Semuanya, mereka semua menyerukan agar Robert Cecil didepak dari istana. | All of them, all of them, calling for Robert Cecil to be banished from the court. |
Bahwa Allah memiliki tujuan dan menyerukan Anda yang jauh lebih dalam dari bola putih kecil jatuh ke dalam cangkir. | That God has a purpose and calling for you that is much deeper than a little white ball falling into the cup. |
Ketika Nabi (damai dan berkat be upon him) menemukan kami tidak lagi menghadapi 30 bersenjata escorts, tetapi seluruh tentara ia menyerukan Surah, sebuah dewan umat-Nya. | When The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him ) found out we were no longer facing 30 armed escorts, but an entire army he called for sura, a council of his people. |
- Dia menyerukan Paige? | - He called for Paige? |
Organisasi perempuan menyerukan memboikot seluruh perusahaan kita. | Women's organizations are calling for the boycott of our entire company. |