Amarruan erori dira. | They've reached the decoy. |
"Errusia Iraultzailearen ereduaren aurrean erori egin da," | "They have fallen before the shining example of revolutionary Russia |
Sukaldeko leihotik behera erori da. | She fell from your kitchen window. |
Zure izeba Maggie leihotik behera zergatik erori zen ba al dakizu? | Do you have any idea why your Aunt Maggie fell out of that window? |
Chucky ikusi zuenean asko ikaratu zen eta horregatik erori zen leihotik behera. | 'Cause she saw Chucky, and it scared her so much, she fell out. |
Mundu ateo honetako indar zoragarriena da. Gaixoak gu esku okerretan erortzen bada. | This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world... and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people! |
Hortaz zerbait orain erortzen bada eraso berri baten ondorioz edo, adibidez | So if something goes down now like for instance a new raid or something |
Horregaitik oinazetu dezaket gehiago jasaten ez duen arte, baina nekatuta erortzen garen arte jarraitzen dut. | That's why I can torture him until he can't stand it any longer... and still I go on until we collapse from exhaustion. |
Iparraldera begira mendiko nire kabitik Nire malkoak erortzen dira eta blusa bustitzen dute | Looking north from my mountain nest... my tears fall and wet my blouse. |
"Nire aita hartu zuten eta lonazko poltsa batean lotu zuten..." "eta ibaira erortzen utzi zuten." | They took my dad and tied him in a canvas bag... and dropped him into the river. |
Eremu honetan ematen badiozue, eroriz amaituko du. Zihur eroriko dela, eta azkar izango da. | Get him in that area, he's going down he's got to go down and he's going down hurting. |
Txina ez da eroriko! | China will not fall! |
Milaka pertsona garrasika: "Txina ez da eroriko!" | A thousand people shouting 'China will not fall! ' |
Ez bada zerbait aldatzen, konpainia berarekin eroriko da. | Something doesn't give, and soon the company will go down with it. |
Mandelak inoiz ez litzake hori bezalako amarru batean eroriko. | How do we know what his mental state is? |
Edonor eror daiteke amarruan erantzunkizun gehiegi pilatzen baditu. | Any human being can fall into a trap, if left with too many responsibilities. |
Frantzia ahaltsu bat eraikitzeagatik hain behera eror ginatekenik. | " could fall so low in order to build a ""mighty"" France." |