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Helistama (to call) conjugation

110 examples

Conjugation of helistama

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I call
you call
he/she/it calls
we call
you all call
they call
ei helista
(do/does) not call
it is called
ei helistata
it is not called
Past tense
I called
you called
he/she/it called
we called
you all called
they called
ei helistanud
did not call
it was called
ei helistatud
it was not called
Conditional mood
helistaksin, helistaks
I would call
helistaksid, helistaks
you would call
he/she/it would call
helistaksime, helistaks
we would call
helistaksite, helistaks
you all would call
helistaksid, helistaks
they would call
ei helistaks
would not call
it would be called
ei helistataks
it would not be called
Imperative mood
let him/her/it call
let's call
let them call
be called
Imperative negative mood
ära helista
do not call
ärgu helistagu
let him/her/it not call
ärgem helistagem, ärme helistame
let him/her/it not call
ärge helistage
do not call
ärgu helistagu
let them not call
ärgu helistatagu
do not be called
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been called
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen helistanud
I have called
oled helistanud
you have called
on helistanud
he/she/it has called
oleme helistanud
we have called
olete helistanud
you all have called
on helistanud
they have called
ei ole helistanud, pole helistanud
(have/has) not called
on helistatud
it has been called
ei ole helistatud, pole helistatud
it has not been called
Pluperfect past tense
olin helistanud
I had called
olid helistanud
you had called
oli helistanud
he/she/it had called
olime helistanud
we had called
olite helistanud
you all had called
oli helistanud
they had called
ei olnud helistanud, polnud helistanud
had not called
oli helistatud
it had been called
ei olnud helistatud, polnud helistatud
it had not been called
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin helistanud; oleks helistanud; helistanuksin; helistanuks
I would have called
oleksid helistanud; oleks helistanud; helistanuksid; helistanuks
you would have called
oleks helistanud; helistanuks
he/she/it would have called
oleksime helistanud; oleks helistanud; helistanuksime; helistanuks
we would have called
oleksite helistanud; oleks helistanud; helistanuksite; helistanuks
you all would have called
oleksid helistanud; oleks helistanud; helistanuksid; helistanuks
they would have called
ei oleks helistanud; poleks helistanud; ei helistanuks
would not have called
oleks helistatud
it would have been called
ei oleks helistatud; poleks helistatud
it would not have been called
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) calls
ei helistavat
(allegedly) does not call
(allegedly) it is called
ei helistatavat
(allegedly) it is not called
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat helistanud; helistanuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has called
ei olevat helistanud; polevat helistanud; ei helistanuvat
(allegedly) has not called
olevat helistatud
(allegedly) it has been called
ei olevat helistatud; polevat helistatud
(allegedly) it has not been called
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it call
ärgu helistagu
so that he/she/it do not call
so that it be called
ärgu helistatagu
so that it not be called
Jussive perfect mood
olgu helistanud
so that he/she/it have called
ärgu olgu helistanud
so that he/she/it do not have called
olgu helistatud
so that it have been called
ärgu olgu helistatud
so that it not have been called
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while calling
while calling
(due to/following/for) calling
for the purpose of calling
without call
that can be called
being called

Examples of helistama

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
! - 'Ma helistan politseisse.'- I'm calling the police.
"Dundee."Guess ma parem helistan oma peremehele."Dundee." Gaess l'd better call his owner.
"Köidikutes kits." Ma helistan sulle järgmine nädal. ...ja pikaajalise psüühilise trauma."A tethered goat. " I'll call you next week. ...and long-term psychologicaI trauma.
"Köidikutes kits." Ma helistan sulle järgmine nädal.(SCOFFS) "A tethered goat". I'll call you next week.
"B," helistad politseisse;"B," call the police;
"Kellele sa helistad?- What? Who are you gonna call?
"Miks sa helistad?What the hell are you calling for?
"Nii, nüüd sa helistad mulle tagasi?"So, now you call me back?
