" - Imi pot chema avocatii de la distanta. " | I can always call my lawyers long-distance. |
" Casa Mea se va chema casă de rugăciune"? | "My house shall be called the house of prayer"? |
" şi mă vei chema cu dragoste?" | "and call me with love? " |
"Abandona-ti nava si ascundeti-va va voi chema intr-o zi". | "Abandon ship and hide yourselves. I'll call for you someday. " |
"Apoi voi Mă veti chema," | "Then you will call upon me," |
! Afară înainte să chem paza! | Get out before I call security! |
"Am să chem poliţia dacă nu încetezi să trimiţi | "I will call the police if you don't stop sending |
"Apoi il chem pe directorul Englehardt sa va ajute, dar fiindca dansul nu raspunde la apelurile ingrijorate ale parintilor, probabil ca veti sangera de moarte." | I will then call Principal Englehardt to help you, but since he doesn't receive or accept parental calls of concern, you will most probably bleed out. |
"Cine ar trebui sa chem pentru fi aici?" | "Who should l call out to here?" |
"Cred că ar trebui să chem pe cineva"? | "I think I should call somebody"? |
"Dacă mâine nu am somn, să mă chemi la tine" | "If I can't sleep tomorrow, call me to you" |
"De ce mă chemi, din adâncul inimi tale ?" | * Why did you call out to me, * from the depths of your heart? * God! |
"Mă chemi, si eu te scot din belele"? | "You call me up, I get 'em out of it"? |
"Ori ma chemi la tine..." | "Either call me to Yourself..." |
"S-ar putea să ai nevoie să mă chemi din nou?" | - You might need to call me again? |
" Inima mea te cheamă " | "My heart calls out" |
"Este Dumnezeu, cel ce-mi cheamă fiii - să salveze omenirea." | "It is God who calls my sons--to save humanity." |
"Inima mea te cheamă pe tine. | "My heart calls out to you. |
"Inima mea tristă te cheamă..." | "My sad heaRT calls out to you..." |
"Johnny", ea îmi spune, ea mă cheamă Johnny... | "Johnny," she calls me.... |
"Ajutaţi-ne să o chemăm pe Alice," "şi aduceţi-o aici pentru trei zile" "şi va reveni după aceea. " | Help us now call Alice, and bring her here for three days and afterwards return. |
"Ia loc cât chemăm poliţia". | Have a seat while we call the police. |
"Nu, Shawn, nu, Nu pot merge să mă confrunt cu un rău... trebuie să chemăm poliţia, băiete". | "No, Shawn, no, I can't go confront a bad... we gotta call the cops, kid." |
"Propun să ne chemăm fiul aici. | "l suggest we call our son down here. |
- "Spirite apropiate vă chemăm." - "Spirite apropiate vă chemăm." | - Spirits near, we call to you. - Spirits near, we call to you. |
" El a chemat permisiunea sa"" Immi-nantes."" Eu am am avut un râset bun." | He called his leave "immi-Nantes." I had a good laugh. |
" Jos, o pasere a zâmbit, şi le-a chemat. | "Below, a bird smiled and called to them. |
"...din invatatura Lui Cel care ne-a chemat" | "...through the knowledge of Him who has called us--" |
"...si raul poate fi chemat din Iad." | "...and evil ones may be called forth from Hell." |
"A fost chemat dr. Curlew, iar geanta lui neagră mă înspăimântă." | 'Dr Curlew has been called and his black bag frightens me. |
"Așa cum suntem chemați în față. | "as we are called to the front. |
- = Prim-ministru dreapta min Am și ofițer Gim Bung Nu suntem chemați peste împreună = - | -=Right Prime Minister Min Am and Officer Gim Bung Do we're called over together.=- |
- Cât de repede până martori sunt chemați? | - How soon until witnesses are called? |
- De ce să chemați paza... | - Why call the security.. |
= = Premierul dreapta min Am și ofițer Gim Bung Nu suntem chemați peste împreună | Right Prime Minister Min Am and Officer Gim Bung Do we're called over together. |
- Asta se chemă "văcăreasa întoarsă". | -and that's called reverse cowgirl. -Right. |
- Aşa se chemă locul astă. | -That's what it's called here. |
Are IDH. Se chemă SIDA acum. | It's called AIDS now. |
Dacă te recunoştea cineva... şi chemă presa? | I mean, what if somebody recognized you and called the papers? |
Isus chemă la el un copil şi spuse: | And Jesus called a little child, and said to him: |
Îl chemară pe Controlorul cel Gras. | They called the Fat Controller. |
Nu te înjuram, îmi chemam prietena. | I wasn't swearing at you. I was calling to my friend. |
O chemam pe secretara mea. | I was calling my secretary. |
Te cautam, si te chemam si te chemam--" | I was looking for you, and I was calling you and calling you--" |
Îl chemam pe Brick. | I was calling Brick. |
Ma chemai neincetat. | Always you were calling me. |
Asa o chemau la adapost: Tangerine. | That's what they were calling him at the shelter; |
Asa o chemau la adapost: | That's what they were calling him at the shelter: Tangerine. |
Dar mă chemau către regiunea polară sudică. | But they were calling me to the southern polar region. |
Era ca şi cum mă chemau. | It was as if they were calling to me. |
Mă chemau pe nume. | They were calling my name. |
Cu câteva zile mai devreme, Patton îl chemase urgent, vrând să vadă ororile lagărului de concentrare de la Buchenwald. | A few days earlier, Patton had called him up urgently, wanting him to witness the horrors of the concentration camp at Buchenwald. |
De parcă naşterea mea chemase moartea acolo. | It was as if my birth had called death there. |
Soţia lui Mueller, după cum zice ofiţerul, chemase fata să facă babysitting la ei în acea seară dar aflase că deja ea fusese chemată la casa lui Romack. | Mueller's wife, according to the deputy, had called the girl to baby sit at the Mueller home that night and found she had already been asked by Mrs. romack. |
A fost mintea lui chemând. | It was his mind calling out. |
A spus că i-a auzit chemând-o. | She said She heard them calling to her. |
A vorbit împotriva cedării portului pentru a avea pace în slujba lui, chemând lumea... | He's spoken out against the port for peace plan In his sermon calling for-- |
Aici Looky Lady chemând pe Wheely Wolf. | Looky here calling on Lady Wheely Wolf. |
Aici Oberleutnant von Werra chemând RAF. | This is Oberleutnant von Werra calling the RAF. |