I'm not upset.
- Testificarás en su contra. - Tú negaste mi relevancia.You denied my relevance.
- ¿Pero lo negaste?But you denied it.
"Estimada Sra. Black." "En siete ocasiones previas..." "esta compañía se negó a pagarle por escrito.""On seven prior occasions, we have denied your claim in writing."
"Great Benefit" se negó a pagar su primera demanda en agosto. Cuando lo diagnosticaron a Donny Ray.Great Benefit first denied your claim last August, when Donny Ray was diagnosed.
"ÉI negó que intimara con ella.""He denied being intimate with her."
(que negó toda ayuda financiera para la película) guarda silencio sobre estos y otros sucesos en la Comuna.- which denied us any financial help - maintains silence on these and other Commune events.
- Arnold lo negó.- Arnold denied it.
"En un escape audaz, Ray Lee Hempstead a quien negaron la fianza tras arrestarlo por homicidio rompió el parabrisas de una patrulla del Condado de Balboa..."In a daring daylight escape, Ray Lee Hempstead..." denied bail earlier this week after his arrest for manslaughter... broke out the back windshield of a Balboa County Sheriff's Department cruiser...
"Sin embargo a ningún niño se le negaron..."Yet no child was ever denied these essentials...
"Sus labios pronunciaron sonidos extraños que sus ojos negaron. "Her lips uttered strange sounds which her eyes denied.
"Sus ojos negaron sonidos extraños que sus labios pronunciaron. "Her eyes denied the strange sounds which her lips uttered.
- A Kal-El se le negaron sus derechos.- Kal-El was denied his legal rights.
- Io negaré hasta la muerte.- I will deny it until my death.
- Si desgarra mis miembros hablaré ´por el dolor, pero luego lo negaré todoIf you tear my limbs I may speak out of pain, but afterwards I will deny it all.
-lo negaré todo y...- I will deny it and I will...
Ahora no estoy orgulloso de ello y lo negaré si lo preguntan Pero a veces cuando estoy enfadado con ellaNow I'm not proud of this, and I will deny it if asked, but sometimes when I'm angry at her,
Es decir, él... claramente se preocupa por ti, y él... siempre negaré haber dicho esto.I mean, he... clearly cares about you, and he's... I will deny ever saying this.
Algo que negarás aunque exista hasta que sea demasiado tarde para hacer algo.Something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it.
Niega esto y te negarás todo.Deny this, and you will deny yourself everything.
Pedro me negará en sólo unas horas tres veces me negarás, y eso no es todo lo que veo# Peter will deny me in just a few hours # Three times will deny me # And that's not all l see
Pedro, de cierto te digo que antes del amanecer ... me negarás ... tres veces.Peter, I tell you, before dawn.. you will deny me, three times..
Pedro, ésta misma noche, antes de que el gallo cante me negarás tres veces.Peter, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.
- La policía de ellos lo negará todo.That means their Police too--and their Police will deny the whole story.
-Sloan lo negará y alegará que constituye consentimiento previo.- And then Sloan will deny that and say that it constitutes implied consent.
Barelli no negará nada cuando acabe con él hoy. ¿Hoy?Barelli will deny nothing when I get through with him tonight.
Constrúyele una ciudad y Sethi no te negará nada.Build a city for him and Sethi will deny you nothing.
La Agencia negará todo conocimiento. Sobre el libro.The Bureau will deny all knowledge.
Claro que lo contará todo, y nosotros lo negaremos.Of course she'll tell everything, and we will deny everything.
De nuevo, si hay cualquier intento de citación o pregunta a mí mismo o al Sr. Bishop, lo negaremos.Again, if there is any attempt to subpoena or question myself or Mr. Bishop, we will deny this.
Estoy segura de que te he dado el discurso de "negaremos que supieramos nada"I'm sure gave you the whole "we will deny any knowledge" speech.
Le negaremos piedad, de la misma forma en que ellos nos la negaron cuando llegamos aquí, buscando nada mas que una casa que podamos llamar como propia.We will deny them mercy, the way they denied us when we first arrived here, looking for nothing more than a home to call our own.
Lo negaremos, lo juro.We will deny it, I swear.
Del más alto secreto, toda constancia escrita ha sido destruida, y los que conocían el proyecto negarán saber nada sobre su existencia.Highest level of classification, all records have since been destroyed, and those who knew of it will deny knowledge of its existence.
Ellos lo negarán, los teóricos de cuerdas, pero es un tipo de Física que todavía no es experimentable, no proporciona predicciones que se puedan probar en experimentos realizables en el laboratorio o con observaciones que se puedan hacerThey will deny that, these string theorists, but it's a kind of physics which is not yet testable, it does not make predictions that have anything to do with experiments that can be done in the laboratory
No, estoy seguro que él y Katrina negarán cualquier aventura... y él ciertamente negará el asesinato.No, I'm sure that he and Catrina will deny any affair and he'll certainly deny murder.
Nuestros superiores negarán conocernos.Our superiors will deny knowing anything about us.
Pero la FE y el gobierno negarán... que sabían algo.But the FE and the government will deny any knowledge of this.
- ¿Me negaría el polvo?- And he would deny me powder?
Así que no sé por qué negaría haber tomado la foto.So I'm not sure why he would deny taking the photograph.
Cualquier hombre lo negaría.Any man would deny it.
Cuando me dijiste que te negaría tres veces, pensé que era imposible.When you told me I would deny you three times, I thought it impossible.
El demandante negaría al Sr. Roscoe el derecho... - decir lo que--The plaintiff would deny Mr. Roscoe the right to speak his mind.