"Armas Robbie kui Joe helistab, siis ära ütle talle et ma leidsin ta vanemad üles."Dear Robbie if Joe calls, don't tell him l found his parents.
"Armas Robbie... ...kui Joe helistab, siis ära ütle talle... ...et ma leidsin ta vanemad üles." Dear Robbie... ...if Joe calls, don't tell him... ...l found his parents.
"Conga for the Congo." Palun ära ärata mind. Välja arvatud siis, kui hr. X Chicagost helistab."Conga for the Congo." Please don't wake me unless Mr. X calls from Chicago.
"Minu lugupidamine proua, kuid iga vanem kes meile helistab, räägib seda sama."With all due respect, ma'am, every parent who calls says the same thing.
- Aga muidugi, me helistame politseisse.- Of course, we're gonna call the police.
- Ei, aga parem helistame Riley'le.- No, but we better call Riley.
- Hästi, helistame politseisse, kas see suurendab võimalust see hull kinni saada? Jah, suurendab.- Okay, we call the police, does that increase the chance of catching this psycho?
- Ja kellele me helistame?- And call who?
"Te helistasite, et öelda, et helistate?"That's it? You're calling to say you're calling?
- Aga te helistate ju.He's still callin', ain't he?
- Homme hommikul helistate koerte varjupaika, las võtavad koera ja leiavad talle teise kodu.- Tomorrow morning you'll call the RSPCA, tell them to collect the dog and find him another home.
- Inimene, kellele helistate ...The person you are calling is not-
- Ei, kui helistavad.- No, if he did call.
- Ei, kui nad mind vajavad, helistavad mulle mobiilile.No, if they need me, they'll call my cell.
- Inimesed helistavad.People keep calling. What's going on?
- Ega ma tema isale ei helista.- I'm not calling his dad.
- Ei. Sa ei helista kellelegi.You're not calling anybody.
- Kas me ei helista politseisse?- We're not calling the police?
"Keda?" "Kuhu ma helistasin?"Where have I called?
"Kuhu ma helistasin?"Where have I called?
- Andsin talle päeva, et helistada ja selgitada, siis helistasin ise. - Mida ta ütles?Gave her a day to call and explain, then I called her.
* Kuidas sa saad õelda, et sul pole mu küsimusele vastust? * * Sa helistasid ühe korra* * Kuidas sa saad õelda, et sellel pole mingit tähtsust*\xB6 How can you say there are no answers... to my questions? \xB6... \xB6 You just called once to let it go \xB6... \xB6 How can you say that none... of this is really worth it \xB6... \xB6 When we've already won? \xB6... \xB6 When we've already won. \xB6
* Sa helistasid ühe korra** You just called once to let it go *
- Aga siis mais... kui teid arreteeriti narkootikumide omamise eest... ja jälle kord anti võimalus teha üks telefonikõne... sa helistasid Hr. Lombardole.- But then in May when you were arrested for possession of narcotics and again allowed a phone call you called Mr. Lombardo.
"Agent DiMaso helistas mulle 21. kuupäeva hilisõhtul."Agent DiMaso called me late on the night of the 21st.
"Kell 12:16 helistas professor Flostre.""At 12:16, Professor Flostre called."
"Kuidas sa teada said"? - "Te naine helistas." Siis annan sulle peksa, raisk."'How you know the house was burning? ' 'Your wife called us.' I'll kick your ass.
"Meredith, Liz Taylor helistas, ta tahab oma vanust ja lahutusi tagasi"."Meredith, Liz Taylor called, she wants her age back and her divorces back".
"New York Times" helistas ja tahab tsitaati, otsuse kohta film, 1929. aasta majanduskriisist teha.Uh, the "New York Times" called and wants a quote on the decision to set the movie on the days of the crash of '29.
- Me helistasime talle, et öelda, sa oled lõunal?We called her to tell her you're at lunch?
- Me helistasime talle.- We called him.
- Me helistasime, aga ta ei vasta.-We called, but there is no answer.
"Tore, et te helistasite." Suur tänu teile!I'm glad you called. Thank you very much.
