-De fick Farley att anropa basen. | They make you do things. - They made Farley call headquarters. |
Det går bra att anropa, major. | You're hooked for that call, major. |
- Bara anropa honom. | - Just call him. |
- Kan du anropa nån? | - Can you call someone? |
- Kan vi anropa helikoptern? | - Well, can we call the chopper back? |
- On-com. Jag kan anropa allt som har en högtalare." | I can call anything with a speaker grill. |
-De fick Farley att anropa basen. | They make you do things. - They made Farley call headquarters. |
"Delstatspolisen anropar John Rambo, svara?" | State police calling John Rambo. Acknowledge. |
"Gruppledaren anropar Korpen! | Company leader calling Raven. Come on Raven. |
"Gruppledaren anropar Korpen." | Company leader calling Raven. |
- Atlantis...anropar överste Sheppard. | Atlantis calling Colonel Sheppard. Please respond. How are you doing? |
Han är fortfarande trött efter att ha blivit anropad mitt i natten på det där fallet. | He's still tired from being called out in the middle of the night on that case. What case? |
Du sade att Hector 3 anropade dig från sin walkie-talkie. | You say Hector 3 called you from his walkie. |
George Fox anropade just på radion, och meddelade att de är på väg. | George Fox just called in on the radio, said to say they're on their way over. |
Glöm att jag anropade er. | Forget that I called. Ten-Forward out. |
Han anropade LaFleur. | We better go. He called LaFleur. |
Han anropade Nightingale. | He called the Nightingale. |
- Du borde inte ha anropat dem. | You shouldn't have called them. |