Llegado el caso. ¿Nos negarías esta tecnología?Given the chance, you would deny us this technology?
Pensé que lo negarías.I thought you would deny it.
También predijo que vos lo negarías.He also foretold that you would deny him.
Y que si alguien te preguntaba si yo te había asignado esta misión tan importante, tú lo negarías.And that if anyone ever asked you if I was the one who had assigned you to this incredibly important mission, you would deny it.
¿Me negarías una oportunidad de redención?You would deny me a chance at redemption?
Nosotros, claro está, negaríamos tu existencia.We, of course, would deny knowledge of your existence.
¿Crees que te negaríamos la felicidad simplemente porque necesitamos una criada?You surely do not think we would deny you happiness just simply because we needed a nursemaid?
¿Les negaríais su venganza?You would deny them vengeance?
Los abogados me dijeron que si decía algo, negarían que les hubiera avisado sobre el defecto.The company's lawyers told me if I said anything, they would deny that I warned them about the defect.
Y aun si pidierais su historial, negarían su existencia.And yet, were you to ask for his records, they would deny that he ever existed.
"Si algún hombre ha de seguirme... que se niegue a sí mismo... que tome su cruz y me siga"."If any man will come after me... "let him deny himself... and take up his cross and follow me. '"
- Emma Buller. ¡No niegue que estuvo aquí, porque la vi con mis propios ojos!Don't deny she was here, 'cause I saw her with my own eyes!
- Eso no hay quien lo niegue.- There's no denyin' it.
- Eso... - No lo niegue,That...don't deny it,
- No lo niegue, inspector.- Don't deny it, Detective!
"Hoy no me niegues nada. ""Don't deny me today."
- Los ayudaste. No lo niegues. - No lo niego.All those old people who were being fleeced by that conservator, the smoker, that gloomy little girl who wouldn't smile, you tried to help those people, and don't deny it.
- Necesito que lo niegues.- I need you to deny it.
- No Io niegues.- Now, look here, and don't deny it.
- No lo niegues, Alan.- Don't deny it, Alan.
Así que no neguemos que el peligro es inminente.So let us not deny further that trouble is imminent.
Aunque lo neguemos... todos piensan que tienes el Síndrome Yips.Even though we deny it... Everyone thinks that you have Ipswich Syndrome.
Cuanto más neguemos que hay humo, más fuego verá la prensa.The more we deny there's smoke, The more the press will see fire.
En lo que a mí respecta, mi hija, no podría escoger, máss adorable, encantador, responsable rico, no lo neguemos, bién parecido y hombre fértil como marido, que a Martin.As far as I'm concerned, my daughter could not have chosen a more delightful, charming, witty, responsible, wealthy, let's not deny it, well-placed, good-looking and fertile young man than Martin as her husband.
Max, no neguemos nuestras raíces.Max, Max, Max, let's not deny our heritages.
Debo tomar parte en tu dolor. No me neguéis el derecho.Laertes, I must commune with your grief, or you deny me right.
No la neguéis.Do not deny it.
No lo neguéis, apenas os soportáis.Don't deny it. You barely tolerate each other.
No neguéis la evidencia.I hope you won't deny the evidence?
No os neguéis".Do not deny."
"Aquellos que rechacen nuestra fe y nieguen nuestros signos seran compañeros del fuego del infierno""Those who reject our faith and deny our signs shall be companions of hellfire."
- Aquellos que nieguen su derecho o incumplan el deber de defender a Su Majestad, incluso con su vida, serán juzgados como traidores.- All those who would deny your claim or fail in all ways to defend Your Majesty, even unto death, shall be judged as traitors.
A la Junta no le gusta que nieguen el crimen.Board doesn't like you denying it.
Aunque los nuevos ricos lo nieguenThough the nouveau riche deny it?
Cuanto más lo nieguen, más culpables parecen.The more they deny it, the guiltier they look.
Porque te amé entonces, aunque me lo negara.For I loved you then though I would have denied it even to myself.
! Acceso negado!Access denied.
"El nuevo título será otorgado a minas cuyo título fue negado a precios establecidos vía lotería conducida por el comisionado del condado"."New title will be awarded on claims to which title is denied at set prices... "via lottery as conducted by the County Commissioner."
"El que lo ha negado, lo ha suministrado".Who ever denied it supplied it.
"El servicio de conexión por ansiedad es negado... el servicio de conexión por colocación de disco... y desplazamiento del disco bilateral es negado"."service connection for anxiety is denied. "service connection for disc placement and bilateral disc displacement is denied."
"Hayalgoaquídentro que no puede ser negado""Something here inside cannot be denied."
"El Mayor Edward hizo un anuncio hoy, negando que la cobertura televisiva de las actividades terroristas" "tuviera algo que ver con un efecto de campaña."The three major networks issued a statement denying that TV coverage of terrorist activities had compounded their effect.
"En otro incidente sorpresivo en Washington, J. Edgar Hoover el director del Depto. Federal de Investigaciones emitió hoy una declaración negando que el Departamento estuviera implicado en reclutar médiums en la batalla contra el comunismo".""ln yet another startling development in Washington J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved in recruiting psychics in the battle against Communism.""
"En Él todos son dañinos, negando,""In him are all harmful, denying",
- Dios, ¡ni siquiera lo estás negando!- My God, you're not even denying it!
- Ella lo está negando pero esta situación casi con seguridad la causó un error de la doctora Seberg.- She's denying it but this situation almost certainly resulted from an error by Dr. Seberg.
Te negás a vos mismo el placer de escuchar solamente la música.You're denying yourself the pleasure of just listening to music.

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