"Tore, et te helistasite."I'm glad you called.
- Aga te teete seda. Meie sõber dr Winkel ütles, et te helistasite.Our friend Dr. Winkel said you had called.
- Kas te preili Yu'le helistasite? - Helistasin.- Have you called Miss Yu?
- Ei, su kavaler ei helistanud.- No, your boyfriend did not call.
- Ma ei helistanud, et - Botoxist rääkida.- I did not call to talk about Botox.
- Ma ei helistanud, et- I did not call...
Ei, ma ei helistanud Hammer'ile.No, I did not call Hammer.
- Ma helistaksin Nikkile.- I would call Nikki.
-Ma helistaksin dr. Pepper'ile.- I would call Dr. Pepper.
Jack on viimane inimene kellele ma abi saamiseks helistaksin.Jack is the last person i would call for help.
- Ei, aga kui mul tekib küsimus... - Sa helistaksid mulle?-You're sure? -But if I had a question, I could-- -You would call me?
- Sa helistaksid ju ka politseisse.- You would call the cops.
- Sa helistaksid mulle?- You would call me? - Right.
Kas sa ei arva, et kui neil mõni probleem oleks, siis nad helistaksid ja annnaksid teada?Don't you think that if there was a problem, they would call us and let us know?
Söör, kui teie isiklikult helistaksite Füürerile, oleksin täiesti kindel, et ta nõustuks teie arvamusega.Sir, if you would call the Führer yourself I am convinced he would respect your views.
Ja su eks ei helistaks, kui ta ei tahaks sind tagasi.And your ex-wife would not call if she did not want you back.
Mida iganes sa ka ei tee, Goodmanile ma ei helistaks.Whatever you do, I would not call Goodman.
" Ma ei helista sellele lollpeale" Kui sa pidutseksid siin samas baarides, mõne sammu kaugusel minust siis oleks see laukuminek."l won't call that dumb girl"... and hang out in every bar in my neighborhood, l'd say we've broken up.
"C" helista oma poiss-sõbrale, või "D"..."C"--call your boyfriend Or "D"...
"Kui ei ulatu, helista Warren Beachile.""If it doesn't reach, call Warren Beach."
"Lõbutsemiseks helista" ja sinu telefoninumber."For a good time, call" and your phone number.
"Kui te kuulete Cole'ist, siis helistage meile?""If you do hear from Cole, give us a call"?
"Kõik Gatori fännid helistage et võita." "kuid nüüd, kui te kaotate, pole teil julgust helistada."All you Gator fans call when you win. But now that you lose, you don't have the guts to call in.
"Mis iganes te ka ei tee, aga ärge helistage tuletõrjesse.""Whatever you do, do not call the fire department".
"ärge helistage mulle"."Do-not-call list. "
"Spencer, ära helista ega kirjuta enam.""Spencer, do not call or write again.
- Reece, ära helista mulle enam...- Reece do not call me again...
- Ära päri, ära helista politseisse, muidu pean tapma enda.Ask no questions. And do not call the police, or I will kill me.
Palun ära helista ega kirjuta Soovin sulle kõike paremat.Please do not call me and do not write.
"Mis iganes te ka ei tee, aga ärge helistage tuletõrjesse.""Whatever you do, do not call the fire department".
Kui näete Mays Gilliam'i, ärge helistage politseisse.If you see Mays Gilliam, please do not call the authorities.
Palun ärge helistage sellelt rohkem.Please do not call with it again.
"Hei, ma pidin su naisele helistama, et su numbrit saada."Hey, I had to call your wife to get your number.
"Kui sul kunagi peaks midagi vaja minema, Harry, pead sa vaid helistama.""whenever you need something, Harry, all you got to do is call."
"Ma lihtsalt pidin teile kohe helistama."I just had to call you right off.
"Kas võin hetke pärast tagasi helistada.""I'll call you back. "
"Kõik Gatori fännid helistage et võita." "kuid nüüd, kui te kaotate, pole teil julgust helistada."All you Gator fans call when you win. But now that you lose, you don't have the guts to call in.
"Ma tahan helistada Nick Millerile."It's like, "I want to call Nick Miller."
"Miks ta ei ole helistanud, Rachel?"Why hasn't he called, Rachel? Why, why?
"Nii ja nii ja ei helistanud mulle tagasi", "Mu ema varastas mult $30"."So-and-so never called me back." "My mother stole $30."
"Ta isegi ei helistanud peale meie tütre enesetappu.""He never so much as called after our daughter's suicide. "
Neile on juba helistatud, söör.They've already been called, sir.
Neile on juba helistatud.- They've already been called.
Nendele on juba helistatud.They've already been called.
Ma olen helistanud.I have called.
- Lülita sisse, vaata, kes on helistanud.- Turn it on and see who has called.
Kui ta on helistanud, siis ütle, et seal on kaks firmat.If she has called, you say there's two companies.
Kas on tõsi, et olete helistanud Camdeni Politsei jaoskonda käesoleval aastal kolmel juhul, et anda sisse avaldus teie köögis olevast sisalikust?Is it true that you have called the Camden Police Department three times in the past year to report a lizard in your kitchen ?
Morgani isa oli helistanud tema emale ja tema ema minu vanematele.-- Morgan's father had called his mother, and his mother had called my parents.
Kui mul sind vaja olnuks, ma oleksin helistanud.If I needed you, I would have called you.
Ma oleksin helistanud aga...I would have called, but--
Ma oleksin helistanud enne siia tulemist, aga teil ei ole veel telefoni.Well, I would have called before I stopped by, but you still don't have a phone.
Soovin, et oleksid helistanud...I wish you would have called...
- Beth! Hei, um... tänan helistamast.Hey, um... thanks for calling.
- Olgu. Aitäh helistamast, Miles. - Olgu.Okay All right Well, thanks for calling, Miles Okay Bye-bye hone Beeps Off I think she bought it hone Beeps Off
- Pole midagi. Aitäh helistamast.It's all right, thanks for calling.
- Täname teid Quake helistamast.- Thank you for calling Quake.
Anna andeks, et ma siia tulin ilma helistamata, aga ma pean sinuga rääkima.I'm sorry to just come over here without calling, but I need to speak with you.
Kahtlen, et ta tuleks mulle helistamata Arizonasse.I doubt he would come to Arizona without calling me.
Lase mind lahti, Ted. Ma pole kunagi veel nii kaua ilma vahendajale helistamata olnud.I've never gone this long without calling my bookie.
- Anna andeks, aga kui ta tahaks sinuga rääkida, siis helistaks ta sulle tagasi. Sa peaksid lahkuma.Then she would call you back.
- Ta oleks helistanud, kui ta pääsenud oleks.Kim would have called if she did.
Ei, ma poleks helistanud, sest see on täielik jama.Actually, no, I would not have called because this is all nonsense.
- Anna andeks, aga kui ta tahaks sinuga rääkida, siis helistaks ta sulle tagasi.Then she would call you back.
- Kas kõik on korras? - Ükski minu tuttav ei helistaks nii vara. - Ma tegin midagi kohutavat.No one I know would call at this hour.
Helen ütles, et kui ta ema teada saab, kes seda tegi helistaks ta politseisse ja varas pannakse vangi.Helen said that if her mother found out who did it she would call the police, and have the thief put in jail.
Iga normaalne tüdruk helistaks numbrile... kohtaks teda, annaks albumi tagasi... ja vaataks kasta unistus on tegelikult ka olemas.Any normal girl would call the number straightaway, meet him at a café to return the album. Then she would know if her dream was viable.
Anthony, ma tõesti soovin, et sa oleks helistanud.Anthony, i really wish you would have called.
Ollie, kui ma olin juba kuldnokk linna, Kas sa ei arva ma oleks helistanud?Ollie, if I was back in Starling City, don't you think I would have called you?

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